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Chapter 103 Spying from the Second Divine City

There is a flaw in the Jiuxiaoyang Shenxuantan technique. Because he cannot unify the two secret treasures of Jianggong and Yujing, his magic power cannot reach Jiuxiao when performing the technique.

Xu Ying deciphered the Nine Heavens Yang Shen Xuan Tan Technique and was naturally familiar with this technique. He quickly said, Based on his technique, it can be inferred that his fourth sky is empty and only superficial. He only needs to attack the fourth sky. Chongxiao, if you stand there, you can break his technique.

Guo Xiaodie was urging him to leave quickly. When she heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned: Is it true or not?

She looked up and saw that the sky was covered with thunderclouds, and the nine layers of the sky were vaguely visible, consisting of nine layers of thick dark clouds. There seemed to be real dragons swimming among the clouds, and there seemed to be a pillar of fire hidden in the thick clouds. The thunder occasionally lit up.

The white-haired and white-bearded ancestor of the Guo family was trying his best to fight there, but he was defeated time and time again!

Xu Ying hesitated and said: I deciphered his technique. If he is smart, he will practice it like this in order to unify the two secret treasures of Jianggong and Yujing. If he is stupid, he will probably not be able to practice this step. …”

Guo Xiaodie was elated: I heard from our ancestors that the emperor has been smart since he was a child!

She quickly called someone: Fourth uncle, fourth uncle! Your spiritual consciousness is strong, go and tell our ancestors that the fourth heaven is fake, and let him stand there and kill the emperor!

When Guo Yue heard this, he hurried away.

Guo Xiaodie said quickly: Even if our ancestor beheads the emperor, we still have to leave! Our ancestor will have no strength after beheading the emperor! If our ancestor was at his peak, he could chop him back and forth ten times without losing breath.

This is the sorrow of the Nuo Immortal. His body is aging and his energy and blood are not as good as before. The ancestor of the Guo family was the only one who could suppress Zhou Qiyun back then, but he couldn't suppress him anymore when he got old.

At this moment, the two of them saw thunder and lightning in the sky. The ancestor of the Guo family, the Green Dragon Halberd, split through the thunder clouds and entered the fourth heaven. Standing there, he swung the Green Dragon Halberd and slashed towards the center!

The pillar of fire collapsed there, and a bloody light suddenly appeared. The pillar of fire was the mysterious altar of Jiuxiaoyang Shenxuantan technique. It was the foundation of the technique. If Jiuxiao was healthy, it would be impossible to cut it off.

Even if it is the power of an immortal, it has no power when it reaches the core of the ninth sky, but the bad thing is that the fourth sky is empty.

In the sky, blood poured down like a pouring water, dyeing the clouds red.

Guo Xiaodie wiped her face, which was covered with blood. She couldn't help but startled, and said in a voiceless voice: It's over, did our ancestors kill the emperor...Xu Yaowang, what kind of loophole are you talking about?

Xu Ying scratched his head.

Suddenly, the white-haired old man in the sky landed with a roar, grabbed Xu Ying's neck, lifted him up, and said angrily: What f*cking loophole are you telling me?

This old man is the ancestor of the Guo family, and he said angrily: I might kill the emperor by using the loophole you mentioned!

Xu Ying didn't struggle at all and said: Of course it's a loophole in the skill. You broke his skill.

The ancestor of the Guo family put him down, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said: If he blocks my halberd like this, he will definitely not be able to block it. Half of his body will be cut off by me. If that old boy Zhou Qiyun is still alive, of course It was possible to save, but he died. Everyone in the Zhou family was almost killed by the emperor...

He looked embarrassed, shook his head and walked away, murmuring: I have been loyal to the imperial court all my life. Do I have to kill the emperor in my later years and replace him with another one? What's the difference between me and that treacherous minister...

He muttered and walked away.

Guo Xiaodie said quickly: Ancestor, I see that you are still heroic and can defeat three or five more Nuo Immortals. Do you still want to send Demon King Xu out?


The ancestor of the Guo family said angrily, I can't survive anymore. If I hit you one more time, you can dig up my ancestor's grave! This kid is disgusting. Send him away quickly!

Suddenly, his face changed slightly and his voice became deeper: I'm afraid it's too late to see him off, but another Nuo Immortal has arrived. The visitor's breath is so low, haha, is he an old monster from the Cui family? This old guy is so sinister. Very well, he didn’t come over to collect the benefits until I had fought three times.”

He set up his green dragon halberd and stood in the rain, looking at the gate of Guo Mansion from a distance.

Xu Ying said quickly: Senior, there is no need for you to spend your life for me...

The ancestor of the Guo family suddenly relaxed and walked away with the Green Dragon Halberd in hand, saying: You are right. I'm going to sleep.

Xu Ying and Guo Xiaodie were stunned.

The voice of the ancestor of the Guo family came: It's uncertain whether he will live or die tonight, Xiaodie, you send him to another god's capital. Whether he can survive or not will be decided after tonight!

Another divine city? Xu Ying was startled when he heard this.

Could it be that besides this divine city, is there another divine city in the world?

Guo Xiaodie pulled him forward and said with a smile: My ancestors have lived from the time of the Great Sage to the present, helping the Great Sage to pacify the world, such as the Great Sage of Civilization and Martial Arts, Ruiwen Xiaowu, and Shenwu Xiaowen. The turmoil kept the divine dynasty from falling. The ancestors were enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion while they were still alive, enjoying the incense and worship of the common people. They are living gods.

Guo Yue and Li Yingzhu led more than a dozen of the Guo family's children to join them and went to the martial arts hall of the Guo Mansion. The couple and the children of the Guo family set up an incense altar and lit incense candles.

Guo Xiaodie whispered: The reason why Shendu is called Shendu is because the incense here is rich, and the incense atmosphere forms a world that overlaps with Shendu, forming a world of its own. It does not belong to the realm of the Yang world, nor does it belong to the realm of the underworld. That’s why it’s called the Second God City. Don’t say you don’t know about the Second God City, even many aristocratic families don’t know that there is a Second God City in the God City!”

Li Yingzhu urged: The situation is urgent, hurry up, let's offer incense and kowtow to our ancestors together!

On the incense altar, a stick of sandalwood as thick as an arm was lit, and all the Guo family disciples kowtowed and worshiped, silently reciting the name of the ancestor of the Guo family.

Suddenly, countless sparks appeared from the incense candle, and the sparks moved together, forming a portal.

The fragrance of the portal lingers and extends, opening up another fantasy world!

Everyone filed in, guarding Xu Ying in the middle.

Guo Xiaodie stood side by side with him, leaning her head against his ear, and said: The gods of Lingyan Pavilion are the masters there. Our ancestors became gods when they were alive, and they can transport incense and send us to the second god. All in.

Xu Ying followed Guo Xiaodie, and suddenly stepped on the air, and suddenly there was wind in his ears, and he fell from the air. He was about to activate the sword control technique, but suddenly his feet stopped and he had already landed.

The ground is made of incense. It is soft when you step on it, but it cannot be broken.

He looked around. It was night outside, but here there was a lot of light. The smell of incense formed long streets, tall buildings, pagodas, and pavilions.

In the sky, rounds of the sun are like pearls, and the light is not dazzling, dotting here.

A hundred-foot-tall god stands solemnly among the towers, with a broad scent of incense floating behind him.

They are the sacred beings enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion!

They are towering and powerful, holding gold maces, pagodas and other treasures in their hands. Some have a third eye between their eyebrows, some have three heads, some have multiple arms, and some have dragons and auspicious clouds under their feet, and are wrapped around their bodies. Dragon Python's.

The aura of incense on their bodies is extremely thick. They are existences that carry the history of a dynasty and have powerful divine power!

Their incense has been built into another divine city, which is larger than the real divine city, overlapping with the real world, but not interfering with each other!

Next to them, there are other gods, large and small, who should be descendants of major aristocratic families. Their achievements are far less than theirs. They have no chance to enter Lingyan Pavilion to enjoy sacrifices, so the incense is not very prosperous.

But many of these gods, large and small, have been refined into golden bodies, and they have obviously been worshiped for a long time.

Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel and thought to himself: No wonder when the Great Sage came to Yinting, the Yinting Emperor had to agree to the unification of imperial power and divine power! In addition to the strong fist, the other reason was that if the Yinting Emperor didn't agree, he would be deposed. The underworld court, and another underworld heaven court.”

With this divine capital alone, the Great Sage has the capital to change the dynasty of Yin Ting!

The saints of Lingyan Pavilion are the spirit of a dynasty. No wonder they can form the second divine capital!

Xu Ying was walking on the streets of the Second Divine Capital, looking up at the gods, and suddenly said, Seventh Master, the saints of Lingyan Pavilion have become Taoist images. As long as you observe them, you may be able to understand a set of magical powers. Cooperate. The Secret Treasure of Niwan is no worse than the Zhou Family’s Thirty-Six Tiangang Hidden Scenery Skills!”

An Qi looked at the saints in Lingyan Pavilion and whispered: Master Zhong, is what A Ying said true?

Da Zhong said: Of course it is true, but it requires brains.

Forget it.

Suddenly there was the sound of wind and thunder, and Xu Yingxun looked out. Standing here, he could vaguely see the outside world, and even saw the strong men competing.

The two gods overlapped, but did not interfere with each other. The battles in another world could not invade here, and there was no need to worry about being injured.

However, they were two worlds after all. Xu Ying could only barely see the outlines of these powerful men, and could not hear clearly what they were saying.

This figure looks a bit familiar.

Xu Ying came to the door of Guo Mansion and looked at the old man in white, wondering in his heart, It seems like the kind-hearted old man with the sad old man on Wuwu Mountain.

Outside the gate of Guo's Mansion, an old man wearing a bamboo hat walked toward Guo's Mansion in the pouring rain. Thunder and lightning struck down, illuminating the coir raincoat.

The old man was about to break into Guo Mansion, when suddenly, thunder froze in the sky, and countless rainwater also stopped in the sky.

The old man's pupils narrowed slightly, and he pushed up his bamboo hat. He saw that there was a table and two chairs in front of the Guo Mansion. An old man in white was sitting in front of the table, and a chess game was placed on the table.

The old man in white clothes plays chess in the rain with his white pieces.

Strange to say, it was obviously night and it was raining heavily, but there was a striking ray of sunshine shining on the old man.

The old man in a bamboo hat came forward and sat opposite the old man in white. He held a black piece and glanced at the chess game. He said calmly: I heard that there is a woman in red and an old man in white playing chess in the world. I have watched them play for a hundred years. People think that , these two must be immortals in the game world.

He dropped Heizi and said calmly: But not long ago, I saw the old immortal on Wuwu Mountain. The old immortal was beaten by a girl carrying a black coffin. He was beaten until he vomited blood.

The old man in white's hand holding the white child trembled slightly.

Under the bamboo hat, a smile appeared on the old man's face, and he said: Later I heard another rumor that these two immortals who played in the human world were beaten by Zhou Qiyun.

The white seed in the hand of the old man in white exploded with a pop and turned into powder.

Cui Zhiyuan, you think that if you tell me these two things, I will expose my flaws and you can take advantage of me, right? But you still haven't found any chance to take action. You are not Qingqiu, nor Zhou Qiyun.

The old man in white picked up a white stone again and said calmly, When Wang Mang wanted to eat him, I threw a white stone at him. The army of hundreds of thousands of Nuo soldiers was wiped out. Later generations thought that a meteorite fell from the sky, but it was just a piece of stone on my chessboard. Just a chess piece.

The expression of the old man in the bamboo hat changed drastically, he flew up and stepped back!


A huge white stone fell from the sky and hit him, leaving no room for him to avoid it.

The old man in the bamboo hat shouted violently, and the Phoenix Tower appeared behind him, which was his hidden scene. He raised his cultivation level to the extreme, and with a wave of his pen, the phoenix swam on the phoenix stage, and the fire phoenix flapped its wings and flew out to meet the white pieces falling in the sky!

The old man in white twirled again, his face a little gloomy, and said to himself: That time I had evil thoughts, and I wanted to see if I could kill him if I dropped this big meteorite. ! Smash him to death and we will be free... I am a dignified Qi practitioner, a proud man of heaven who is so eye-catching and dazzling, I don’t want to be trapped in this kind of thing for the rest of my life!


This piece hit the chessboard hard, but the second piece falling from the sky shook the old man in the bamboo hat to the point where his breath was scattered, and the bamboo hat on his head was also shaken to pieces!

I'll just hit it hard!

The old man in white had a ruthless look on his face and a fierce look in his eyes. He picked up the third white piece and dropped it on the chessboard, with a ferocious look on his face. What do you think? Hundreds of thousands of Nuo troops, no bones left, completely destroyed! My piece was completely destroyed, he said. It fell on him and hit him in the head, you know?

The old man in a bamboo hat turned into an old man in a coir raincoat, struggling against the third Baizi falling from the sky. He was so shocked that he vomited blood, staggered, and walked hastily along the street.

The old man in white picked up the fourth white piece, smashed it on the chessboard, and said coldly: But, he crawled out of the big hole I made, as if nothing happened. At that time, I knew he was a monster , immortal monster!”


The fourth son fell from the sky and knocked the old man in coir raincoat to the ground. The raincoat exploded, and the old man's upper body was completely naked. He climbed up from the mud and blood, staggered forward while holding on to the houses on the street.

This monster must not wake up, must not...

The old man in white clothes did not kill him, and the tables, chairs and people rose up in the sun together. He said sadly: Now I am a donkey tied to the world by him, a donkey that can never untie the rope by myself...

At the same time, in another direction of Guo Mansion, a dull boy was riding a donkey. As the donkey moved, the dull boy's body also swayed from side to side.

In front of them, the red clothes were as bright as the fire, as if a red curtain was shaking in the air. The amplitude was getting bigger and bigger, and the coverage was getting wider and wider, gradually blocking all the sight of one person and one donkey.

One person and one donkey walked into the red curtain.

After a while, the donkey carrying the seriously injured dull boy rushed out of the red curtain and shouted in the pouring rain: My son, my son - your father is injured! My son, come on, your father is injured!

The old man of the Zhu family jumped out from the thorn, and quickly grabbed the donkey. He was frightened and angry, and hurriedly took the dull young man down, called the other children of the Zhu family, and shouted: Take this donkey down and kill it for me. Just take it tonight and give it to my dad!

Several Zhu family disciples were about to kill the donkey demon, but the dull young man stopped him and said, He saved my life.

The old man of the Zhu family hesitated for a moment and said: Take Mr. Donkey down and serve him with the best fodder.

The north gate of Guo Mansion.

The ancestor of the Chai family was smiling, holding a blue paper umbrella and walking briskly in the heavy rain with a leisurely look.

In the pouring rain ahead, a sad old man stood in front of the north gate with a sad face, sighing.

After a while, the sad-looking old man held a blue paper umbrella and left the Guo Mansion with a sigh. Behind him, the ancestor of the Chai family lay in the rain.

“Nice umbrella.”

The sad-looking old man raised his head and looked at the umbrella frame, with a gentle look in his eyes, Although it's not as good as the one I have, it's not bad... you damn umbrella thief!

As he walked far away, he heard the sound of treading water. A group of Chai family disciples rushed out of the darkness, lifted the unconscious Chai family ancestor with all their hands and feet, and headed away in the pouring rain.

In the Second Divine Capital, Xu Ying had a panoramic view of all this scene.

————Big big…well, it’s not a big chapter. I’ll continue coding and try to update the second chapter on time!

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