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Chapter 1023 No Exceptions

Changsun Shenghai looked at the battlefield and saw countless corpses falling down one after another. Some had swords in their eyebrows, some had their hearts pierced, some had their souls beheaded, and some had their heads decapitated...

But these incarnations of the Yuanshi Dao were all without exception. The Dao was cut off by the sharp sword light, and they died extremely simply!

Changsun Shenghai's heart felt cold, and he completely forgot to take the opportunity to treat his injuries.

If he concentrated on healing his wounds at this time, he could still take advantage of the gap between Taoist Tongtian to deal with those Yuanshi Tao bodies, stabilize his injuries and escape, but now that his Taoist heart was agitated, he lost the opportunity to flee.

However, Taoist Tongtian did not kill him. He just turned around and looked at him indifferently, then turned and walked towards Yuanshi, including Patriarch Jing Ling, who was fighting Chaos Bell, Zhong Ye, Nan Kongyuan and others.

Tongtian, won't you kill me? Changsun Shenghai said loudly, with anger in his voice.

Taoist Tongtian did not look back and continued to move forward.

Changsun Shenghai became even more angry and said angrily: If you don't kill me, I will still work hard to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos! With my qualifications, understanding and talent, I will definitely be able to cultivate to the Yuanshi Dao realm! At that time, you are no match for me !”

Taoist Tongtian ignored him, and the sword light lit up, pointing directly at Jing Ling.

Patriarch Jing Ling is currently competing with the Chaos Bell. He is the strongest among all those in the Yuanshi Dao realm, but he is still overwhelmed by the Chaos Bell.

The Chaos Bell is a magic weapon left behind by the first generation of Chaos Lords. After being promised to be repaired, its power has been restored. Although Patriarch Jing Ling is still young, every attack from the Chaos Bell makes him feel that he is about to be shattered. , a trend that turns into chaos!

Taoist Tongtian came to kill with a sword. Wherever the sword light flashed, Patriarch Jing Ling suddenly had dozens of blood holes on his body.


The bells vibrated, and Patriarch Jing Ling vomited blood and flew away. His bones were broken one after another, and what spewed out of the blood holes was no longer blood, but the surging energy of chaos.

Taoist Tongtian succeeded with one blow, and immediately killed Chaoyun Tianzun without pursuing him.

Chao Yun Tianzun is fighting with Ling Que Bridge. Although Ling Que Bridge has been guided by Master Zhong to embark on the path of magic weapon cultivation, after all, the cultivation time is still short and he cannot exert all his power.

It was retreating steadily under Chao Yun's attacks. It relied on itself as the most precious treasure of the Yuan Dynasty and was more resistant to fights, so it was able to sustain itself until now.

Taoist Tongtian arrived and swayed with sword light. Chao Yun Tianzun was startled and hurriedly evaded and said with a smile: Tongtian, don't be so arrogant. Although you have cultivated to the Yuanshi Dao realm, I am also the Yuanshi Dao realm! Even if I am half-cultivated to the Yuanshi Dao realm, The calamity you use to suppress yourself is beyond your reach!

Before he finished speaking, Taoist Master Tongtian suddenly brushed his sleeves across the Linggu Bridge and raised the Linggu Bridge as a sword.

Chaoyun Tianzun resisted Tongtian and Linggu Bridge at the same time, which was already a bit difficult. At this moment, the power of Linggu Bridge surged, catching him off guard, and his defense was broken!

The moment his defense was broken, the Zhuxian Sword was already in front of him!

Chaoyun Tianzun remained calm in the face of danger, quickly retreated, and used Chaoyun Tianshu with both hands. The long sleeves flew, covering the sky and the sun. Each sleeve contained the power of a universe, and it was so powerful!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Countless rays of sword light suddenly broke through his Chaoyun Tianxiu, and the sword light flashed in front of his face. Chaoyun Tianzun only saw his sleeves shattered into butterflies, dancing gracefully. The next moment, he saw the flesh and blood flying on his hands, and on his lower body. In an instant, both arms turned into bones!

He backed away crazily, and his eyes suddenly went dark. He felt his face was cold. Suddenly, the sword light invaded his face. In an instant, his face was completely peeled off, and his eyes were blinded!

As soon as Taoist Tongtian succeeded in attacking, he stopped asking Chaoyun and went straight to kill Taoist Chongming.

The person who confronted Chongming Daozu was Master Zhong. Most of Master Zhong's methods were inherited from Xu Ying, and the other half were practiced hard by himself and sacrificed for Xu Ying, and finally became the most precious treasure of Yuanshi.

Unlike the Yuanshi treasures such as the Linggu Bridge and the Chaos Bell, which cannot exert their full power, its cultivation level has also reached the Yuanshi, and it can be said to be easy to sacrifice to itself, and its power is extremely powerful.

Chongming Daozu fought with it, evenly matched, and was secretly shocked. However, he still had some strength left. He saw Taoist Tongtian severely injuring Patriarch Jing Ling and Chao Yun Tianzun, coming towards him. He immediately struck out with all his strength, forcing the big bell to retreat and fled away.

Taoist Tongtian looked at Patriarch Xuanmian and Taoist Lingshuang. They were facing two Hunyuan Taoist ancestors, Nan Kongyuan and Qin Luan. They also saw the opportunity and escaped.

The Chaos Bell, the Big Bell, and the Linggu Bridge were freed up, and they immediately went to support the masters of the Three Realms and the Yi League to encircle and suppress the Dao League.

With the defeat of Changsun Shenghai, the good situation fell apart in just a few moments!

Tongtian, why don't you kill me? Changsun Shenghai's voice came.

Taoist Tongtian ignored him and allowed him to shout, but never took action.

Taiyi Tianzun said: I will kill him.

Zuo Lian smiled and said: Changsun Shenghai is also my disciple. I'll go meet him.

Taiyi Tianzun said: If you can't kill him, you can let me do it for you.

Zuo Lian left with a smile, but not long after, he found Changsun Shenghai. He saw this young man who had always been well-dressed and well-groomed. He was now in a mess, with disheveled clothes, a loose shawl, and blood stains everywhere on his body.

Zuo Lian said: Disciple, do you still remember being a master?

Changsun Shenghai glanced at him and sneered: You are here to kill me? You are just the end of the road, you can't kill me! Call Tongtian!

Zuo Lian shook his head and said: Holy Sea, you have relatives, friends, wives and children in the spiritual world. I also have relatives, friends, wives and children in the spiritual world. They are just more than you, not less than you. Why don't I hate the Chaos Sea as much as you do? Why? Aren't you as heartbroken as you?

Changsun Shenghai sneered: That's because you didn't see through the Sea of ​​Chaos, and you compromised with it! Zuo Lian, you are too cowardly!

Zuo Lian shook his head and said: This is not cowardice. But I know that birth, old age, illness and death are the consequences of life. I know that they chose to fight against fate and death for their relatives and friends and for all living beings. They did not want to live and died heroically. I respect their choice. , so I remember them and pay homage to them. Similarly, like ordinary people whose relatives and friends have passed away, I continue my life and make my life more meaningful.

Changsun Shenghai laughed loudly and said mockingly: You are just like those powerless mortals, you only know how to escape! We monks go against the will of heaven, when have we ever compromised? Zuo Lian, your words are not in line with the way of practice, just retreat. , don’t bring shame on yourself!”

Zuo Lian went back, shook his head at everyone and said, I can't persuade him.

Taiyi Tianzun was eager to try: I'll kill him!

No one stopped.

Taiyi Tianzun looked for it, but there was no trace of Changsun Shenghai. He searched all the way, but saw that Changsun Shenghai came to the Chaos Lord's dojo at some time and climbed to the front of the Chaos Immortal Palace.

Taiyi Tianzun hesitated for a moment and did not come closer.

I saw that Changsun Shenghai's body was covered with wounds left by Taoist Tongtian. He could no longer stand up and could only crawl on the ground with his two arms.

This man was yelling and cursing in front of the Chaos Immortal Palace, asking Xu Ying to come out and kill him, shouting: Xu Ying, I was not defeated by Tongtian's hand, but you messed up my Taoist mind! Otherwise I will definitely not be defeated! Come out , just kill me!

Taiyi Tianzun turned and left, thinking: This matter is related to the Chaos Lord. The Chaos Lord didn't kill him, which shows that he didn't want to kill him. Why should I bother?

Changsun Shenghai yelled and cursed outside the Chaos Immortal Palace for a long time, but Xu Ying never came out. He tried to break into the fairy palace, but found that he could not climb in.

From top to bottom of the Dao League, some were running away to the death, and some were surrendering. Soon everything became orderly.

However, in the following years, Xu Ying never came out of the Immortal Palace. Changsun Shenghai scolded him for two years, but he did not continue to scold him. Instead, he stubbornly stayed outside the Immortal Palace and did not leave.

The injuries on his body have never been treated and are still extremely serious.

He leaned against the wall of the Immortal Palace, occasionally leaning against the pillars, looking aimlessly at the sea of ​​chaos outside.

More than ten years have passed, and Xu Ying still has not come out of the Immortal Palace.

Changsun Shenghai's clothes were in tatters, his body was covered with dirt, his hair was disheveled, his beard was unkempt, and the wounds on his body stank, he still clung to the Immortal Palace.

A hundred years later, he still stubbornly stood outside the Immortal Palace, but Xu Ying still did not appear in the palace.

More than a thousand years later, Xu Ying still did not appear. Changsun Shenghai was already surrounded by his beard and hair. Occasionally, he would stretch out two black hands, push away the hair that blocked his eyes, and look into the immortal palace.

More than two thousand years later, he seemed to have died outside the Immortal Palace. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the palace: I have been very helpful to you, fellow Taoist, over the years.

I dare not. Without Brother Dao's guidance, I would never be able to complete the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra. But Brother Dao, even if we complete the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra, I'm afraid there is still a gap between the real Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra. We just missed it. I just barely made up for it.”

I understand. You can practice in peace.

Changsun Shenghai cheered up and tried to get up. He looked up and saw Xu Ying and True Lord Daoji walking out of the Immortal Palace.

Although Changsun Shenghai suffered a severe Tao injury, his eyesight was still there and he could see that True Lord Daoji's cultivation had greatly increased, especially his attainments on the Great Way of Annihilation, which were even more unfathomable!

The breath of death floating in the sea of ​​chaos continued to flow into his body and turned into his magic power!

This kind of cultivation is really rare.

As for Xu Ying who walked out with him, he looked like an ordinary person. There was nothing strange about him. He looked like an ordinary young man.

True Lord Daoji glanced at Changsun Shenghai, then withdrew his gaze and said: I don't dare to disturb the Great Heavenly Lord. Farewell.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, when I want to deal with this person, I hope that my fellow Taoist can help me.

True Lord Daoji pondered for a moment and said: The cultivation methods of the Great Heavenly Lord are beyond my ability. If the Great Heavenly Lord cannot win, I'm afraid I won't be able to help... I will be there. If I am unable to help, please give me some help. Forgive me, Great Heavenly Lord.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's a blessing that fellow Taoist can come. Now the Sea of ​​Chaos is in danger, and there will definitely be a great purge in the near future. It's best for fellow Taoist to stay here to avoid being eliminated.

True Lord Daoji said yes and left.

Xu Ying watched him go away, and then came to Changsun Shenghai.

Changsun Shenghai moaned and groaned. He had not spoken in these years. In addition, the injury was extremely serious. Although he had the foundation of previous cultivation, he could not even speak after such a long period of injury and torture.

Xu Ying knelt down and saw that Changsun Shenghai's thick hair began to slowly retract, and the abscesses in the wounds slowly dissipated, and the wounds healed.

By the time Xu Ying squatted in front of him, Changsun Shenghai's injuries had healed, and his cultivation had returned to its former peak.

Xu Ying looked into his eyes and said, How long will Shenghai continue to lie on the ground?

Changsun Shenghai got up and Xu Ying also stood up.

A broken heart is easy to heal, but a broken heart is difficult to heal.

Xu Ying looked up at the thousands of universes he had opened up, and said leisurely, Holy Sea, remember that you and I were Taoist friends. We studied Taoism and supernatural powers together, developed nine evidences together, went to the spiritual world together, and fought against the other side together. I never thought , they actually parted ways.

Changsun Shenghai's eyes were blood red and his voice was hoarse as he said, I was about to realize the beginning of Taoism, but you ruined it! You ruined it!

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said: Your Daoist heart is too bad. You take the immediate victory or defeat too seriously. You should be like me. I can kneel down even in the face of my enemies.

Changsun Shenghai laughed loudly, a little crazy, and said at the top of his lungs: After you experienced the great joy of revenge, you returned to another hometown, only to find that your hometown has been destroyed for nine billion years. Your wife, children, and disciples all died in this Is it what it was like nine billion years ago? The Sea of ​​Chaos fooled me, fooled everyone, even the Yuanshi Dao realm! What calamity and annihilation are all just forced upon us by the Sea of ​​Chaos! Others are powerless to change these, but We can! We monks who have mastered powerful power can! We can completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, so that this sea will no longer fool us! We can open up a new world without misfortune and annihilation!

Xu Ying turned around and faced him directly, saying, So you can sacrifice countless people?

Changsun Shenghai gasped and stared at him.

Xu Ying said: Whose wives, children, parents, and relatives are those people you sacrificed? When you think about opening up the sea of ​​chaos to fool you, in the eyes of others, you are already a sea of ​​chaos.

Changsun Shenghai gritted his teeth: For the new world in the future, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed!

Xu Ying said: What if there is no new world? What if we can't witness the truth of the Great Dao by opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos? If your new world also has disasters and annihilation in the future, who will open it?

Changsun Shenghai laughed loudly: Xu Ying, when did you become so timid and restrained? Where is your aggressiveness? You used to be a person who dared to do anything, why have you become a coward now?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I will not kill countless people just to achieve my goal.

Changsun Shenghai showed a mocking expression.

Xu Ying's face remained normal and he said: Shenghai, you don't know my past. A long time ago, I was a doll that was fooled by others. Others called me an immortal, but in fact, my life was extremely miserable. I was captured and treated as an immortal. I took the medicine and was captured to test why I could survive. I experienced separation from my wife countless times. At that time, I was just a puppet without any power. I became a snake catcher in this life. Catching strange snakes in the countryside, living a life where you could lose your life at any time.

He slowly recounted the past and said unhurriedly: The first time I felt that I should resist was when I worshiped God. God enslaves us and the world, but I was just as numb and turned a blind eye like everyone else. But when God forced an old man from the same village to death. When blood splashed on my face, fear and anger filled my brain, and I killed God. The death of that old man made me see that I myself might be killed by God. , therefore I must kill God.”

Xu Ying stretched out his hands, looked at them, and said in a calm voice: Shenghai, don't become that god in my eyes.

Changsun Shenghai sneered and said: Xu Ying, there is no way I can be shaken by you.

Xu Ying said sincerely: Holy Sea, you can survive, you can cultivate to the Yuanshi Dao realm, you can live in the Three Realms, you can go to a universe where no one knows you, and you can go explore in the Great Void. You can even rebuild the Emperor Realm, you can even be like Fairy Danxia, ​​using your own supreme magic power to find the great road in the sea of ​​chaos, reappear in the spiritual world, and reappear as your wife and children as your disciples!

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: Then what? Wait until the three realms are extinguished like the spirit world? Wait until the new emperor world is extinct like the spirit world? Wait for the wife, children and disciples to reappear and die like them in the past? Xu Ying, you can't change it. I……

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ying pierced his forehead with one finger, and a bright beam of light extended backwards for a distance of the universe with all his blood.

This finger destroyed all his avenues, including his soul and his ultimate mark.

Xu Ying took out his blood-stained fingers, gently closed Changsun Shenghai's eyes, turned his head, and looked lonely at the chaotic sea that was as clean as the void.

I'm sorry Shenghai, no one can do it, including you...

His eyes widened, but two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

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