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Chapter 1025: Rescue the Holy Ancestor, the mastermind behind the scenes

At the same time that Dao Emperor's finger attacked Xu Ying, the Holy Ancestor also rose up!

At this moment, the entire ancient restricted area shook violently, the ground exploded, and huge cracks appeared. The earth shook and the mountains shook. Along with the strange and huge Tao Seal, the billowing energy of chaos gushes out from the huge cracks!

That was the Holy Ancestor breaking the ban and touching the ban left by the first generation of Chaos Lords!

The energy of chaos pouring out from the ground was so intense that it was almost boiling. It turned into a big hand that covered the entire restricted area and pressed down hard.

The stone statues of Yuanshi in the restricted area floated one after another, and the extremely hard surface began to soften and the dust fell off.

They were in the Yuanshi Dao realm when they were in the last graveyard. Because of the heavy misfortune, they had to be turned into stone to avoid the misfortune. At this moment, they were alarmed by the restriction imposed by the first generation Chaos Lord. They woke up one after another, feeling that a disaster was coming.

However, the moment they woke up, misfortunes also happened one after another. All the stone statues were suddenly submerged in the blazing fire of death, and they let out deafening screams.

This scene made the Dao Emperor burst into tears. These petrified Yuanshi were all his former Taoist friends. If you maintain the petrified state, you can still save your life. Although you are just surviving, you are not dead after all.

But now the Holy Ancestor is trying to get out of trouble, which has alarmed the ban imposed by the first generation Chaos Lord. The ban broke out, alarming these petrified Yuansi, causing them to wake up and die.

Even if he is not dead, he may not be able to escape under the ban of the first generation Chaos Lord!


The big hand of chaos fell, and the stone statues of Yuanshi were shattered one after another. Yuanshi, who had transformed from petrification to flesh, was helpless in the face of this blow and vomited blood.

Even the debris of the universe here began to evaporate, turning into a brilliant rain of light. It's just that the light rain doesn't fall from the sky, but rises from the ground!

The Holy Ancestor was pressed below, and he couldn't help roaring in the face of this terrible pressure.

Chaos, you were able to suppress me back then, but now that the catastrophe of the Chaos Sea has appeared and the power of Nirvana has increased greatly, you can't suppress me!

He has thousands of arms, and he punches hard to meet the pressing hand of chaos!

At the same time, the Dao Emperor flew up, his long sleeves dancing, and struck at the Holy Ancestor!

Dao Emperor, you can't suppress me!

The other half of the Holy Ancestor's arm met the Tao Emperor's attack and he laughed loudly, You allowed the fellow Taoists in the cemetery to destroy the universe of the Sea of ​​Chaos, thus killing countless living beings in vain. These remnants of the universe, carrying their resentment, turned against you. Wait until Yuanshi's calamity against the Chaos Sea turns into the energy of annihilation! Now, you can no longer trap me!


His fist ignited blazing heavenly fire and became even more powerful. He actually blasted a huge hole through the huge hand of chaos, and at the same time blocked the Tao Emperor's blow!

The Saint Ancestor's figure was like a particle of dust, flying out of the hole, bringing with it the energy of chaos.

And that big hand of chaos fell heavily, and the entire restricted area of ​​the cemetery, all the stone statues of Yuanshi and Yuanshi entangled by the sky fire, all turned into powder, turned into brilliant light, evaporated and disappeared, completely gone!

Only the Dao Emperor quickly retreated back at this critical moment, escaping narrowly between the fingers of the big hand of chaos.

As soon as the Holy Ancestor flew out of the hole, he saw the energy of chaos rising from the big hand of chaos below, and countless red lines appeared from nothing.

Those red threads are tied to this big hand, countless in number, criss-crossing, as if this big hand of chaos is a puppet controlled by red threads.

The red line reaches the sky with no end in sight.

Suddenly, countless red lines moved rapidly, leaving extremely complex trajectories in the air, blocking all escape routes for the Holy Ancestor!

Red rope knot! Don't even think about catching me again!

The Saint Ancestor's body suddenly sank, and at this critical moment of life and death, he sank down and once again got into the hole in the big hand of Chaos!

The big chaotic hand was tightly grasped, and countless red lines were crisscrossed and attached to the back of the hand. If the Holy Ancestor continued to fly upward, he would definitely be chopped into pieces by these red lines!

Even if it is not cut into pieces, it will be tied up tightly. ——If he flew back into the palm of Chaos' big hand, he would be pinched hard.

However, he survived by hiding in the hole that was penetrated by the hand of Chaos.

The Holy Ancestor took advantage of the moment when countless red ropes were tied into knots, flew out of the hole, and galloped away.

At the same time, Dao Huang's figure was floating, rushing towards him from the diagonal stab.

The two peerless powerful men were as graceful as a flying lion. They collided and separated immediately.

The Dao Emperor landed on the ground, looked up and saw the Holy Ancestor vomiting blood, with dozens of arms broken, and he was bleeding all the way away.

He rose into the air again, only to see Xu Ying rushing out from the other side and joining the Holy Ancestor.

Dao Huang rushed forward and fought with the two men. After only two or three rounds, Xu Ying and Shengzu vomited blood.

Dao Huang was also shocked and fell down. He did not continue to pursue him. He saw Xu Ying and the Holy Ancestor running away and soon disappeared.

Xuanyuan Tianzun and others hurried over, but saw that Dao Emperor was standing there and did not pursue them. They couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, and they did not pursue Xu Ying and the Holy Ancestor.

Let them go. came the Dao Emperor's voice.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord hurriedly came to the Dao Emperor and saw that his face was not pretty. Originally, the Tao Emperor looked like a boy, but he was struck by bad luck and his face was half withered and half glorious. Now Ku Rong is fighting, which is very powerful. Apparently, he had a hard time confronting Saint Ancestor Xu Ying one after another.

Xu Ying was hit by my finger, and the Holy Ancestor was severely injured by me. Both of them were unable to do evil for a while.

After a long time, the Dao Emperor exhaled a breath of turbidity, his face became a little better, and he said, These two people will definitely join forces to fight against us. The only way for me now is to use the Dao Treasure Box, which combines nine treasure boxes into one , only then can we have a chance of winning.”

Xuanyuan Tianzun said: The treasure box is outside now. Dao Yu and other nine Taoist friends are holding the treasure box and searching for fish that have slipped through the net. I don't know when they will return.

The Dao Emperor looked calm and said: It shouldn't take too long. The reason why the Sea of ​​Chaos was originally endless is because the Sea of ​​Chaos has a past and a future. The past and future are in a state of chaos, so it is endless. But now that the past has been destroyed, the future is endless. If there is no trace, then the Chaos Sea will be exhausted. It will only be a matter of time before it is broken. What's more, if the Holy Ancestor is released, no matter how many universes are left, they will be destroyed by him.

He looked at the huge hand of chaos and saw that the big hand was gradually dissipating, and the energy of chaos that made up the hand was flowing in the same direction. And that direction is exactly the direction of Black Jade Ganoderma lucidum.

As strong as Master Chaos, I can't keep him. The strength of the Holy Ancestor is even greater than before.

Dao Huang sighed, his eyes flashed, and he looked into the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking, and whispered, Xu Ying, whether you can change my mind depends on your actions.

Above the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, an extremely vast cosmic source floats in the silent and empty sea of ​​chaos. Even the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, which is the number one spiritual root and the number one treasure in the Chaos Sea, is as tiny as a hair compared to this cosmic flood source.

Suddenly two figures flew in one after the other and landed on the Ganoderma lucidum one after another. A young man with a big hole between his eyebrows was Xu Ying. The other person also looks like a young man, but has thousands of arms and a tall body, but many of his arms are broken. He is the Holy Ancestor.

Both of them had fought against the Dao Emperor before. Although the two of them joined forces to fight against the enemy, they were at a disadvantage. They could only force the Dao Emperor back but could not hurt the Dao Emperor.

Xu Ying's eyebrows were pierced because of the Dao Emperor's finger.

Before the Holy Ancestor escaped, the Dao Emperor once attacked Xu Ying with one finger. It was this finger that penetrated Xu Ying's layers of defense and hit his head brightly from the front and back!

Fortunately, Xu Ying's acquired avenue covers a wide range of avenues. The Tao Emperor can kill Xu Ying on most avenues, but there are always some avenues that he has never seen or heard of.

Xu Ying escaped with his life and saved himself, but he wanted to wipe out the damage caused by Dao Emperor's finger, but it was difficult to do so for a while.

The same is true for the Holy Ancestor.

He faced the ban imposed by the Dao Emperor and the first-generation Chaos Lord at the same time. He had been studying the ban imposed by the first-generation Chaos Lord for countless trillions of years, and had already developed a way to crack it. Only the Dao Emperor's Taoist method, which he had I don’t know much, so it’s difficult to heal Dao injuries in a short time.

The two stood firm, looked at each other, and both smiled.

The Holy Ancestor breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: My Taoist friend Xu has made rapid progress in cultivation, which is admirable. I didn't expect that in just ten thousand years, you can already resist the Tao Emperor's finger without dying after not seeing each other for ten thousand years.

Xu Ying laughed to cover up his embarrassment. After all, he was the one who forced the Dao Emperor's finger, but failed to catch it, causing light to penetrate from the front and back of his head.

It's amazing that the Holy Ancestor was able to escape at the moment when the Dao Emperor took action.

Xu Ying praised, If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do this. Holy Ancestor, you and I are seriously injured, why not take this opportunity to treat Dao injuries?

The Holy Ancestor nodded and said: Although the Dao Emperor is troubled by the calamity and cannot practice, his Dao practice is higher than before. His Dao injuries are not easy to treat.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have studied his Taoist treasure box and have some understanding of his Taoism. With our intelligence, it should not be difficult to solve the Taoist wounds he left.

The Holy Ancestor was pleased and said with a smile: Then I'll give you a favor, fellow Taoist.

Xu Ying said apologetically: Brother Dao, I will treat my Tao injury first, and then I will treat Brother Dao after my injury recovers.

The Holy Ancestor didn't take it seriously and nodded in agreement.

Xu Ying sat down on the black jade Ganoderma lucidum and concentrated on studying the Taoist teachings left by the Taoist Emperor in his Taoist injury.

Unknowingly, several years passed before he healed the injury. He stood up and said, Thank you, brother. Please wait.

The Holy Ancestor was surprised and praised: Fellow Daoist Xu is a genius of a generation. This background is really extraordinary. He can actually solve the Taoist wounds left by the Dao Emperor so quickly!

Xu Ying came closer, observed his broken arm, and said with a smile: The Holy Ancestor only knew that it took me three years to heal the Tao injury, but he didn't know that I spent ten thousand years observing and studying the Tao treasure box, and trying to figure out the Taoist Emperor's Taoist magic.

The Holy Ancestor sat cross-legged, just like his petrified state back then, with thousands of densely packed arms, each holding a different seal. He was not afraid of Xu Ying approaching and said with a smile: It will take ten thousand years to understand the Taoist Emperor's magical powers. , and gained a lot, which is already extremely remarkable. The Tao Emperor can be said to be the most knowledgeable and profound Taoist being in the Chaos Sea. If he had not been injured by Chaos, which caused his misfortune, I am afraid that he would have reached the highest level. Realm, cultivate the immeasurable sea of ​​Tao.

The Dao Emperor actually has this level? Xu Ying asked in surprise.

The Holy Ancestor said: His realm is actually higher than mine. He is the most powerful existence I have ever seen. Back then, I was not afraid of anyone but him. To this day, even if I can borrow the annihilation of the Chaos Sea He uses Qi to improve himself and is far better than before, and I don’t think I can compete with him. Hey!”

He chuckled lightly and said: This is still the Dao Emperor who cannot use all his cultivation bases. If the Dao Emperor is not affected by the calamity and can use all his cultivation bases, his strength will be even more terrifying!

Xu Ying was horrified in his heart, and unconsciously he was extremely fascinated by the Dao Emperor when he was confronting the first generation Chaos Lord. Of course, he was more fascinated by the first generation Chaos Lord. After all, it was the first generation of Chaos Lord who injured the Tao Emperor at his peak, causing him to fall into misfortune.

So, how far is the distance between the Holy Ancestor and the Dao Emperor? Xu Ying asked.

The Holy Ancestor looked straight and said: There is only a slight difference between me and him.

Xu Ying was quite puzzled.

The Holy Ancestor said: Although it is a slight difference, it is a far cry from each other when we fight. But now the misfortune of the Chaos Sea is getting more and more serious, and the energy of annihilation is getting stronger and stronger. One is decreasing and the other is increasing. My The Dao of Nirvana will also become stronger and stronger. If many Taoist friends join forces with me, then we can deal with the Tao Emperor and destroy this old Taoist Nirvana!

Xu Ying smiled slightly, checked the arm behind him, and said: Dare you ask me, brother, why did the first generation of Chaos Lord suppress you back then?

The Holy Ancestor also had a face on the back of his head. He didn't take it seriously and said, Because I tried to destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos back then, in order to trigger the catastrophe of annihilation that swept through the Sea of ​​Chaos, so that I could transcend the beginning and cultivate the Sea of ​​Nirvana. Purpose. Discovered by the Chaos Lord, so he insisted on killing me.

Xu Ying checked his injuries and said with a smile: How to destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos?

The Holy Ancestor said: Destroy each universe in the sea of ​​chaos, causing more and more wreckage of the universe, and the cemetery getting bigger and bigger. The little things add up, and one day, it will evolve into a catastrophe of annihilation that sweeps the entire sea of ​​chaos... …Is that your friend?”

He looked into the distance and saw a Taoist with a pale face and a long beard walking towards this side and landing on another leaf of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

Xu Yingdao: That is True Lord Daoji, and he is also a person who practices the path of annihilation. Now he has reached the end of the path of annihilation.

The Holy Ancestor was surprised and praised: It is really rare to achieve such achievements on the path of annihilation.

True Lord Daoji paid homage to Xu Ying and the Holy Ancestor from afar, then sat down without saying a word.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I once heard that the first generation of Chaos Lords chased a being who had achieved the Four Origins of Origin and broke into the cemetery of the universe. As a result, he fought with the strong men in the cemetery, causing the cemetery to sublimate. That Four Origins of Origin Could it be that the existence is the Holy Ancestor?

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said, It's me.

Xu Ying said: I heard that the Holy Ancestor was dead, but I didn't expect that you are still alive.

The Holy Ancestor laughed loudly and said: Chaos must completely sublimate the cemetery to kill me, but fortunately the Dao Emperor took action and stopped him, so that I can survive.

Xu Ying asked: After I join forces with Brother Dao to get rid of the Dao Emperor, what will Brother Dao do?

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: Xu Ying, do you think I will destroy the universe in the sea of ​​chaos and trigger the catastrophe of annihilation like before? You are wrong, I don't need to do this. The Tao Emperor has already done it for me. This annihilation Tribulation will break out without me triggering it. All I have to do is...

With two faces before and after him, he said leisurely: Get rid of the Dao Emperor, prevent the Dao Emperor from opening up this cosmic flood source, and let the catastrophe of annihilation in the Chaos Sea completely erupt, destroying everything! Only in this way can the ultimate annihilation be confirmed! Only in this way can the ultimate end of annihilation be confirmed! In this way, the spiritual roots that grow from the corpses in the Chaos Sea are the real treasures, and the universe that is born is the real Dao universe! Only in this way can we see the truth of the Dao!

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: Xu Ying, I know that you are the Chaos Lord and you have unrealistic ideas. But you and I have a common enemy. After getting rid of the Dao Emperor, you and I will prove the winner again! At that time, Whose way is the correct way will naturally be clear and clear!”

Xu Ying remained noncommittal and continued to delve into his path.

After a long time, with certainty, Xu Ying began to treat the Saint Ancestor's injuries. It took half a year for the Holy Ancestor's broken arm to be restored one by one.

While he was treating the Holy Ancestor, True Lord Daoji had been sitting there, motionless.

The Holy Ancestor stood up, moved his arms, breathed in and out, and praised: Fellow Taoist Xu's Taoist attainments are truly otherworldly and wonderful. Even the Taoist wounds left by the Taoist Emperor can be healed!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Can the Holy Ancestor now use his full strength?

The Holy Ancestor nodded.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Holy Ancestor, the Tao Emperor's idea of ​​opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos was not from the beginning. It was Wujie Patriarch, Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord, Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord and others who first tried to destroy Zhongting and Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. After the Chaos Empire planted behemoths like Black Jade Ganoderma, he had to accept the idea of ​​opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos. Where did the real idea of ​​Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord and others to completely open up the visible avenue of the Sea of ​​Chaos come from?

The Saint Ancestor was tall and tall, looking at him with a smile.

Xu Ying raised his head, made eye contact with the Saint Ancestor, and said softly: It's you, right? Although you were suppressed by the first generation of Chaos Lords, you can recover a part of your flesh and blood. You once tried to destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the first generation of Chaos Lords The reason why I want to get rid of you is because you really have the ability to destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos. You know how to completely destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos, and you bewitched Xuanyuan, Jisheng and others.

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: The Taoist heart of the Yuanshi Dao realm was stable and would not be deceived. But when disaster came, they did not want to die and were not willing to die. At that time, the Tao Emperor was troubled by the disaster again and had to be petrified. So I was given an opportunity to take advantage of it. Fellow Taoist Xu, do you have a grudge against this?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: This is your self-rescue, how can I have a grudge? You bewitched Xuanyuan and others, and the actions of Xuanyuan and others forced the Dao Emperor to join them. So, the disaster of Chaos Sea Being pushed up step by step like this, the calamity aggravates the Qi of Nirvana and boosts your cultivation strength, so your chance to escape comes.

The Holy Ancestor said: At the same time, the destruction of the Chaos Sea is about to come. I can finally confirm my path of destruction!

Xu Ying smiled and said: During this period, a silly Chaos Lord broke into your sight to help you escape, help you heal your Dao injuries, and also help you deal with the Dao Emperor.

The Holy Ancestor laughed loudly and said: Xu Ying, when did you figure this out?

More than three thousand years ago.

Xu Ying looked past him and looked at Dao Ji Zhenjun on another Zhizhi leaf in the distance, smiled slightly, and said, At that time, I couldn't figure out why the first generation of Chaos Lord didn't kill Dao Emperor, but insisted on killing you. So I thought hard. Then I suddenly figured it out. The Dao Emperor was pushed forward step by step by you and had to do it, and I became your pawn unknowingly.

The Holy Ancestor said in surprise: Since you realize this, why do you still come to save me? Yes, you know that you can't deal with the Dao Emperor, so no matter what, you have to rescue me and join hands with me to deal with the Dao Emperor.

The face behind him smiled happily: How do you know this and that you were not taken into account by me?

Xu Ying ignored his laughter and said: The reason why I insist on rescuing you is because the Dao Emperor's strength is too terrifying, and I don't have enough confidence to deal with the Dao Emperor.

The Holy Ancestor smiled slightly.

Xu Ying continued: So, I need someone to practice with.

The Holy Ancestor was stunned.

I have defeated the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan and become the Great Heavenly Lord of the Chaos Sea. If I go one step further, I will sweep across the universe cemetery without any opponent. If I challenge you further, there will only be two people, one is the Dao Emperor and the other is you.

Xu Ying's eyes met those of the Holy Ancestor, and he said softly, Compared to the Tao Emperor, you are a little weaker. But you were suppressed, so I have to rescue you. You have been injured by the Tao, so I have to treat you. .I need a Saint Ancestor in peak condition!

Only by killing the Holy Ancestor at his peak can I use this energy to fight against the Dao Emperor!

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