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My response to being bullied online by Talking Elbow in a single chapter!

Zhai Zhu woke up at eight o'clock this morning and found a call from his friend and a lot of WeChat messages.

A friend said that you have been exploited online and a single chapter has been posted on you, so go check it out.

It's impossible, I've never offended anyone.

My friend said, go and have a look.

I went to see it.

I was a little panicked at first, but it was him again, the Talking Elbow, who posted a single chapter at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night and scolded me. I haven't mentioned this name in three or four years because I felt that it was a bit dirty to mention what happened back then.

Then there were a lot of text messages and messages scolding me in the review area and backstage of The Ascension of Another Day. The scoldings were very unpleasant, and the fan network was used to beat my family for several generations.

My friend said, he said you deleted the single chapter that caused trouble.

I went to the backend to check, and fortunately the single chapter was placed in the recycle bin and could be restored.

Now I have restored all the single chapters in the past two months. If you are interested, you can take a look.

Thanks to the starting point for having a recycling bin.

My book review manager, Ye Mao, is timid and has never seen such a battle. He immediately blocked all QQ groups for Ascension on a Different Day, saying he wanted to avoid the limelight. Many people came in and criticized the home pig. There are people who criticize books for not being good-looking.

I said to Night Owl, calm down first. The book club is our throat. If you block your own throat, how can we speak out? How to clarify?

After appeasing the night owl, I calmed down and continued typing. As an author, I must be responsible to the readers.

After I finished writing the chapter at noon, that’s when I felt relieved.

Others have been exposed online, so let’s deal with them one by one.

1: Are you the readers who are hacking you? Are they fans of home pigs?

Answer: Zhaizhu really doesn’t have such a large fan base.

Many people are trolling you, but it really has nothing to do with me. If the people trolling you are fans of Zhaizhu, Zhaizhu must be the richest author on the entire Internet.

You open Tieba, Douyin, Longkong, and take a look at the social platforms that are not taken care of by the taboo. You must know why others are trying to attack you, and don't draw dirty talk on me.

It’s been less than two months since I published the book on the next day, and I took a break for another year. How could I have the opportunity to criticize you and criticize you?

You need to reflect on your own actions, and don’t slander an author who has just started a book two months ago.

Readers are all mobile. It doesn’t mean that if you subscribe to my book, you are my fan. If you subscribe to your book, you will be your fan. I have to follow you and support you and me all the time. Readers are not satisfied with the plot, and they are not satisfied with you and me. Writing attitude, a few sentences is normal.

I look at the chapters I’ve posted, and there are only tens of thousands of subscribers, which is really not as many as those who are hating you.

2: About competing for the list

After the Qidian monthly ticket reform, you can vote monthly as soon as you sign the contract.

Although Zhai Zhu doesn’t want to put it on the shelves in the middle of the month, this is the time arranged by the editor. Who doesn’t want to put it on the shelves during the double monthly pass period? I even had a quarrel with the editor because of this matter. The editor said that the schedule is full at the beginning of the month, so please bear with it. I just endured it.

And isn’t it normal to strive for exposure whenever you go on the shelves?

Who stipulates that it can’t be put on shelves in the middle of the month to compete for the list?

At that time, I Ascension ranked second in monthly votes. Who wouldn’t want to take first place in monthly votes even if they were second?

Zhaizhu updates 8,000 words every day. It’s a good thing now that coders can’t ask for monthly votes.

Mr. Talking Elbow made a lofty comment in January, saying that the monthly vote list was abandoned. As a result, he won three consecutive championships 2, 3, and 4. Since he felt that it was abandoned, why was he unwilling to let go of the first place.

Does this mean you started the starting list? Whether or not we compete for the list depends on your opinion and your approval?

3: Why is it that on the 1st, you can post a single chapter to start a group online violence, but the nerds can only be asked to take care of their own book review area?

How much of the reason for the incident on the 1st was your self-contradictory single chapter? This time, it was you who took the lead and set the pace. Originally, I thought you had won the first place. It is normal to vent your high emotions.

As a result, on the 4th, you directly issued a single chapter naming the straw man. My administrator, Night Cat, persuaded me to endure it and said to me, if a mad dog bites you, can you still bite a mad dog?

I can't bear it!

No one can bear this tone, because last time when the Shepherd God was competing for the list, you had a lot of shit on your butt and were scolded by readers. They found a starting point to put pressure on me, and I took a step back.

As a result, I quit, but you still kept scolding me for slandering me. It’s been four years and it hasn’t stopped!

Now you want me to take a second step back?

You wrote a single chapter yourself, and then got scolded by readers. Didn't you ask for it?

Your own ass sprayed shit all over the floor, and you put pressure on me through the starting point, making people think that I was blackmailing you, asking me to sacrifice my reputation, my interests, and my readers to wipe your ass.

But didn’t you cause this yourself?

It was not me who stole the tower in the last forty minutes.

It is you! Mr. Talking Elbow, wake up, it’s you!

I remember that you also wrote a book, not a single chapter!

Why do you love writing single chapters so much that people are exposed on the Internet?

Wake up!

4: Do you need to rely on the results of A Better Day?

Before the launch, the 24-hour reading data of Soaring has reached 22,000. The first order of 40,000 is the blessing of the official activity. The reading data of Zhaizhu is worthy of the official activity. This first order activity is not a Zhaizhu book. Only books have it.

I put it on the shelves, and the results of Select Day Ascension are soaring. It is not an update of my hard work, it is not a reward from home cooking, it is not a boost from so many gold alliances, silver alliances and three hundred alliance leaders, it is not the encouragement of so many readers. Are the promotions of various book club groups trying to gain your popularity?

Why is your face so big that I can touch it?

Besides, you haven’t updated yet, so I can’t touch your face or even your butt.

5: What you mentioned about cutting leeks in the operation of the mobile game Emperor

The people running this game are not nerds.

Regal's game copyright is sold through Qidian, which is a buyout by Qidian, and then sold to game developers. The author's only value is to cooperate with the publicity. Your book has also sold the copyright. Do you know this?

What a random rhythm.

Zhai Zhu finished writing Emperor in March 2015, but has not yet received any benefits promised by the game developer. He has not even paid back his mortgage. When it comes to Humanity Supreme, Zhai Zhu still has to rely on the click traffic of the official account to make money. For a few hundred yuan, he still had to support his family by writing stories for others.

It is very noble of you to use this point to attack me and damage my character.

6. The beginning and end of the competition between The Legend of the Shepherd and The King, Spare Your Life in 2018

Zhaizhu uploaded the first chapter of Rebirth of Journey to the West on March 28, 2008, Tianpeng was demoted and a pig demon was born. Since 2008, Zhaizhu has written more than 25 million words.

But until The Shepherd God, Zhaizhu never competed for the first place in the monthly votes. The tenth anniversary is so special, Zhaizhu still wants to compete. I also told you in advance about competing for the list in March. After all, you were still smiling at that time. Hee hee, they also exchanged Zhang Tui.

Zhaizhu thought, my friend, please tell me in advance to avoid friction, and since you also promised not to compete for first place in March, Zhaizhu will only be responsible for the updates.

Jun Mowen, the first gold alliance of Zhaizhu, was launched at 0:00 on the 28th. I asked in the QQ alliance group, Is the gold reward a one-time reward of 100,000, or a cumulative reward of 100,000? One-time reward , and then Junmeng rewarded Mushen with gold, which was also Zhaizhu's first gold general alliance.

If you have gold on your tenth anniversary, I will definitely be happy for you.

As a result, on March 28, 2018, you officially declared war on me by posting a single chapter of Treading the Sky to Shatter. By coincidence, it was the tenth anniversary of Zhai Zhu's writing of the book.

I'm confused. Didn't I agree?

What's going on?

Why did you suddenly stab him in the back, good brother?

This stab hurt me so much, it still hurts to this day.

I don’t even know what’s going on. Who can tell me? Just now, we were good brothers who were older than brothers. Why did you suddenly stab me?

Of course, you deleted this single chapter afterwards, but you can still find it after the starting point. The Internet has memory.

Let’s talk about Mo Chengkong’s pirate account kicking people.

You said that Your Majesty, Spare My Life was published later than The Shepherd God, so Mo Chengkong was my leader first.

Your Majesty, Spare My Life was released in August 2017, two months after The Shepherd. The two books were serialized at the same time. What I can only confirm is that Mo Chengkong was the author before March 28, 2018. The leader of The Legend of the Shepherd.

But does this affect the evaluation of his subsequent operations?

Mo Chengkong went to QQ, which was the unparalleled management company at the time, and started kicking people.

You ask yourself in the single chapter, Why did the management lend him his QQ number?

You answer yourself again, I tell you, because right and wrong are in the heart of the people.

Without the permission of others, it is called borrowing, but it is actually theft, theft of theft!

I don't know if the reason you are talking about is because the alliance management will borrow the account, or if Mo Chengkong kicking people in my alliance has nothing to do with you.

Let’s talk about the first “borrowing account” first. The game Honor of Kings was still very popular in 2018, and of course it is still popular now. Mo Chengkong and Wushuang had known each other for a long time. They formed a group to play in black games, and even assigned accounts to get points. , it was because of this that Mo Chengkong got Wushuang’s QQ account password.

If Wushuang hates me and justice is helping you, then Wushuang can just kick people by himself. Why does it have to go through Mo Chengkong's hand? Not troublesome enough!

Wushuang is still in my alliance group. He is also the alliance leader in Lin Yuan Xing. Wushuang does not hate me.

You are really good at playing word games with the word borrowed account. If an account is stolen, it will be stolen. Do you dare to do it or not?

Let’s talk about the second one. When Mo Chengkong’s incident happened, you defended him in a single chapter. When chatting with me, you said that Mo Chengkong was your buddy. Now when I need him to review 2018, he has turned into supporting me wholeheartedly. The leader.

Four years ago you posted an article on Zhihu, I want justice, can you give it to me? ”, at the end of the article you were extremely tough, saying you wouldn’t delete it unless I apologized, and you hung up on me for three whole years.

To this day, the leaders I was kicked out of have not received a formal apology.

You follow me around every day, shouting that you owe me justice. I want justice today, can you give it to me?

As a result, when the fandom controversy broke out last year, why did this article suddenly disappear and be deleted? It can't be because you have a guilty conscience, right?

Again, the Internet has memory. If you are interested, you can go to Zhihu, Longkong, Tieba, and Douyin to search for keywords yourself.

I just repeated what you did.

That's all.

7. My wife was bombarded with calls from overseas late last night. Zhai Zhu contacted China Mobile to lock her overseas phone number. If you have the ability, just come to me and don’t bring harm to your family. This is what you said.

Four years ago, when you finished saying this, you accused my wife of being sexually assaulted online. I still remember it.

Now my wife is being bombarded with phone calls again, which reminds me of your words, don’t bring harm to your family.

My dear brother, who stabbed me once four years ago and stabbed me a second time now, why do you want to harm your family?

I don't understand!

Brother, I really don’t understand!

It’s been four years, brother, I haven’t even figured it out!

It's been four years and I feel sick thinking about what you did, you know?

My hands are shaking when I mention your name!

I don't understand, why?

Why does this happen?

Your smile is very sunny, bright and sincere. Your white hair and your rich voice make me feel that you are a reliable person.

I have a heart-to-heart talk with you about books, a casual conversation with you, and a discussion about how to write a book.

I'm very happy.

Why does this happen?

You've been scolding me for four years and you still won't let me go.

However, what happened four years ago was not my fault!

Today, four years later, it’s not me who’s hacking you, it’s you who made a surprise attack in the last half hour and won the first place in the monthly voting list. Your speech in a single chapter is full of loopholes, and others can’t stand it, so they criticize you!

A home pig doesn't have that much energy to blackmail you. A home pig even thinks it's dirty to mention your name. He doesn't want to have anything to do with you, do you understand?

calm down.

Drink water.

Because my book club did not set a threshold for speaking, it has been massacred in the background. You have set the threshold for speaking, so it is probably safe.

I don’t have enough toilet paper, but you have too much shit on your ass. That time in 2018, you had it stuck on your butt. Qidian asked me to help you wipe it off. So what I can help you with that time is to delete the posts attacking you in my book review area. Whatever I can help you delete, I will help you. deleted.

This time, you can handle the other things yourself.

If you don't understand the cause and effect, you can go to Longkong and search for the three words Mo Chengkong. The Internet has memory.

By the way, it seems that Mo Chengkong is still your manager now, right?

Zhai Zhu is no longer the Zhai Zhu he was four years ago. I understand that the momentary victory or defeat in the competition for rankings cannot determine anything.

The home pig is still the home pig four years ago, and I still want to write a better story for everyone.

We are readers and book writers.

I hope you understand your identity, return to yourself as an author, and stop engaging in these crooked ways.

Best wishes.

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