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Chapter 101 The temptation of the elixir of immortality

Snake catcher, you still dare to act recklessly in the Pei Mansion. Aren't you afraid of death?

Pei Jing was furious, rushed up from the muddy water, and shouted loudly. The vitality behind him surged, and four caves emerged, distorting the sky. His vitality is so strong that it is even higher than promised!

Pei Jing, wait!

The other three young masters also jumped up from the water and surrounded Xu Ying. One of the noble princes in purple shook his vitality and shook the mud and water from his body. He said, He is very valuable, so we cannot kill him. Don't forget. , we are here to get the elixir of longevity.

Another young man in red said: Yes, if you beat him to death, there will be no elixir of immortality.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows, feeling an inexplicable anger in his heart.

Immortality elixir?

What do these people think of themselves? A panacea for longevity?

A Ying, these people are just pretending to ask you to play the snake trick. They are actually trying to force you to do it, so that they can have a reason to take action and make you a medicine for longevity!

The big bell said with a solemn voice, Then, who spread the news that you might be an immortal? Is it that old boy Pei Du? This old boy is telling the truth!

Xu Ying felt awe in his heart, if it was really Pei Du, it would be troublesome.

This is the Pei Mansion. If Pei Du decides to stay here, I am afraid that even the human skin and bones of his ancestors, the Nuo Immortals of the Pei family, will be dispatched!

With this power and this kind of foundation, even if Da Zhong was at his peak, it would be difficult for him to get out alive!

Could it be that Pei Du was really different from what he appeared to be? He said on the surface that he wanted to help Xu Ying hide the secret, but secretly spread the news that Xu Ying was an immortal?

In fact, his purpose was to keep Xu Ying in the Pei Mansion and refine the elixir of life!

With Xu Ying's elixir of immortality, he can control other aristocratic families and make other aristocratic families have to obey his orders!

Aying, don't worry. I will avenge you!

Dazhong Dayi said solemnly, After I break out of the siege, I will find a smart young man, be his grandfather, train him to become a great master, and kill Pei Mansion, you can rest in peace even under Jiuquan!

Xu Ying snorted and said in a low voice: Judging from Pei Du's performance, this person is very courageous and seems to disdain to do such a petty thing.

An Qi shrank her body, fell back on his shoulder, and said: Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts! By the way, Ah Ying, can eating your meat really make you immortal? Next time you cut your nails, don't throw away the nail caps. I'll endure it. Try it in meat jelly. By the way, does eating your hair have the same effect?

Dazhong said contemptuously: Look at your potential! Ah Ying opens the secret of the clay balls, stimulates the activity of the physical body, and asks him to cut a piece of meat for you to taste. Anyway, he can grow back.

An Qi's eyes lit up and he said happily: Why is this so embarrassing?

But looking at him, he looked very amused. As long as Xu Ying nodded, he would immediately take a bite of Xu Ying and taste it.

The young man in purple looked at Xu Ying and said calmly: My surname is Li, and I come from the palace.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be in awe: Are you a eunuch? Could it be that Eunuch Chen cleans your body? Does it hurt?

The noble prince in purple was furious, and a handsome young man next to him sneered: You ignorant thing, this is the prince Li Zhaolou in the palace! Why don't the common people bow down?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Your salary is your salary, the people are rich and anointed by the people, it is easy for heaven to bully, but it is difficult for the people to abuse me! I am a common man, but I don't worship you when I see you, so why should I worship you?

Hearing this, Xian Qi immediately corrected himself and said, Ah Ying, it's easy for the people to bully the people, but it's hard for God to bully them. But you're right. These guys bully the heavens and abuse the people. They don't see God's punishment. They only force the people to rebel! Come on, God is really easy to bully, but the people are hard to abuse. If you abuse the people, the people will rebel and kill his mother!

Two rebels! All the young men couldn't help but become furious.

Pei Jing took a step forward and couldn't help but sneered: God is bringing disaster? How much do you unscrupulous people sacrifice to God every year? Do you have more than 10% of what our family sacrifices to God? Even God wants to eat from us. , take what is ours, use what is ours, how can you dare to inflict calamity on us?

He raised his hand to grab Xu Ying and said excitedly: My uncle asked me to take people to the book cave to search for records about the immortal, so I kept an eye out. You are indeed an immortal! I will take you to refine the elixir of immortality. I'm afraid everyone is very happy! By dedicating you to the emperor, our Pei family will have made an immortal contribution!

Xu Ying waved his hand, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into darkness. The stars shone in the darkness, and countless stars in the sky moved with the movement of his palm!

The fourth move of Biluo Fu, the stars bloom into Biluo!

Pei Jing was in darkness. There was light a few acres away, but he couldn't see anything. He was shocked: The Guo family's Nuo technique!

Xu Ying's palm power came, and Pei Jing's cultivation level was raised to the extreme. He met his palm and sneered: In terms of cultivation level, no one can compete with my Pei family!

The moment the palms of the two collided, the vitality in Xueying's body suddenly reversed, and the night turned into day. The blue sky was like an inverted mirror, extremely deep, removing the opponent's almost invincible magic power!

The third move of Biluofu, the body image is like a bright mirror!

The essence of this move is that the body is as vast as the sky, can accommodate everything, and can break the enemy's powerful attack!

Pei Jing suddenly felt that his boundless magic power was hitting the empty space, as if he had punched himself, his chest was shaking violently, and his blood was boiling.

Xu Ying's body resembles a bright mirror transformed into nine fields, with a green field under his feet expanding in all directions, and a clear blue sky above his head, like an inverted dome.

His right hand changed forward and backward nine times, making nine consecutive seals. Each palm was printed on Pei Jing's chest. Pei Jing made a mistake and was hit hard by him nine times in a row. The ribs on his chest were dented and pierced into his five internal organs. Six Fu organs!

Pei Jing vomited blood and flew away against the lake.


His head hit the wall across the lake, and his head was inserted into the wall, leaving only his legs outside, which twitched from time to time.

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed that there were other people nearby. He looked around hurriedly and saw ancient-looking old people walking from all directions. He was shocked, knowing that it was the elder of the Pei family who was personally involved. He was afraid that he would be attacked by Pei. Du was betrayed, and he was in danger of escaping. He suddenly became fierce and fierce: Seventh Master! I'm going to kill someone!

He had been merciful just now and had not killed anyone, but now he couldn't help but feel the murderous intention in his heart.

When An Qi heard this, he felt his whole body shuddering, and his scales exploded. He didn't know whether it was Xu Ying's sacrifice that inspired his ancient bloodline, or whether his own bloodline was awakening!

He actually has a ferocious feeling, and he can't wait to summon up his majestic vitality and kill people brazenly!

Li Zhaolou and others each took action. Li Zhaolou came from the Li family and practiced the Li family's Yujing secret treasure. As soon as he took action, the true dragon's vitality surged, and a true dragon fell from the sky, majestic and majestic.

The other two are from the Pei family, and the skills of the three are even better than Pei Jing!

However, the moment they took action, the huge body of a hundred-foot-long snake directly shattered the real dragon, and the sword energy around it flew like snowflakes, shattering their Nuo magic powers!

The three of them retreated one after another. One of the Pei family disciples suddenly raised his hands, and the entire lake was lifted up by his powerful vitality, allowing Xian Qi to enter the water. No matter the sword energy or Xian Qi's huge body, it was difficult to cope with it.

Li Zhaolou was able to breathe, and immediately summoned the true dragon's vitality, shouting: Are you, a strange snake, worthy of a true dragon? Just kill him in front of the true dragon!

A green true dragon descended from the sky. Its body was as thick as An Qi's.

Another member of the Pei family said excitedly: If you take him down, Your Majesty will be an immortal emperor, and the country will be forever solid. Our Pei family will also be an immortal family!

As soon as the seal of promise came, the clear sky shook, the calamity clouds surged, and the thunder rushed in the clouds. In an instant, there was a calamity cloud with a radius of several acres, which contained great power and exploded the green dragon!

The real dragon's skin, flesh, muscles and bones exploded one after another, and Li Zhaolou vomited blood. Xu Ying sealed the Tianling Cap with his seal, and his head sank into his chest with a grunt!

Take me as an elixir of eternity!

When Xu Ying saw another person's magical attack coming, he didn't hide or dodge. Suddenly, sword energy flowed around his body, he rose up with his sword, and rushed towards that person's magical power. He sneered, We'll see if you can survive!

There were endless scoffs as the man and his magical powers were smashed to pieces by Xu Ying's sword energy!

The last, plump and plump child of the Pei family tried his best to step back dozens of steps to block Xu Ying's sword energy. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a hundred-foot-long snake swept towards him with its tail, and the tip of its tail lashed out at him. It broke out and beat him to a bloody pulp. He was stuck to the wall on the other side of the lake, and it looked like he would not survive!

Xian Qi's figure quickly shrank, circled around, and landed on Xu Ying's shoulder. He stared nervously at an ancient member of the Pei family who was coming from all directions.

The elders of the Pei family all looked solemn, but their eyes were flickering, and they seemed extremely excited. Even if they promised to kill someone in front of them, they did not stop him.

Elixir of Immortality...

An old man from the Pei family rolled his Adam's apple and fixed his gaze on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying took a long breath and whispered: Master Zhong, if you have a chance, take the Seventh Master out. Don't look for other young men to avenge me. You cultivate the Seventh Master and give me a bloodbath in the Pei Mansion in the future!

Dazhong said lazily: Pei Mansion, you can't trap me. Let alone taking the smelly snake out, what's the harm in taking you out? It's just a few more months of injury, I can bear it.

It contains hidden power and is ready to suddenly kill people at any time!

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: Stop.

This sound was dull, but it passed into everyone's ears clearly. It was like rolling thunder, shocking the soul, and making everyone stop involuntarily.

Xu Ying looked around and saw Prime Minister Pei Du approaching, his face as dark as water, without any expression of joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

Xu Ying was on guard and did not relax at all.

Prime Minister Pei Du looked at the corpse of the prince Li Zhaolou in the mud, his eyes twitched, then he looked at the corpses of the two Pei family children, and finally his eyes swept over each clan elder.

He saw the enthusiasm in the eyes of these clan elders.

Bring the second young master here. Pei Du said with a face like an ancient well.

A servant hurriedly came to the other side of the lake, carefully pulled out the second young master Pei Jing from the wall, and carried him to Pei Du. Pei Jing had an unknown number of broken bones all over his body, and his head and face were covered in blood. When he saw Pei Du, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and choked up: Master, you must make the decision for me! This wild boy hurts people and makes trouble in Pei's house!

Pei Du took out the jade belt from his waist, used the jade belt as a whip, and slapped him hard on the face.

Pei Jing screamed, his body was bruised and bloody.


Pei Du whipped him again. He raised the whip with his hand and struck it hard one after another. Pei Jing still had the strength to scream before, but then his screams became weaker and weaker, and he gradually became unable to scream. .


Pei Jingting came over in a hurry and said quickly when he saw this, Master, stop beating him! If you hit him again, he will be killed! Alas, alas! What on earth happened?

Pei Du stopped, Pei Jing had already been beaten to a bloody pulp.

All around, the elders of the Pei family all showed fear, but did not speak. Pei Jingting stepped forward and saw the body of Prince Li Zhaolou. He shuddered and said, What should we do?

Pei Du dropped the bloody jade belt and said expressionlessly: This matter needs to be explained. Today, Pei Jing is no longer a descendant of my Pei family. All his actions have nothing to do with the Pei family. Pei Jing is missing. I was so mad that I killed the prince Li Zhaolou and two of my Pei family members, and handed him over to Dali Temple for investigation. I personally went to the palace to face the saint and bear the thorn to plead guilty.

His empty eyes fell on Pei Jingting's face and said, I'll talk about your business after I come back.

Pei Jingting shuddered, lowered his head and dared not speak.

Pei Du glanced at the elders of the Pei family and said coldly: I am still the master of this family! Who wants to take over?

An elder of the Pei family whispered in his throat: Master, we are old and we don't have many years to live...

Pei Du said solemnly: My ancestors can still die, but you can't? My ancestors of the Pei family were eaten by ancient evil, so you also want to eat people?

The old man stopped talking.

Pei Du flicked his sleeves and said in a cold voice: From today on, the Pei Mansion is closed and no one is allowed to go out! Anyone who dares to leave the house without permission will be shot without mercy!

Where his sleeve brushed, a wisp of gauze flew up, rose to a high altitude, exploded suddenly, turned into blue smoke and slowly fell from all sides, shrouding the Pei Mansion.

Pei Du said to Xu: Brother Xu, please come with me.

Although he tried to stay calm, his steps still felt a little hurried. Xu Ying followed behind him, jogging from time to time to keep up with him.

The whole Pei family is not of one mind. I can't restrain them for long.

Pei Du ordered people to prepare a car and said quickly, The temptation of immortality is too great, and there are people who are adding fuel to the flames. I am afraid that some of these clan elders will not be able to help but attack you. If I go to the palace to meet the saint, I will definitely be trapped in the palace. , although you won't die, you can't leave the palace. The Pei family is not safe, and the Yuan family is probably not safe either. I will send you to the Guo Mansion!

Xu Ying followed him and hurriedly got into the car, which immediately drove out of Pei Mansion and hurried towards Guo Mansion.

Pei Du said guiltily: This matter has spread from the Pei Mansion, and it will soon spread to the ears of other aristocratic families. In the entire city of God, the only one who can resist the temptation of immortality is the Guo family. Guo Mansion It’s safer than anywhere else!”

Xu Ying met his eyes and asked, Don't you want Prime Minister Pei to make me into a medicine for longevity?

Pei Du said: If you are that immortal person, from ancient times to the present, there are countless people who want to make you into a medicine for longevity. I am afraid there are countless forces more powerful than my Pei family. Where are they now? I am I didn’t see them, I just saw Your Excellency sitting in front of me.

Xu Ying sighed, looked out the window, and said quietly: I don't know who I am.

He couldn't help but recall the gentle voice in his mind: ...Promise, promise. Remember your last name, and don't forget your first name.

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