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Chapter 1019 Chaos Dojo

Surrounded by more than a thousand universes in the Great Rift Valley, a group of chaotic strange beings have already stood in front of their respective avenue imprints, forming different formations and waiting for them.

When Changsun Shenghai came out of the customs, he alerted these strange people, and Emperor Xu immediately ordered them to form a formation.

What troubles Patriarch Jing Ling and other Yuanshi Dao realm masters the most is that these chaotic strange people form a formation based on the Chaos Immortal Mountain.

And these Chaos Fairy Mountains look exactly the same!

Every Chaos Immortal Mountain has an Immortal Palace, and the Immortal Palace is exactly the same!

What made them frown even more was that they had seen the exact same Immortal Palace and Chaos Immortal Mountain in the Cosmic Cemetery!

That was Xu Ying's dojo. After Dao Yin was killed by Xu Ying, Xu Ying occupied Dao Yin's dojo and pressed his Chaos Immortal Mountain on top of Daoyin's dojo!

The followers of the Chaos Lord in front of them were arranged according to the promised dojo, preparing to compete with them.

But, how come there are so many identical dojos?

The state of chaos truly deserves its reputation.

Patriarch Jing Ling looked from a distance and saw only countless strange people with similar looks on the Chaos Immortal Mountain. He couldn't help but praise, Daoyin was defeated in his hands back then. It can be said that he was not unjust. This Chaos Reincarnation Taoist technique is unmatched. .”

Chao Yun, Xuan Mian, Ling Shuang, Chongming and other Yuanshi Dao realms came forward one after another, looked at the layout of these universes, and praised each other, saying: Fellow Daoist Xu is not a trivial matter, he turned his own dojo into a state of chaos!

The Chaos Lord has many followers, numbering in the tens of thousands, but it is impossible for these people to stop an existence in the Yuanshi Dao realm. But if these followers turn into a state of chaos, and the mana at the end of the countless avenues is connected and superimposed, then even the Yuanshi Dao realm will have to weigh it.

The cultivation strength of that Chaos Dao End is the most tyrannical.

Chongming Taoist Ancestor's eyes fell on Hun Tunsheng and said, This person has cultivated to the end of the Chaos Avenue. His Tao power is so powerful, coupled with the chaotic state, it is difficult to match. Even if the Tao is at its end, he can compete with Yuan Shi.

When Xu Ying transformed into a state of chaos, he went to various parts of the Chaos Sea to collect the spiritual roots of chaos planted in the universe that was about to be extinguished. These strange people from chaos were the chaotic creatures who followed Xu Ying back then. When Xu Ying transformed into a state of chaos, he also transformed them into chaos. state.

Chaoyun Tianzun said, Xu Ying unified the state of chaos and became the only true self, but these strange people from chaos do not have his level of attainments, so they still maintain the state of chaos. But I didn't expect that these people have now become a stumbling block for us.

Changsun Shenghai came over and asked: Brothers, do you have any way to deal with them?

Everyone laughed and said: Fellow Taoist Changsun asked us to come to help. If we don't have the means to deal with it, wouldn't we be ridiculed by the Chaos Lord?

Taoist Master Lingshuang smiled and said: Since Taoist Fellow Changsun has spoken, we will take action to break his chaotic state.

Several Yuanshi took their own steps, each chose a Chaos Dojo, and walked directly.

Patriarch Jing Ling smiled and said: I am the youngest, have the least luck, and can exert more cultivation strength. I will choose this path of chaos.

He went straight to the Chaos Fairy Mountain where Hun Tunsheng was located, and saw that on this fairy mountain, Hun Tunsheng was crowded with people, as densely packed as a sugarcane forest.

Patriarch Jing Ling came to the front of the mountain and said: I am Patriarch Jing Ling of the Universe Cemetery, ranked at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This little Taoist friend, although you have countless you in the state of chaos, but if you cannot unify them, in front of me It’s just a bid to sell the goods.”

The Huntunshengs were waiting in formation. One of the Huntunsheng on the top of the mountain shouted: Taoist, what you say is unfounded, how dare you come into my formation?

Patriarch Jing Ling smiled and said, Why don't you dare?

He climbed up the mountain and just stepped onto the Chaos Fairy Mountain. Suddenly, he saw a drastic change in the world. The Chaos Fairy Mountain and the Hunyuan Universe disappeared. Instead, there was a vast sea of ​​chaos, with countless chaotic creatures swimming around a giant egg in the sea.

The giant egg cracked open, and a giant stood up slowly, with terrifying Taoist power, holding the Divine Ax in hand, pointing at Patriarch Jing Ling from a distance, and said with a smile: Jing Ling, although you are Yuanshi, your head is chaotic and stubborn. Wait until I kill you. Open up!

Jing Ling was surprised. The giant was a chaotic soul that was manifested by Hutun Sheng using the magical method of chaos to unify his own chaotic state. His magical power was boundless.

It's really impressive to have so many outstanding masters around Xu Ying.

Patriarch Jing Ling praised, He has the divine power to open up the world and open up so many universes. He must have collected a lot of Yuanshi Dao Qi for you to practice, so that you can achieve your current level of cultivation.

He walked forward directly, shook his head and said: Fellow Daoist Xu seems to be cultivating you, but in fact he is making the misfortune of the Chaos Sea worse. Damn it, damn it!

Hutunsheng manifested the Yuanshi Yuanshen and struck him with a divine axe.

Patriarch Jing Ling sneered, offered a bright pearl, and held it up to the divine axe. The pearl was not big, less than an inch, but when it collided with the divine axe, it caused the ax to bounce high.

The pearl pressed down, and Hun Tunsheng felt as if there was a cosmic power crushing him down. This power was so thick and boundless that it immediately suppressed his soul and kept shrinking.


His soul couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly collapsed, turning into countless Huntun creatures and running away.

Patriarch Jing Ling smiled and said: Little fellow Taoist, your chaotic state only unifies the soul, and cannot truly unify. If it were truly unified, you could still defeat me. Don't waste your efforts.

He paused, and the force tore through the sea of ​​chaos in front of him. The Huntun students all over the mountains and plains vomited blood and were exhausted.

There was an uninjured Hutunsheng on the top of the mountain, who shouted loudly: Jing Ling, since you want to see the unity of chaos, then I will help you!

He turned around and bowed to the Chaos Immortal Palace, saying: Please help me, sir, to unify the state of chaos!

Patriarch Jing Ling's expression changed slightly, and Xu Ying's voice came from the Chaos Immortal Palace: It's done.

Patriarch Jing Ling was about to take action when he saw a strange force pouring out of the Immortal Palace. In an instant, all the Huntunshengs were connected. The countless Huntunshengs on the mountain suddenly seemed to become hazy and suddenly closed together. Together, there is only one Hutunsheng left!

It's just that whenever this Huntunsheng makes some movements, he will see countless ghosts appear behind him, but the strange thing is that he is not freed from the unification.

Huntunsheng once again swung his divine ax and struck down, Patriarch Jingling sacrificed the pearl, and their Tao power burst out, and they were evenly matched!

Patriarch Jing Ling looked solemn and said in a deep voice to the Chaos Immortal Palace: Fellow Taoist Xu, why are you hiding? Come out!

Hutunsheng came to kill with an axe, and said with a smile: The eldest master is not in the immortal palace, he is just using the dojo to teach!

When Patriarch Jing Ling heard this, he was horrified and fought with him, but could not win for a while.

In a hurry, he looked towards other fairy mountains, but saw that Chaoyun, Chongming, Xuan Mian, Ling Shuang and others on those fairy mountains also encountered the same situation!

When those followers of the Chaos Lord realized that they were outmatched, they bowed to the Immortal Palace of Chaos, and strange Tao power surged out from the Immortal Palace, helping them unify the state of chaos and defeat Chaoyun and others!

However, these followers have different ways of unifying the chaotic state. In addition to such unification as Hutunsheng, some use the Infinite Way to unify countless ways with the Infinite Way, while others use the Taiyi Way to unify them all.

Some use the Great Way of Reincarnation to unify countless followers in the cycle of reincarnation, while others use the Wheel of Cause and Effect to connect the followers in a chaotic state with cause and effect.

This guy Xu Ying has dug a hole and is waiting for us!

Patriarch Jing Ling was shocked and angry. When they entered Chaos Fairy Mountain, they were entering Xu Ying's dojo!

Entering the dojo, their battle with the followers of the Chaos Lord turned into a doomsday battle with Xu Ying!

These followers are just vessels that promised to fight with them!

Xu Ying had planted Chaos Spiritual Roots everywhere as early as more than 100,000 years ago. Could it be said that he had already thought of today at that time?

When Patriarch Jing Ling thought of this, he saw that the number of followers all over the chaotic fairy mountains suddenly dropped sharply, and gradually only one person remained. However, with the help of Xu Ying, he unified the chaotic states of these followers.

Patriarch Jing Ling's heart suddenly suddenly saw two chaotic fairy mountains colliding, but there was no imaginary scene of the sky collapsing and the earth falling apart. Instead, the two fairy mountains perfectly merged into one!

After the two fairy mountains merged, a follower of unified chaos appeared on the fairy mountain, and they joined forces to attack Jing Ling!

These fairy mountains are also in a state of chaos!

While Patriarch Jing Ling was fighting against Hutunsheng and another person, he took a peek and saw that more and more Chaos Immortal Mountains were merging, and the number of Immortal Mountains was getting smaller and smaller.

After the merger, on the Immortal Mountain, the followers of the Chaos Lord besieged Chaoyun Tianzun, Chongming Daozu and others, leaving everyone in a panic!

The Chaos Lord is indeed very calculating!

Patriarch Jing Ling was shocked and angry. For a long time, Xu Ying had never solved the problem of the chaotic state of these followers. Today, he suddenly used this method to put them in danger!

At this time, a huge chaotic spiritual root collapsed in the chaotic sea and was collected into an extremely huge treasure box.

Under the chaotic spiritual roots, Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord was also sitting upright, closing his eyes to rest.

His disciple put away the treasure box of the Great Dao, bowed and said: Master, the spiritual roots and Hong Yuan have been put into the treasure box. When should we leave?

Xuanyuan Tianzun still closed his eyes and said slowly: There is no hurry. There is a fellow Taoist who is hostile and is on his way.

The disciple was surprised and asked doubtfully: Master is already the first person in the Yuanshi Dao Realm, second only to the Dao Emperor. Who dares to be hostile to Master despite having the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard?

Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan did not answer, but waved his hand to signal him to retreat.

The disciple was solemn and wanted to leave the treasure box of the Great Dao. Xuanyuan Tianzun shook his head and said: I don't need this treasure. You take it away and continue to collect the spiritual roots and Hongyuan.

The disciple said so and walked away.

Xuanyuan Tianzun slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with divine light, and whispered: Xu Ying, you have been eyeing me for a long time, why haven't you moved yet? I ordered people to take away the treasure box of the avenue and take action for you. opportunity, what are you waiting for?

A few days later, Xuanyuan Tianzun could not help but frown when he sensed that Xu Ying remained motionless.

He stood up slowly and walked directly in the direction of Xu Ying: Since you don't come, then I will go find you.

In the distance, Xu Ying was sitting in the sea of ​​chaos. The sea of ​​chaos was almost dry, without the energy of chaos. However, there was a sea around him, with the ocean rolling and the waves surging wildly.

The great universes rise and fall in the sea, are born and destroyed.

Xu Ying has maintained this state for a long time.

These days, he has been tracking the whereabouts of Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, and saw Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord offering sacrifices to the treasure box of the avenue, collecting the chaotic spiritual roots and the source of the universe. However, for some reason, Xu Ying never took action. Instead, he Dao Hai entered samadhi.

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed that Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan was coming. However, he was using the dojo to fight with Jing Ling, Chao Yun and others and had no time to deal with him, so he couldn't help but feel awe-struck.

Not long after, the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan came nearby. In the distance, he could see the angry tide surging in the sea of ​​​​Tao, and countless universes were slowly rising from the sea.

He felt awe-inspiring in his heart, but he took steps towards the sea and said loudly: Fellow Daoist Xu's Daohai is really impressive. I admire you. However, fellow Daoist has been following me these days and has repeatedly spread murderous intentions. I don't know what your intentions are. ? I heard that you have been hunting down other people who have mastered the Taoist Treasure Box over the years, and many fellow Taoists have died in your hands. This time, you are here to kill me, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw another huge Dao tree rising from the Dao light in the Dao sea, and there were also Dao universes hanging on the tree, which was breathtaking.

Seeing this, Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan tightened his heart and sneered: I didn't expect that Xu Daoyou's Taoist practice has reached this point. You sacrificed Daohai first, and then sacrificed Dao tree. When it comes to Daoism, I have already lost. But the life and death fight is not only Look at the way!

He was not intimidated by Daohai and Daoshu, but continued to walk deeper into Daohai, determined to find traces of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was a little hesitant. Now if he didn't use the dojo to confront Patriarch Jing Ling and others, he could use all his strength to deal with Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord. But if they do this, Jing Ling and others will definitely conquer the Chaos Fairy Mountain and destroy every Hunyuan universe!

If he confronts Patriarch Jing Ling and others, then Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan will take the opportunity to find him and take his life!

At this moment, Master Zhong took the Chaos Bell and Linggu Bridge to the Chaos Fairy Mountain and killed Patriarch Jing Ling and others.

At the same time, Yuan Weiyang, Xuhuang and others also pushed Xinzhou over and worshiped: Brother Nankong, Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is in trouble now, please help me!

The boundless Yuanshi Yuanshen in the new universe woke up, and then the petrified Nankong Garden woke up, took back the Yuanshen, and looked toward the sky.

At this time, a familiar voice came from outside: Nan Kong, is it really you? Have you found Master Hongmeng?

A beautiful woman floated over. Seeing Nankong Garden from a distance, she couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Nankong Yuan was also startled. The person coming was none other than his Taoist companion, one of the second ancestors of the Hunyuan Universe, Taoist Qin Luan.

In order to search for the Chaos Lotus Spirit Root, the two left the Hunyuan Universe and searched for the whereabouts of Young Master Hongmeng in the Chaos Sea, so they separated. Later, they heard that Young Master Hongmeng had gone to the Great Void overseas, so the two of them rushed there one after another and lost contact.

I never thought that Qin Luan Daozu would return at this time.

Behind Daozu Qin Luan, True Lord Dao Ji came over and frowned when he saw the chaos here.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes. He saw the waves splitting in front of him, and the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan parted ways from the sea and walked towards him.

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