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Chapter 102 The body dies and the soul dies, but the Tao Qi remains forever

The Pei family's chariot was driving on the chariot road transformed by the scent of incense, rushing towards the Guo Mansion. Suddenly, Xu Ying saw a tall figure falling from the sky and landing in front of the chariot.

He was an old Confucian scholar with a solemn and upright character.

I saw him in the Pei family's forbidden area! Xu Ying's heart moved slightly.

In the caves of the Pei family, there are buried Nuo immortals of the Pei family who only have their skins left. Among them is such an old Confucian scholar. He was not eaten, only his internal organs were eviscerated.

It's just that the Yuchi secret is hidden about an inch and three minutes below the navel. The entire cultivation of the masters of the Pei family is in the Yuchi secret. After their internal organs are hollowed out, this cultivation will disappear.

What's more, the soul of this Nuo Immortal of the Pei clan was also eaten, and now what dominates his body is just a trace of residual thoughts.

Suddenly, another powerful figure descended from the sky, landed on the chariot road, and kept pace with the speeding chariot.

The Nuo Immortal appears!

Someone in the distance exclaimed, It's the Nuo Immortals of the Pei family who have reappeared in the world!

The figures descending from the sky are none other than the Nuo Immortals of the Pei family. According to the outside world, the Nuo Immortals of the Pei family are naturally hidden in the scene, coexisting with the world, and being happy and carefree in their respective hidden places. The old fairy.

But in fact, they were unfortunate in their later years, and died one by one in their own hidden scene, with their flesh, blood, and bones swallowed, leaving only their skins.

Now, these skin bags flew out of the Pei family's restricted area and appeared on the official post road.

Although they are only skinned, they still have the magnanimity and temperament of Nuo immortals, especially the aura of establishing their hearts for heaven and earth, which shakes the atmosphere of the divine capital!

This momentum immediately attracted the attention of Jin Wuwei and others, and they all looked this way.

One after another, the Nuo Immortals of the Pei family flew in to guard the left and right side of the chariot. Gradually, the number of Nuo Immortals around the chariot grew to hundreds!

Although it's not far to go to Guo Mansion, it may be dangerous.

Pei Du looked calm and said, It is difficult for me to resist the siege of other noble families, so I will not give them any chance. As the head of the family, I am qualified to mobilize the remaining spirits of my ancestors.

Xu Ying looked at the upright figures outside and was deeply shocked. This was an ancient family with a history of more than two thousand years. When the details were revealed, the whole world would be shocked!

There are more than a hundred Nuo immortals. Although they are dead, they are still floating in the air in the hidden scene, suppressing all the evil spirits.

The body dies and the soul perishes, but the Tao Qi remains forever!

Xu Ying retracted his gaze from the window and said to Pei Du, Thank you very much.

Pei Du smiled slightly and said: There is no need to thank me. The disaster was caused by the lax discipline of my Pei family. If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility. I can only escort you all the way. Can I save your life? Look at the Guo family. This time, I'm afraid the Guo family will be hurt.

More than a hundred Nuo immortals escorted them, which shocked the entire divine city. Even if the emperor went on a tour, he would not have such a huge undertaking!

People have speculated about who the big shot is in the car, but who would have thought that the man in the car is just a snake catcher from the countryside of Lingling?

However, some people guessed who was in the car, but the Pei family's momentum was too great, and even the Nuo Immortal who was rumored to be reclusive and escaping from the world was dispatched. Naturally, no one dared to take action.

Finally, the chariot arrived at the Guo Mansion under the protection of more than a hundred Nuo immortals. The Guo Mansion had already received the news and had already opened the door. Pei Du did not get out of the car and drove directly into the mansion. The car drove into the backyard of Guo's mansion and then stopped.

The white-haired ancestor of the Guo family drove everyone away. Even Guo Xiaodie and the one-armed Guo Yue who came to join in the fun were kicked out.

The car door opened and Pei Du walked out and came to the ancestor of the Guo family.

The ancestor of the Guo family sighed and complained: I just got the news that I plan to go to Yuan Mansion to eat people tonight, so you can send the people over. Can't you wait one night and wait until I eat before talking?

In the car, Xu Ying and An Qi looked at each other in shock after hearing this.

An Qi comforted him: Don't worry, Ah Ying, the person the old man of the Guo family plans to eat is definitely not you. It must be other people from the Yuan family who are also very delicious!

His confidence is not very strong.

The voice of the Guo family ancestor came: Have you eaten?

Pei Du said: I almost ate it, but luckily I held it back.

The ancestor of the Guo family muttered: How can you bear it? If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it. I would definitely have a taste. By the way, did you send me here to make me immortal? I'll be here tonight It's just right to steam it and eat it. My pot is so big that two or three people can fit in the basket. Don't leave at night and eat together.

Pei Du said: Brother is joking. People treat me with sincerity, how can I repay the kindness of a villain? The prince Li Zhaolou died in my house. I must go to the palace in person and explain clearly. I arrived at the palace , I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out, and I can only rely on my brother to support me here.”

The ancestor of the Guo family sighed: I have to eat it alone. As you know, I am older than you, and I am often in trouble, so I won't wait for you, brother, and taste it first.

Pei Du took out the Sutra of Yuanshen's Preservation of Disasters and handed it to the ancestor of the Guo family, saying: This book gives me hope of survival. Maybe the Nuo Immortal can really live forever in the world, and there is no need to worry about misfortune in his later years. Don't be sad. Qi, take a look first and then Qi Qi.

The ancestor of the Guo family looked at it for a moment and said, Give me a copy.

Pei Du smiled and said, Just stay with you. Besides, the person also stays with you. If you, Captain Guo, have any ideas, just ask him directly. Brother, I gave the person to you, and he is alive.

The ancestor of the Guo family sighed: It's hard to survive tonight.

Pei Du was silent for a moment and said: If you can't hold on, send him out. Don't lose your wealth and life.

The ancestor of the Guo family said: The value of his ability to decipher evil spells is far less than the value of his flesh. There are more people staring at his flesh than the monsters in the moat. It is difficult to send him away safely.

Pei Du left and said with a smile: You have benefited from others, and you have been entrusted by me. Now it depends on my brother whether you are always caring or magnanimous.

The ancestor of the Guo family blew his beard and stared at the chariot, sighing.

Steamed or braised? he whispered.

Xu Ying coughed and said, I heard it.

The ancestor of the Guo family said angrily: You don't eat after hearing this? Is this reasonable? Rather than you being caught sharing the food tonight, why not let me taste it first! Brat, how do you want to die?

Xu Ying walked out of the carriage, and the ancestor of the Guo family hurriedly raised his sleeves to cover his face, and ran out as if running away, shouting: Don't come out! My index finger moved when I saw you, and you aroused greed. !”

Xu Ying was slightly worried and whispered: Is it reliable for Prime Minister Pei to leave me in the Guo family?

The ancestor of the Guo family ran away without a trace, and no one entered the garden for a while. Although Pei Du also left, he left the more than a hundred ancestors of the Pei family here. More than a hundred Nuo immortals stood in every corner of the garden, fulfilling their duties and guarding Xu Ying.

Although they are just skins, they are Nuo Immortals after all, and each of them is more powerful than the ghost Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu!

Xu Ying simply walked around and looked at the scenery. While I was sitting in the pavilion, I heard someone's voice. It was Guo Xiaodie's voice, saying: Kowtow and grow an arm. Fourth uncle, you have made a lot of money!

Guo Yue's voice came and said angrily: I would rather break an arm than kowtow to him to apologize!

Guo Xiaodie said: Who did you learn this stubborn temper from? I'll kowtow for you later, and you stand by and apologize.

I don't!

Your body, hair, and skin are affected by your parents. You are not healthy and you are unfilial! Fourth uncle, I will let my second aunt cut you!

The two people walked over here while talking. Guo Xiaodie saw Xu Ying in the pavilion from a distance, so she ran over quickly, bowed and knelt down to kowtow.

Before she could kneel down, she saw Guo Yue flying over to grab him, kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to Xu Ying, and shouted: When a real man is alive, how can there be any reason for his niece to kowtow on his behalf? If the news spreads, others will laugh at me. I will do it myself! Xu Ying Demon King, I tried to strangle you to death, but I was wrong. You, my lord, should stop arguing with me!

Xu Ying quickly helped him stand up and said with a smile: You are Xiaodie's fourth uncle and also my fourth uncle. How can you worship me? Besides, on the battlefield, no matter right or wrong, everyone is just fighting for their lives.

Guo Yue stood up.

Guo Xiaodie quickly said: My fourth uncle's arm?

It was also Xu Ying's first time to regenerate another person's limbs. He didn't know whether it would be possible, so he immediately tried to mobilize the longevity energy stored in Niwan and slowly transferred it into Guo Yue's body.

Things went smoother than he imagined. Without him having to do anything, flesh and blood grew on Guo Yue's broken arm, the bones sprouted, and the nerve plexus continued to extend forward.

Soon after, a brand new arm grew.

Guo Yue marveled: The secret treasure of Niwan is actually an immortal body. Thank you very much to Demon King Xu for ignoring the past grudges.

Xu Ying smiled and said, It's just a little effort.

Guo Xiaodie said: It's a little effort for you, but it's a life-saving thing for him. He has to be supported when he goes to the latrine. It's not convenient when he's having fun with his second aunt, and he has to help push him. When I passed by, I heard it really Really true!

The cold wind blew and there was silence for a moment.

Guo Yue hurriedly said: I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I need to take the first step! Brother Xu, we are friends by fate, don't say much, just say something if you have something to say!

He ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay for a moment longer, lest Guo Xiaodie would reveal something again.

Xu Ying watched him go away and sighed: It's hard for him these days.

Guo Xiaodie looked him up and down and asked curiously: There are rumors out there that eating your meat will make you immortal. Is it true?

When she mentioned this, An Qi became more energetic. He immediately swam out of Xu Ying's collar, turned into a big snake when he landed, and said, I was just about to verify it!

Guo Xiaodie looked at him and looked at Xu Ying in unison.

Xu Ying said cautiously: If you can live forever by eating my meat, I'm afraid that countless people have eaten it. If they are immortal, wouldn't it be possible to live forever by eating their meat? If you continue to eat like this, wouldn't it be possible for everyone in the world to live forever? Are they all immortals?

Well, what you said makes sense. They were still staring at Xu Ying with bright eyes.

Xu Ying felt guilty, always worried that they would eat him next moment.

I'm in the Guo Mansion, and I have so many Nuo Immortals protecting me, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Xu Ying calmed down and carefully observed his secret treasure in the jade pond.

That day, he had already found the location of the Yuchi secret treasure in the Pei family's forbidden area. This secret treasure was located three inches below the navel, in the realm of Xiyi. If no one pointed it out or stimulated the mysterious energy of the vitality, , it is difficult to determine the exact location of this secret treasure.

His Yuan Qi is floating in the air. For Yuan Qi, the sky is a sea of ​​Qi, and a jade pond below the sea of ​​Qi is a secret treasure containing endless Yuan Qi!

Xu Ying was already very familiar with his Xiyi territory, but this was the first time he noticed this jade pond on the mainland. The jade pond is unfathomable, and looking inside, it looks like the scene he saw in the Pei family's forbidden area.

There seems to be a world on the other side of the pond, as fascinating as jade.

Xu Yingjia sat down, focusing his mind, with his hands palms up, resting on his knees, and unknowingly mobilized the magical power to bring down disasters from the sky, from the Xiyi territory, and blasted towards the Jade Pond!

Lightning and thunder thundered, and calamity light poured out. His magical power passed through the Jade Pond, forming the first Jade Pond Cave!

As soon as the cave was opened, Xu Ying felt a steady stream of vitality coming from another time and space, making his cultivation level continue to rise!

With his consciousness surging, he returned to the Jade Pond and looked toward the depths of the Jade Pond along the cave sky. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly: Is there really a world on the other side there? Otherwise, how could there be such abundant vitality hidden in the human body? ?”

When he opened the secret of the Niwan, he vaguely felt that the activity of the Niwan might not come from the human body, but that the Niwan in the human body was connected to a vast and deep land of chaos. By opening up the Niwan, he could Draw strength from that deep place of chaos!

Later, when he opened the Jianggong secret in his heart, this feeling became even stronger.

Now that he has opened the Yuchi Secret Treasure, this feeling is getting stronger!

Has the Nuo Immortal of the Pei family been to the other side?

He opened his eyes and saw that the sky had turned dark at some point, and Guo Xiaodie had left at some point. There seemed to be dark clouds in the sky, and the thunder was getting deeper and deeper.

Xu Ying looked around. A Nuo Immortal who respected the Pei family was still standing there, motionless.


The rain was pouring down, and the rain came very quickly. Even if you were hiding in the pavilion, you were soaked by the wind and rain.

Suddenly, a Nuo Immortal from the Pei family rose into the sky, fighting an unknown monster in the sky. The wind and rain in the sky became more intense, and there was a faint sound, whether it was the sound of wind or a roar, which was horrifying.

There was just a click, and a thunderbolt fell in the garden, illuminating an iron tower-like figure with white eyebrows, white hair, and white beard, standing in the wind and rain with a thick green dragon halberd in his hand.

Suddenly there was a green and smooth body swimming on the green dragon halberd, getting thicker and thicker. It was a green dragon, coiled around the square sky painted halberd!

Tonight, it will rain heavily.

The stalwart old man with white hair, standing tall, suddenly shook the green dragon halberd, soared into the sky, and his voice rolled in the air like thunder: Now, add a touch of blood!


Xu Ying raised his head and saw lightning piercing the sky, as if the sky was torn apart!

The torn sky suddenly became brighter, and the sound of horse hooves could be heard. There was a carriage dragging a sun, driving from the torn sky, as if it was trying to drive away the darkness!

go back!

The white-haired stalwart old man swung his green dragon halberd, slashing into the torn sky, colliding with the axes and sticks flying out of the car. The cracks closed, and the clatter of horse hooves became farther and farther away!

Xu Ying and An Qi raised their heads, looked straight in the eyes, and murmured: The old man is so fierce...

At this time, Guo Xiaodie ran over and shouted: The ancestor said that he is old and can only last three rounds and defeat three enemies. Now he has defeated two. If there are still enemies, let him I'll take you to escape!

The sky became dark again, and the third enemy arrived. Xu Ying looked over and knew who it was.

Jiuxiaoyang Shenxuantan Technique! The emperor takes action!

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