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Chapter 1020 The decisive battle with Xuanyuan

Xu Ying looked at the approaching Great Heavenly Master Xuanyuan, and his heart was agitated.

No fewer than ten people in the Yuanshi Dao realm have died in his hands over the years. Of the nine people originally sent out by the Dao Emperor to hold the Dao Treasure Box, now only the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan is left.

The reason why Xu Ying didn't go to find him for so long was because he didn't have enough confidence to deal with Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord is the first person in the Yuanshi Dao realm in the universe cemetery, so there is a big character in his title, which means supreme.

Only the Dao Emperor can steadily suppress him.

However, Xu Ying killed ten Yuanshi Taoists in succession, and his own Taoism was also improving by leaps and bounds. He gradually stepped out of the system of Yuxu Tianzun and Chaos Lord Taihuang, established his own Taohai and Taoism, and became his own sect.

This time he came to track down Xuanyuan because he wanted to have a life and death battle with Xuanyuan and test the results of his training and fighting during this period.

If you don't defeat Xuanyuan, you can't even think of challenging the Dao Emperor!

It's just that he didn't expect that the crisis in the Three Realms would happen at this time, so he had to deal with the Dao Alliance, Patriarch Jingling and others with all his strength. Fortunately, the arrival of Nan Kongyuan, Qin Luan, Dao Ji and others made him breathe a sigh of relief and freed up his hands to deal with Xuanyuan.

I heard that Taoist Brother Xuanyuan is young and has very little luck. Even though he is hiding in the cosmic cemetery, his cultivation and Taoism are still improving.

Xu Ying stood up slowly, and with a wave of his hand, he saw the Immortal Mountain of Chaos rising under his feet, and he was standing in front of the Immortal Palace, extending his hand to invite him, and said with a smile, Brother Taoist can still cultivate diligently after the disaster breaks out, so that People admire.”

The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan was not afraid at all and walked over with a solemn expression, saying: I dare not. Compared to Fellow Daoist Xu, my achievements are nothing. Fellow Daoist Xu has only been in the Universe Cemetery for more than 10,000 years, but now he has already To be able to stand opposite me is an achievement that is admirable.”

Xu Ying invited him to enter the Chaos Immortal Palace. The two sat opposite each other in the palace. Outside was the magnificent Dao Sea, which made people feel that the Chaos Immortal Mountain and the Immortal Palace were like a drop in the ocean or a boat in the sea.

Xuanyuan Tianzun looked around and saw that there were no pillars or walls in the Chaos Immortal Palace. From the outside, it looked like a large hall. However, after entering, he could only see the boundless chaos all around.

And they were sitting on this piece of chaos, with nothing to rely on except the futons under their seats.

Xu Ying also took the opportunity to look at the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan, and saw that the appearance of this Great Heavenly Lord was that of a Taoist man. His forehead was high and round, his chin was quite wide, and he had the appearance of a full heaven with a round sky and a square place.

He has deep nasolabial grooves and a beard on both sides. The beard on his chin is very full, like a hanging necklace.

But if you take a closer look, even though the Great Heavenly Lord is sitting in danger, he gives people the feeling that he is not here. He only feels that the avenue is immeasurable and unfathomable.

The two of them complimented each other, and Xu Ying changed the topic and said with a smile: I heard that Brother Dao thought that he would make great progress after leaving seclusion, so he went to challenge the Dao Emperor, but he was defeated by the Dao Emperor with one move. He was ridiculed by all the Yuanshi.

Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't take it seriously and said: The Tao Emperor's abilities are unpredictable and unbelievable. I am no match for him. After his teachings, I realized that I still have a long way to go.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help showing admiration.

Xuanyuan's Taoist heart is intact and nothing can shake his Taoist heart. Even if Xu Ying exposes his scandal, his Taoist heart will remain unmoved and will not give Xu Ying any chance to take advantage of him.

I heard that fellow Taoist Xu entered the Universe Cemetery because he was forced by the Tao Emperor and had to surrender. Is this possible? Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan asked.

Xu Ying was calm and said with a smile: The Tao Emperor came with the intention of killing. I sacrificed the black jade Ganoderma lucidum to test it, but I couldn't hurt it in the slightest. I immediately knew that it was no match for me, so I surrendered to save my useful body.

Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes fell on his face, and after looking at him for a moment, he did not see any shame in him, so he continued: I heard that fellow Taoist returned to the Universe Cemetery, and I repeatedly looked for opportunities to flatter the Tao Emperor, with the intention of getting the Tao Emperor. Guidance, and even want to sneak into the Yuanshi Taoist Temple to study. Is this possible?

It's true.

Xu Ying became more calm and said with a smile, Only when you know your shame can you be brave. I know that I am no match for the Tao Emperor. If I want to defeat him, the best way is to learn from him. Therefore, I endure the burden, accept the humiliation, and take the initiative to flatter the Tao. Emperor, it’s a pity that the Tao Emperor saw through this because he was not good at learning.”

Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes never left his face, and he still couldn't see any shame. On the contrary, he was a little proud.

Fellow Taoists are controlled and driven by the Tao Emperor, and unknowingly become the Tao Emperor's pawns. They enter the restricted area and collude with the Holy Ancestor and other scum. They cut themselves off from morality and make the world laugh.

The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan said solemnly, Fellow Taoist has ignored the kindness of Dao Emperor in cultivating him and brutalized fellow Taoists in the Universe Cemetery. He has repeatedly killed fellow Taoists! He is so unfaithful, unbenevolent and unjust, how can a fellow Taoist have the face to see the past eight people? The Lord of Chaos?

Xu Ying laughed heartily and proudly.

Xuanyuan frowned, but he still didn't notice that Xu Ying was a little ashamed.

Not only that, this man is not ashamed, but proud!

Brother Taoist, I'm proud of myself.

Xu Ying's laughter slowly stopped, his face was full of glory, but he still couldn't hide his smile, and said, I am still able to retain my Taoist heart in this adversity. I do not join in the same trap as you, and I still look for opportunities to strengthen myself in adversity. There is no miracle in the world. Are men like me? Even the eighth Chaos Lord is not as many as me. If they come back and are surprised to hear about my deeds, they should give a thumbs up and praise me for being able to bend and stretch.

Xuanyuan let out a breath of turbid air and decided not to attack his Taoist heart with words.

It seems that his face has wrapped up his Taoist heart. After thousands of tempers, he is still better than Yuanshi's treasure. Although my words are as sharp as Yuanshi's Taoist sword, I can't damage it at all. I'm afraid that if I sacrifice the Taoist treasure box, I won't be able to accept it. Shameless Taoist heart!

Xuanyuan Tianzun thought of this and said in his heart: I can't use my own shortcomings to attack the other's strong points. My strongest point is my cultivation!

Thinking of this, he made a decisive decision, stood up immediately, raised his feet and gave a heavy meal. However, he saw that the Chaos Immortal Palace was swaying in the wind and rain, the Chaos Immortal Mountain was rumbling, and the promised Dao Sea was shaken by his Dao power, and suddenly the Dao Sea hung upside down!

Not only are they hanging upside down, even the universes in the Dao Sea are upside down!

The extremely huge Dao tree also turned upside down. The Dao fruit of the Dao tree was the Dao universe, and it also turned upside down at this moment.

This kind of reversal is not just up and down, but also a reversal of the road, a reverse flow!

For example, the evidence-based method of the nine innate paths is from chaos to grand mist, then to Wuji, Taiyi, and finally to annihilation. And his reversal is from the flow of annihilation to killing, and then to disaster.

The same is true for other avenues of heaven and earth. Under his control, cause and effect flow in reverse directions. Life and death are reversed. A person has death first, then old age, then adulthood, youth, youth, and childhood. Eventually it becomes the fetus in the mother's body.

Reincarnation is also reversed, ghosts are no longer ghosts, human bodies are no longer human, and the world is in chaos.

Xuanyuan Tianzun used this skill once when he came out of seclusion and faced the Dao Emperor. At that time, he reversed all the Dao around him, resurrecting tens of thousands of universe debris around him, turning it into thousands of magnificent universes, and constantly becoming young!

However, at that time, although Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord was powerful, his Taoism was not perfect yet. He was defeated by the Tao Emperor with one move and lost everything.

But now Xuanyuan's Taoism is higher than before, and he actually overturned the promised Daohai and Dao trees in one fell swoop, causing countless universes to reverse course!

Having reached this point in his Taoist practice, he is truly unparalleled. No wonder he is hailed as the number one person in the Yuanshi Tao realm!

However, Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord reversed the Daohai and Dao trees, and reversed the Daohai universe. When the Daohai turned over, Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord couldn't help but be stunned.

On the surface of the upside-down Dao Sea, there was actually a Chaos Immortal Mountain and an Immortal Palace. In the Immortal Palace, Xu Ying sat in front of him.

Xuanyuan Tianzun was shocked. With this stamp of his foot, Daohai, Daoshu and those Daouniverses were all reversed. Xu Ying was absolutely unable to control Daohai, Daoshu and Daouniverse, which was equivalent to being deprived of his magic power by him. !

At that time, Xu Ying's life and death will be in his control!

However, he found that even though he stood firm, the Daohai Daoshu and the Daocosmos were upside down and reversed. However, he could not grasp this Daohaidao Tree and Daocosmos!

Xu Ying said with a smile: Brother Xuanyuan, you lose your temper when you disagree with us. Isn't this what righteous people like you and me do?

Xuanyuan Tianzun shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you do have some means to defeat my sneak attack. But, how did you do it?

Brother Dao, you discovered another side of me.

Xu Ying laughed suddenly and stood up. The energy of chaos around him suddenly sank and fell. Then the Chaos Immortal Palace disappeared, the Chaos Immortal Mountain disappeared, and was replaced by a boundless sea of ​​avenues!

Xu Ying didn't move, but his figure was retreating. As he retreated, he became extremely large, and the brilliant rays of light gushed out from his body, which was extremely gorgeous.

He raised his hand and pressed it in vain, and the windy Daohai sea suddenly calmed down. The sea surface was like a bright mirror, so smooth that there were no ripples even if he stood on it.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord looked down and was slightly startled. He saw his own reflection at his feet, and as his gaze extended into the distance, the reflections of the avenues and universes also appeared.

Xuanyuan Tianzun's heart suddenly suddenly knelt down and he touched the sea surface. The reflection in the sea also squatted down and stretched out its hand.

When the two hands touched, the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan looked solemn. He realized that the reflection under the sea was not a reflection, but that he really existed!

When he looked at the reflections of those universes, his face became more solemn. The reflections of these universes were not shadows, but the real universes!

However, all the avenues that make up these universes are reversed!

This kind of reversal is even more exquisite than the Taoist technique he performed just now!

What he performed was just a normal reversal, but the world under the sea turned everything upside down and turned it into a mirror image. It was the complete opposite!

Dao Dao also had its opposites!

Dao Hai also turned into the opposite!

The countless universes also reversed and turned into the completely opposite universe!

Even Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord himself has an opposite self!

This move is much better than his!

Xuanyuan Tianzun looked up at Xu Ying, his heart sinking more and more, and there was no reflection of Xu Ying under the sea. But there is also a Dao tree under the sea, and there are as many Dao universes hanging on the Dao tree!

The scene before me showed that my estimate of Xu Ying's cultivation was wrong. Xu Ying's Daohai had pros and cons, and Dao tree also had pros and cons. His cultivation should be twice what I estimated!

He suddenly felt troubled.

Xuanyuan Tianzun moved slightly, and immediately found that he under the sea did not move with his movement immediately, but after a while, he followed his movement.

He breathed a sigh of relief. If his reflection immediately moved with him, it meant that Xu Ying had understood his Taoist and magical powers, and there was no need for him to fight with him. He could just admit defeat and be beaten to death by Xu Ying. yes.

Although his Taoism is better than mine, he has not fully mastered my Taoism and magical powers, so I have hope in this battle!

When he thought of this, his cultivation level exploded. He couldn't help but raise his foot again and gave him a heavy meal!


Under the shock of his Dao power, Daohai was almost blown over. There were violent vibrations on both sides of the opposite side, and countless universes were shaken accordingly!

He stamped his feet for the first time before, with the purpose of reversing Xu Ying's Taoism and making Xu Ying's Taoism and Tao power his own use. Now that he saw that he couldn't achieve his full success, he changed his goal. This time he stepped forward to destroy Xu Ying's avenue and cause great damage to his cultivation!

The Daohai Dao tree and the Dao universe are actually the self-evolution of the Tao method and Tao power that Xu Ying promised. As long as you destroy these, you will be the winner!

Xuanyuan Tianzun's seal is unparalleled, and his own avenue forms countless upside-down avenue universes. Between movement and stillness, countless avenues are reversed, and along with his seal, they blast forward!

Although he couldn't form the Dao Sea, his Taoism was profound and superb, and his realm surpassed Xu Ying's. With this move, he actually jumped out of the Dao Sea!

Xu Ying's majestic figure and endless sea of ​​​​dao suddenly became much smaller.

Compared with the explosive offensive of Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, Xu Ying seemed much calmer and calmer. His figure stood on the sea of ​​​​dao, and countless avenues and universes flew with him. The sea surface and universe that had just been destroyed by Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, followed. The flip of the mirror image quickly returned to its original state, faster than the nine evidences!

When Xuanyuan's Dao Seal fell, he had already returned to his peak state, with his feet on the sea of ​​chaos and his back against the Dao tree.

In the sea, on the trees, the universe is like a Tao fruit. Once it is destroyed in a lifetime, it will bring him endless Tao power!

He raised his hand to meet Xuanyuan's Dao seal. The moment the two seals collided, Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord's whole body glowed like a tide, and he was bounced high.

Under Xu Ying's feet, the sea surface was also violently turbulent, and the mirror image failed for a short time. But then the sea became calm again.

Xuanyuan Tianzun dodged and attacked again. The two collided for the second time. The moment the two seals touched, Xu Ying's face darkened and then turned bright red.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Xuanyuan Tianzun's mouth.

The sea beneath Xu Ying's feet exploded, and the avenues and universes were shattered one after another. Nearly half of the Dao Universe around Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord was also destroyed.

The two of them activated the nine evidences, and the other wavered. Then they regained their composure and ushered in the third confrontation!

This time, there was a loud cracking sound behind Xu Ying. The Dao tree was shattered, and the crown of the tree suddenly flew out, along with the thousands of Dao universes on the Dao tree that were shattered.

Xu Ying coughed up blood, and the universe behind Xuanyuan Tianzun disappeared one after another, and blood spurted out.

Both of them stopped attacking and each used their skills to heal their injuries, striving to return to their peak before the other and kill their opponent.

Not long after, Xu Ying suddenly took the lead in attacking. Xuanyuan Tianzun had not yet recovered from his injuries, so he immediately took action to resist.

The two collided for the fourth time. Xuanyuan Tianzun felt that the other party's cultivation had improved a lot than before. He was shocked. He glanced at Dao Hai and Dao Shu, and it was difficult to see any changes for a while.

By the fifth collision, he was even more frustrated and doubtful.

When the seventh collision occurred, Xuanyuan Tianzun was forced to retreat by Xu Ying. He suddenly saw his own reflection in Dao Haihai, moving with him without much stasis. His heart tightened and he suddenly woke up.

In the process of fighting with me, he used the Dao Sea to reflect my Taoism and secretly learned my Taoism!

Thinking of this, he made a feint and whizzed away, fleeing in an instant, leaving Xu Ying far behind!

Xu Ying chased him all the way, and when he was about to catch up, he saw that Xuanyuan Tianzun was not far from the universe cemetery, so he reluctantly stopped.

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