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Chapter 115 Invincible (please vote for me at the end of the month!)

When Beichenzi heard this voice, his scalp became numb and his whole body trembled. He pretended to be calm and said loudly: Xu Ying! Today is your life and death. If you are powerless, even we will die here!

He had never seen the promise made when the seal was released, and he did not know what terrible consequences would happen after the seal was released.

He is simply continuing the work of his predecessor.

Before him, there was a group of Qi Refiners who were responsible for the same work, but those Qi Refiners were too old and could no longer maintain the seal. They would make mistakes when arranging Xu Ying's life.

After these Qi refiners were promoted, this matter fell on Beichenzi and the others.

Beichenzi had heard some legends about Xu Ying, and knew that maintaining Xu Ying's seal was extremely important, but at the critical moment of life and death, he had to temporarily loosen some of the seals!

He forced himself to calm down and said to himself: But fortunately, I didn't unlock them all. The sealing runes are still there, and the incense is still there. As long as he kills the demon, and I renew the incense, I can still make him a good boy!

how dare you?

Xu Ying burst out laughing, and the scene of the Xiyi Realm suddenly appeared behind him, including the Five Sacred Mountains, the Black Iron Pass, the Bronze Sky Pass, the Jade Palace Pass, the Twelve Layers, the Yao Pond, the Divine Bridge, the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the Huangting. Jianggong, Yuchi, Yujing, Tianhe, Tianshan, and even springs emerge one by one!

Beichen, how dare you!

His soul stands in the third heaven of the Kengguan period. In the Xiyi Realm, there is only a rainbow-like sword energy, the vision of Jiu Yi, a hundred thousand mountain masters, and a cloud of heavenly calamity.

This is the Tao phenomenon that Xu Ying comprehended.

His cultivation realm is still the realm of the third heaven in the Kengguan period, and there has been no change.

In his Nuo realm, the Niwan Jianggong Secret Treasures each opened two caves, and the Huangting Secret Treasures opened one cave.

His realm as a Nuo master has not changed at all.

Seeing this scene, Beichenzi felt a little chilled in his heart: After he was unsealed, he didn't unblock his cultivation. It's over this time!

He originally thought that part of Xu Ying's cultivation would be unlocked, but he didn't expect that Xu Ying was still at the third level of the knocking stage, without any improvement in cultivation.

Anhui Qi and Dazhong also felt cold in their hearts. They originally thought that as long as Beichenzi unblocked Xu Ying, they could overcome the difficulties, but they forgot Xu Ying's cultivation.

The demon's possession of the immortal corpse is equivalent to a living immortal. How can the promise of the knocking period defeat such a existence?


Thunder shook in the sky, and extremely thick lightning fell from the sky, striking Xu Ying's body. The sharp thunder exploded, illuminating everything behind Xu Ying.

In this short moment, everyone saw various huge shadows emerging from Xu Ying's vast Xiyi territory. When the second thunder struck Xu Ying's head, the snow-white light illuminated those shadows. They Only then did I see that those shadows were all kinds of incredible manifestations of great avenues!

There are giant bronze peaks, there are abyss that bury the avenue, there are giant trees that cover the stars, there are giant beasts that swallow the sky, there are nebulae that evolve into stars...

All kinds of terrifying Tao phenomena can make people crazy.

And as the thunder struck down, these phenomena became clearer and clearer, gradually turning from imaginary to real, as if they were about to change from mere imagination to real existence!

Even though the young man in feathers was a demon, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. He rushed forward in a hurry, trying to kill and devour Xu Ying before the Taoist image behind him turned into reality!


The stone ax from Xu Ying's waist flew up and slashed towards him. The figure of the young man in feathers swayed, and suddenly countless young men in feathers appeared in front of him, behind him, to the left and to the right. They walked forward at the same time, each taking action to block the stone axe. !

However, the stone ax also shook slightly, and countless shadows of stone axes appeared. The next moment, the right hands of all the youths in feathers were cut off, and the axes flashed and were embedded in the foreheads of the youths in feathers!

All the shadows of the stone ax and the young man with wings disappeared, leaving only one, the young man in feathers with the stone ax still embedded in his forehead.

Beichenzi, Dazhong and Zhuchanchan were each shocked. Xu Ying was still at the third level of the knocking stage, but this ax move was so exquisite that no matter how the demon tried to dodge it, he couldn't dodge it!

This ax of his is simply miraculous, splitting open the mortal body is like a butcher unloading an ox, finding gaps to break through, avoiding the strong points of the immortal corpse, pointing directly at the weak points, following the flaw, and directly splitting through any defense with one axe!

However, this sounds simple, but who can find the flaws between the immortal corpse and the demon?

This stone ax penetrated deeply into the head of the young man in Yuyi. The surging murderous aura and evil spirit impacted the demon's brain and consciousness, causing his body to tremble violently. From time to time, a black shadow in his body was shaken to the point of almost leaving his body!

Suddenly, he was surrounded by fairy light, rolled up the stone ax, and slashed it down in reverse!

After all, his body is that of an immortal. Although it is a dead immortal, the immortal energy around him is not afraid of the evil energy of the stone axe.

Thunder from the sky continued to fall, hitting Xu Ying's head steadily, and the Taoist phenomenon behind Xu Ying became more and more real.

When the stone ax came, Xu Ying raised his hand and grabbed the stone ax in his hand. He split the immortal light with a backhand axe.

Experts look at the door, while laymen watch the excitement. Dazhong, Gong Qi and Beichenzi didn't see any way, but Zhu Chanchan saw the mystery of this axe's technique, and she felt that her Taoist heart was greatly shocked!

She couldn't help but recall the time when she had just become a disciple. At that time, the master showed her the magical power of knocking pillars into treasures with one hand. In an instant, a stone pillar turned into a magic weapon and turned into a stone dragon that rose up and flew in the air. .

That scene shocked her beyond compare, subverting all her previous understanding of Qi Practitioners.

But now, she has already surpassed her master back then, and can display magical powers that are stronger and more shocking than knocking on pillars to make treasures. But the change of Xu Ying's ax fell in her eyes, and she felt an unparalleled impact. !

Can magical powers still be used like this? Can Taoist magic be used like this? He is not a human being, definitely not a human being!

Xu Yingfeng Qingyundan still struck the young man in Yuyi's head with an axe. He didn't look like he was desperate at all, but the young man in Yuyi was trying his best!

He roared angrily, and his body suddenly expanded. His body became bigger and stronger, but at this moment, Xu Ying held a strange palm print in his left hand. There was a bronze mountain towering into the sky hidden in the palm print. Extremely compact.

As soon as he made the seal, the huge body of the young man in feathers was instantly compressed and shrunk rapidly. The bones in his body crackled, and the balls of flesh and blood continued to explode!

The exploded flesh and blood squirmed and crawled on the ground, and then turned into young men in feathers, flying towards Xu Ying in weird and twisted postures!


The body of the young man in feathers exploded, and his body turned into countless fragments. The body of the demon appeared from it, but it was a ball of black energy that roared towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying clasped his hands in front of his chest, and suddenly another Taoist image appeared on his chest, like a furnace. The fire in the furnace was not the true fire of Samadhi, and the light emitted was not ordinary divine light!

It was as if he was holding three thousand suns in his arms. Incomparably bright light exploded, refining all the young men in feathers who threw themselves at him into ashes!

However, the demon itself rushed towards Xu Ying in the dazzling light and was constantly being annihilated. However, it managed to rush to Xu Ying and burrowed into Xu Ying's eyebrows!

Seeing that he was about to get into the center of Xu Ying's eyebrows, Xu Ying raised his hand and gently grabbed it, grabbing the black air in his hand.

This mass of black energy collided in the palm of his hand, but Xu Ying's five fingers were like a cage between heaven and earth, trapping the black energy within and unable to escape.

The black energy is desperate and exudes an ancient consciousness, asking who he really is.

Xu Ying looked indifferent and did not answer. He shook his hand tightly, and fireworks exploded in his palm, refining the black energy into ashes.


Thunder is still falling in the sky, and the vortex of dark clouds that are thousands of miles wide is still surging crazily, constantly injecting energy into Xu Ying, making the Taoist phenomena behind him more and more real!

Beichenzi's body trembled, and the fear from his soul surged into his heart. The thunder was still pouring energy into Xu Ying, indicating that Xu Ying's target was not the demon at all.

If not a demon, who else could it be?

Beichenzi shook his fingers, and quietly lit a real fire at his fingertips, trying to light the incense stick in front of the altar on the altar. As soon as the real fire came to the incense stick, Xu Ying suddenly slapped it with his palm, and the real fire came. Die in response!

Beichenzi felt like he was hit hard, his chest was dented, and his ribs were broken. He vomited blood and flew backwards. He hit the broken bronze sacred tree stump with a loud bang, breaking the stump!

He fell heavily to the ground, rolled and rolled, and finally stopped.

His limbs and bones were almost shattered, and cracks appeared in Yuanshen, Xiyi Realm and even the Secret Cave!

The old man, covered in blood, screamed angrily, and a green chess game fell from the sky and crashed onto the top of the mountain. The soul emerged behind Beichenzi, shouted loudly, and pointed out!


A finger as thick as a mountain peak shot out of the chessboard. It contained great power, making the space tremble, and pointed towards Xu Ying!

I won't let you get out of trouble! Beichenzi shouted as his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding.

Xu Ying swung the ax casually without looking at it, and the finger that flew out of the chessboard was broken off by the axe.

Beichenzi screamed, and his fingers broke.

Xu Ying swung the ax with one hand, and the light of the ax flew up and down, striking the green chess game. Beichenzi screamed repeatedly, his hands trembled, and all ten of his fingers fell off one by one and were chopped off.

He knelt down, and the soul behind him also knelt down. His arms were shaking, and his ten fingers were chopped off!

The Qing Qi Chess Game is a great magical power that he has practiced hard for two thousand years. In this magical power, he can amplify his attacks and make his attacks ever-changing and unpredictable in the form of a chess game.

However, Xu Ying, after tapping into his great magical power, seemed to understand all the changes in his magical power, and even used his magical power more skillfully than he did!

This scene made him extremely desperate!

Xu Ying flicked his wrist, and an ax light disappeared into the Qing Qi chess game. The ax light flew out of the Qing Qi chess game and headed towards Bei Chenzi's neck!

A simple blow of an ax destroyed the magical power that he had been proud of all his life. Using his magical power to kill him made Beichenzi despair and had no intention of resisting.

Suddenly, a red light flashed and flew towards him. Before the light of the ax killed him, he held him and his soul and rolled out dozens of feet away!

Beichenzi was shocked and looked around hurriedly, but it was the woman in red clothes and her soul who came at this critical moment and finally saved him at the critical moment of life and death!

When we got your yellow robe message, we came immediately. It's not too late! The woman in red clothes raised her head, stared at Xu Ying, and said quickly.

Blood continued to pour out of Beichenzi's mouth, and he coughed: Be careful, he is not a human, he is a monster...

Xu Ying suddenly turned his head and saw a sad old man appearing on the altar, holding another paper talisman in his hand and pasting it on the shrine. The other hand of the sad-looking old man was suddenly a pure Yang fire, lighting the incense stick!

How dare you?

Xu Ying was furious, the lightning lines between his eyebrows crackled, lightning flashed around, and he flicked his fingers.

The sad-looking old man shouted violently, and a silver mirror appeared in front of him. The silver mirror made a clanging sound and continued to split. It soon enveloped all directions, locked all spaces, and reflected all magical powers!

However, the next moment, finger-sized holes appeared in countless silver mirrors, and then all the mirrors were shattered to the ground.

Puff puff!

There were ten bloody holes in the body of the sad-looking old man, and the front and back were translucent. He was beaten and fell out of the altar.

Xu Ying's mind was filled with confusion and he knew something was wrong. He immediately jumped up and rushed towards the altar, grabbing the incense stick with his hand and trying to extinguish the incense.

I want this day, no longer can you block me! Everything you owe me must be paid back!

The woman in red clothes flew over and hugged his waist.

I saw the aroma of the stick of incense drifting towards the two paper charms in the shrine, and the strange words on the paper charms gradually lit up.

Don't even think about it!

Xu Ying was so angry that he shook his arms and broke the arms of the woman in red clothes. The two arms of the woman in red clothes flew into the sky, her chest was sunken and her ribs were broken.

She raised her legs but tripped over Xu Ying. Then there were two clicks and both legs broke on their own!

The woman in red clothes knelt on the ground, eyes wide open as she watched Xu Ying walk to the altar.


The old man with a sad face rushed over and stood in front of the shrine. Xu Ying thrust his hand in. The old man with a sad face looked down and saw that his chest was broken open and his heart was held in Xu Ying's hand.

The sad old man said with despair: It's over...

However, Xu Ying did not hold it. The sad-looking old man raised his head and saw the young man standing in front of him with confused eyes, and gently let go of his heart.

In his eyes, the long years he has experienced in this life gradually dimmed, each picture gradually became dusty, and all memories were gradually buried in dust.

The fire in his eyes turned into confusion.

The sad-looking old man looked back and saw that the incense was burning steadily, and the aroma floated into the two paper charms, and the seals on the paper charms became brighter and brighter.

The seal has stabilized.

Where am I? Who am I?

The boy squatted down and held his head with his hands, feeling pitiful and helpless, My head hurts so much!

The sad-looking old man endured the pain and carefully closed the broken ribs one by one to protect his heart.

The woman in red clothes kneeling on the ground silently connected the bones of the two broken legs, took two crutches, tied her legs, and urged her soul to pick up her two broken arms.

Beichenzi's white hair was dyed red with his own blood, and he crawled forward bit by bit, climbing to the edge of the altar.

The three of them looked at each other and saw each other's embarrassment and fear, as well as the joy of surviving the disaster in their eyes.

In the future, we can be stable for many more years.

They didn't notice that the sizzling lightning pattern between Xu Ying's eyebrows slowly dimmed and gradually disappeared.

————Thank you to League A for another Golden League reward!

Brothers, the last 36 hours of the first month of release! The monthly vote list may change at any time! We launched in the middle of the month, which was originally at a disadvantage, but we made a comeback and occupied the top spot on the monthly ticket list! In the last 36 hours at the end of the month, you don’t want to suddenly quadruple your monthly tickets, right? Please vote for me, hold on!

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