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Chapter 1018 Changsun Shenghai and Taoist Tongtian

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the flying Dao Treasure Box, and he made no attempt to keep this treasure.

He used the Dao Sea to kill Hongshan Patriarch, and used the Dao Tree to kill Emperor Xiang. Neither of these two methods could be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Dao Emperor.

The Taoist Emperor will borrow the Taoist Treasure Box to see his Taoist magical powers.

Daohai and Daoshu are two methods that transcend the Yuanshi Dao realm. Among them, Daohai’s cultivation method has not been perfected by Daohuang, and Daohuang has not dabbled in the method of Daoshu cultivation.

When the Tao Emperor saw these two methods, he knew that I had more potential than him. I think that opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos cannot reveal the truth of the Tao. He must weigh my words. As long as he hesitates, I will not face him directly. Time is dragging on. The longer it takes, the better it is for me.”

Xu Ying stood in front of Hua Guang. The cosmic debris he prepared was sublimated in his ultimate battle with Xiang Emperor. The wonderful brilliance emitted by the debris really made the Chaos Sea become a little younger.

However, Huaguang is compatible with the Qi of Chaos. Although it contains vitality, it is quickly absorbed by other spiritual roots.

There are indeed some secrets of the great avenue hidden in the debris of the universe, but the real great avenue cannot be seen.

Xu Ying quietly comprehended the Taoism in Huaguang. The reason why he let Emperor Xiang stay here to comprehend the mysteries of the Taoism in the wreckage was simply because he had good intentions and did not want to kill a being like Emperor Xiang, so he pointed out a way for him. Way to survive.

It's just that Emperor Xiang was at the beginning of his enlightenment, and his Taoist heart was extremely tenacious. Whenever he made a decision in his heart, it was deeply ingrained and could not be changed.

Therefore Xu Ying had to kill him in a life and death fight.

After a long time, the brilliant light contained in the debris of the universe gradually dissipated. Xu Ying woke up from his meditation and turned around to leave.

Opening the cosmic cemetery is just poison to quench thirst. Just like the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, sooner or later it will be swallowed up by an extremely strong catastrophe of annihilation. So, how can we completely get rid of the catastrophe? Can we get rid of the catastrophe if we see the truth of the Great Dao?

He was also hesitating in his heart, and his steps gradually slowed down, but after a while, his steps became firm again and he continued to move forward.

Civilization without people is meaningless! What if we see the real avenue? What's more, if we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, we will never see the real avenue!


Yimeng, Danxia Universe.

The Zhuxian Sword moves outside the universe, and the terrifying sword energy surges, like a ravine and sky wall across the Chaos Sea, blocking thousands of Dao Lords and Palace Masters from the Dao Alliance.

Taoist Tongtian used his own power to block the Taoist Alliance's attack, while Shen Tulun and others sacrificed the extremely huge Chaos Taoist tree at this moment. This Tao tree spiritual root is the Dao sustenance of Danxia Fairy and carries the entire Danxia universe.

Under the cover of Taoist Master Tongtian, Shen Tulun and other powerful men of the Yi League escorted Danxia Universe to migrate to the Great Rift Valley of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Suddenly, several figures broke through the defense of the Zhuxian Sword and headed straight for Danxia Universe. They were the four hall masters Guo Shoudao, Ling Xi, Gu Daosheng, and Dao Xian of the Dao Alliance, as well as five other hall masters.

They are at the end of the road. At this moment, the power of nine evidences is greatly increased. However, the Nine Innate Paths lacked the paths of Chaos, Taiyi, Cause and Effect, Killing, and Annihilation. Although five palace masters were added, the power was not as powerful as before.

The nine people broke through the defense of the Zhuxian Sword and were exhausted. Thousands of other palace masters immediately rushed in, and were about to break through the encirclement. Suddenly the Chaos Bell rang, and the impact was about to catch everyone!

At this moment, a slender figure arrived first, facing the chime of the Chaos Bell, rushed to the Chaos Bell, and slapped his palm on the wall of the Bell.

The big bell vibrated, and the sound of the bell failed to kill everyone in the Dao League.

The man blocked the sound of the bell, and then the purple qi hung upside down like a rainbow, colliding with the Zhuxian Sword.

The Immortal Killing Sword came fiercely, and the sword light invaded, and it was about to drown everyone. They were stirred up by his purple energy, and the purple energy of the sword collided with each other. Suddenly, the sword energy in the sky was withdrawn, and the Immortal Killing Sword showed its true form, roaring back to a tall and thin man. in the hands of the old man.

And the purple energy also naturally fell back and returned to the person's body.

The man revealed himself to be Changsun Shenghai, and the tall and thin old man opposite was Taoist Tongtian.

One of the two masters and disciples is the current leader of the Yi League, and the other is the leader of the Tao League. Morality and justice cannot coexist, so there is a duel between the Tao League and the Yi League.

Taoist Tongtian is still the same as before, with an ancient appearance and a cold expression, like the light of a sword, without any emotion.

Changsun Shenghai has changed a lot. In the past, Changsun Shenghai was as gentle as jade and treated others modestly, but he also had a coldness similar to that of Tongtian Taoist in his heart.

Today, Changsun Shenghai has become enthusiastic, and his previous indifference has disappeared.

Master, there is not much Chaos Qi left in the Chaos Sea. All the universes will become rootless duckweeds and will eventually turn into Chaos Qi and become part of the flood source.

Changsun Shenghai bowed, Fellow Taoists in the Universe Cemetery want to take this opportunity to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and see the truth of the Great Dao. The dispute between the Taoist Alliance and the Yi Alliance is meaningless in the face of opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos. Please also ask Master handed over the Danxia Universe and returned the cause and effect to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Taoist Tongtian's eyes fell on him, and he remembered that time. He was silent for a moment and said: Holy Sea, I still remember the time when you begged me to take you in as an orphan in the Imperial Realm. At that time, you had a deep hatred of blood, But my mind has not been consumed by hatred, and I still have a kind heart. I did not accept you as a disciple because of your enmity with the other side, but because of your quality.

Changsun Shenghai leaned forward and said: When my disciple was in despair, no one came to help him. Only his mentor saved him. Shenghai will remember this in his heart.

Tongtian Taoist said: If it were the Imperial Realm you wanted to destroy today, would you still do it?

Changsun Shenghai hesitated.

Taoist Tongtian's words reminded him not of the Imperial Realm. He was an orphan from the Imperial Realm, but he did not grow up in the Imperial Realm. He was thinking of the spirit world, that graceful figure appeared in front of his eyes, and a gentle voice came to his ears.

His Taoist companions and children in the spiritual world appeared before his eyes following Taoist Tongtian's words.

If what he wanted to destroy today was the spiritual world, would he still take action?

Changsun Shenghai's expression became firm again, and he said in a deep voice: Yes!

Taoist Tongtian was extremely shocked, looking at him with disbelief in his eyes. The former eldest grandson Shenghai would never have said such a thing!

I will still take action, Master.

Changsun Shenghai seemed to be smiling but not crying, and his voice became weird and distorted, Master, haven't you seen it yet? The Chaos Sea is a game to fool everyone! All avenues are in a state of chaos. , the universe was opened up, and it only became clear temporarily. But it will eventually return to chaos! Even monks like you and me can't save anyone! All your efforts to save people will be in vain in the face of the catastrophe of annihilation !”

The sarcasm on his face became even more intense, and his voice became weirder and more distorted: It's like this in the imperial realm, it's like this in the other shore, it's like this in the heavenly realm, it's like this in the spiritual realm, it's even more like this in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty! No matter how powerful you are, you can reach the sky. It is impossible to save anyone with your cultivation! All the people and creatures you care about will all fall into chaos! Even if the so-called Taoist master, the so-called end of the road, the so-called Yuanshi Tao realm, can hide for a while, It is impossible to hide forever! They will eventually perish and return to the sea of ​​chaos!

He sneered and said: I have witnessed this scene in the Universe Cemetery. Even if the superior Yuanshi Dao realm turns into stone and pretends to be dead, he will not be able to escape the fate of being chased and hunted. He will be in panic all day long! The Chaos Sea is chasing and killing. A game for everyone! To win the game, the only way is to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Taoist Tongtian's cold face suddenly seemed to thaw and became gentle, saying: Holy Sea, it may be my fault. When I taught you the Taoist magic, I forgot to teach you an upright Taoist heart. When When you face the torture of the Sea of ​​Chaos, what you have to do is not to abandon everyone and destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos, but to stand in front of everyone, protect them, and fight against the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Master, you are too naive.

Changsun Shenghai showed a look of disappointment, shook his head and said, I always thought that Master was an arrogant and refined person who has seen through everything in the world, so he is so indifferent. I didn't expect that your views are as childish as a child's. Now, completely Opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos is a foregone conclusion, if Master still stands in the way of the rolling momentum, Master will definitely be shattered to pieces!

Taoist Tongtian felt his astonishing killing intent and cultivation, and his heart sank.

He had imagined various situations where master and disciple would meet, but he had never thought about this situation.

The Zhuxian Sword flew around him, feeling the ups and downs and struggles of his Taoist heart. Suddenly, it noticed that Taoist Tongtian's Taoist heart had stabilized, and then the sword's light became sharper and fell into Taoist Tongtian's hands.

Master, you are no longer my opponent.

Changsun Shenghai noticed the change in his Taoist heart, shook his head and said, After I broke through the end of Taoism, I entered the Yuanshi Taoist Temple to understand the Taoist magical powers of Yuanshi in the past dynasties. I practiced there for more than ten thousand years, and my cultivation and Taoism, It has already reached a point that is beyond your reach.”

Behind him, countless avenues and universes emerged, and their power was so powerful that it was despairing.

Even the Chaos Clock is feeling great pressure at this moment.

At this moment, the bell suddenly rang, and a voice in the bell shouted: Don't panic, two disciples, Master Zhong is here to help!

The Zhuxian Sword made a clear sword cry, and the Chaos Bell also started to vibrate.

Changsun Shenghai looked over and saw the bronze bell promised flying towards him. There was a wooden bridge next to the bronze bell, and a shy Taoist boy was sitting on the wooden bridge.

In addition, Yuan Weiyang, Xuhuang, Huntunsheng and others also rushed over and were ready.

Xu Ying's bronze bell and wooden bridge exude the power of Yuanshi, and they are obviously Yuanshi's most precious treasures. Together with the Chaos Bell, there are three Yuanshi's most precious treasures.

In this situation, even Changsun Shenghai hesitated.

Yuan Weiyang stepped forward and saw Taoist Tongtian and said: My wife ordered us to come and pick up the leader of the Yi Alliance and go to the Great Rift Valley.

The big bell was turned upside down, covering the Danxia universe and putting it inside the bell.

Everyone retreated while confronting the Taoist League.

Changsun Shenghai did not press forward step by step, but allowed them to leave.

Gu Daosheng stepped forward, hesitated, and said, Leader, don't we take the opportunity to kill them now?

Changsun Shenghai walked forward slowly and said leisurely: The Chaos Lord has gathered more than a thousand universes in the Great Rift Valley, just in time to catch them all.

The disciples of the Dao League followed one after another. Gu Daosheng came to Changsun Shenghai and said: The strength of the Yi League is not weak, and with the Chaos Lord under his command, I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve full success. It is better to kill some of them now. Master.

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said: The power of the Chaos Lord is too strong, and there are countless Dao Ends under his command. The strength of the Dao Alliance alone is no match for them. The Cosmic Cemetery will definitely not allow the power of the Chaos Lord to survive, and will definitely send people to come. Come. And I also need some time to absorb what I learned in Yuanshi Dao Palace! When I succeed...

His eyes turned cold: I will personally send some old friends who block my way on their way!

Yuan Weiyang, Xu Huang and others led the Yi Alliance masters back to the Great Rift Valley. Shen Tu Lun and others looked around and saw that there was no trace of the Three Realms Universe. After asking, they learned that this universe was cultivated by Yuan Weiyang, Yu Xu and others. The powerful men of the avenue joined forces and were sent to the great void.

The Three Realms is the universe where Hong Yuan was born, and it is the smallest in scale. They can still send it there if they work together, but the Hunyuan universes were opened up by Xu Ying with the magic power of Yuan Shi, and their scale is amazing, so it is difficult to send them away.

If we are defeated, the Three Realms are our only escape route, and we may be able to reserve some fire for the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Everyone gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Yuan Weiyang said: Before I left, my husband told us to go and pick up Taoist fellows Tongtian and Yimeng. The other thing is to find True Lord Daoji, so that he must stay here.

Master Chaos, will he meet True Lord Daoji?

Everyone was surprised, wondering what happened to Xu Ying when he saw Dao Ji.

Shen Tu Lun said: Zhenjun Dao Ji was originally the leader of the Tao Alliance's Temple of Annihilation. Now he is at the end of the avenue of annihilation. However, before the Lord of Chaos killed Emperor Zhao, he had already left the Tao Alliance and disappeared. Now he is nowhere to be found. The sea of ​​chaos has become clear, and the distance between the universes has become extremely far. It is quite difficult to find Taoji.

Suddenly, Taoist Tongtian said: Dao Ji will definitely come here.

Everyone was puzzled.

Tongtian Taoist said: The calamity of the Chaos Sea is getting worse and worse, and the aura of Nirvana is getting heavier and heavier. As a result, Dao Jing's cultivation and Taoism have also advanced by leaps and bounds. In order to find out the reason, he will definitely come to find the Chaos Lord.

Emperor Xu nodded and said: The spiritual roots that are now all over the Chaos Sea were planted by the Chaos Lord. Daoji will definitely come and ask the Chaos Lord why he did this.

At this time, there was a noise outside. Everyone came outside to look and saw Taoist temples floating outside the Great Rift Valley.

The Taoist League has arrived.

The mountains and plains of the Great Rift Valley are filled with chaotic strange beings. Although they suffered many casualties in the battle with the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord, the state of chaos is still there, and there are still huge crowds of people.

Although there are many avenues at the end of the Dao Alliance, they are still much less than those of the Chaos Lord lineage.

Changsun Shenghai was in no hurry to attack, and the Taoist League guarded outside the Great Rift Valley.

Taoist Tongtian looked at him from a distance. After a moment, their eyes diverged. Taoist Tongtian said to everyone: The bad guys won't come to attack for a while, and I have to stay in seclusion for a while. I'll bother you all here. When I get out of seclusion, I will correct some mistakes.

Everyone said yes.

A hundred years later, reinforcements came from the cosmic cemetery. They were existences from the Yuanshi Dao realm. Seeing the scene of the Great Rift Valley in the distance, they were horrified and said: The Chaos Lord's magical power is indeed powerful, leaving so many avenues at the end. There are also a few treasures from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty that cannot be shaken. I will invite others to come.

A few years later, several existences from the Yuanshi Dao Realm arrived and looked at the scene of the Great Rift Valley from a distance. They shook their heads and said: Dangerous! Dangerous! The followers of the Chaos Lord have turned into a chaotic state and are difficult to deal with.

They are not in a hurry to attack, but wait quietly.

Finally one day, a brilliant light burst out from Changsun Shenghai's retreat place.

Those in the Yuanshi Dao Realm laughed and said: With Taoist Fellow Changsun as a new force, we can break the Chaos Lord's dojo today.

Changsun Shenghai looked at the Great Rift Valley in the distance, shook his head and said, Thank you, Taoist brothers, please wait for a while.

Everyone was surprised, but still followed his words.

Many years later, Taoist Tongtian came out of seclusion, and the light of his sword rose into the sky, lingering over the Great Rift Valley.

Changsun Shenghai said: That's enough. Dao brothers, today I will destroy the Chaos Lord's dojo and let the Chaos Lord's lineage repay the cause and effect!

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