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Chapter 128 Evil God Worm

Yuan Wuji's power was unexpected. Xu Ying had always thought that Yuan Wuji, who was defeated by Zhou Qiyun, was just an ordinary Nuo Immortal. But at this moment, Yuan Wuji's strength was beyond his expectation!

Judging from Yuan Wuji's method of breaking the ban, this person's tricks are endless, and his various magical powers are ever-changing and endless. He is really capable of extreme changes!

Xu Ying had never seen anyone who could use Nuo magic to such a level, and thought to himself: No wonder Zhou Qiyun said that all the children of the Yuan family are extremely intelligent, and Yuan Wuji, the ancestor of the Yuan family, is the same.

Suddenly, divine light emerged, and a majestic golden figure rose gradually and appeared among the mountains. Even from such a distance, you could still hear the humming sound of thousands of people chanting, which made people confused!

The low-level qi-refiners around Xu Ying could no longer hold on, and they all became dizzy and fell into the river of mercury.

But surprisingly, they did not sink into the river, but floated on the water and did not die.

But the next moment, there seemed to be some kind of creature in the mercury river. It stretched out its extremely slender roots and penetrated into their skin. The part that touched the skin immediately spurted blood!

There's something in the river!

The other Qi refiners screamed and hurriedly came to the rescue. The thin bamboo man grabbed one person and pulled him up. He saw that the flesh and blood of the person being pulled was torn apart. There were as many as hundred and ten silver roots that had penetrated into the body at this moment. Into that person's skin and flesh, clinging to the bones!

The thin bamboo man lifted it hard, and half of the Qi Refiner's body was almost torn off!

The thin bamboo man was shocked and did not dare to use any force. When he was helpless, he saw that the silver roots had penetrated all over the Qi Refiner's body!

The Qi Refiner's eyes also turned into the color of mercury, and gurgling mercury sprayed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and fell on the hand of the thin bamboo man!

The thin bamboo man felt a pain in his palm and hurriedly retreated, only to tear off a large piece of his own hand skin!

There was actually a silver root in the mercury. The moment it came into contact with his palm, it penetrated into his skin, making it impossible even for him, a great qigong master in the ascension stage, to bear it!

The thin bamboo man held back the pain and looked around. He saw the Qi Master who had just rescued the drowning man. The person he was holding now had mercury gushing out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

He was so frightened that he shouted loudly: Don't touch the mercury!

However, it was too late. The gushing mercury fell on the rescuers, and extremely slender silver roots penetrated into their skin, penetrated along the skin into the flesh, and then wrapped around their bones!

This kind of tarsal root contact grew extremely fast, and the next moment it was wrapped around the bones of those people, and then billowing mercury poured out of these people's eyes, ears, mouths and noses!

Avoid them!

The thin bamboo man hurriedly waved his hands and shouted, Stay away, don't get close!

The other Qi Refiners were so frightened that they immediately stayed away from those Qi Refiners contaminated by mercury.

When everyone looked around, they saw those Qi Refiners standing blankly on the mercury river, not sinking. Mercury kept pouring out of their eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

Suddenly, countless silver roots emerged from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses, flying all over the sky!

Those polluted Qi Refiners flew toward them, and everyone screamed and fled in all directions. There was chaos for a while. Some people were caught, or lost their feet and fell into the water, and some were forced onto the river bank!

Those who are caught will immediately stick to each other if they are touched slightly!

The sticky man screamed in horror and tried to escape. The force was so great that half of his body and his own bones were torn off!

Those who fell into the river were immediately invaded wherever their bodies came into contact with the water. It didn't take long for mercury to pour out of their faces, and they stood up and pounced on others!

As for those who fled to the shore in a panic, they were either burnt to ashes with a flash of fire, or split in half with the flash of a knife. There are various ways to die!

The boat under Xu Ying's feet was Xiao Fengxian's Phoenix Feather Boat. Although Xiao Fengxian was helpless towards Xu Ying, she was cruel to other Qi practitioners.

Before those polluted Qi Masters could reach the side of the ship, they were ignited by a burst of fire and burned to ashes in an instant!

And those Qi practitioners who tried to escape to Xiao Fengxian's boat were also burned to death by this girl's fire, but she was worried that they would be contaminated, or that there would be too many people and her boat would sink.

An Qi was startled when he saw how fierce she was. Thinking of what he had said to her before, his heart was in a state of confusion: This aunt won't hold a grudge, will she? She won't kill A Ying, but if I say If I make a mistake, I will definitely be killed! Maybe I should be more open-minded like Mr. Zhong...

Xu Ying was thinking about another thing: Can I take advantage of this chaos and Xu Fu has no time to take care of me and sneak away?

A contaminated Qi practitioner rushed towards Xu Fu, and the next moment he was grabbed by the neck. The gurgling mercury flowed out of the Qi Refiner's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, contaminating Xu Fu's arms!

Countless silver roots drilled out of the mercury immediately drilled into Xu Fu's arms, but they could not get through.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, and he saw Xu Fu gently turn his palm in a circle, grab these silver roots in his hand, pull them hard, and said lightly: Can you break the immortal body?


In the Lishan Tomb, the mercury river winding through the mountains was shaken violently by him. The polluted Qi Refiners were also pulled to the point where they could no longer stand and sank into the mercury river one by one. , only the upper body is left!

There were even screams of surprise from the distance. The Nuo master who entered here first was contaminated by the strange creatures in the mercury. He was fighting with the Nuo master who was not contaminated. He was also pulled half of his body and sank into the river. It caused those Nuo masters to exclaim.

Can you withstand the power of an immortal? Xu Fu said lightly.

He pulled hard, and huge waves surged in the mercury river. A giant worm that was dozens of feet wide and tens of thousands of miles long was pulled out of the river by him!

The worm broke away from the river surface, and countless silver roots danced around, breaking through the air and making a sizzling sound.

This insect is shaped like an earthworm, with no eyes, mouth, ears, or nose, and no excretory organs. It jumps back and forth in the air and suddenly shrinks sharply.

In an instant, it turned into a large silver-white flesh bug, balled up into a ball, like a mountain of flesh covered with slender roots, with wrinkles everywhere on the surface of the skin.

This worm was so powerful that even when Xu Fu pulled it out of the mercury river, it showed no fear at all. Instead, it exuded a terrifying aura of a ferocious beast!

It is an ancient beast whose bloodline has been fully awakened. It is even wrapped with the scent of incense. It seems that in ancient times, it was worshiped as a god by the barbarians!

These evil gods were captured by the First Emperor and placed in the Lishan Tomb as the guardians of his tomb!

Countless silver roots of evil worms danced, covering the sky and the sun, denser than a swarm of bees, and rushed towards Xu Fu!

Xu Fu looked as usual and said calmly: Can you resist the fairy fire?

Suddenly there was a flame leaping at the tip of his finger. It was a strange flame. There were crystal-like flames leaping in the flame. There was no unusually strong power, and it could only make people feel a little warm.

However, the moment it touched the silver root contact, the flame ignited the root contact and flowed throughout the whole body of the evil worm in an instant. No matter the powerful physical body of the Evil God Worm or the unrivaled scent of incense, they are all irresistible!

The flames burned the Evil God Worm's body continuously exploding, and mercury poured out of the body. In just a moment, the Evil God Worm was burned through!


The Evil God Worm fell into the long river of mercury, and even though it sank to the bottom, it was still burning. There was only a dull sound of explosions coming from the water.

After a long time, the explosions stopped.

Xu Fu waved his hand, and a flame flew out from the mercury river. It was the fairy fire just now, which drilled back into Xu Fu's body from his fingertips and disappeared.

Xu Ying whispered: Master Zhong, do you think this fairy fire is a rare treasure he collected, or was it refined by him?

It only shows that Xu Fu's chances are better than others, but if it is refined, it will be a big deal, which shows that Xu Fu's strength has reached the level of an immortal!

Da Zhong said: He is not an immortal, how can he refine the immortal fire? He must have collected it. The power of this immortal fire is much more powerful than the pure yang alien fire. The pure yang alien fire may burn me, but it may not be able to melt me. But this fairy fire will burn me and I will die!

An Qi whispered: But, he still has the body of an immortal. Could it be that the power of an immortal is also collected?

The big clock couldn't answer.

Xu Fu's voice came, calm and calm, and said: The river surface can be settled. After rectifying it, we will move on.

All the Qi Refiners organized themselves.

Xu Fu floated up on the fairy mountain, his eyes fell on Xu Ying's face, and he said quietly: Xu Jun saw my immortal body, immortal power, and immortal fire today. Who do you think is stronger between me and Zhou Qiyun?

Xu Ying bowed slightly and said, Zhou Qiyun is not as good as Xu Gongduo.

Xu Fu laughed heartily and said with great ambition, Getting praise from Mr. Xu is worth a thousand words from the world.

Xu Ying said: Only Zhou Qiyun can overcome the disaster, but Xu Gong has not been able to overcome the disaster so far, so there is no public opinion about his strength.

Xu Fu said: I don't care about public opinion, I only care about Xu Jun's words. After saying that, the abbot's fairy mountain floated forward.

At Xu Ying's feet, Feng Yuzhou followed suit.

He looked forward and saw Yuan Wuji fighting against the Jinren, hitting the hanging coffin of the First Emperor Zulong. One of them was a top Nuo Immortal, and the other was a luck-suppressing treasure refined by the First Emperor's collection of magic weapons from all over the world. , The sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Xu Ying was surprised and thought: Yuan Wuji is not as unbearable as Zhou Qiyun said. He also seems to know the method of refining qi, and is no weaker than Zhou Qiyun. Could it be that sister Wei Yang helped him decipher the qi refining technique?

The strength displayed by Yuan Wuji was astonishing. It was clearly the product of merging Qi refining with the induction of Yuandao heavens, and the fusion was extremely perfect!

This kind of talent is no small thing!

If not, he wouldn't have been able to resist the Huangling Jin people.

Suddenly, another extremely terrifying aura rose into the sky, causing the sky to distort, and the fairy mountains moved slowly, avoiding all directions.

That was the resurrection of another imperial mausoleum, showing its powerful majesty!

Then came the third Huangling Jinren, and the fourth Huangling Jinren!

At the same time, various cave-sky phenomena appeared from the other side of the mountain. The cave-sky rose slowly, penetrating through various other worlds and drawing strength from the other shore!

That was when the Nuo Immortals from major aristocratic families personally took action against the Huangling Jin people.

This scene can be described as a confrontation between the most powerful magic weapon in ancient times and the most powerful Nuo Immortal in the world today.

Xu Ying looked from a distance and saw that the Nuo Immortals were even more powerful than when they first met. He couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart: Could it be that they all practiced Qi-refining techniques like Zhou Qiyun? Who passed it on to them?

But he didn't know how much shock he caused to everyone in Shendu after he left the city.

Xu Ying was a master of both Qi and Nuo. He hit the Shi family with a stone ax and penetrated the Shi family. He even burned Shi Mole, the ancestor of the Shi family, to death under the bell. He also flew his sword to kill Shi Jingtang who had fled for hundreds of miles. In this battle, all major Stay calm, family!

Since then, Qi Nuo and Qi Nuo have become the mainstream!

This was something Xu Ying never expected.

It's just that practicing Qi and Nuo at the same time is easier said than done, but another major event happened in the city of gods at the same time, that is, the ancestors of the Guo family, Pei Du, and the head of the Cui family joined forces to break into the other side world in the deepest part of the cave sky, and plundered An immortal in the other world!

Although the three families are kept secret, the Guo, Pei, and Cui families have long been penetrated by other aristocratic families like a sieve. How can they hide it?

As a result, more immortals were secretly rescued by major aristocratic families. The treatment of these immortals was extremely miserable. Their cultivation base was refined by fairy fire or fairy light, and their souls were also refined into souls. If you can barely save your life, how can you fight against the major aristocratic families?

The major aristocratic families either coerced or lured them, tortured them severely, or searched for their souls, trying to extract complete Qi refining methods from these immortals.

Since then, the cultivation strength of all major aristocratic families, both their children and their ancestors, has grown by leaps and bounds.

But compared to them, Yuan Wuji was still much more powerful. He fought against a golden man alone and fought back and forth.

Xu Ying looked away, and suddenly his heart moved slightly: There is someone over there who has no cave, but can fight against a golden man. He should be a Qi Refiner! Could it be the Great Zhou Qi Refiner who killed people with a hanging sword?

He looked around and saw that in just a short moment, ten Huangling Jinmen had revived and were attacking those who dared to invade the Imperial Tomb. Each of these ten Huangling Jinmen were resisted by Nuo Immortals.

But where are the two golden figures? Xu Ying thought to himself.

At this moment, there were waves of heart-stirring fluctuations coming from behind them, getting stronger and stronger. Xu hurriedly looked back and saw an altar floating from the surface of the Milky Way. The golden man on the altar was reviving!

Xu Fu didn't look back and said: Shou Zhuweng, Dong Meiqing, this golden man is left to you.

Shou Zhuweng and Dong Meiqing looked at each other and stopped. Shou Zhuweng chuckled and said: Old Dong, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the revival of Qi Refiners. Please help me pay attention.

Dong Meiqing's eyes fell on the golden man from Huangling floating over, and he smiled and said, I'm older than you, so I don't necessarily know who will leave first!

The short stature of the thin bamboo man jumped up slightly and stuck the deer-headed staff on the surface of the mercury. The little old man stood on the deer-headed staff and laughed loudly: But fortunately there is an immortal immortal, so we deserve to die! The Qi Refiner will be restored!

Dongmei's clear aura bloomed, and her heroic spirit filled the air. She laughed loudly and said: The Qi Refiner will surely be restored!

Xu Ying's scalp was numb and he felt inexplicably moved in his heart. He turned back to look at them with confusion in his eyes.

You know now, right?

Xu Fu looked forward and said softly, You think the inheritance of Qi Refiners is not important at all, but in their hearts, this inheritance is more important than life. A scholar who died for the inheritance should go through fire and water.

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