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Chapter 105 Where is the vitality?

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie were wandering around the palace. It was still night and the palace was already silent. An Qi went crazy with Guo Xiaodie. They were like ghosts, running to this palace to scare a few young eunuchs, and then to another palace to scare a few palace maids.

An Qi would wrap around the necks of eunuchs or palace maids and whisper to them. Guo Xiaodie would run to pull the quilt, making the people in the quilt shrink into a ball in fear.

Xu Ying did not accompany them to mess around, but searched around, trying to find the dragon-seeking locating technique that was hidden in the Li family's Yujing, but he never found it.

The big bell flew around. When he saw the bell hanging under the eaves of the palace, he ran over and bumped it. The bell made a melodious sound, but it could not reach the second divine capital.

That night, the palace was haunted.

In Derong Palace, Guo Xiaodie peeked inside, then withdrew with a blushing face, blocking Xian Qi who was about to enter, and said: Don't go in, the emperor and his concubines are sleeping in there, it's so embarrassing.

An Qi knew that this was a shameful thing, so he did not go in.

They entered the nearby Dexin Palace, and An Qi wondered: Wait a minute, wasn't the emperor's ancestor of the Guo family seriously injured and recuperating in the East Palace? His injury healed so quickly?

At this time, Guo Xiaodie spat again and exited Dexin Palace, saying: You can't enter this palace either. The emperor and his concubines are sleeping inside.

Xian Qi followed her and asked in confusion: Just now there was an emperor recuperating in the East Palace, and now there are two emperors sleeping with the concubine. How many emperors are there in the palace?

Guo Xiaodie seemed to wake up, looked at Dexin Palace with wide eyes, and lost her voice: Did we encounter a ghost? Otherwise, why did we see three emperors?

Xu Ying found the Qinghua Hall and was shocked. He saw Pei Du sitting still, and the nine-layer cave sky behind him was slightly turbulent.

Sitting opposite him was a young man in a yellow shirt. He was also sitting still. Nine caves appeared behind him. A huge body of a green dragon passed through the nine caves. It was ferocious and ferocious. The dragon's claws clasped Pei Du's two seats. Cave sky.

The two of them looked at each other with smiles on their faces, their breaths rising and falling.

Suddenly, the two people seemed to sense Xu Ying, and they turned around to look. Although they were in different worlds, Xu Ying still noticed that the two people's eyes were on him!

These two people have such high cultivation levels!

He did not dare to stay and immediately exited the Qinghua Palace. However, the dragon's roar shook in the Qinghua Palace. The sound of the dragon's roar was transmitted from the Divine Capital to the Second Divine Capital and reached his ears clearly!

A huge dragon claw suddenly tore through the sky of the Second Divine City and grabbed him!

In the Qinghua Palace, Prime Minister Pei Du raised his hand, grabbed it weakly, and said softly: Why is Uncle Li so cruel?

Before the dragon's claw could fall, it was suddenly grabbed by an invisible force and blocked in the air.

In the Qinghua Palace, Pei Du and Uncle Li fought several times in just a few moments. Pei Du acted lightly every time, but Uncle Li was so shocked that his blood boiled and he was secretly shocked.

Prince Li Zhaolou died in Pei Mansion, and Pei Du came to the palace to apologize. Uncle Li knew that there must be something fishy about Li Zhaolou's death, but he also knew that Pei Du would definitely erase Pei Jing's memory and leave no trace.

Therefore, he forced Pei Du to stay, and the two sat opposite each other. Uncle Li took action to capture Pei Du's two caves and punished him.

At the same time, by holding Pei Du back, Pei Du would not be able to go back to protect Xu Ying, thus giving the Holy God Emperor a chance to take action.

He originally thought he could stabilize Pei Du, but he never thought that in this confrontation, when he held Pei Du's two caves to gain the advantage, Pei Du could still block his attack and shock him to the point of losing his energy!

This prime minister is as powerful as the ocean! He secretly admired him in his heart.

There is an evil spirit hiding in the Second Divine City, spying on the palace!

Although Uncle Li admired Pei Du's accomplishments in cultivation, he was still merciless and said coldly, I am capturing the evil demon. Does Prime Minister Pei also want to stop him?

Pei Du hesitated and retracted his sleeves with his palms.

Uncle Li suddenly lost the pressure and immediately activated his Nuo skills. The real dragon stretched its claws and grabbed Xu Ying!


There was a violent shock in the Second God City. The big bell flew across the thorns and met the dragon's claws. The bell sounded loudly and shattered the green dragon's claws!

The big bell was also shaken so hard that it lost its balance and crashed into Xu Ying. Xu Ying hurriedly stretched out his hands to press against the wall of the bell and was pushed back by the huge force.

He crashed into the Qinghua Hall with a bang, and passed between Pei Du and Emperor Li. The wind suddenly poured into the Qinghua Hall, papers flew everywhere, but no one could be seen!

Uncle Li Huang groaned and grabbed his right hand. His palm was dripping with blood, but just now Qinglong was probing his claws, and his right hand was injured by the big bell.


A wall of Qinghua Hall was knocked down, and Xu Ying was able to remove the power from the big bell.

Uncle Li was surprised and confused: Is the evil spirit so powerful?

He no longer suppressed Pei Du, stood up, grabbed a stick of incense in the incense burner, smeared the blood of his right hand on the incense, put his sword finger under his lips, and chanted silently in a low voice.

Xu Ying had just rushed out of the Qinghua Palace with the big bell, and when he looked up, he saw the scent of incense lingering in the sky, transforming into the face of Emperor Li, who entered the Second Divine Capital, and sneered: I want to see who you are!

Xu Ying hurriedly grabbed a piece of cloth to cover his face, and the big clock also pulled off a piece of curtain and hung it on himself, covering his face.

One person ran out in a hurry, and just as Guo Xiaodie and Xian Qi were running towards him, one person and one snake were also running out. Guo Xiaodie had a fragrant handkerchief covering her face, and the big snake picked up a quilt from somewhere and hung it on his head. His face couldn't even cover his forehead.

They fled the palace in a hurry, only to see Uncle Li's big face transformed by incense still flying in the air, searching for their whereabouts.

——He didn’t have the sacred guidance of Lingyan Pavilion, so he couldn’t come to the second divine capital in person.

Xu Ying and others avoided the big face, and each breathed a sigh of relief. They took off their masks and said, It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's talk about it back to Guo Mansion!

When passing Yuan Mansion, Guo Xiaodie suddenly smiled and said: Brother Weiyang, I don't know if he is taking a bath or sleeping at this time? I'll go take a look!

She slipped into Yuan Mansion.

After a while, Guo Xiaodie walked out of Yuan Mansion in despair. Xu Ying waved his hand in front of her, but she didn't react.

She's taking a shower.

Guo Xiaodie suddenly said without thinking, She even pulled out a hair, you know? Just pulled it hard like that.

Tears slid down her face, which was full of sadness. She pressed her elbows on Xu Ying's shoulders and started crying. She choked and said, She's pulling her hair, so rude! I don't like her anymore!

Her heart was confused and sad, and there was a voice in her head yelling: But these are irrelevant, but why is Brother Weiyang a girl?

Xu Ying didn't know that there was a battle between heaven and man in her mind, so he patted her shoulder gently, not knowing how to comfort her.

Guo Xiaodie cried for a long time, getting all the clothes on Xu Ying's shoulders wet. She finally vented her inner unhappiness and wiped away her tears and snot.

Xu Ying didn't know why she was sad, so he smiled and said, Let's go see the lonely willow tree.

Guo Xiaodie hummed and followed him silently. Suddenly she felt that the boy beside her had strong arms and broad shoulders. She just leaned on them and cried, and she felt indescribably at ease.

She quietly pulled the tube top down with her index finger, and thought to herself: Xu Yaowang's style is not inferior to that of brother Weiyang. It's a pity that brother Weiyang is a girl... Wait a minute, Yuan Weiyang won't also be attracted to Xu Yaowang. Right? Little Lang Hoozi!

They passed the lone willow tree. This willow tree appeared to be even larger in the city of God. It towered into the clouds, but it was full of ghosts and was indescribably terrifying.

Willow branches were flying in the air, and the severed head of the ghost was stuck at the end of the willow branches.

Those headless ghosts stood on the thick willow branches, as steady as birds. Their headless bodies faced Xu Ying. Wherever Xu Ying and others went, they would face that direction.

The heads hanging at the ends of the willow branches did not look at them, but faced the willow tree, with strange smiles on their faces, and each one was whispering, as if whispering to the lonely willow tree.

They're feeding God.

Xu Ying heard the whispers and his heart moved slightly, This willow tree controls these beheaded ghosts to practice. He wants the incense to become a god!

The path that the willow tree takes is obviously the path that incense takes to become a god!

In these years of turmoil, countless people have been beheaded under the lonely willow tree. The depth of resentment is unimaginable!

He used the resentment of the headless ghost to practice. If he succeeds, he will be extremely evil!

Xu Ying thought to himself, But with the suppression of the saints of Lingyan Pavilion, he can't stir up much trouble.

Guo Yue had been waiting for a long time. When he saw them arriving, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and kept urging them. Everyone hurriedly left the Second Divine Capital.

When we got outside, we saw that the heavy rain had stopped, the sky had cleared up, and the night sky was clear and full of stars.

The steward of the Guo family came and arranged for Xu Ying to rest and have a peaceful night.

When he woke up the next day, Xu Ying did not go to have breakfast. Instead, he vomited and practiced in the yard. In the sky, the Taoist fields were five or six acres in size, and the Taoist seeds fell like light rain.

Xu Ying stirred up his Qi and blood, activated the Tai Yi Guiding Gong, and the secret power of Niwan in his body was aroused. The sea of ​​chaos rippled, and a cloud of chaotic energy emerged behind him. A cave could be vaguely rooted in the chaos, like Dragons absorb water and draw strength.

His two secret treasures, Yuchi and Jianggong, have also been opened, but without the top Nuo skills of Pei and Guo, the power of these two secret treasures cannot be systematically used.

He can only mobilize a small amount of energy from these two secrets, but even so, his cultivation level is improving at an extremely fast speed. Even if he is not in the Cave Heaven Paradise, his cultivation level is not slow at all!

The six secrets of the human body are equivalent to the six caves and heavens that are carried with you. They continuously provide energy for Qi refining practitioners to practice. Could this be the real Qi refining method?

Xu Ying suddenly had a kind of enlightenment, and felt that the fog that had covered his eyes before gradually dissipated, and a path that unified Qi refining and Nuo method gradually became clear!

He practiced until the sun was high, and then he stopped. He saw the ancestor of the Guo family standing not far away. He didn't know how long he had been here.

What a good technique!

The ancestor of the Guo family was white-haired and tall. When he came next to Xu Ying, Xu Ying was not short, but she looked like a child next to him.

The ancestor of the Guo family exclaimed in admiration and said: That's great, that's great! Senior Xu, how did you unify the power of different secrets?

Xu Ying was startled and said with a smile: Mr. Guo, I may not be the immortal in the ancient books. Just call me Xu Ying. Besides, Xiaodie didn't call me senior. If you don't mind, call me Xu Demon King is also fine.

He was worried that he might be a monster.

The ancestor of the Guo family was solemn, shook his head and said: You can't mess with the rules. Mr. Xu just calls me Xiao Guo.

Xu Ying was stunned.

The ancestor of the Guo family asked him how to unify different secrets. Xu Ying did not hide anything and told him that he used Taiyi Guiding Gong as the foundation and Niwan, Yuchi and Jianggong as nutrients to draw the power of the secrets to help him practice.

The ancestor of the Guo family was stunned and asked: Is Zhou Qiyun also practicing like this?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: He uses the refining of Qi as the root and the secret treasure as the fruit to practice.

The ancestor of the Guo family sat on the ground and drew two paths of cultivation on the stone with his fingers. One picture showed a person with six caves distributed on the left and right sides of the body, and the other picture showed a tree with six fruits hanging on it.

These two pictures are easy to understand at a glance. The first picture uses the Six Secrets as a cave to provide Qi Refiners with training. The second picture uses Qi Refining as nutrients. The Qi is collected and refined to support the Six Secrets and refine the Six Secrets into Dao Fruit.

There are two paths, one focusing on Qi refining and the other focusing on the Six Secrets, each with its own emphasis.

Which of these two paths is correct? the ancestor of the Guo family thought.

Xu Ying expressed his inference and said: From the perspective of power, with the Six Secrets as the Dao Fruit, the strength is more powerful. The strength, vitality, spiritual consciousness, and body can be easily cultivated to the state of an immortal. Mainly focusing on refining Qi Yes, you still need to practice step by step and improve one level at a time, which is not as fast as the Nuo method.

The ancestor of the Guo family nodded slightly and sighed: The white-browed ancestor Zhou Qiyun is a genius. Has his cultivation improved quickly enough? Hasn't he been eaten by others?

He frowned and said: The key problem lies in the second path. For whom are the Tao fruits on this tree refined? If at the end of the refining, the Tao fruits are not yours and others come to pick the fruits, it will be over. !”

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and asked: When Mr. Guo received the inheritance, did he feel that he was being targeted by something while practicing the Guo Family Kung Fu?

The ancestor of the Guo family looked gloomy and murmured: Yes, by chance, I got the inheritance of Jianggong's secret treasure. I practiced Jianggong with joy. The moment the technique started to work, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. Touch me. In recent years, this feeling has become stronger and stronger.”

He said softly: Approximately, my Dao Fruit has matured, and my unknown teacher is ready to harvest me.

Suddenly, he cheered up and laughed: But my fate is up to me and not to God. My fate is not up to God, let alone others? I will definitely be able to break through the calamity of death and escape! Senior Xu, you created the first cultivation path , gives me hope that if I follow this path, I will definitely be able to get rid of the bad luck of Nuo Immortal!

Xu Ying was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, When I opened the Niwan Hidden Scenery of Immortality and activated this Nuo method without realizing it, I also noticed that someone was staring at me from behind.

The smile on the face of the ancestor of the Guo family froze, and his heroic spirit suddenly disappeared. After a while, he exhaled a breath and said: You mean, the first path will also lead to people picking the fruit?

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

The ancestor of the Guo family was dejected and murmured: Then, where is the hope?

————Thanks to Duan Yuening, Shengshuisheng, Yan Ruoweiliang, Exploding Rabbit, Sword Qi Great Wall Hidden Official, Writing and Calculation, The Fish in front of the Cat’s Mouth, and The Wind Blows for the rewards!

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