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Chapter 104 Night visit to the palace to see the secrets

Xu Ying sat in front of the Guo Mansion in the Second Divine Capital, lost in thought. He was no stranger to the sad old man just now. He had also met the old man in white and the woman in red.

In his opinion, these three people were probably working together to make themselves drunk with Meng Po soup.

But why did these three people come to rescue him at this juncture?

Da Zhong was also quite puzzled and guessed: Could it be that these three people don't have any ill intentions and they are actually protecting you?

An Qi shook his head and said: If you want to protect Ah Ying, how can you give Ah Ying Meng Po soup?

Dazhong thought: Could it be that the purpose of giving Aying Mengpo soup is to protect Aying?

When it said this, it couldn't help but feel that it was outrageous and said: This is not possible. The purpose of giving Meng Po soup is to wash away A Ying's memory so that A Ying can never recall the past. But why do they want to protect A Ying? , not letting the Nuo Immortal eat A Ying?

It hit the wall: I can't understand!

An Qi also hit the wall with a bang, and he couldn't understand.

Xu Ying cheered up and said with a smile: No matter what, my life experience must be related to these three people! As long as someone knows the secret of my life experience, then this secret will definitely be solved one day! The most important thing is that our difficulties Isn’t this how we got through it? Now, those Nuo immortals won’t dare to come and eat me, right?”

He put his hands on his hips and laughed.

An Qi said with a smile: I'm just saying that good people don't live long and disasters live for thousands of years, right? As expected, A Ying is a lucky person who has his own destiny!

Xu Ying's laughter fell, and after thinking about it, he felt that there was some contradiction in his words. But he didn't read many books, so he was embarrassed to correct him.

Guo Yue came over and said: Li, Shi, Zhu, Zhao, Chai, Cui, Gao, the ancestors of all the major families suffered heavy losses tonight, including my ancestors of the Guo family, who also suffered heavy losses, and they all have to rest for a while. . The gods should be safe. My wife and I will go out to find out the news first. You stay here and don’t walk around casually. We will take you out when we come back.

Guo Xiaodie and Xu Ying looked at each other and nodded quickly.

Guo Yue, Li Yingzhu and others returned to the Divine Capital. If no one worshiped the Guo family ancestors outside, the door to the Second Divine Capital would not be opened, and Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie would not be able to leave.

Therefore, they must stay here and wait for Guo Yue and others to return.

Guo Xiaodie rolled her eyes and suggested: This time the ancestors of the major families were injured, and the mansions must be very lively. We can't sneak into the mansions of the divine capital, but we can go through the second divine capital!

Xu Ying's eyes were bright: Isn't this bad?

Having said that, he took steps forward and headed towards the nearest Cui Mansion with Guo Xiaodie. An Qi got off Xu Ying's shoulder and landed on the ground, revealing his true body which was more than twenty feet tall.

The big clock also flew out, floating in the air, and followed them.

Xiaodie, when I first arrived at your house, your ancestor said he wanted to eat me. Was he kidding? Xu Ying asked.

Guo Xiaodie shook her head and said: Of course not. I think he really wants to eat you. He should have eaten people before.

Xu Ying's face turned pale and he lost his voice: Is it true or false?

Guo Xiaodie said quickly: I lied to you. Look, I scared you. Is Demon King Xu also so timid?

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: I thought he really wanted to eat me.

of course not!

Guo Xiaodie comforted him and said to herself: Although Xu Demon King is evil, his ears are soft. I lied to him and said he wouldn't, and he believed it.

When they came outside Cui's house, they saw that Cui's house had a sacred Lingyan Pavilion guarding it. Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie walked towards Cui's house. Suddenly, they saw the smell of incense turning into heavy mist. The further they walked into the fog, the more mist they got. The heavier it is, the harder it is to tell the direction.

They walked more than ten miles, but still failed to enter Cui's house, so they had to give up.

The moment they turned around, they saw the incense mist dissipating, and they were standing in front of the Cui Mansion.

However, as long as they try to enter Cui Mansion, fog will still come in front of them, preventing them from entering.

Xu Ying had no choice but to give up and go to other aristocratic families.

In addition to the Cui family who have the sacred protection of Lingyan Pavilion, there are also Chai family, Gao family, Pei family and other aristocratic families who also have the sacred protection of Lingyan Pavilion and cannot enter.

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie let these families go and came to the Shi family.

The legend of the Shi family arose in the Han Dynasty, but was little known. It was not until this generation that it emerged. Like the Zhou family, it was an emerging family.

The ancestor of the Shi family was hit hard this time. The whole Shi family was busy, including those who made medicine, those who made elixirs, and those who prayed to gods. There were also people who went to the brothels to grab the girls from the Zhou family and gave them to the ancestor of the Shi family. Heal.

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie were walking in Shi's house in a grand manner, and they could only see shallow figures passing by them, but they could not be seen.

Although Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie could see everyone in the Shi family, they could not hear what they were saying. They only knew that this family was very lively.

The ancestor of the Shi family was the first to take action, trying to break into my Guo family and take you away.

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie came to see the ancestor of the Shi family and saw that this young man had a big hole in his chest and was almost split in half!

Not only that, his Xiyi Domain was also split open, and lightning flashed around the crack!

Patriarch Guo's attack not only split open the Xiyi Realm, but even split his Hidden Scenery!

Xu Ying took a breath of air and murmured: Xiaodie, your ancestor's skills are too domineering. The Shi family's ancestor's injury cannot be cured by the Zhou family! His injury is more serious than Master Zhong's. !”

Guo Xiaodie said: My ancestor has been invincible for a hundred years, so of course he is very powerful.

Seeing that Xu Ying was puzzled, she said: After the Great Sage Emperor passed away, my ancestor became invincible in the world. He was in the ninth level of Jianggong. He had the power of an immortal and was hard to find an opponent! Later, when Zhou Qiyun rose up, my ancestor became It’s not working anymore, but Jiuchongtian is still there.”

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Shi family opened his eyes and looked at where the two were standing. His gaze was like lightning, and even caused the space around Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie to shake!

The two of them were shocked, and Xu Ying whispered: This person has a very high level of cultivation. If we talk here, he will easily notice us. Let's go.

Guo Xiaodie nodded and left with him.

At this moment, a young man strode in, holding a large vermilion gourd in his hand, followed by a group of people, also holding a large vermilion gourd, and broke into the place where Shi Mole, the ancestor of the Shi family, was recuperating.

The young man was dressed in black and blue clothes. He was tall and tall. He was saying something loudly. His mouth was opened but his voice was not heard. After speaking, he stood up the big red gourd and opened its mouth.

Other Nuo masters also pulled out their gourd mouths one after another. Black energy gushed out from the gourds that were as tall as half a man. Ghosts flew out from the black energy, with sad faces and extremely painful faces.

Xu Ying hurriedly said: Seventh Master!

An Qi understood and immediately opened his mouth and took out a large vermilion gourd that was as tall as half a man.

Xu Ying looked at the gourd, his chest heaved violently, and a burst of anger came out: After looking for a long time, it turned out to be you! People from the Wang family also said that this kind of gourd was used to make souls for the elderly to increase their longevity! This is clearly cannibalism. Practice!”

He saw the ancestor of the Shi family, Shi Mole, using some unknown technique, and the souls shattered one by one, turned into black smoke, and penetrated into his body.

At the same time, nine pitch-black caves appeared behind Shi Mole, rooted in the deep dark abyss, and he didn't know what kind of power he was drawing from!

“I don’t know what kind of evil skill the ancestor of the Shi family practiced!”

Guo Xiaodie's face changed drastically, and she suddenly saw that there were strands of black energy seeping into the space of the Second Divine Capital. When it touched her skin, she saw the flesh and blood on her arms rotting and withering!

Guo Xiaodie burst into tears from the pain, drifted back, and exclaimed: Be careful! His evil skills can invade the Second Divine City!

The black energy was like a living creature, dancing like tentacles, grabbing at Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie. Wherever it touched, everything withered, even the incense of the saints in Lingyan Pavilion was decaying rapidly!

Xu Ying stood in front of Guo Xiaodie, flicked his finger, and a flame flew out!

That flower was the pure Yang fire given to him by the girl Qingzhu in the coffin. When it encountered the black energy, it suddenly burst into flames. The flames surged, sizzling, burning away all the black energy, leaving not a drop left!

In the Stone Mansion in the Divine Capital, Shi Mole, the ancestor of the Shi family, looked surprised. Apparently, he did not expect that the black energy he had cultivated could not kill the snoopers.

Xu Ying pointed the sword finger of his right hand at the center of his eyebrows, and used all his spiritual consciousness to focus on the fingertips of the sword finger!


His fingertips touched the Pure Yang Strange Fire, and the power of the Pure Yang Strange Fire exploded. Raging flames instantly appeared next to Shi Mo Le in Shi Mansion, the capital of the gods. The fire was raging and engulfed Shi Mo Le!

In the blazing fire, Shi Mole struggled and screamed, his face ferocious, but no sound reached the ears of Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie, which was indescribably strange.

The boy from the Shi family escaped in a hurry, but the other Nuo masters had no time to escape and were burned to death in the strange fire!

Xu Ying set a fire in the air and burned it for a while. He felt that his spiritual consciousness was greatly depleted. He knew that if he activated the strange fire again, he would be afraid that his spiritual consciousness would be exhausted and it would be extremely harmful, so he immediately retracted his sword finger.

The fire in the Shi family dissipated immediately. Shi Mo Le, the ancestor of the Shi family, was burned until his whole body was like charcoal. He was still screaming miserably, as if he was still in a sea of ​​fire.

Guo Xiaodie, An Qi and Dazhong watched this scene with horror in their hearts.

The incident happened suddenly, and before they could react, Guo Xiaodie was plotted by Shi Moele, the ancestor of the Shi family. Xu Ying had already taken action before Da Zhong had time to rescue her.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ying acted so decisively and ruthlessly. Not only did he refine the black energy that invaded this place, he even used strange fire to almost strangle the seriously injured Shi Mo to death!

Master Qi, something is wrong with A Ying's situation.

The big bell's divine consciousness transmitted the message and whispered, He probably doesn't know that the Pure Yang Strange Fire can restrain that kind of black energy, and he doesn't know how to apply the power of the Pure Yang Strange Fire from the Second God's City to the outside God's Capital. Go. But he used it without even thinking!

An Qi suddenly woke up: You mean, what memory has awakened in his mind?

The big clock said: That should be the case. Under his extreme anger, some memories recovered.

It felt a little worried and said silently: I hope it's a good thing.

Xu Ying's heart was also pounding. He just used the Pure Yang Alien Fire without thinking. A series of actions were all unconscious. He didn't expect to activate the power of the Alien Fire.

He didn't wake up until now, and he didn't know why he was able to use the Pure Yang Strange Fire to such an extent just now.

The ancestor of the Shi family, Shi Mole, was still alive after being burned like this. The nine caves behind him were burned to pieces. He forced himself to walk out. As soon as he walked out of the door, he fell to the ground and hissed: There are masters hiding there. Harm me nearby!”

The black-clothed boy surnamed Shi had already arrived with a group of masters from the Shi family, and also captured a dozen women from the Zhou family to treat his injuries and finally save his life.

The masters of the Shi family couldn't help but be horrified. An elder said: Thanks to Jingtang this time, otherwise my Shi family would have been wiped out from the world just like the Zhou family.

The ancestor of the Shi family, Shi Moele, woke up, called the young man, and said: I was burned to my soul by that master, and most of the Xiyi Domain was burned by him. His life was cut off by him, and I won't live for a few more years. You are in danger. He is not chaotic and has an excellent character. From now on, you will have to learn from me.

The young man Shi Jingtang was surprised and happy, and he hurriedly knelt down.

Shi Mole coughed up blood and hissed: I have been favored by heaven and obtained the secret of the spring, the most mysterious of the six secrets. I thought I would dominate the world and become an unparalleled lord, but I didn't expect that I would be burned. I lost my life! I hate it! I hate it so much!

He was bleeding from his mouth and passed out again.

Everyone in the Shi family was horrified and hurriedly whipped the women of the Zhou family and ordered them to do their best to treat her.

Here, Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie went to the Zhao family and saw that the two ancestors of the Zhao family were also seriously injured.

These two ancestors were in a head-to-head confrontation with Patriarch Guo. What they opened was the Jianggong Secret Treasure among the Six Secrets of the Human Body, which majored in strength. Under this collision, the internal organs of the second ancestor of the Zhao family were almost shattered. Xiyi The domain is broken.

As for their physical bodies, there were broken bones and stubble on their backs, piercing the skin on their backs.

They grabbed several people from the Zhou family from nowhere and helped them treat their injuries.

The second ancestor of the Zhao family, for a moment, you can't even think of coming out to catch me and eat me. Xu Ying said with a smile.

Guo Xiaodie smiled and said: After tonight's incident, which ancestor of aristocratic family still dares to take action against you?

Xu Ying laughed.

They walked to the palace unknowingly, and Xu Ying rushed in enthusiastically. Guo Xiaodie quickly stopped him and said, This place is guarded by the door god of Lingyan Pavilion. No one can enter through the front door! Let's go through the back door. !”

Xu Ying looked around and saw two sacred statues of Lingyan Pavilion, one holding a golden whip and the other holding a golden mace, standing on the left and right sides of the palace.

But when it comes to the harem, there is no divine protection here.

This place is a cold palace with a lot of yin energy and resentment. Xu Ying and others walked all the way and had to take out the pure yang fire and sky fire in order to dispel the grievances and yin energy in the cold palace.

When we arrived at the East Palace, we heard the Holy Emperor's roar from a distance: Even your surname Guo wants to kill me?

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie looked over and saw that half of the Holy Emperor's body was almost cut off, his aura was withered, and his cultivation was on the verge of collapse.

The ancestor of the Guo family stood on the fourth level of the sky, where he activated the Green Dragon Halberd. Although it was just a simple blow, it defeated him. His skill was broken, and his cultivation was almost in vain!

One can imagine the anger in the Holy Emperor's heart.

I just want to eat a person hidden by his Guo family, not a person from his Guo family!

The Holy Emperor cursed angrily, He is going to harm me! He is really going to rebel!

Beside him, Eunuch Chen's face turned pale as he said, Your Majesty, there are several official prostitutes from the Zhou family in the Jiaofang Division. The servants have been captured to treat Your Majesty's illness...

The Holy Emperor grabbed the jade seal and smashed it in his face, shouting: You asked a prostitute to treat me? You are rebelling against heaven!

Eunuch Chen's face was covered with blood. He knelt down quickly and said, Your Majesty, all the men in the Zhou family have been killed. There are no men left!

The Holy Emperor waved his hand and asked him to get up, saying: Let those prostitutes come in. Heal my injuries, don't leak the news, deal with them, and don't keep their souls.

Eunuch Chen said yes and was about to leave when the Holy Emperor called him again and said: I always feel that there is something wrong with the Jiuxiaoyang Shenxuantan Kung Fu. It is probably that Xu Ying who plotted against me and misinterpreted the technique. Now. I can't return to Jiuyi, and the technique has been broken again. You go and capture some living people, I want to practice.

Eunuch Chen shuddered, lowered his head and left.

Don't leak the news, you know the consequences. The Holy Emperor's voice came from behind him.

Xu Ying, Guo Xiaodie and others didn't know what they were saying. Guo Xiaodie got interested and ran behind Eunuch Chen's neck and blew on his neck.

Eunuch Chen had several more cold wars, looked around, recited a few words of God's blessing, wrapped his clothes and left in a hurry.

He doesn't think the palace is really haunted, right? Guo Xiaodie said excitedly.

This girl ran over, rode on Eunuch Chen's back, pinched Eunuch Chen's neck, shook her left and right, and shouted: Give me back my life!

Eunuch Chen suddenly fell to the ground, rolled and crawled, and ran for his life.

———— I would like to sacrifice a book, The Shepherd God, written by a cute new author named Zhai Zhu. Please support me. If you haven't read it, you might as well go and read it. If you don't like it, come back and hit me! !

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