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Chapter 107 Immortal Medicine

(The pig’s problem with revising manuscripts recurred again. I revised this chapter more than a dozen times and showed my wife three different versions before I was satisfied.)

Although the girl is old-fashioned, her voice is clear and fast, and she talks non-stop like Allegro. She was not very proficient in speaking in that obscure ancient language, so she used normal language to talk to Xu Ying. Although there were occasional old-fashioned words that were difficult to pronounce, she could still understand her.

Xu Ying had no problem switching between the two languages ​​and it was very smooth.

The girl came to the big snake, opened its mouth, looked inside, then put her hands behind her back and walked in. After a while, the girl's voice came from inside: It's very spacious and cool in here. , and an axe, so heavy and fierce.

Bang! There was a heavy knocking sound inside, it should be the girl hitting the axe.

Her strength was so great that it made An Qi stand up straight.

She walked out again carrying the stone ax, and when she raised her hand, An Qi opened her mouth involuntarily.

The stone ax became much smaller, only about a foot long. The girl handed it to Xu Ying and said, I'll help you repair it.

Xu Ying took the stone ax, inserted it into his waist, and asked: Girl, why were you in that sea of ​​fire? The fairy fire was so fierce, why didn't it burn you?

The girl jumped on Xian Qi's head and reached out to touch the black and white horns on the back of Xian Qi's head. Xian Qi bared his teeth and showed a threatening look. These two horns were his reverse scales and he would not be touched easily.

The girl's fist hit him hard, and An Qi's eyes turned white, and he almost fainted, but he became much more honest.

What sea of ​​fire? That's the Tushita Palace. I went there to steal the elixir.

The girl was proud and said: The flame outside is the Tusita Immortal Fire. It is the most powerful and can refine all things. There is immortal medicine in the fire. If you pick it, you can live forever. As long as you are not burned to death by the Tusita Immortal Fire, you can live forever. Go down.

Tushita Palace? Xu Ying thought, the name seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

In the fairy fire of Tushita Palace, besides this girl, there are many people standing or sitting. Could it be that those people are not immortals, but also Qi practitioners trying to live forever?

The big bell flew out from the back of Xu Ying's head and asked, How long have you been trapped there? When we rescued you, you were no longer breathing.

The girl jumped in front of it, circled around it twice, and suddenly raised her fist and punched the big clock several times!

Da Zhong was startled, and suddenly felt that his injuries had improved a lot, and the wounds on his body that had been cut in the sea of ​​fire had also healed.

The girl was very proud, her pigtails dangled back and forth, and she said with a smile: Now you know how powerful the ancestor is, right?

In front of the big bell, he was arrogant and respectful, and he complimented: What do you call me, ancestor? In which fairy mountain do you practice?

The girl said: My name is Zhu Chanchan, you can call me Ancestor Chanchan. Our sect does not have fairy mountains, so we can eat wherever we go. I stole the fairy medicine in Tushita Palace and declared myself to resist the fairy fire to prepare for my future ascension. . It’s just that I have been burned by the fairy fire for too long, and eighty or ninety percent of my cultivation has been burned.”

She looked arrogant and said: I have stolen the elixirs over the years and hid them all in my body. When my ancestors and I recovered, I would refine the elixirs in my body and ascend immediately. Even if the evil man blocked the way to ascension, he would not be able to stop me. Me! At that time, I will take you to ascend together!

She jumped on the big clock, sat down, and said: The elixir in my body has not yet melted. It is the elixir in human form. There will be demons who smell my scent and come looking for me! I need you to help me tide over the difficulties!

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said to An Qi: Master Qi, you have read a lot. There are immortal medicines in the Tusita Palace. Why can the Jiang Palace of the Human Body be directly connected to the Tusita Palace?

Xian Qi said with a guilty conscience: Ah Ying, don't you think I haven't read these books?

The big clock carried Zhu Chanchan closer and said: The Six Secrets of the Human Body are definitely not that simple. The secrets of Jianggong correspond to Tushita Palace, the secrets of Yuchi correspond to Yuxu Palace, and the secrets of Niwan correspond to the Sea of ​​Chaos. These other shores, They are all amazing places. Master Qi, I think there must be a mystery here!

An Qi snorted, a little timidly: I really don't know this...

Xu Ying interrupted him and said: Zhu Chanchan was hiding outside the Tusita Palace to steal the elixir. She was burned by the immortal fire for so long but she was not burned to death. This shows that the elixir in the Tusita Palace can lead to immortality. But open the secret treasure of Jiang Palace. , why can’t the Nuo master who stole the elixir live forever?”

An Qi came to his senses and said, Yes! The ancestor of the Guo family is almost dead. He opened the Nine Heavens of Jianggong, and most of the effort he took to get it was the Jianggong fairy medicine. Since there is a fairy medicine, why can't he live forever?

Zhuchanchan poked her little head between them and asked curiously: What are you talking about?

Xu Ying gave an overview of Master Nuo's training method and said: I noticed that Master Nuo's method of cultivation is also about stealing fairy medicine, and you are also stealing fairy medicine, but the difference in your lifespans is huge.

Zhuchanchan finally understood the Nuo master's cultivation path, her face suddenly changed, and she said angrily: With this kind of immortality technique, why should I risk my life and sneak across to the other side to steal the elixir?

A wave of sadness surged into her heart, and she murmured: I abandoned everything, my sect, my family, my relatives, my lover, my friends, my enemies, all for the sake of immortality, just for the Laoshizi elixir. I didn't expect that, at all, You can collect the elixir without smuggling...

Xu Ying and An Qi looked at each other with compassion in their hearts.

The opening chapter of Ni Wan Hidden Scenery's Secret of Longevity says that if you take the energy of heaven and earth, you can steal the Sea of ​​Chaos. Gather the Qi from the Ni Wan Palace to catch the elixir. The elixir from the Sea of ​​Chaos can lead to immortality, and the elixir from the Tushita Palace can also lead to immortality. , it can be seen that the Nuo method is actually a method directly aimed at immortality!

Xu Ying walked around and thought, The Nuo master only has a life span of two to three hundred years. Not to mention longevity, he can't even survive monsters. So, what is the problem?

Da Zhong and An Qi were also puzzled.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's eyes lit up, he looked at Zhu Chanchan and said, Ancestor Chanchan, how do you refine the elixir?

Dazhong and Gan Qi also immediately thought of the key point. The short life span of Nuo masters can only mean that their method of refining the elixir is wrong. Zhuchanchan can refine the elixir and has a long lifespan, which means that Zhuchanchan's method of refining the elixir is wrong. That's right!

If you can learn Zhu Chanchan's method of refining medicine, you can solve the Nuo master's lifespan problem and greatly extend the Nuo master's lifespan!

Zhu Chanchan said warily: You want to eat me too?

Xu Ying smiled and said: We will protect you and protect you from being eaten by the demons. Please pass on your medicine refining skills to me.

Zhu Chanchan hesitated for a moment and said: You guys help me protect my path first. I will recover some of my cultivation. Once I have the strength to protect myself, I will teach you the skills. Otherwise, if you get the skills, you will make me into medicine and eat it.

Xu promised: You pass on half of it to me first.

Zhu Chanchan's eyes flashed fiercely, and she punched the big bell with a bang: Are you bargaining with me, ancestor?

The big bell made a loud clang when she punched it, and a crack appeared on the wall of the bell. She couldn't help but panic, and shouted: I'm cracked! Aying! Promise her, promise her quickly!

Zhuchanchan shouted: Are you afraid?

Xu Ying's face was upright and unafraid: Seventh Master once said that one cannot be surrendered by force...

Zhuchanchan punched Xianqi with a bang and shouted: Is that what you said?

Anhui Qi fell to the ground in response to the punch, and his body was straightened by the punch. He was so angry that he said: Mencius said it, not me...

Zhuchanchan shouted: Call Mencius out and show your respects to me, the ancestor!

Xu Ying said calmly: You can show how powerful you are by hitting Master Zhong and Qi Master. You can try punching me.

Zhu Chanchan glared at him fiercely, and suddenly punched the big bell twice. The wounds all over Da Zhong's body exploded one by one, and he shouted hurriedly: I'm open again! Ah Ying, don't mess with her, this girl is very fierce! If you promise her, I won't steal your blood!

Xu Ying's face remained as usual and he said: Zhu Chanchan, you seem to be extremely powerful, but in fact you are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. You don't have much cultivation left. You are just using your skills. You try to hit me, I won't fight back.

Zhuchanchan was furious, jumped up and punched Xu Ying in the chest with two fists, but Xu Ying didn't move at all.

Zhu Chanchan gritted her teeth and used her fists and kicks to rain down on Xu Ying, making a loud banging sound, but Xu Ying was still unscathed. The little girl suddenly sat on the ground, her hands and feet were shaking with pain, and she cried out.

Her hands were chubby and round due to Xu Ying's shock, and she was unable to hit anyone. Her feet were also swollen and round.

An Qi and Dazhong were sluggish, not knowing why they were like this.

Xu Ying stepped forward and helped Zhu Chanchan rub her hands to clear her Qi and blood. He then took off her shoes to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis in her feet.

The swelling in Zhuchanchan's hands gradually subsided, and she said dejectedly: How did you see that? I really don't have much cultivation left now. I can beat them both because I used to refine magic weapons for Emperor Zhou. The magic weapon is okay, but hitting people is not okay.”

An Qi wondered: Why can she hit me? Could it be...

Zhuchanchan looked gloomy and said: My cultivation was burned dry by the Tusita Immortal Fire. I have no power to protect myself. I just escaped from the sea of ​​fire. I don't know anyone but you. Now I am very scared. I am afraid of walking out. If you go there, you will be arrested and taken to make medicine...

She looked up at Xu Ying with tears in her eyes: I smell very good now. If you don't believe me, smell it.

Xu Ying took a sniff, and there was indeed a strange fragrance on her body that made people itch. This strange fragrance must be that of elixir.

Zhu Chanchan looked pitifully, looked up at him, and whispered: When I refine the elixir, I will grow up, and I will be beautiful. You will definitely like me...

Xu Ying was unmoved and said, Tell me half of it.

Zhuchanchan saw that he was out of luck and wanted to be cruel, but she couldn't scare him, so she said dejectedly: I'll give it to you.

She stood up and punched twice to repair the big bell's wound. An Qi received one punch from her, and her injury actually healed. She quickly got up and said with a smile, Why can Patriarch Chan Chan heal my wound?

Zhu Chanchan said: I am a heavenly craftsman who refines magic weapons for Emperor Zhou. You have the characteristics of magic weapons.

An Qi took out the pen and paper, and was stunned when he heard the words, thinking: I made myself into a magic weapon? When did it happen? Why didn't I know?

Zhu Chanchan quickly wrote a spell, which was only about a hundred words long. Xu Ying took it and read it. His heart moved slightly, and he quickly took out Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Ding Gong and compared it with each other.

Zhuchanchan's method of refining immortal medicine is actually 90% similar to the opening chapter of Yanyue Luding Gong. More than 90 of the more than 100 words are exactly the same, but the order of the words is slightly different!

Xu Ying's eyes were like lightning, falling on Zhu Chanchan: Zhu Chanchan, who else is there in your sect?

Zhuchanchan was startled by his expression: Why are you so fierce?

Xu Ying quickly slowed down his tone and said with a gentle smile: Who else is in Patriarch Chanchan's sect?

Zhu Chanchan glared at him and said: My master has already gone to the other side, three hundred years before me. However, I didn't find him when I got to the other side. He should have been burned to death. There are also some brothers and sisters, many of whom are going to the other side. He died on the way, or even if he didn't die on the way, he was burned to death by the Tusita Immortal Fire. After they left, I became the head teacher, but there was only one junior disciple under me. When I left, he was still young, The cultivation level is not high.

Xu Ying pushed the Yanyue Furnace Ding Gong in front of her: Is it possible that this is your junior brother's handiwork?

Zhu Chanchan was surprised and hurriedly browsed through the Yanyue Furnace Ding Gong and thought: It looks a bit like his handwriting, but we haven't seen each other for a long time. My junior brother didn't have the elixir, so he couldn't have survived until now.

An Qi said from the side: What if the Nuo Immortal is his elixir?

Zhuchanchan stopped talking.

Xu Ying took up his pen and made slight changes to Yan Yue Lu Ding Gong, correcting the inverted and confusing parts of the words one by one and filling in the gaps. After a while, he activated the Taiyi Guoyin Gong again and adjusted the Yanyue Furnace Cauldron. He felt a subtle change in the mental energy pouring out of Jiang Palace.

This change was insignificant, but Xu Ying felt a refreshing fragrance pouring out of his heart and flowing throughout his body.

This is the real elixir!

Xu Ying ordered someone to ask Guo Xiaodie and handed her the revised Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Cauldron Technique and said: I have modified this technique and asked your ancestor to practice according to this technique. It can extend his life.”

Guo Xiaodie was inexplicably surprised.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have a big thing to do, so I won't wait for Patriarch Guo to come back. Tell him to practice according to this modified method and live well. Maybe he can survive until I find out the mastermind behind the scenes. That day. I hope that that day, he can fight side by side with me!

Guo Xiaodie was shocked and said quickly: You want to leave Shendu? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave Guo Mansion now?

Xu Ying glanced at Zhu Chanchan and said with a smile: Leave her in the Guo Mansion and the Guo Mansion will be finished. Xiaodie, help her prepare some replacement clothes. I don't have women's clothes here.

Zhu Chanchan was old-fashioned and said: Little girl, prepare some adult clothes for me. In a few days, I will grow taller. By the way, I have big breasts. Don't make them small, because they can't fit in them.

Guo Xiaodie was stunned, shook her head, and hurried away.

Not long after, Guo Xiaodie got some clothes that she wore on a daily basis. Zhu Chanchan made some gestures on her chest and said, It's a bit small, so it will definitely be crowded. But it's enough for me.

Guo Xiaodie glared: I'm still growing!

Zhu Chanchan raised Gian Qi's mouth, put the clothes in, and chuckled: Many women think so, but they tend to get smaller and smaller.

Xu Ying also changed into crisp clothes and looked very energetic. He stuck the stone ax in his waist and said with a smile: Xiaodie, we meet in the world, and we meet again in the world.

Guo Xiaodie calmed down and said with a smile: The journey here is dangerous, is Demon King Xu confident?

Xu Ying patted the small stone ax on his waist: Just chop all the way through.

Guo Xiaodie suddenly became proud and said loudly: Open the door! Send Young Master Xu out of the house——

Zhu Chanchan followed Xu Ying, the big bell flew over and sank into the back of Xu Ying's head, and the seven worms swam away, getting smaller and smaller, and jumped onto his shoulder.

The door of Guo's house slowly opened, and Xu Ying strode out of Guo's house.

The young man hesitated for a moment. Once he took the step, he would no longer have the protection of the Guo Mansion, and he was afraid that the city of God would be in chaos.

Xu Ying landed heavily and walked out of Guo Mansion.

A commoner wearing mango shoes can beat a horse easily, who is afraid?

When we return, there will be neither wind nor rain!

Now, why not kill him and bleed him like a river?

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