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Chapter 106 Beyond the Sea of ​​Fire


Xu Ying stood up. Although his tone was light, there was a kind of heroic spirit surging in his chest, There is only one chance of survival, which is to find them and send these rotten people to death!

The ancestor of the Guo family sighed: How easy is it?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he asked: Mr. Guo, did you see the other side when you opened the Nine-layer Cave in Jiang Palace?

The ancestor of the Guo family asked doubtfully: The other side?

Xu Ying described what he saw when he opened the Yuchi Cave, and said: I guess that the jade world pointed to by the Yuchi Cave may be a world on the other side, and the Yuchi Cave is the bridge connecting the world on the other side. Because our Cave Without getting through, you cannot enter that world and can only steal the power of the other world.

The ancestor of the Guo family said: What you mean is that the power contained in the other world corresponding to Yuchi Cave Heaven is vitality. The power contained in the other world corresponding to Jianggong Cave Heaven is mental power. The six secrets of the human body actually correspond to the six other shores. wrong?

Xu Ying nodded, a little stunned, and said: I have just become a Nuo master. I don't understand the teachings here, and I don't know whether what I said is right or wrong.

The ancestor of the Guo family walked around and thought: If you are just a small Nuo master and say this, I will definitely give you a big slap in the face and make you dare to doubt the teachings of your ancestors. But you are older than me. Da, so I can’t help but consider your words carefully.”

He suddenly stopped and said: When I opened the ninth cave, I saw a fairy palace in the sea of ​​fire. There were words on that fairy palace, but I couldn't understand it.

Xu Ying became energetic and said with a smile: Since there is an Immortal Palace, there must be another shore! Maybe if you go directly to the other shore, you can avoid the master of Jiang Palace!

The ancestor of the Guo family shook his head and said: I have only seen the Immortal Palace in Fire once. Maybe I was too excited at the time and saw it wrong...

At this moment, Pei Du's voice came and said with a smile: Did I also see it wrong? To be honest, I also saw a fairy palace when I opened the ninth cave in Yuchi. The difference with Brother Guo is , I wrote down the words on that fairy palace.

He walked quickly, came to Xu Ying and the Guo family ancestors, and wrote a few words on the stone with his fingers.

That writing is the long-lost bird seal script and insect script!

The ancestor of the Guo family said: The fairy palace I saw in the fire also had several similar words! But I didn't remember any of them!

Xu Ying saw these words and whispered: Yuxu Palace!

Pei Du raised his head in surprise and lost his voice: Brother Xu, do you know these words?

The ancestor of the Guo family coughed and said, Call me Senior Xu! Don't try to take advantage of me.

Xu Yingdao: I recognize these three characters, they are Yuxu Palace, but I don't know where I learned them.

Pei Du and the ancestor of the Guo family looked at each other, and the ancestor of the Guo family said in a low voice: Old Pei, if there is a real other side, maybe we can really avoid the misfortune of the Nuo master in his later years. Do you want to give it a try?

Pei Du said: How to try?

Punch it in!

The ancestor of the Guo family reached out and grabbed it, and the Green Dragon Halberd flew out of thin air. He said with great courage, Let go of your cave, and I'll punch in and see if I can reach the other side! I'll help you get through to the other side, and you can help me get through to the other side!

Pei Du shook his head and said: You have always been rough in doing things. I'm worried that you haven't gotten through to the other side and got through me. This time I'll try. You let go of your cave and I'll fight in!


The ancestor of the Guo family stood there, suddenly opening up his Xiyi territory without reservation, showing the location of Xinyue Jiang Palace. His energy and blood vibrated, and the Nine Great Yanyue Cave Heavens of Jianggong appeared in everyone's eyes.

The nine caves were inserted into the sea of ​​​​fire, and the flames were extremely fierce, but the strange thing was that when they saw the flames, they could not feel any heat.

Pei Du immediately stood up and turned into a stream of light, flying into the sky of his Jianggong Yanyue Cave, and flew deeper along the raging sea of ​​fire.

Xu Ying suddenly became nervous. He was very familiar with the Yanyue Cave. This cave was actually the Yanyue Furnace, a huge furnace. The further inside, the higher the temperature!

The flame in the first layer of the furnace is already a divine fire, and the flames in the subsequent layers are getting stronger and stronger, otherwise the Yanyue furnace would not be able to provide such a powerful force to the physical body!

However, after all, Pei Du is a Nuo Immortal who claims to have the power of an immortal. He forced his way through, relying on his boundless vitality to suppress the fire nature of Yanyue Lu Cave, and went deeper and deeper.

He was extremely fast and quickly passed through the nine caves and reached the end of the ninth Yanyue Lu cave.

Xu Ying activated his celestial eye and exhausted all his vision, only to see Pei Du mobilize his magic power and activate his magical power to blast towards the end of the ninth cave. The ninth cave of the ancestor of the Guo family was pushed to the other side by him and continued to expand!

Xu Ying couldn't help but get excited, and the big clock flew out. He was so nervous that he paid attention to this scene.

Pei Du was unstoppable at first, but soon he couldn't bear it anymore. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding. When Xu Ying saw this, he immediately said: Master Zhong, let's go and help him!

The big bell flew up and followed Xu Ying. Xu Ying's body turned into a sword light and flew with the bell into the cave of the ancestor of the Guo family, rushing all the way through.

After a long time, he and Dazhong finally came to Pei Du's side, knelt down and helped Pei Du resist the increasingly fierce sea of ​​fire.

With his help, Pei Du was finally able to let go and strike deeper into the ninth cave.

Suddenly, a bright light hit the big clock. The big clock tilted, and a clear crack appeared on the wall of the clock!

Xu Ying tried his best to provide Da Zhong with energy and blood, and stayed still to protect him and Pei Du. The big bell said: Prime Minister Pei, there is something strange in the fire!

Pei Du still did not retreat, rushing forward despite the sea of ​​​​fire and another oncoming light.

What does he want to do? Xu Yingxin raised her voice in her throat and activated her heavenly eyes to look. She couldn't help but feel horrified.

I saw an immortal palace looming in the sea of ​​fire. There were figures one after another in front of the immortal palace. They were sitting or standing in front of the immortal palace, bathed in the immortal fire, motionless!

Pei Du stretched out a hand, reached out of the bell's coverage, and grabbed it into the sea of ​​fire.

As soon as his arm left the big clock, it started to burn quickly and was soon burnt to black. Even with his immense vitality, he could not suppress the fire!

Pei Du retracted his palm as if he had caught something, hugged it tightly, and opened his mouth to say something loudly to Xu Ying. Suddenly, the big bell was hit by another bright light and flew out of control, flying out of the cave.

Xu Ying grabbed Pei Du and shrank into the bell. The blazing immortal fire flowed from under them like water. Their bodies were hidden under the bell. Pei Du still held on to the thing and refused to let go!

The big bell was hit by bright lights one after another, clanking, bumping and stumbling all the way in the cave of the ancestors of the Guo family, and finally escaped from the cave of the ancestors of the Guo family.

The big bell fell to the ground, and Xu Ying and Pei Du rolled out of the bell.

The big bell was burned red, and he was as angry as a gossamer. He shouted: Ah Ying, old man Pei, you can't deal with me if you don't have 60% of your energy to deal with this matter today!

Pei Du's arm burned by the flames turned into charcoal with a click and fell to the ground. The prime minister was extremely happy and said with a smile: Don't talk about 60% of the energy and blood, I promise you 70% to 80%!

The ancestor of the Guo family was startled and hurriedly stepped forward and said: Old Pei, you...

Pei Du laughed loudly, stood up unsteadily, and said with great excitement: There is an immortal in the fire! I caught an immortal!

He was holding a girl in his arms, who looked to be only eight or nine years old. Her eyes were closed and she was not breathing.

Her heart was not beating, but her face was rosy, like a living dead person.

There is still a burning fairy fire under her nose, which has not been extinguished, and the fairy fire is going in and out of her nostrils.

Xu Ying stepped forward and said: There are many such people in front of the Immortal Palace in the Sea of ​​Fire. Are they really immortals?

Pei Du and the ancestors of the Guo family were extremely excited and surrounded the girl. The girl's jade bones and ice muscles were as if they were carved from jade, and there was not a single flaw to be found.

A true immortal! the two exclaimed.

Suddenly, the fairy fire under the girl's nose penetrated into her nostrils and disappeared. Then her chest rose and fell, and she resumed breathing. Not only that, she also gradually had a pulse, as if she had been resurrected from death!

She sat up, turned her head, looked around, looked confused, and spoke.

It was a strange language. Pei Du and the ancestors of the Guo family were confused when they heard it, and the big clock was also at a loss. However, Xu Ying's heart moved and he opened his mouth to speak a series of obscure words.

The girl's face was solemn, and suddenly her figure broke through the air and disappeared without a trace!

Pei Du and the ancestors of the Guo family stood there dumbly. Before they could even stop her, the girl disappeared without a trace!

A Ying, what did that girl say just now? Dazhong asked quickly.

Pei Du and the ancestors of the Guo family woke up and looked at Xu Ying hurriedly. It was Xu Ying who was talking to the girl fairy, and the girl fairy flew away.

Xu Ying said cautiously: She was asking just now, is this the fairy world? Have I ascended? I told her, this is still the human world.

Then what? the Guo family ancestor asked hurriedly.

that's all.

Pei Du and the ancestor of the Guo family were stunned. Suddenly they woke up. Pei Du immediately walked out and said: I will mobilize the children in the clan to search for the whereabouts of the child fairy! Brother Guo, don't forget to inform me if you have news here!

The ancestor of the Guo family also hurriedly walked out, suddenly stopped, took out a book from his arms and threw it towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying raised his hand to catch it. The ancestor of the Guo family walked out and heard a voice: Back then, I accidentally entered the Immortal Cave and was taught the Jianggong Yanyue Furnace Cauldron Technique. By practicing this technique, I can sense those eyes.

Xu Bing hurriedly looked at the scroll, and sure enough, it read Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Ding Gong!

Later, I noticed what happened to Immortal Nuo in his later years, so I didn't teach this skill to anyone, not even my son. After you read it, destroy it regardless of whether you practice it or not.

The voice of the ancestor of the Guo family came from outside, saying calmly, I will definitely keep fighting! Even if I die, I will never admit defeat! Even if there is a little hope of victory, I will seize it! However, I need to have no worries.

His worry is that there will be no latecomers, no one will rise up like him to resist!

He needs someone to take over the Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Cauldron and continue fighting like him!

However, he would not force Xu Ying to practice this technique.

Like Zhou Qiyun, he has his own pride.

Xu Ying put away the scroll.

The big clock flew up staggeringly, spun around once, checked his new wounds, and said: A Ying, Patriarch Guo doesn't have the confidence to deal with the master of Jiang Palace?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: The master of Jiang Palace is as powerful as the master of Niwan Palace, and his patience is as good as the master of Niwan Palace. Patriarch Guo's heart is not old and his confidence is still there, but his body is Getting older.

Da Zhong said: Old Pei walked so fast, as if he had forgotten that he still owes me 70% of his energy and blood. Ah Ying, when will you give me the 60% of your energy and blood?

Xu Ying said: Master Zhong, steal it yourself.

The big bell was overjoyed and flew into the back of his head with difficulty.

Xu Ying looked at the direction where the child immortal left and thought to himself: Is the one in the sea of ​​fire really an immortal? That girl just now is also an immortal?

He always felt that this matter was a bit strange, but he didn't understand the reason, so he had to let it go.

Xu Ying calmed down, opened the Jianggong Yanyue Furnace Ding Gong, and read it carefully.

This technique compares the Yanyue Cave in Jianggong to a furnace to capture the power of the heart. The practice in the Yanyue Cave is extremely clever, strengthening Jianggong and improving the strength of the heart.

After that, there is the process of capturing the mental energy and refining it into the physical body and soul, but to Xu Ying, this part is not important.

What he lacks is actually how to practice Yanyue Cave Heaven!

He activated the upper part of the Jianggong Yanyue Cauldron and fished his mind out of the boundless sea of ​​fire. At this moment, that wonderful feeling came over him again.

He felt that he was standing in darkness, and a pair of eyes slowly opened behind him.

The owner of Jiang Palace noticed him.

In the darkness, Xu Ying stared into these eyes and took note of the other person's aura.

He activated the Taiyi Daoyin Gong, and the power of the two caves, Jianggong and Niwan, continuously poured out and refined into his body. Xu Ying felt that his physical body was stronger than ever before, full of vitality, and his movements were vibrating with energy!

At this time, the sunlight is no longer suitable for cultivation, but he does not absorb the sunlight from the outside, and the two secret treasures in his body continue to provide him with majestic vitality and strength, boosting his cultivation!

This is the real paradise of cave heaven! This is the real qi refining! Xu Ying was surprised and happy.

In his mind, Dazhong was also very satisfied with his diligent practice and said: Aying, you opened the Niwan Secret Treasures and practiced the inheritance of the master of Niwan Palace. You also opened the Jianggong Secret Treasures and practiced Jianggong. Master’s inheritance. When my two secret treasures reach the ninth level, which one of them will eat you?”

Xu Ying was startled, he had not thought about this problem.

Gong Qi, who was basking in the sun on the side, said lazily: Maybe they both wanted to eat A Ying, so they had a fight and both sides suffered.

Dazhong sneered and said: I think this kind of old monster will definitely sit down harmoniously. You eat A Ying's Niwan and I eat A Ying's Jiang Gong, and there won't be a fight at all. Maybe they will even fight. Invite the other party to taste your own craftsmanship!”

An Qi was stunned and said, What if all the six secret treasures of Ah Ying are opened? It's time to start a fight, right?

Da Zhong said: Six people must sit down and eat together. This is called sharing food!

Xu Ying shuddered and said with a guilty conscience: Master Zhong, if I open all the six secrets, how extraordinary will my cultivation strength be? It won't be difficult to defeat them, right?

Da Zhong said: What if six people join forces and beat you?

Xu Ying groaned, feeling depressed.

At this time, a fruit core hit his feet. Xu Ying looked up and saw an eight or nine-year-old girl with pigtails sitting on the wall of Guo's house, holding a handful of cherries in her hand.

The girl stood up, swayed, and came to his side. She said in an old-fashioned manner: What do you practice?

The language she used was exactly that ancient language. Strangely enough, Xu Ying understood it, and then said in the same language: I practice Nuo.

Nuo method? Never heard of it.

The girl behaved like an adult and said, Write it down and I'll see which Nuo character it is.

Xu Ying wrote a Nuo character on the ground. The girl recognized it and said, This is obviously the character Tan, which means lying there without moving.

This word is pronounced nou. Xu Ying corrected her.

The girl said: Perhaps it should be difficult to read.

Xu Ying said patiently: Read with me, move.

The girl rolled her eyes at him and said loudly: Whether it is Nuo or difficult, it means Tan, which means lying flat! Are you practicing the spell of lying flat? Stop lying down. From now on, you will follow me and protect me! Wait until I get older. My ancestor’s cultivation has been restored, which will bring you great benefits, so that you will no longer lie flat!”

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