Choose a day to soar

Chapter 117 I want this day, but I can’t hide it from my eyes

The villagers of Matoupo Village finally calmed down. They all stood there obediently, not daring to move. Even the god Hebo who had married dozens of wives was trembling and did not dare to take a breath.

After asking, An Qi was overjoyed and said with a smile, A Ying is indeed here!

Both Da Zhong and Zhu Chanchan were a little worried. Da Zhong said: These people actually said that A Ying has lived here for seven years. It can be seen that those people in Beichenzi have tampered with their memories. Their memories have been tampered with, and A Ying's memory has been tampered with. It should also have been tampered with.”

An Qi said: Just change it back!

Zhu Chanchan shook his head and said: It's difficult. Even if it is changed back, it will still be a false memory unless the seal is unlocked. But Xu Ying's seal...

She frowned slightly.

Over the past few days, she followed the big bells and ran around, and gradually gained a general understanding of Xu Ying's life experience. She guessed that Xu Ying's memory must have been sealed by someone, but the sealing time was extremely long, and the number of seals was too many. Imagine.

Every time after sealing, it was a new life for Xu Ying, a new life.

To unlock these seals, one must first capture Beichenzi and the others. The difficulty is so high that I can't even imagine it!

Moreover, even if the three of Beichenzi are captured, what will happen? Beichenzi and the other three are just watchdogs, and there are more terrifying beings behind them.

Who are these beings?

Zhuchanchan couldn’t even think about it!

Chanchan, you stay here and wait to see if Ah Ying comes back. Master Zhong and I will look around. Xian Qi suggested.

Zhuchanchan said yes, and Dazhong and Xianqi left separately.

Xu Ying and Xu Jin looked around and saw that there was actually another world in the mountains, with streets and streets, houses and people coming and going, but the clothes were quite ancient.

The father and son were amazed. The residents in the mountain were also shocked when they saw them. They came up to ask them where they came from, and Xu Ying told them about his pursuit of the big fish.

Xu Jin was very excited and said: Is this the Peach Blossom Spring? I heard from my ancestors that there was a fisherman who strayed into the mountains of Wuling and entered the Peach Blossom Spring. The people inside took refuge during the Zulong period. Could it be this place.

The residents looked at each other and shook their heads: This is the underworld. We are ghosts.

Xu Ying and his son were startled, but the ghosts were not evil-minded. An old man said: The two realms of Yin and Yang are connected, and the boundary between life and death is blurred. Most of you entered this place through the cracks between the Yin and Yang worlds. Just return the way you came.

Xu Jin thanked him and was about to turn back the way he came. At this time, a voice laughed and said: You are... Xu Ying!

Xu Ying turned around and saw a ghost and god walking towards him. The ghost and god was tall, with a horse's face and a human body. The smell of incense was wrapped around his body, and streaks of fire came out of his nostrils. He lowered his head and looked Xu Ying up and down, and suddenly laughed and said, Sure enough, it's you. ! Lingling’s snake catcher promises!”

When the ghosts just saw this, they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and shouted, Master.

Xu Ying raised his head and said, I am Xu Ying, but I am not a snake catcher in Lingling. I am a fisherman in Wuling. Do you recognize me?

The horse-faced ghost god grabbed a ghost, threw it into his mouth to taste, and said with a smile: You violated the laws of heaven and killed the Yin Court official. The Yin Court ordered that there will be a heavy reward for catching you. Your portrait has long been spread throughout China. How can I not recognize you in the hands of ghosts and gods everywhere?

Xu Jin hurriedly stepped forward and said with an apologetic smile: Master God admitted the wrong person. I picked up Ah Ying while fishing seven years ago. I have never even left Wuling, so how could I go to Lingling?

The horse-faced ghost-god had a stern look in his eyes and said, He rebelled and killed many gods. Do you think that by hiding from Lingling to Wuling, it can be treated as if nothing happened?

Just a trace of his breath leaked out, which made Xu Jin feel scared, his heart was pounding, his lips were dry, and his mouth was dry. He protected Xu Ying and backed away, and said with an apologetic smile: Master God really recognized the wrong person...

The horse-faced ghost raised his hand and grabbed him, and sneered: Noisy! The person I want to arrest is not you, but you have repeatedly stopped me. Do you think I don't dare to eat people?

Xu Jin struggled endlessly, but couldn't break free. His face turned red when he was pinched, and the air in his chest was squeezed out. He hissed: A Ying, please leave quickly...

His eyes bulged and he was speechless.

The horse-faced god opened his big mouth and took Xu Jin into his mouth, saying: I occasionally go out to the underworld and eat one or two meals of blood. You make me greedy. The soul of licking a calf is the sweetest...

Suddenly, a loud elephant cry came, and the horse-faced god suddenly felt a strong force coming, hitting his waist, knocking his huge body and falling backwards!

He was shocked and angry in his heart, but he saw Xu Ying's small body leap up, and kicked him on the arm that was holding Xu Jin.

The young man's energy and blood surged, almost boiling, overflowing from his body, and turned into a two-foot-tall Elephant King God behind him, connected with his energy and blood!

The Elephant King God flicked his nose and overlapped with Xu Ying's kick. With a snap, the Horse-faced Ghost God's arm was sore and numb that he involuntarily let go of Xu Jin.

At this moment, the horse-faced ghost saw something between Xu Ying's eyebrows, like a bright light, like thunder and lightning in the sky.

This thunder was imprinted on the young man's eyebrows, emerging from under the skin and gradually becoming clearer.

Xu Ying landed, grabbed the overwhelmed Xu Jin's hand, ran wildly, and shouted: Dad, let's go!

The father and son fled for their lives in a hurry and ran towards the crack in the mountain. Behind them, the horse-faced god jumped up and sneered when he saw this. The incense gas turned into a flying sword, whizzing through the air and heading towards Xu Yingxu. Kill them both!

The Emperor Yinting has an order to capture Xu Ying, but he doesn't need to be captured alive!

He laughed and said, Then I will eat your body and leave your soul to go back and do business!

Those sword qi were extremely fast and came behind Xu Ying in the blink of an eye. The qi and blood in Xu Ying's body moved according to an inexplicable path. Without thinking, he used the power of the Xiangli Niu Demon Fist, and his fists and feet collided with those sword qi!

The sword energy surged, causing the young man to retreat and slide several feet away, but he resisted all the sword energy's attacks.

Xu Jin was stunned: Ah Ying, how can you do this?

Even after Xu Ying made these moves, he couldn't help but be stunned: Yeah, how could I do this?

The incense flying sword struck again, faster and more powerful. It not only attacked him, but also attacked Xu Jin!

The horse-faced ghost saw that he was defending Xu Jin and knew that it was his weakness, so he chose to attack Xu Jin!

A flash of lightning flashed in Xu Ying's mind, and without even thinking, he saw the sword energy at his fingertips piercing the air. Several rays of sword light flashed through, and he cut off the flying swords of incense!

How can I fly a sword?

Xu Ying was stunned, but he saw his sword energy moving swiftly, coming and going like lightning and light, at extremely fast speeds. He stretched out his hand to touch the sword energy, and suddenly the sword energy returned to blood, like smoke, and passed through the air. Entered his body and disappeared.

The horse-faced ghost was furious and rushed over quickly, shouting: Want to leave? It's not that easy!

He mobilized his own cultivation, and suddenly the incense aura was strong, forming two arms behind him. There were four arms in total. Each of them grabbed the long knife transformed by the incense aura. The long knife was one foot sixty-seven feet long!

The horse-faced spirit moved its steps incorrectly, its arms flew, and its sword flashed like a horse, like a splash of wind, flying around and roaring towards him.

Xu Ying covered Xu Jin and retreated to the big crack. Seeing that he couldn't resist it, he leaned forward without thinking, and swam like a dragon or snake. A strange voice could not help but sound in his mind. It was so mysterious that it aroused his energy and blood!


Xu Ying pushed out his palms, and the dragon and snake flew. The power was suddenly increased countless times. The thick dragon snake rolled the horse-faced god into the air, flew hundreds of feet, hit the cliff, and turned into a ball of flesh!

Xu Ying was stunned and looked at his hands in disbelief.

Xu Jin stood behind him and couldn't help but froze, muttering: A Ying, who are you?

The thunder-like texture on Xu Ying's forehead gradually dimmed, and he quickly said: Dad, let's get out of here quickly...


There was a violent vibration in the mountain behind them. Xu Xu turned around in a hurry, only to see the mountain close up, the cracks disappear, and the surging air waves lifted the two of them away!

Our ship!

Xu Yingren hurriedly hugged Xu Jin in mid-air. Thinking of the fishing boat and the big fish still in the cracks in the mountain, he couldn't help but feel cold, It's over, what will we eat from now on?

He lifted Xu Jin to the ground and suddenly felt something strange behind him. He turned around quickly and saw hundreds of tall gods coming from behind them.

Some are like the City God in the City God's Temple, and some are like the fierce gods in the temple, large and small, with different postures.

The leader of the gods is three feet tall, has the most powerful aura, is covered in golden light, is wrapped in a thick aura of incense, and is chanted endlessly by all the people.

Xu Ying, the fugitive from the underworld, didn't expect you to be hiding here.

The golden-bodied god laughed loudly, It's really hard to find a place after wearing iron shoes. It took no effort to get here! This time God gave me the merit of Wuling Tongpan!

The golden god was the general judge of Wuling County, the feudal official of the Yin Court. He was rich in incense and had thousands of years of Taoism. After receiving the news that Xu Ying had appeared in Wuling, he immediately led the crowd to come. Finally, after Xu Ying left, Block him before the underworld.

Xu Jin knelt down and kowtowed to Wuling Magistrate and other ghosts and gods repeatedly. He knelt until his head was bleeding and he shouted: Masters of the gods, please leave a way for us two to survive! I kowtow to you!

Kowtowing is useful, so why should Tian Tiao do it?

Magistrate Wuling didn't even look at him, waved his hand and said, Take the promise and escort him to the underworld for reward!

Behind him, ghosts and gods rushed out and rushed toward Xu Yingxu!

Xu Ying clenched his hands into fists and looked at the powerful ghosts and gods rushing towards him. He couldn't help shouting angrily: What did I do wrong?


He burst out with all his strength, looked up to the sky and shouted, the five internal organs in his body shook, the Xiyi Cave opened, the black iron entrance suddenly opened, and the water of the Milky Way poured in.

Xu Ying faced the charging City God and punched out. With this punch, the sound of Dao like a great bell vibrated, making the power of his moves skyrocket!

That was Yuanyu's eight tones exploding, stirring up his body and soul, mobilizing unparalleled power!

The City God's arm was broken by his punch, his arm flew out, his golden body was broken, and nearly half of his body was destroyed by the aura of incense!

Other ghosts and gods rushed towards him, attacking from all directions. They saw the blue sky spinning behind Xu Ying and the nine fields surrounding him. They incorporated the power of all the ghosts and gods into the Nuo magic power. Then they changed their moves and turned into a bright mirror of body image. Like the void, neutralize all these attacks!

In the sky of the underworld, there was thunder and lightning at some point, and as the seal of promise fell, calamity fell from the sky, smashing a city god into pieces!

Amidst the lightning and thunder, there was a flash of sword light, penetrating the eyebrows of a horse-faced god, and then the sword fell down. Suddenly the sword light surged and split another ghost god into two pieces from head to toe!

Xu Ying's small figure shuttled between the thunder and lightning, with dragons and snakes entwined around him, flying, bang bang bang, knocking back a golden god.


The thunder texture between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter, and a sea of ​​chaos suddenly appeared behind his head, and one cave after another spun around!

The wounds on his body healed quickly. He raised his hand and made a seal to meet the magical power of another ghost and god. However, he saw the vision of Wanshan Zun Jiuyi appearing in his palm seal, and directly beat that ghost and god together with its magical power to ashes!

The blood of ghosts and gods is pouring out in all directions, blood is like rain, and limbs are flying everywhere!


Xu Ying's palm met Wu Lingtong's palm, and he was shocked and fell backwards. Wu Lingtong shouted loudly and activated the energy of thousands of years of incense. His palm was like a mountain, beating Xu Ying back again and again!

The thunder pattern in Xu Yingmei's heart became brighter and brighter, and suddenly there was another loud bang. A sea of ​​fire emerged behind him, the secrets of Jiang Palace were opened, and the two crescent-moon caves were like a crescent-moon furnace, igniting the fire in his heart!

Xu Ying's aura surged and he withstood Wuling Tongpan's attack!


Thunder fell from the sky and illuminated the surrounding area. All around was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with huge corpses of gods lying down.

Xu Ying and Wu Lingtong were in a stalemate with their palms, each raising their cultivation to the extreme!

Suddenly, the thunder pattern on Xu Ying's forehead gradually dimmed, but as the thunder pattern dimmed, another piece of black and yellow energy flew out from behind him, and another yellow cave opened!

Xu Ying's eyes were filled with light, it was his spiritual consciousness that was awakening!

Wuling Tongjian knew something was wrong, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and suddenly two more arms came out from under his armpits, but they were transformed by the incense, and with two punches, Xu Ying was knocked away!

Instead of pursuing the victory, he turned around and ran in front of Xu Jin. He reached out and grabbed Xu Jin, thinking: Take this person as a hostage first...

At this moment, a bright ax light lit up, and Wuling Judge turned his head and saw Xu Ying holding a large stone ax in both hands and leaping into the air, the ax light chopping down from top to bottom!

Wuling Tongpan was split with an ax and split into two halves!

Xu Ying landed on the ground holding the ax, slowly straightened up, and the sky gradually became brighter.

Only then did Xu Jin realize that he was kneeling in a pool of blood. There were broken limbs and broken arms everywhere. The palms and soles scattered on the ground were about the same size as himself.

A Ying, are you really A Ying? Xu Jin murmured.

I don't know. Xu Ying was at a loss and stuck the stone ax on his waist.

He supported Xu Jin and walked towards the mountain wall. When he came to the mountain wall, he took out his stone ax and struck it down with one blow, causing the mountain wall to crack.

Two bloody men walked outside.

The fishing boat was broken into pieces, and the big fish was crushed into mud. The father and son waded out of the water, and gradually the water reached their chests, and finally walked out of the crack.

The sun shone outside, and Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. He held Xu Jin up, and the energy flowed under his feet. The two figures gradually emerged from the water and stood on the water.

Xu Ying helped him walk out and came to the peach forest.

Aying, do you still recognize me?

A familiar voice came from behind him. Xu Ying turned around and saw a big snake raising its head from the peach forest. It looked very familiar.

A name flashed in Xu Ying's mind. He hesitated and asked, Are you...Seventh Master?

————Thank you, Mr. Zhaicai, for another golden alliance reward. Thank you for your love! ! Brothers, it’s the last 11 hours of the month, please vote! !

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