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Chapter 1024 Pushing the Cemetery

Yuan Weiyang came to Xu Ying's side and gently held his hand. Xu Ying came back to his senses, looked at her, smiled, and gradually calmed down.

When I met Changsun Shenghai outside the Yuanshi Taoist Temple, I suddenly realized that I would personally kill my fellow Taoist.

Xu Ying said softly, I felt sad for a long time when I realized this. Weiyang, I killed him with my own hands today.

Yuan Weiyang leaned on his shoulder and said: If you are not a fellow Taoist, how can you be a Taoist friend?

It used to be. Xu Ying said sadly.

Yuan Weiyang is like a harbor, he is like a small boat fighting in the wind and waves. When you are tired from sailing, mooring in the harbor can cultivate your body and mind and gain inner peace.

A few days later, the Void Emperor came to look for the Chaos Lord, but saw Xu Ying preparing to leave. He hurriedly said: The Chaos Lord is traveling far away. What should we do if the Cosmic Cemetery invades? Now in the Chaos Sea, there are those who have the power to resist them. We are the only one left here.”

Xu Yingwen said: The three realms include Tongtian, Qinluan, Nankong Garden, Chaos Bell, Linggu Bridge and Zhongye, as well as True Monarch Daoji. Plus the chaotic state of Hutunsheng and others, even if there are ten Several intruders from the Yuanshi Dao Realm can also be resisted.

Xu Huang originally wanted him to stay. On the one hand, he was guarding the Three Realms and other universes. On the other hand, Xu Ying's Taoism was so profound that it had reached an unfathomable level. Even Taoist Master Tongtian couldn't see through him, so he wanted Xu Ying to teach Taoism and improve himself. The strength of everyone in order to fight against the cosmic cemetery.

Where is the Chaos Lord going this time? Emperor Xu asked.

Cosmic Cemetery.

Cosmic cemetery?

Emperor Xu was greatly shocked, Xu Ying said with a smile: The Yuansi of the Universe Cemetery want to destroy my dojo. As the Lord of Chaos, if I can't fight back, won't I lose my reputation as the Lord of Chaos?

Xu Huang said: If the Dao Emperor takes action himself...

Xu Ying smiled slightly, shook his head and said: He is afraid that he will not be able to take action personally at this moment. If he takes action in person, he will fall into my scheme. Emperor Xu, take your leave.

Emperor Xu had no choice but to send him off and watch him go away.

Xu Ying walked towards the cosmic cemetery and walked for several years. On the way, he did not encounter any chaotic spiritual roots or cosmic flood sources that he had planted.

Even, he didn't see any universe along the way!

Not a single universe!

He seemed not to be walking in the sea of ​​chaos, but in the void, with nothing.

His heart sank suddenly.

Those universes were destroyed by Yuan Shi in the cemetery using the Great Dao Treasure Box.

He had been in seclusion with Dao Ji for three to four thousand years. During this period, Yuan Shi, who wanted to come to the universe cemetery, held the treasure box of the Dao, searched around for the universes in the sea of ​​chaos, and destroyed these universes together with the spiritual roots of chaos!

However, he had to fight for these three to four thousand years.

Xu Ying calmed down and continued to move forward. At this time, he saw a cosmic wreckage floating in the sea of ​​chaos, flying silently.

Xu Ying stepped forward and looked at it. The debris of the universe was not burned by the Nirvana Tribulation and Nirvana Heavenly Fire. It should be something that could not be refined after being refined by the Great Dao Treasure Box.

He continued to move forward, and several more cosmic debris came into view. These cosmic debris also floated towards the cemetery.

These cosmic debris contained extremely heavy energy of calamity, as well as extremely strong resentment, which made him frown.

The resentment contained in the debris of these universes is that these universes were refined into chaos before they were extinguished, and the creatures living in them are filled with resentment. This resentment is so strong that even the Dao Emperor's Treasure Box cannot be refined. Transformed, so that it remains on the debris of the universe!”

As he approached the cosmic cemetery, he encountered more and more cosmic debris along the way. These cosmic debris also contained extremely strong resentment and calamity, which even made a being like him tremble with fear!

When he was about to arrive at the cosmic cemetery, Xu Ying looked ahead and saw countless pieces of cosmic debris floating together, like a vast sea of ​​debris. Countless cosmic debris collided with each other, stumbling and flying towards the cosmic cemetery!

In this ocean of debris, the resentment and resentment were so terrifying that they even formed a terrifying sound. The screams of countless people and ghosts seemed to be heard in Xu Ying's ears, which was deafening and caused the Dao in his body to become disordered!

Xu Ying hurriedly stabilized his mind and walked through this ocean of debris.

When he arrived at the center of the ocean, he felt a strange vibration. Xu Ying's heart trembled and he turned his head to look behind him.

Behind him, nothing could be seen except the endless debris of the universe. But Xu Ying knew that the vibration was caused by the collapse of the last sea of ​​chaos.

With the collapse of this sea of ​​chaos, the energy of chaos was lost, and the countless years of history of the sea of ​​chaos were completely dissipated.

The wonderful scene of traveling through chaotic time, returning to the past, and traveling to the past universe no longer exists.

The ancients disappeared completely with the collapse of the last sea of ​​chaos.

He calmed down, turned around and looked ahead, and continued walking towards the Universe Cemetery.

Today's cosmic cemetery is countless times larger than when Xu Ying left. Many cosmic debris is piled up, which is extremely oppressive.

Xu Ying walked over and suddenly heard a voice saying in surprise: Xu Ying! It's really you, how dare you come back!

Xu Yingxun looked around and saw a Yuanshi Taoist standing in a cemetery. The cemetery suddenly became brighter and brighter, as if time was going back and the destroyed universes were resurrected!

It turns out to be fellow Taoist Cangyuan.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said, Isn't it the time-honored rule for the Chaos Lord to break into the cosmic cemetery? Why make such a fuss?

The Yuanshi Taoist who was Cangyuan Tianzun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: Lord of Chaos? Xu Ying, do you consider yourself the Lord of Chaos now? When you came here, you were escorted in by the Tao Emperor. At that time, you Lower your eyebrows and please your eyes...

Before he could finish speaking, the surroundings suddenly turned into the boundless Dao Sea, with countless Dao universes rising and falling in the Dao sea. Xu Ying gathered the Dao power of the Dao universes into one body, and covered it with one palm!

Cangyuan Tianzun didn't bother to finish his words, and immediately summoned all his Taoist power to meet him. However, when he saw the power of Xu Ying's palm, his face suddenly changed, and he thought that he could never stop it now!

Without thinking, he immediately mobilized the part of his Tao power that suppressed the calamity, as well as the great treasure of the Great Circle Dao Wheel that suppressed the calamity, to meet the seal of promise!

In his body, without the suppression of his cultivation, the Nirvana Sky Fire suddenly burned brightly and came out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

But Cangyuan Tianzun couldn't care about this. He only knew that if he didn't come up with the means to suppress the bottom of the box, he would definitely be buried under this seal!

At this moment, he almost reappeared himself at his peak, in the Yuanshi Tao realm, with the four proofs of Yuanshi, Tao, body, spirit, and treasure, all in one, and his power increased linearly!

His Great Circle Dao Wheel bursts out with peerless Dao light. Wherever the light shines, the wreckage of the universe reappears as it did before it was destroyed. Dao power condenses and gathers between the treasure wheels!

At the same time, all Yuanshi in the universe cemetery were alarmed by the burst of Tao power from the two people, and they all looked this way. With their advanced realms, they immediately realized that the power mobilized by Cangyuan Tianzun at this moment was far greater than before, and they should be able to reach their peak state in a short time to face powerful enemies!

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised and confused. Who could have forced Cangyuan Tianzun to such an extent in one encounter? Who is this person?

With all their eyesight, they could only see the boundless waves of the Dao Sea, and the universes crossing the sky, moving in and out of the sea, blocking their sight, and there seemed to be a vague figure standing in the middle of it.


Xu Ying's seal fell and collided with the brilliant big round wheel. The wheel bent, twisted, and suddenly fell into pieces. The brilliant power was crushed by his seal, and the mark of the road was smoothed!

Cangyuan Tianzun was knocked out of the four-level state by this blow, and his realm fell from the Yuanshi Dao realm to the end of the avenue, and then from the end of the avenue to the Tao master realm.

He was horrified in his heart and was about to speak, when the annihilating heavenly fire in his body instantly ignited him!

Cangyuan Tianzun burned in the fierce fire and turned into ashes all over the sky!

Brother Cangyuan, don't slap people in the face when you hit them, don't expose your shortcomings when you scold them. If you expose my shortcomings, can you still expect me to spare your life?

Xu Ying stopped, the Daohai vision suddenly disappeared, and walked straight into the cosmic cemetery.

In the distance, a statue of Yuanshi Dao Realm had already been alarmed, and they all stood up and came towards this side.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye and summoned his Taoist power, saying loudly: Xu Ying, the ninth generation Chaos Lord, followed the example of the sages of the past generations and came to visit the cosmic cemetery to calm down the evil atmosphere. I also ask all fellow Taoists in the cemetery to give me some advice!

Xu Ying, you are just a clown, two-faced, and after surrendering to us, you rebelled. Are you worthy of being the Lord of Chaos?

Patriarch Xuan Mian arrived and said solemnly, The Cosmic Cemetery is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want!

Taoist Master Lingshuang came to fight side by side with him. The two of them mobilized their full strength, and instantly revived the debris of thousands of surrounding universes, as if those destroyed universes reappeared in the sea of ​​chaos, allowing them to borrow a torrent of Dao power!

The two of them had attacked the Chaos Master Dojo more than 3,000 years ago and had never encountered Xu Ying. However, after hearing about Xu Ying's victory over Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, they knew that he was extremely powerful and that he was the new generation of Great Heavenly Lord in the Sea of ​​Chaos and should never be neglected. Therefore, the moment the two of them took action, they sacrificed their respective Origin Treasures, and no longer suppressed their own calamity, striving to hold off Xu Ying!

As long as Xu Ying is held back and other Yuanshi Dao realms arrive, Xu Ying will be under siege and will surely die!

When the two men arrived to fight, they suddenly saw a ginseng fruit tree rising from the ground behind Xu Ying. The Tao tree towered up, as high as infinity. There were countless Tao fruits hanging on the tree, shining brightly.

But if you look closely, you will see that these Dao Fruits are like universes, containing countless universes, countless stars, and galaxies, and are vast and boundless.

Xu Ying pushed out with his left hand and met Patriarch Xuan Mian's chaotic Tao drum. The moment his palm collided with the Tao drum, the Tao fruits on the Tao tree disappeared, and the powerful Tao power suddenly burst out from his palm!

The Dao Drum of Chaos is the most precious treasure of Patriarch Xuan Mian. This treasure contains the Dao of Chaos. The stronger the enemy's attack falls on the drum, the stronger the Tao Drum's counterattack will be. It has been tried and true!

However, Xu Ying's palm print fell on the drum, and the Chaos Dao Drum fell into pieces!

Patriarch Xuan Mian vomited blood, his breath was exhausted, and his realm fell rapidly!

At the same time, Taoist Lingshuang's seven-color imperial seal also fell down and hit Xu Ying's head, but it only made Xu Ying stagger slightly.

Dao Zun Ling Shuang was about to attack again, but he saw that Xu Ying had already approached her, came in front of her, and punched her.

It was too late for Taoist Lingshuang to resist with the Heavenly Seal, so he gathered all his magic power and faced it with Yuanshi Taoist body!

She pushed out her palms, and just as she touched Xu Ying's fist, she felt boundless power coming in, and her whole body crackled and exploded!

Xu Ying shattered her arms with this punch and made her head spin around her neck for two or three weeks.

Just as Taoist Ling Shuang stabilized his figure, the mark of the Tao at the end of his path had already been erased by Xu Ying!

She exclaimed and shouted quickly: Brother Xuan Mian, save me!

However, at this time, Patriarch Xuan Mian was also reduced by Xu Ying and fell to the realm of Tao Master. He was unable to suppress his own calamity and was enveloped by the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation.

Xu Ying walked between the two of them, and Taoist Master Lingshuang also ignited a raging sky fire. The ashes of the two people covered the sky and blocked the sun, like dark clouds floating in the sky, which was extremely spectacular.

Ahead, more people from the Yuanshi Dao Realm were coming. Xu Ying suddenly quickened his pace and went straight into the siege. His thick voice spread throughout the universe cemetery: Dao Emperor, Chaos Lord Xu Ying came to visit! Why should the Dao Emperor hide and dare not see him? people?

He fell into a tight siege and sacrificed to the Dao Sea. Countless universes rose up from the vast Dao Sea, which was extremely majestic.

However, the next moment, all the Yuanshi Dao realms sacrificed their respective Yuanshi treasures and worked together to suppress it. They immediately suppressed his Daohai and made it submissive and calm.

Xu Ying, why do I need the Dao Emperor to kill you? Liuli Daozu said with a smile.

Suddenly, Xu Ying raised his foot and stomped hard, causing the Daohai to turn upside down. Everyone was in a hurry, and Xu Ying killed one person. Then he turned his palm upside down and turned it into a treasure box seal to attract the Liuli Dao Ancestor!

Liuli Daozu remained calm in the face of danger and activated his Yuanshi Treasure, allowing it to be sucked away by Xu Ying while he fled.

He naturally knows the power of the Great Dao Treasure Box, so he will never compete with it.

However, Xu Ying suddenly spat out his palm force, and the suction force of the Dao Treasure Box suddenly turned into a majestic surge of Dao force, crushing his treasure and hitting the back of his heart!

Liuli Daozu vomited blood and became depressed.

Everyone stabilized their position and came to fight again. Xu Ying's feet were stopped, and Daohai turned upside down again, and there was another chaos.

Dao Emperor, the promise made by the Chaos Lord is unfathomable, and we are far from its rivals.

In the cosmic cemetery, Patriarch Jing Ling broke into the restricted area and found the Dao Emperor who suppressed the Holy Ancestor. He quickly said, Now that Xu Ying has defeated the Great Heavenly Lord, his strength has become more and more advanced. He has killed more than ten people in a row. The Dao Emperor did not take action, but only I’m afraid there will be no one available in the cosmic cemetery!”

The Dao Emperor turned his back to him and sat still, saying: Compared to Xu Ying, the Saint Ancestor is more harmful. Xu Ying came here to force me to take action against him so that the Saint Ancestor can take the opportunity to escape. Let Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Venerable Just take action. There is not much difference between Xuanyuan and Xu Ying.

The Holy Ancestor had always liked to tease the Dao Emperor about his inability to advance or retreat, but at this moment he was surprisingly quiet and silent.

Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan has gone up, but people are still dying in Xu Ying's hands!

Patriarch Jing Ling was extremely anxious, The Holy Ancestor has been suppressed by the first generation of Chaos Lords, and it is difficult to escape for a while. What harm is there? If the Tao Emperor does not take action, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Taoist friends in the cemetery will be slaughtered by Xu Ying Almost exhausted!

Dao Huang hesitated for a moment and then said: Go and tell Xuanyuan and ask him to lead Xu Ying here. When the distance is right, I will help.

Patriarch Jing Ling was overjoyed and hurriedly went to inform Great Heavenly Master Xuanyuan.

Upon hearing this, Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan immediately took the lead and attacked Xu Ying. His strength was not much inferior to that of Xu Ying, and he posed a great threat to Xu Ying. When he joined the battlefield, Xu Ying had to deal with him seriously.

Finally, Xuanyuan Tianzun led Xu Ying to the restricted area, but he was also hit hard by Xu Ying one after another. He thought to himself: Why doesn't the Dao Emperor take action?

The Dao Emperor was still sitting in front of the stone statue of the Holy Ancestor. He suddenly raised his hand, raised his thumb and pointed heavily behind him. A finger force penetrated the dark night and went straight to Xu Ying!

At the same time, suddenly the stone statue of the Saint Ancestor in front of him laughed loudly, quickly turned into flesh and blood, and shouted: Dao Emperor, you have exposed a flaw!

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