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Chapter 118 Unraveling the Mystery of the Six Secrets

In Matoupo Village, Xu Ying was sitting obediently, with Master Lu holding his head, and pouring spoonfuls of water on his head to help him wash away the blood hidden in his hair.

I have been washing his hair like this all my life. I have been washing his hair for seven years. Why is he no longer my son? Lu said, tears falling down.

The villagers also gathered around with wooden forks, heads, kitchen knives and other objects in their hands to prevent Xu Ying from being taken away by Gong Qi, Dazhong and Zhu Chanchan.

Although they were extremely weak and extremely afraid of big snakes, they still had the courage to step forward.

Mrs. Lu washed Xu Ying's hair, wiped away her tears, and choked with sobs: Why is he not my son?

Xu Ying sat up and said, Mom, I may not really be your son. I can vaguely remember some things. I remember that this big snake's surname is Niu, and his name is An Qi. He and I have been through life and death, and have experienced a lot. Things. And Master Zhong, I always have some pictures in my mind of him desperately protecting me.

Zhu Chanchan looked expectant: Where is the ancestor me?

Xu Ying hesitated: Are you my child bride?

Zhuchanchan was furious and punched him twice on the head: You are dreaming! What are you thinking about?

Xu Ying said: No wonder I have no impression of you. If you are a child bride, I will definitely have an impression. I still remember a girl who likes to eat rouge.

He thought hard to think of the girl's name, and said excitedly: I remembered, her name is Yuan Weiyang! I like to eat the rouge on her lips!

An Qi glanced at the big clock with a worried look on his face.

Dazhong whispered: It's actually a good thing that he thinks Yuan Weiyang is a girl. After all, he can remember some things.

Mrs. Lu wiped away her tears again and looked at Xu Jin. Xu Jin did not speak.

Li Zheng in the village said loudly: A Ying Niang, as long as you say a word, we will fight these monsters, no matter what, we must keep Ying Wa!

Suddenly, the bell vibrated and melodious, releasing the true memories that had been sealed in everyone's minds.

These people are just mortals, and the memory seals left by the three sad-looking old men in their minds are not very powerful. The big bell can easily break these seals.

The dust-laden memories of all the villagers suddenly came back, and some people soon remembered that three months ago, three strange-looking people came to the village with Xu Ying.

At that time, the villagers did not know Xu Ying at first, but they all soon got to know Xu Ying, and everyone knew that it was Xu Jin who rescued Xu Ying from the water with a fishing net seven years ago.

Since then, everyone knew that Xu Ying had lived in the village for seven years, and everyone also knew that a fire broke out in Xu Ying's hometown, Xujiaping.

But now, their memories are unblocked, and they can't help but have a deep fear of Xu Ying in their hearts.

What on earth is this boy?

Why did the villagers' memories change after he arrived?

Xu Jin and Lu's memories have also awakened. The couple hugged each other and looked at Xu Ying with a look of fear.

So, I'm really not your son, am I? Xu Ying felt sad but asked them with a smile.

The couple shook their heads.

Xu Ying's nose twitched. The water he used to wash his hair today was a little cold. He thought that he might have caught a cold and his nose was a little sore.

Mr. Lu hesitated and said nothing.

Xu Ying looked at them and the corners of his mouth moved.

Lu and Xu Jin's memories recovered, and they knew that he was not their son and they had not lived together for seven years. However, Xu Ying's memory remained unchanged.

He still has strong feelings for these two people, and his memories of living with them for seven years are still preserved in his memory.

To him, they were still parents.

Xu Ying flew up and landed on the river. With his sleeves waving, big fish flew up involuntarily and landed on the river. These big fish were enough to make the residents of Matoupo Village live well for a while.

Zhu Chanchan took a spiritual elixir, threw it into the village well, and said, When the elixir melts away, you and your wife can drink the water from the well and you can conceive your own child.

Xian Qi swam into the Yuan River, and the big bell flew up and burrowed into the back of Xu Ying's head. Xian Qi got under the water, raised his head suddenly, lifted Xu Ying up, and swam toward the east.

Lu and Xu Jin watched them go away, feeling a little sad in their hearts.

Life in Majiapo Village has returned to calm. This time, the villagers' experience of encountering demons has become a topic of conversation for them after dinner. This incident is not over yet.

Early the next morning, Lu's scream came. Xu Jin hurriedly went out to take a look and saw a new boat in his yard.

A few days later, the couple woke up to find a big fish two to three feet long in their yard. Before the fish from the previous days were finished, the couple took the fish to the market to sell.

A few days later, for some reason, another big fish appeared in the yard.

Big fish always appeared in their house for no apparent reason every now and then. Some people said that it was the monster named Xu Ying who came back to repay his kindness.

Life gradually became better for Xu Jin and his wife, and soon Lu became pregnant. And the people in the village who drank the well water gradually became healthy and free from all kinds of diseases.

Three months later, when autumn came, Xu Jin said to Lu: Our monster child hasn't sent any fish these days.

Lu said: We raised him for three months, and he came to repay his kindness. Now that the grudge is over, we have another child, and he has let go.

Xu Jin nodded and went out to fish as usual. Strangely enough, the boat given to him by the monster child was very stable. No matter how rough the wind and waves on the river were, the boat was as stable as a mountain.

A Ying is not the monster they say, he is a human being with a human heart. He said silently in his heart.

In Wuwang Mountain, Xu Ying rushed back from Wuling wearing the stars and the moon.

These days, he always sneaks away with his sword in the middle of the night, traveling thousands of miles overnight to Wuling, and then returns to Wuwu Mountain before dawn.

Aying, you have repaid your kindness and there is no need to go there again.

Da Zhong was waiting for him on the mountain. Seeing his return after a long journey, he said, You are a Qi Refiner, and they are mortals. To the Qi Refiners, it is just a small disturbance, but to them it is a disaster. Don't get involved. them.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart and said, What Mr. Zhong said is that I will not go again.

An Qiyou came and asked, A Ying, your cultivation is better than before. Do you remember your previous memories?

In the past three months, Xu Ying has been cultivating at Wuwu Mountain. His cultivation has already recovered and has improved to a higher level. He is getting closer and closer to the fourth heaven of the knocking off period.

These days, sporadic scenes from the past occasionally appeared in his mind, including the life of Jiang Jiatian, the days of escaping with Gong Qi and Dazhong, the face of Yuan Weiyang, and the situation of Zhou Qiyun overcoming the tribulation.

However, he was still unable to put these images together and completely remember the past.

Zhu Chanchan has grown into a half-grown girl, with a fairy-like aura and profound and vigorous cultivation. She is wearing Guo Xiaodie's clothes. As mentioned before, Guo Xiaodie's clothes are a bit too small for her.

It should be that when the memory was unsealed last time, he secretly hid part of his power and used it to resist the paper talisman seal, leaving a loophole in the seal.

The girl was full of youthful vitality. She raised her hands to push up her breasts to avoid being pinched. She lowered her body and came close to Xu Ying, looking at Xu Ying's eyebrows.

There is indeed a thunder mark between Xu Ying's eyebrows, but the mark is extremely dim and difficult to detect without looking carefully.

She was almost close to Xu Ying's face, staring at the thunder pattern and thinking about it. She converted the form of the thunder pattern into a Taoist image and recorded it, saying: This thunder pattern should be the clue left before he lost his memory. . I suspect that the moment the seal was activated, he was already ready to break it.

Xu Ying sat there obediently, his face flushed as her breath hit his face, he looked away and asked: Chanchan, how much of the elixir has been refined in your body?

Only refined a little...

When Zhu Chanchan said this, she suddenly woke up, looked at him in disbelief, and lost her voice, Do you remember me?

Xu Ying nodded and said: When I came back from Wuling just now, I suddenly remembered something. Why has your cultivation level stagnated? Logically speaking, you should have refined the elixir in your body.

I want to suppress my cultivation, practice the Nuo method, and then unify the Nuo method with the Qi refining method.

Zhuchanchan sighed and said, I found that the elixir I stole from the Tusita Palace was not enough to support me in becoming an immortal. The Qi refining methods of my time did not discover the Six Secrets of the Human Body. And the Tusita I stole The Palace Immortal Medicine seems to only be able to raise your mental power to the level of an immortal. Even if I refine the Immortal Medicine completely, I still won’t be able to withstand the catastrophe.

She straightened up, her eyes flashed, and said: The days when you disappeared, I learned a lot from the pain, and decided to open the secret treasure of the human body and practice Nuo Qi at the same time! However, my cultivation has reached the level of Chonglou, and I suddenly discovered something matter.

She looked solemn and said, I can't open the secrets of the human body.

Xu Ying said with a smile: You don't have the Dragon Searching and Locating Technique, so naturally you can't open the secrets of the human body.

Zhu Chanchan shook his head and said: You threw several volumes of dragon-seeking locating techniques into the snake's belly. I can enter the snake's belly at any time, and of course I can see these books. I am also talented and smart, so it is not difficult to find these secrets. But after I found the secret treasure, I still couldn’t open it.”

Xu Ying was puzzled.

Zhuchanchan sat down, and a big girl flew out from behind her. It was her soul, filled with brilliant divine light, and her majesty could not be offended. She stretched out her hand to hold Xu Ying's hand.

Xu Ying felt his body move and involuntarily flew up with her.

He looked down and saw himself on the ground. That self is radiant and extremely eye-catching.

Hey, you pulled it wrong. How did you pull out the physical body?

Zhu Chanchan muttered in annoyance, pushed Xu Ying down, and the hand that grabbed Xu Ying's soul flew up and burrowed into the back of her physical body.

Xu Ying fell to the ground physically, motionless.

The two came to the Sea of ​​Chaos first.

Although Xu Ying's soul was strong and Zhu Chanchan's soul was not weak, he was also suppressed by the surging sea of ​​chaos. I saw that this sea of ​​chaos was countless times larger than the promised sea of ​​chaos, and the chaotic mud pill was like a huge celestial ball, sitting in the center of the sea of ​​chaos!

The two people's eyes fell on it, and they suddenly felt like the heaven and earth were distorted, and they felt like they were falling infinitely into the chaotic celestial sphere. It was extremely uncomfortable!

Zhu Chanchan's soul grabbed Xu Ying's hand, dressed in hunting clothes, and flew over the vast sea of ​​chaos. The waves here were surging and full of chaotic noises, making it difficult to concentrate.

Zhu Chanchan said loudly: Even with my strongest magical power, I can't open this Chaos Mud Pill! As my cultivation level increases, the Chaos Mud Pill also keeps growing! I rebuilt the Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen just became At that time, this mud pellet had already weighed down the Chaos Sea and settled! Now, this mud pellet is dozens of times bigger than it was then!

Xu Ying followed her, staying away from the Chaos Niwan, and flew over the Chaos Sea in fear.

They passed through the Twelfth Floor and came to the Xinyue Immortal Mountain. They entered the heart chamber in the Immortal Mountain and found the secret treasure of Jiang Palace.

The Tusita Immortal Fire in Jiang Palace is blazing. It is difficult for any magical power to maintain its power here. Dao elephants will be burned to ashes. It is more than ten thousand times more difficult to open than in the knocking pass state?

They then came to the Huangting Secret Treasure and the Yuchi Secret Treasure. The difficulty of opening these two secret treasures had also increased countless times. The Xuan Huang Qi is so thick that it suppresses countless heavens and worlds, and the Jade Void Green Qi is as solid as jade, making it almost impossible to open up!

The two stopped outside the Jade Pond. Zhuchanchan sighed and said: The evil man has blocked the way to ascend. If you want to ascend, you can't just rely on the immortal medicine from Tushita Palace. You also need the immortals from the other five immortal palaces. Medicine. It is impossible for me to spend 30,000 years to go to other fairy palaces to steal fairy medicine, so the easiest way is to open the six secrets of the human body. It’s just that the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to open the six secrets.”

Xu Ying was in a daze, and suddenly thought of a terrible possibility: If you practice to the ascension stage, can you still open the six secrets?

Zhu Chanchan shook his head and said: I have cultivated to the level of Chonglou. Even if I use the strongest magical power, I can't open the secret treasure. I have to find the magic weapon I left behind in order to open the secret treasure. If I cultivate to the ascension stage, even if I use my The magic weapon refined for Emperor Zhou will never be opened!

Xu Ying's eyes lit up: I know the reason why the master of Niwan Palace plans to eat people! He is a qigong master in the ascension stage. He thinks that he does not have enough power to ascend, and he cannot open the secrets of his human body. His cultivation level is incompetent. To take it a step further, he set up a trap to spread the Nuo method and let others help him practice the secret!

Zhu Chanchan said: But, he only spread the secret cultivation method of Ni Wan...

She came to her senses: You mean to say that he has passed on all the six secrets of the human body and the six secret treasures! He not only harvested Niwan, but also Jianggong, Huangting, Yuchi, Yujing, and Yongquan. All must be harvested!”

Zhu Chanchan gasped and murmured: This boy is so cruel... If my junior brother is still alive, doesn't it mean that he is also so cruel?

She couldn't believe it.

Xu Ying thought about it: There is something very strange. Six months ago, I opened the Huang Ting Secret Treasures and fished for the divine elixir, but I didn't feel that I was being watched. This can only mean one thing. Master Huang Ting is one of the three secret masters who targeted me earlier!

He paused and said: This person has already targeted me, there is no need to stare again. I don't know if Yuan Weiyang has completed the Yuandao Heavenly Sense. If not, her ancestor Yuan Wuji will be in danger. .”

When he recalled Yuan Weiyang, Yuan Rushi always came to his mind, so he stubbornly believed that Yuan Weiyang was the girl who made him eat rouge.

At this time, someone came up the mountain. It was a young man. He bowed and said, Is this Patriarch Xu Ying? My master ordered me to come and deliver the invitation.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: Who is your teacher?

The young man said: Xu Fu.

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