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Chapter 1011 The Great Void, a Purple Sea

Xu Ying was startled. At this time, he was asked to go to the Yuanshi Taoist Temple to learn the secrets left by Yuanshi in the cemetery?

The Dao Emperor clearly wants to drive me away!

He immediately understood what the Dao Emperor meant.

For a long time, Xu Ying has wanted to enter the Yuanshi Dao Temple to gain enlightenment, but the Dao Emperor never gave him this opportunity. He even led him to see the Holy Ancestor and asked him to practice the fragments of the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra of the Holy Ancestor and become a pawn for his use!

But now that the Dao Treasure Box was completed, the Dao Emperor immediately let Xu Ying enter the Yuanshi Dao Palace. In fact, it was to divert Xu Ying so that the nine Yuanshi Dao realms could collect the chaotic spiritual roots and the cosmic flood source into the treasure box for refining. For the energy of chaos!

The Yuanshi Dao Palace is not a reason why I can't refuse, but I can't refuse the Dao Emperor.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment. Over the years, he had practiced the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra passed down by the Holy Ancestor, refining the accumulated calamity in his body, and his cultivation level had greatly increased. He wanted to touch the Dao Emperor and test the Dao Emperor's true strength.

However, when he remembered the words of the Holy Ancestor, he hesitated.

The Holy Ancestor said that the Dao Emperor can kill you even if he can only use a little bit of cultivation.

That's a despairing disparity.

Xu Ying thought of what happened to Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord. Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord went to challenge the Dao Emperor after his cultivation greatly increased, but the end was very miserable.

But, I have really made great progress in my cultivation. How would you know that I am weaker than him without touching him?

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying watched Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and others go away. He immediately turned around and walked towards the place where Dao Emperor lived.

When they got there, they saw that Dao Emperor had been waiting for a long time. Xu Ying felt a sudden surprise when he saw his back.

The fact that the Dao Emperor is waiting for him means that the Dao Emperor has expected that he will come. It also shows that the Dao Emperor is fully confident in dealing with him!

Tao Emperor, I have made great progress in my cultivation, and I no longer want to go to the Yuanshi Taoist Palace.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I want to work with Xuanyuan, Jisheng and other Taoist brothers to correct my mistakes.

The Taoist Emperor turned around, with a smile on his face, and said softly: You should go to the Yuanshi Taoist Temple to study. Your old friend Zhangsun Shenghai has been in seclusion there for more than ten thousand years. He has made great progress in cultivation, and you have not seen each other again for a long time. We should meet him.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Tao Emperor, I said that I have made great progress in cultivation and there is no need to go to Yuanshi Taoist Hall. Why, you didn't hear clearly?

Dao Huang glanced at him.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You probably don't know yet, but my wings are stiff.

Dao Huang said calmly: Huh? Let me see.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying activated his Dao power. The next moment, immeasurable Dao light burst out from under his feet, and the end of the avenue emerged!

His acquired avenue is more extensive than before, and countless avenues are unified into the acquired avenue, countless!

Over the years, he has been observing their Taoist and magical powers next to the Yuanshi Dao Realm in the Universe Cemetery, and he has long understood the avenues of existence one by one!

Among these avenues of existence, there were many that Xu Ying had never seen before, and he took this opportunity to melt them into his acquired avenues.

His Tao power has greatly increased due to the refining calamity, and his Tao practice has greatly improved due to his understanding of these original Tao methods!

He is infinitely more powerful than he was ten thousand years ago!

Xu Ying mobilized all his Tao power and took a step forward. It was like a sea of ​​great avenues appeared in his body. In the sea of ​​Tao, countless great avenues and the universe were ups and downs.

Xu Ying's sleeves shook, and the next moment, his palm prints flew out, and a treasure box of the great avenue appeared under his palm prints!

Dao Emperor, you didn't expect it, did you? My cultivation has reached this point!

Xu Ying shouted like thunder, What you didn't expect is that I can see through your Dao Treasure Box! And use it against you!

The treasure box was transformed by Xu Ying's Taoism. As if Zang Na's ability to cause the Dao to fall fell together with Xu Ying's palm prints, the treasure box actually locked the Dao Emperor and pulled him into the box!

Xu Ying's eyes shone brightly, and he saw that the Dao Emperor was swaying, being pulled down by his seal and losing his footing!

Finally, Dao Huang flew up to meet Xu Ying's treasure box seal!

The next moment, the Dao Emperor was completely submerged in his treasure box seal. Xu Ying shouted loudly and activated the treasure box seal to refine the Dao Emperor into chaos!

Suddenly, he felt that the treasure box seal was out of control, and it seemed that it was not his own seal!

Xu Ying was in a state of shock when he saw the magical power of the treasure box seal flying out from under his palm. The Dao Emperor unexpectedly appeared next to the treasure seal at some time. Holding the seal in one hand, it fell towards Xu Ying!

He actually took away Xu Ying's magical power and turned it into his own. He didn't use any Tao power at all. He wanted to use Xu Ying's magical power to refine Xu Ying!

Such methods are truly appalling!

However, a smile appeared on Xu Ying's face, and his Dao power suddenly shook. The Dao sea behind him boiled, and a big bell set off numerous huge waves. With Xu Ying's supreme Dao power, it crashed into the Tao Emperor's Dao gate. !

Xu Ying's hands and feet were trembling with excitement: We succeeded!

Da Zhong was also inexplicably excited and shouted: I asked you to drink Master Zhong's pot water!


The bell sounded loudly, and then became muted. The big bell hit Dao Huang's head. Suddenly the whole bell deflated, as if it had been crushed flat. It seemed that what was hit was not Dao Emperor's head, but the Dao Emperor's head. big clock.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat when he saw the Tao Emperor's palm covering the seal of the Tao Treasure Box and covering it.

Tao Emperor, I would like to go to the Yuanshi Taoist Palace to inherit the unique knowledge of our predecessors. Xu Ying immediately bowed and said.

The Dao Emperor took advantage of the situation and threw back the treasure box to seal the magical power to Xu Ying. He said with a kind face: I will open the Yuanshi Dao Palace and send you there.

Xu Ying's expression remained as usual, showing no embarrassment at all as he rebelled and was suppressed. He held his disciple's bow and said with a smile, Ying Shicai was reckless. Don't blame the Dao Emperor.

The Taoist Emperor also became more kind and said: It's just a Taoist discussion between Taoist friends. Don't take it to heart. You are very weak in Taoism. You should go to Yuanshi Taoist Hall and practice diligently.

Xu Ying picked up the big clock that was knocked flat on the ground and said, I dare not forget the Taoist Emperor's teachings.

The Dao Emperor waved his sleeves, the sea of ​​chaos tore apart, the void cracked, and the avenue paved along the void, and soon the scene outside the sea of ​​chaos was revealed!

Great void!

An extremely ancient temple on the avenue caught Xu Ying's eyes. This temple was carved into stone pillars with the remains of the universe, and the chaos stone was refined into bricks and tiles. Chaos spiritual roots were harvested, and the beams and beams were carved and painted. The supreme treasure of the Yuan Dynasty was hung as a bell, and the Dao Qi of the Yuan Dynasty was tied into auspicious clouds. embellishment.

It is both simple and luxurious, magnificent and unparalleled.

But what shocked Xu Ying the most was that the Yuanshi Dao Palace was not in the Sea of ​​Chaos, but in the Great Void!

The Sea of ​​Chaos exists at the same time as the Great Void. The Sea of ​​Chaos is the Great Void, and the Great Void is the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Xu Ying thought of the situation when Dao Emperor opened the Great Void just now, but a doubt arose in his heart, Since the Great Void and the Sea of ​​Chaos exist at the same time, where is the universe where Master Jinyu and Tianzun Yuxu live? Also, overseas Hongmenghai and the first generation of Chaos Lords, where are they?

These doubts troubled him and were always difficult to answer.

Xu Ying confessed all the doubts in his heart and asked the Dao Emperor, The Dao Emperor can open the Great Void, so he must have been there before. Can you answer it for Xiao Ke?

Dao Emperor said: Although I have been to the Great Void, I don't know what the Great Void is. It's really weird there. As for you saying that the Great Void and the Sea of ​​Chaos exist at the same time but overlap, I think That's not the case. There should also be a great void outside of chaos, and some universes are like flowers in the void, blooming there one by one.

Xu Ying heard this and said: The Dao Emperor has not understood the Great Void, so why is he so sure that the truth of the Great Dao can be obtained by opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos? Shouldn't the Dao Emperor go to the Great Void and study the Great Dao there?

Dao Huang's face darkened slightly.

He had been to the Great Void and studied the Taoism there. However, despite all his wisdom, he had not been able to thoroughly study the Great Void. Later, the calamity chased him into the Great Void, and he had to return to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying looked at the remains of the universe that had been burnt by the Nirvana Sky Fire at his feet. It was pitch black, without luster, without vitality, and without any aura of the Dao, and said: There is still this wreckage of the universe, has the Tao Emperor figured it out? All things. Everything has a Tao. If there is no Tao, it will cease to exist. It can be seen that the debris of the universe also has a Tao. So what truth does it contain?

He said seductively: Why can the first generation of Chaos Lords fight you here to sublimate the wreckage in the universe cemetery and make the Sea of ​​Chaos younger? Has the Tao Emperor ever thought about the truth behind this? Could it be that only Only by opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos can we see the truth of the Great Way? If we can't even understand the Great Void or even the debris of the universe right now, why rush to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

The energy of withering glory on the Dao Emperor's face was rushing wildly. At this moment, even the withered bell could tell that this supreme being in the sea of ​​chaos was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man in the heart of Dao.

Xu Ying couldn't help but look forward to it.

After a while, the Taoist Emperor's expression returned to normal, and he said expressionlessly: Fellow Taoist, it's time for you to go to the Yuanshi Taoist Hall.

Xu Ying sighed, walked onto the avenue that passed through the Yuanshi Dao Palace, and turned around and said: Tao Emperor, if you completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, you will need to destroy countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos. In each universe, there are countless people, and they are like You and I.

Tao Huang said: Fellow Taoist, please come.

Xu Ying met his gaze and saw the determination in his eyes, which was a determination that could not be changed.

Xu Ying held the bell by its nose and poured all his strength into the bell. The bell was immediately restored from its shriveled state to its original shape!

Xu Ying held Zhongbi tightly and stared into the Dao Emperor's eyes. After a moment, he turned his head and walked along the avenue towards the Yuanshi Dao Palace.

After a while, he walked into the void and came to the door of the Taoist Temple.

Xu Ying looked back and saw the boundless void coming into view, extremely thin and without any aura or spiritual power.

The sea of ​​chaos seems to have never existed. Only the passage opened by the Dao Emperor and the cosmic cemetery below confirmed the existence of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

This is the Great Void, a strange place with no thickness, no matter, and no avenue left.

Every particle that makes up matter here is torn apart, broken into pieces, and the distance between each fragment is infinite.

Desolation and deathly silence are the permanent themes here.

However, in such a place, there are wonderful universes, like flowers growing in the void, hanging in the desolation, tenaciously continuing the miracle of life.

It's just that these universes are too far apart. Even the Heavenly Lord in the Great Void can hardly walk from one universe to another.

The supreme temple of the Chaos Sea, the Yuanshi Dao Temple, is floating in the great void.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air and saw the breath he exhaled rapidly splitting and shattering in the great void.

He turned his head, and Changsun Shenghai came into his eyes.

Xu Ying smiled and said leisurely: Shenghai, we meet again.

Changsun Shenghai's aura is now majestic and boundless, and he is also at the end of the road. However, it has been more than ten thousand years since he entered the Yuanshi Taoist Temple. These years of hard training and enlightenment have made his Taoism extremely high.

If he takes one further step, he can aspire to the Yuanshi Dao realm!

Xu Ying could see that the depth and breadth of his Dao had already caught up with his own. It was obvious that his practice at the Yuanshi Dao Hall had made him make too much progress.

Changsun Shenghai looked sad and said: Master Xu, senior Dao Yin, should have died in your hands, right?

Xu Ying said in surprise: How did you get Dao Yin to die in my hands? That's right. You rode Dao Yin's donkey to the Universe Cemetery. I think it was Dao Yin who ordered Master Shi De to carry you to see the Dao Emperor. Please ask the Tao Emperor to let you come here to practice.

He fell silent.

Before Dao Yin fought with him, he once said that Changsun Shenghai had asked Dao Yin to plead for him not to hurt Xu Ying's life.

Dao Yin was very kind to Changsun Shenghai, but he became the biggest enemy who killed his benefactor.

Xu Ying looked at his eldest son, Shenghai, and after a moment, he said: I have always been grateful to Senior Brother Shenghai for his guidance to me when I was on the other side. Become your fellow Taoist, and let me understand the meaning in dangerous places like the other side. It’s time for friendship.”

Changsun Shenghai walked past him and walked towards the Sea of ​​Chaos along the avenue opened by the Tao Emperor. His voice came: You and I were fellow Taoists in the past, but we will no longer be.

When he was about to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos, he suddenly stopped and turned his head and said, After reading all the classics in the Yuanshi Dao Palace, I realized that only by opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos can we see the true nature of the Dao. Master Xu, don't go back to the Sea of ​​Chaos. Yes, I don’t want you to become my enemy.”

He lifted his feet and walked into the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying stood in front of the Taoist Hall and remained silent for a long time. He stood up and hung the big bell under the eaves of the Yuanshi Taoist Hall.

Master Zhong, will one day I don't even recognize myself?

He stood in front of the Taoist temple, with his back to the void, and murmured in a low voice, sadly, One day, I will raise the butcher knife against my former Taoist friends. Do you think I was still the young man who caught snakes at that time?

Two lines of clear tears fell from his cheeks, the big clock shook, and I didn't know how to comfort him.

Xu Ying waited for a long time, but did not hear the bell, so he walked into the Yuanshi Taoist Hall.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and others are destroying his layout, but he was exiled here by the Tao Emperor and cannot go back. The best way he can think of now is to understand as soon as possible the Taoist magical powers left by the existences of the Yuanshi Tao realm in the Yuanshi Dao Palace in the past dynasties, so as to improve his strength.

Then call back!

He walked into the Yuanshi Taoist Hall, and a loud Taoist sound suddenly came to his ears. The thoughts left by the existence of the Yuanshi Realm at that time, carrying their Taoism, continued to echo in this Taoist temple.

Each sound represents the highest wisdom of countless civilizations, like a hymn to the eternity of life.

Xu Ying quickly immersed himself in understanding the great ways here, looking for truths that he had not yet understood from the Taoism of the Yuanshi Tao Realm.

After an unknown amount of time, he gradually became immersed in the vast ocean of Taoism, completely forgetting the passage of time, the responsibilities of the Chaos Lord, the Three Realms, and the people and things he cared about.

The beauty of the avenue made him wander and forget himself.

At this moment, a rapid ringing of bells suddenly came from outside the Yuanshi Taoist Hall. The big bell swayed back and forth, causing the Yuanshi Taoist Hall to sway here and there.

Ah Ying! Hai! Hai!

The sound of the bell woke Xu Ying up, Come out quickly! There is a purple sea in the great void, and it is coming here!

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