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Chapter 116 Wuling native Xu Ying

Knocking on the realm of the third heaven, we three Qi refiners in the ascension stage were beaten into this state.

Beichenzi coughed up blood and said in a hoarse voice, If he returns to his peak condition...

The woman in red clothes and the old man with a sad face both had a cold war. Not to mention recovering to their peak, even this time, the three of them were almost beaten to ashes when they joined forces!

If they had not brought back the demon-suppressing runes, and if Beichenzi had not released his yellow robe in time to guide the two of them, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Suddenly, the big clock flew over and crashed into the three of them without any reason. Zhu Chanchan hid behind the clock and punched the clock, causing the bell to ring loudly!

Beichenzi and three others were seriously injured by Xu Ying, but the power of the big bell was exhausted and they were not much better. The three people immediately tried their best to resist, and immediately knocked the big bell away.

At this moment, Zhu Chanchan jumped out from behind the bell and punched three times. Each of the three people received one punch. Suddenly, their magic weapons were trembling. The three people were shocked and turned pale. They hurriedly used the remaining magic power to suppress the abnormal movements of their respective magic weapons. .

At the same time, An Qi rushed out and rolled up Xu Ying without any explanation. With the sword energy flowing around his body, he jumped into the air and tried to escape with Xu Ying!

Good job, Master Qi! the big clock shouted in the distance.

An Qi walked with his sword, flying very fast and flying through the air.

Beichenzi and the other three suppressed the strange movement of the magic weapon. The sad-looking old man threw out his yellow robe. Beichenzi drummed up the remaining vitality and blew it out in one breath. The yellow robe hunted, and within a moment, he caught up with An Qi. He moved his sleeve down, put away the big snake of more than twenty feet, and burrowed into his sleeve.

Xian Qi summoned his magic power to activate the Ba Snake True Cultivator and transformed into a hundred-foot giant snake. However, as he grew bigger, the sleeve also grew larger, and he was pocketed in the sleeve.

The yellow robe was also a magic weapon, as if it was worn on the body of an invisible person. The invisible person shook his sleeves, and his muscles and bones were all weak. He involuntarily let go of Xu Ying and fell from his sleeves.

This place is quite high from the ground. If it falls, it will be shattered to pieces. Fortunately, the big bell flew over and the mouth of the bell became larger. I finally caught it, but it was still crushed and kept falling!

Zhu Chanchan tried her best to attack Beichenzi and the others, but the three people did not entangle with her at all. They put away the altar and shrine, supported each other, stamped their feet and made clouds, and flew away from the top of the mountain.

The yellow robe put Xu Ying in his sleeve pocket and flew over automatically.

The big bell stabilized its fall and flew to the top of the mountain. Beichenzi and the others were no longer visible.

An Qi couldn't help but feel cold in his heart, and murmured: These three old bastards took away A Ying. The world is so big, where can we find him?

Da Zhong's heart also sank. Xu Ying was sealed by the three people. Apparently, his memory as a snake catcher was also sealed. According to their speculation, Xu Ying will be input into a new memory and start a new life!

Today, the land is vast, China has a vast territory, and new lands are constantly emerging. If these three people hide Xu Ying somewhere casually, they may not be able to find it!

What's more, these three people will reset Xu Ying's memory every once in a while and take him to another completely unfamiliar place to start a new life!

You don't have to worry.

Zhu Chanchan walked over quickly and said with murderous intent, The stone ax brought by A Ying has been tampered with by me. The magic weapons on the three little devils were also stamped with my aunt's mark by my punches three times. ! None of them can escape my aunt’s feeling!

Da Zhong and An Qi were both impressed and horrified. An Qi said cautiously: Auntie, we have also been beaten by you. Are we also...

The big clock swung up and down quickly, checking its own mark, worried that it was no longer pure.

Zhuchanchan comforted: I would not treat my own people like this.

Da Zhong and An Qi felt relieved.

Zhu Chanchan was annoyed in her heart: I almost got discovered by them, but fortunately they don't look very smart. But it's not good to brand your friends after all. Just disappear when they don't pay attention. Wait a minute, they are me What if my guardian sneaks away?

There is a Matoupo Village in Qingshui River, Wuling County, Yuanjiang River. There are not many villagers, only thirty or forty households. Because it is close to the Yuanjiang River, fishing is the main occupation.

There is a family in the west end of the village. The male owner's surname is Xu and his given name is Jin, and the female owner's surname is Lu and her given name is Si. The couple had been married for many years but had no children.

Seven years ago, Xu Jin was fishing on the river. He cast a net and caught a child who mentioned that there was still breath in the boat.

The couple rescued the child and asked for his name. The child's surname was Xu Mingying. There was Xujiaping upstream. Horse thieves and fire burned down the village. The child jumped into the water to escape. His water quality was not good, so he was carried here by the waves of the river.

The couple took pity on him and adopted Xu Ying. Because Xu and Xu had similar pronunciations, they did not change their surname to Xu.

Unconsciously, seven years have passed, and the child adopted by Xu Jin's family has turned into a half-sized man. He was born with a broad frame and looked tall and thin. He was a little tanned because he followed Xu Jin fishing all year round.

In the past few months, the earth has changed and many new places have emerged. The high mountains and ridges came from nowhere and changed the course of the river, making the Yuanjiang River more than ten times wider. The river was turbulent, and there were many big fish in the river, which would knock over small boats and eat people.

For a time, fishermen who relied on the water for a living were afraid to get out of their boats.

It's that promise that brings bad luck!

An old man in the village said, I remember three months ago, there was no such person named Xu Ying in our village! He only appeared recently. When he arrived in our village, you seemed to have known him for many years! He must not be a human being, but The deceptive monster!

People looked at the old man with strange expressions, but the old man kept chattering and shouted: This monster has changed your memory! Think about it, did Xu Jin really go out on the ship seven years ago and catch a child? No! This child It obviously appeared two or three months ago!”

Old Xu Tou is crazy.

People shook their heads one after another, and someone comforted Xu Ying and told him not to take it to heart, saying: Old Xu Tou is old and always has trouble with his mind. Last time, he even accused me of spying on the little widow taking a bath. What's the matter? Haha. .”

Xu Ying didn't take it to heart.

In the evening, Xu Ying saw a sad-faced old man entering the village. He didn't know what he was talking to old Xu Tou. After a while, an old man in white and a woman in red came.

The three of them were very strange. They seemed to have been injured. Some had broken arms, some were lame, and some seemed to feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

The three of them were talking to Lao Xutou, and then pointed at Lao Xutou, with light shining on his fingertips.

Xu Ying saw this and felt suspicious. He picked up a stone ax at the door of his house and walked over. He shouted from a distance: What are you doing? Don't panic, sir, Xiao Ying is here!

The three people pointed and pointed. When they saw him coming, they quickly turned around and left, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying walked up to him carrying an axe. Old Xu Tou was startled when he saw this and said, A Ying, are you going to commit murder?

Xu Ying was surprised. Old Xu Tou had never been kind to him before, but for some reason he had changed his temper and was so kind to him today.

The young man was puzzled and left after saying a few words.

Outside Matoupo Village, Bei Chenzi said: What a danger. Last time we tampered with the memories of villagers in nearby villages and towns, we didn't expect that a fish would slip through the net. But fortunately, we discovered it in time and there was no trouble.

The three of them stood on a high place and looked at Xu Ying from a distance. They saw that Xu Ying had already accepted his new identity, turned the wooden boat over, and cleaned the bottom of the boat. Then they breathed a sigh of relief.

This seal is foolproof! Now we can sit back and relax!

The three of them looked at each other and laughed. The woman in red clothes smiled and said: Let's go! You can rest assured to recover!

Xu Ying was very familiar with fishing. He washed the boat and dried it, then went to dry the fishing nets. At this time, Xu Jin came back from worshiping the gods, and his legs were a little lame. Xu Ying asked, Xu Jin said: I was kicked by Master He Bo in the He Temple.

Xu Ying was furious: How dare you kick my father! After saying that, he grabbed the stone ax standing in the corner and prepared to fight with the gods.

Xu Jin hurriedly stopped him and said, You don't want your life? That's the god we worship in Majiapo. He can kill you with one finger! Put down the ax!

He sighed and said: These days, I originally thought that when a new land appeared, the government would not be able to collect taxes, but I didn't expect Master Hebo to take things even harder. Just now, Master Hebo said that he would build a temple and add more offerings to him, but we said no. With money, I couldn’t even catch fish, so I was kicked by Him.”

Xu Ying said: I think Master Hebo is just a clay statue with no abilities. Why should you be afraid of him? Since he came out of Xindi, he has been bullied by the big guys in the water every day. After being beaten a few times, he doesn't dare to Go into the water. This He Bo bullies women and has married so many wives that the temple cannot fit them in. Now he is building a new temple, probably because he wants to marry more wives! He has married all the women, so won’t his children be single? So I went over with my axe, kept it and chopped him to death!

Xu Jin glared at him and shouted: You are so lawless! Are you the only one who still wants to marry me? Even if you sell your father, you won't be able to collect the dowry gift! Have you washed the boat? After washing, go back to the house and sleep. We will sail out of the boat tomorrow morning!

Dad, you haven't eaten yet. How can you sleep? What are you going to eat tonight?

It's been a long time since I've fished. Let's drink from the northwest wind!

Having said that, Xu Jin took down a dried fish from the wall, dusted it off, and took it to cook for Lu.

The next day, the father and son drank some porridge. Mrs. Lu wrapped up the uneaten leftovers for the two men last night, and took out a few rhizomes of an unknown plant. She said, I went to the mountains with some aunts yesterday to dig tree roots. They were very sweet when chewed. Yesterday I didn’t dare to give it to you at night, but I ate it and I’m still alive, so I’ll give you two some to cushion your stomach on the road.”

Xu Ying collected the roots and took a bite. It was indeed sweet, but there was a bit too much residue.

Xu Jin scolded: Nie Zhan, please don't finish our day's rations!

Xu agreed: I'm hungry.

Then don't eat it. Eat it when you come back in the evening. Otherwise, you won't have the strength to punt the boat. If you can't come back, you will feed the big fish.

Xu Ying was placed in the cabin, Xu Jin held the bamboo pen, and the boat sailed into the turbulent Yuanjiang River. When we got to the river, a big fish four or five times bigger than the boat passed by and almost capsized the boat.

The father and son hurriedly stabilized the boat and saw the big fish swimming far away.

As the sun rose over the river, several giant snow-white birds sang loudly and flew over their heads, their wings like the shadows of clouds.

This is a bend in the river, and the current is too fast to catch fish. The father and son sailed down the river to a tributary of the Yuanjiang River.

There, dozens of miles downstream, the water is relatively shallow, the current is not fast, and there are fish and shrimps there.

Xu Ying stood at the bow of the boat, adjusting the direction of the boat and breathing in and out.

He practices a technique called Taiyi Guidance Technique. Strangely enough, this technique seems to be engraved in his mind. He doesn't know where he learned this guidance technique.

Practice every day, practice every day, what's the point? Xu Jin was very disdainful of this.

Xu Ying divided his mind into three things and said: I think it's very useful. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I can practice whatever I want. Dad, can you learn it? I'll teach you.

After learning, can you fish or swim? Xu Jin said with a smile, What are you going to do after learning?

Xu Ying had no choice but to let him cultivate on his own. Strange to say, today's Qi refining was a little different from yesterday. Above his head, the sunlight gathered into a stream, and little streams of light continued to fall into his body.

The flow of light in the air gradually formed a vortex, and little spots of light rotated in the vortex and fell into his body.

Xu Ying was amazed. When he reached the lower reaches, the vortex of light flow above his head had become very large, with a radius of four to five feet.

If I hadn't caught him seven years ago, I would have thought he was a monster. Xu Jin thought when he saw this.

They drove the boat downstream and saw that the boat was broken into pieces and several big fish were eating the corpses under the boat.

Xu Ying and Xu Jin had long been used to it. They drove a boat to a tributary and sailed along the river into the mountains and forests. Xu Jin cast a net to catch fish. Strangely enough, with each net, he could only catch small fish as big as a palm. , can’t catch big fish.

Xu Jin was tired, so he asked Xu Ying to cast the net. Xu Ying dropped the net. Suddenly, the boat was almost overturned. A big fish appeared in the net and swam wildly along the river with the net. .

Xu Ying clung to the net tightly and was unwilling to let go. Xu Jin held down the stern of the boat to prevent it from capsizing.

The boat shot forward like an arrow from the string. Xu Jin was frightened in his heart and said quickly: Ah Ying, let go, or you will be buried in the belly of the fish!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear and saw the big fish taking their boat for more than ten miles and entering the mountains. The peach blossoms on both sides of the bank were full of trees, the grass was delicious, and the fallen flowers were colorful.

The father and son didn't care to admire it, they saw the big fish pulling the boat towards a cliff!

Xu Jin screamed, and when he was about to be smashed to pieces, he saw a crack on the mountain wall. The big fish actually dragged the boat and got into the crack!


The big fish was stuck in the crack and could not move. Xu Ying quickly took the stone ax from his waist and struck the fish on the head with the axe.

A strange scene happened. The whole body of the big fish's energy and blood suddenly flowed into the stone axe. The stone axe reflected the blood light and illuminated the cracks!

Xu Jin was startled and asked Xu Ying to throw away the stone ax.

Xu Ying was reluctant to part with it and still stuck it in his waist. The father and son dragged the big fish out and tied it to the side of the boat. Xu Ying looked into the crack and saw light coming from the crack.

The father and son thought there was a treasure, so they walked along the crack. Xu Jin said: If you can find the treasure, sell it and save money for you to marry a wife!

The crack was extremely narrow at first, and then it opened to people. After walking a hundred or so steps, the vision suddenly opened up.

On the other side, in Matoupo Village, the river surface suddenly rose, and there were swarms of big fish on the water, jumping out of the water with a splash, some leaping more than ten feet high, which was extremely scary.

On the shore, the villagers looked horrified and stood there daring not to move. They all looked around and saw a giant snake rising up the river.

Two black and white horns sprouted from the back of the giant snake's head. The two horns were also three to four feet long. Its body was covered with scales, reflecting the iridescence, making it colorful and brilliant. This big snake is like an ancient god, silent and breathless, but with a natural fright. Its slow and elegant swimming posture makes the fish monster in the river jump endlessly.

There is a bell hanging on the head of the giant snake, and it breathes and exhales in the sunshine, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes smaller.

Sitting on the bell nose is a girl in her teenage years, wearing a loose coat and long sleeves. She is pretty, with a jade-like nose, star-like eyes, and a snow-white skin with the delicate pink color of a girl.

The girl said: I noticed that the ax was nearby, but for some reason, it suddenly disappeared.

The big snake spoke human words, its voice was like thunder, and it rumbled and vibrated, echoing on the water: Ancestor Chanchan, is your sense reliable? We have been looking for it for several months, but we still haven't found it!

The big snake saw a house on the shore and said, I'll go to the shore and ask.

Da Zhong said: Master Qi, please be gentle and don't scare people.

I understand.

The big snake swam around and came to the shore. When it opened its mouth, it flew away with sand and rocks. It said politely: Stop running away and screaming. I am really not a man-eating monster...Drink! You still dare to splash my black dog blood!

Dang! The bell rang loudly, waking up the people who were going crazy with fear.

An Qi coughed and asked, Have you ever seen a young man named Xu Ying? He is tall and thin, and his skin is a bit dark.

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