Choose a day to soar

Thank you, Mr. Zhaicai, and all the book friends in the Divine Dynasty!

It’s a new month, please vote for me and get on the list!

It's almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Zhaizhu originally planned to write the third chapter, but he can't calm down.

People, it is really difficult to not be happy with things or sad with yourself.

Competing for the monthly vote list, I am still quite nervous.

As nervous as the first time.

Choose a Day to Ascend was released on April 6th, and the book was put on the shelves on May 13th. This time, the signature was Qidian Exclusive. Many book friends left messages on the public account, why are there always typos and omissions? From the stall owner? In fact, this is an anti-piracy version of the website.

For a better reading experience, you can come to Qidian and choose a day to read. There will be no typos or omissions like piracy.

Feisheng currently has 480,000 words, but the monthly ticket sales have exceeded 700,000 this afternoon, which is still at a single rate!

If it’s doubled at the beginning of the month, we’ll definitely have over a million!

Someone asked in the book club, Zhai Zong, can you work hard? The number of words on the shelves is less than the monthly subscription!

To be fair, the current coding speed of the pig is already the limit of a middle-aged and elderly writer. You might as well wait for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, the number of words in Select Day will definitely far exceed the monthly ticket.

Currently, the average order for the new book is just shy of 46,000, and the first order just exceeded 40,000 within 24 hours of its release. In other words, it took 17 days, and it has surpassed the subscription result with the blessing of the first order pendant event!

If you all know about it, you should know what an amazing thing this is!

The homeboy is the leader of The Legend of the Shepherd. The Legend of the Shepherd is the novel written by a new author that I recommended to everyone a few days ago. It is very beautiful and I was fascinated by it!

Zhaizhu seldom socializes with others, and rarely chats with rich people and big bosses. He has neglected many people and begs everyone's forgiveness.

Even Zhaicai boss and I have not been added as friends since Yimeng. We only added them two days ago.

Haha, the otaku is so stupid that he neglected the boss.

On May 1st, Zhaicai Boss went online, recharged two gold coins, and rewarded new books. This made Select Day Ascension once ranked first in monthly votes.

Although it has only been a few hours, Zhai Zhu already feels very happy, because I never thought that this book would achieve the results it has now, that it would be loved by so many readers, and that so many big guys would be willing to spend money on this book!

It was such a glorious moment to be number one in the monthly vote. However, at that time, all the 150,000 words of manuscripts saved before Zhaizhu started the book had been used up, and it was no longer possible to add updates (because of my poor skills, I thought there were saved manuscripts, so I made a lot of changes. manuscript).

On May 13th, the boss of Zhaicai gave a new book to Yimeng. This is Zhaizhu’s first and only Yimeng book.

Since there is a new book on the shelves and there is so much love, how could it be possible for Zhaizhu not to explode? I was also crazy at home. I wrote updates until eleven or twelve o'clock every day during those days. I was still coding in my dreams. There were two children at home. I had to get up earlier than them, otherwise the room would be filled with joy immediately. sound.

On May 17, the Zhaicai tipping date soared to 300 million fans, and there was an exclusive splash screen recommendation from the Zhaicai boss. It can be said that the boss gave the new book the biggest boost!

Today, the boss rewarded me with gold again. It is no exaggeration to say that the boss is arrogant.

Competing for the list is a topic of many topics, and it is also something that can bring back memories. The first time Zhai Zhu competed for the list should be during the period of Humanity Supreme, and the earlier list seemed to be very simple, and the explosion can be Solve half the problem.

At that time, the house pigs were also young, and four to five updates for Emperor were commonplace (the word count was only 12,150,000, which was not as big as it is now).

The performance of Humanity Supreme was actually very poor at the beginning, and it could not even support a family. At that time, Zhai Zhu would post some unhealthy pictures on the public account to attract traffic.

Ahem, after all, this is the only one that everyone likes the most, and sometimes I will help others write some stories. After all, 3,000 Junding is really not enough to support a family, and I don’t have any skills other than writing books.

Three million words have been written in The Way of Humanity. At this time, Alliance A arrived, which was also the ascended Golden Alliance.

At that time, the recommendation list was still very public. I remember that League A gave out 18,000 recommendation vote red envelopes a week, which was more than my monthly manuscript fee at that time!

This has been a week, and I have fought like this several times. Yes, at that time, recommended votes were also considered to compete for the list, but now when it comes to competing for the list, only monthly tickets are available, which is a shame.

Humanity has been ranked first in recommendation weeks several times, and later in October, it was twice as high as the top ten in monthly votes. This is already Humanity’s best result.

Nowadays, many people say how beautiful and classic Humanity is, but lack of exposure at the beginning is a terrible thing. No matter how much praise there is, if it cannot be converted into subscriptions, the author will starve to death.

After the completion of Humanity, Zhaizhu would have had eight thousand orders. Without this achievement, Zhaizhu would have changed careers after writing Humanity. Also because of the rising order book in the later period, Zhaizhu gave up all the chores at hand and concentrated on finishing Zhongshan's novel. The story of the big bull and the Taoist Master. Now the average order for humanity has doubled again.

The Story of Mu Shen is Zhai Zhu's best-performing book so far. It is a five-star masterpiece in Qidian. Mu Shen has given Zhai Zhu a platinum author label. It can be said that it has brought Zhai Zhu the most fame and income. From then on, You no longer need to carry the mortgage numbers, and you can take your daughter for a checkup to make the most thorough preparations.

Lin Yuan Xing Zhai Zhu writes about Su Yun, who cannot resist, and writes about a mirror in which Su Yun can see wildness, revenge, rebellion, and intrigue...

But Su Yun is not a person who takes the initiative to move forward. He will not take the initiative to fight for a future. He is shaped by the times. He wanted to be a carefree little blind man in Tianmen Town, but he failed.

The stories I want to write are more exciting than the last, but sometimes I can’t resist the hives, especially when I’m scratching my head thinking about the plot, but the hives suddenly break out.

Because Zhai Zhu's writing was not strong enough, the image of Su Yun was not so profound, but fortunately, he was able to write about Emperor Jue. In terms of subscription results, Lin Yuan Xing is far inferior to The Shepherd, but Su Yun is also the protagonist in Zhai Zhu's writing, and it is also Zhai Zhu's attempt at a writing direction.

Ascension Another Day has been in preparation for nearly a year, and I have scrapped the beginning of more than a dozen drafts. I am also thinking, will everyone still like fantasy fairy tales in 2022? Do you want to write about cities and systems? Pick a funny book title?

After writing the beginning of one edition after another, Zhai Zhu gradually found himself and found what he liked. It turns out that I still like fantasy fairy tales, and I like the chivalry in this category even more!

When I was finalizing the draft, I decided to start with The Story of the Snake Catcher and write about a snake catcher named Xu Ying.

From the very beginning, Xu Ying acted chivalrously, complained about injustices, and dared to kill gods for the weak!

What is Xianxia?

A chivalrous person is a fairy!

On April 6, I uploaded the new chapter of Snake Catcher's Story, and the number of this chapter has exceeded 10,000. What touches me is that the chivalry in everyone's hearts is still there, and the righteousness will last forever!

The battle for the top spot is a nerve-wracking thing. Even though there are all the big guys, Zhaizhu will also be uneasy, especially in the last few hours. The way Zhaizhu chooses to spend time is to code. After all, I can’t do anything but code. Nothing.

As I write this single chapter, my heart slowly calms down.

Because all the book friends in the Divine Dynasty held up this big umbrella for Zhai Zhu, it saved a lot of rain and walked a lot less for Ascension on a Different Day. There are the big brothers on the list with 300 million alliance Zhai Cai, and there are people who have strong support from the beginning of humanity. A-League, there is Cha Cha who must come if necessary, and there are also new General Leagues Vera 0205 and Huan Yingkong to read books.

There are also 17 Silver Alliance members, with a total of 242 alliance leaders, as well as countless Shen Dynasty book friends who silently subscribe and vote.

Thank you also to the managers who have contributed silently!

This book was written by Zhai Zhu very happily, and he also regained the passion for writing books in the first place.

The otaku boss said that there is no chivalry without passion, and that is indeed the case. A story full of passion and chivalry is also what the otaku who is nearly forty longs for.

Zhai Zhu will write well and live up to the expectations of all book friends. Believe me, Xu Ying's story will be extremely exciting!

Good story that warms the heart!

June, a new month, a new journey, for the chivalry in Select a Day to Ascend, and for the passion of immortal heroes, I beg all readers and comrades to cast your guaranteed monthly votes for Select a Day to Ascend!

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