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Chapter 1012: Hongmeng Daohai, my Dao is accomplished

Is there a purple sea in the Great Void?

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly and he woke up from entering the Tao. He was a little scared at this time. During this period of time when he entered Taoism, he forgot about his responsibilities and became immersed in the study of Taoism!

This situation is extremely dangerous. Because you are too addicted to it, you only feel that the Dao is better than everything else. However, what you study and understand is often the details of the Dao. You feel that you are getting closer and closer to the Dao, but in fact you will not make much progress, but will slow down your cultivation. Entry.

Many monks only feel more and more insights when they enter samadhi, but after waking up, their cultivation strength does not improve much. This is the reason.

Xu Ying walked out of Yuanshi Dao Hall, and a purple sea of ​​Dao came into view in front of him.

This is the sea of ​​​​dao formed by Hongmeng Ziqi. It is unknown where it came from and why it appeared in this great void.

Xu Ying observed for a moment and realized that it was not coming this way, but seemed to be hiding under the great void and was emerging from under the great void at this moment.

Soon the Yuanshi Dao Palace was surrounded by the Hongmeng Sea. Xu Ying looked around and saw that the Hongmeng Dao Sea was endless, with no end in sight, like a purple line, spread out in the great void!

Countless universes are floating on the sea, and new universes are even born from the sea!

The scene of the Hongmeng Dao Sea is like a sea of ​​chaos, but unlike the sea of ​​chaos, its Dao is not in a state of chaos, but in a state of Hongmeng!

The universe it derives does not start from chaos, but from Hongmeng, and Hongmeng evolves all avenues!

Xu Ying calmed down and looked at this wonderful scene. Different from the chaos of the Chaos Sea, the Hongmeng Dao Sea was extremely calm, like the mirror surface of a flat lake. Every universe floating on the sea has its own reflection under the sea.

Yuanshi Dao Temple also has its own reflection under the sea.

In front of the Yuanshi Dao Temple under the sea, there is also a promise, a big bell, looking down at himself in another world.

When Xu Ying saw himself in the mirror, he felt a little dazed and said to the big bell: This is Hongmeng Daohai, where the young master Hongmeng lives!

He turned his head to speak to the big clock, but the self in the mirror did not turn his head or speak. Instead, he looked at himself curiously, then turned his head and spoke to the reflection of the big clock.

When Xu Ying noticed this scene, he was extremely shocked. He came to the edge of the Yuanshi Dao Palace, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to touch the Dao Sea.

Xu Ying, who was under the sea, also squatted down and stretched out his palm.

Palms facing each other.

It was clearly a calm sea, but Xu Ying realized that the person in the mirror was not nothingness, but a real existence!

Under the sea, there is a living him!

Xu Ying calmed down and remembered what Nan Kongyuan, the Taoist ancestor of the Hunyuan Universe, had said to him. Nankongyuan said that the Hongmeng Daohai was like a word of eternity, with no end in sight.

Misoraen also said that everything in this sea of ​​​​Tao is a mirror image of each other, from tiny dust particles to as large as the universe, the structures are completely opposite.

Even people's physical structures, avenues, and magical powers are completely reversed.

It's a pity that Nan Kong Yuan didn't say anything at that time and sacrificed himself to save the lives of all living beings in the new universe.

Xu Ying didn't expect that when he came to the Great Void, he would encounter the legendary Hongmeng Sea!

Young Master Hongmeng, Pavilion Master Su. The appearance of the Hongmeng Dao Sea this time must be his instruction. This Hongmeng Dao Sea should be the sea of ​​​​dao that he built after breaking through the Yuanshi Dao realm. I don't know whether the Dao Emperor has anything to do with this person. Comparing Master Hongmeng, who is superior?

Xu Ying turned back to look at the Yuanshi Dao Palace. The Yuanshi Dao Palace was clearly reflected in the Hongmeng Dao Sea.

If Hongmeng Daohai can also reflect the Yuanshi Dao Palace, doesn't it mean that all the Yuanshi Dao and all the Yuanshi magical powers in the Dao Palace have no secrets in front of Young Master Hongmeng?

Xu Ying was shocked. He was standing on the sea. He was so clear under the sea. Doesn't it mean that he also had no secrets in front of Master Hongmeng?

The Houtian Dao, which I have always been proud of, was actually included in Hongmeng Daohai. Doesn't it mean that the Houtian Dao cannot directly point to the real Tao?

Is my path wrong?

He calmed down and remembered that when he first met the Dao Emperor, just seeing the Dao Emperor caused his acquired avenue to break through and reach the end of the avenue.

He used to think that the Dao Emperor's avenue included his own acquired avenue, but now he discovered that this was not the case.

The reason why Dao Huang was able to help him break through was because Dao Huang's realm was too high. It was equivalent to Dao Huang standing on a high place and pulling him to another realm.

Young Master Hongmeng should be the same way. He thought to himself.

But the next moment Xu Ying denied his thoughts and said sadly: That's not the case. Mr. Hongmeng really reflects my Taoism. My acquired Taoism has no secrets in front of his Hongmeng Taohai.

The fact that the Dao Emperor stood on a high place and gave him a hand did not mean that the Dao Emperor's path surpassed his acquired path. It could only mean that the Dao Emperor's realm was higher. And Hongmeng Daohai reflects the mirror image of Xu Ying, which means Hongmeng Daohai is compatible with Houtian Dao!

At this time, a woman's laughter was heard: Is this Mr. Xu?

Xu Ying woke up from his gloom and followed the sound, but saw a painting boat approaching from the sea of ​​Hongmeng Dao. On the painting boat there was a woman in red dress with ribbons, her grace was extraordinary.

Xu Ying leaned forward slightly and said, That's right. May I ask, Madam?

The woman smiled and said: My name is Hong Luo, and I am the mistress of Hongmeng Hai.

Xu Ying showed a surprised look and said respectfully: It turns out to be Young Master Hongmeng...

The woman smiled and said: I am not Mr. Hongmeng. Mr. Hongmeng is a foreigner. He said on a whim that you have arrived in the Great Void, so he asked me to come to greet you. Please go and meet Mr. Xu.

She has a beautiful appearance, and her skin is like jade. The red dress makes her look like a human being. She smiled and said: My wife and Mr. Xu have a close relationship. Do you still remember the lotus root you got back then? It was my wife. When traveling around the Chaos Sea, I placed it near Mr. Xu, leaving a bond.

Xu Ying remembered this and went to the other side. He noticed that the roots of chaos were blooming and formed a cosmic flood source. He went to look for it and found the Chaos Lotus.

I think that at that time, Master Hongmeng was watching me from nearby.

Mr. Xu, please board the ship. Mrs. Hongluo smiled.

Xu Ying said yes, and was about to board the boat with the big clock. When the soles of his feet landed on the water, he noticed his reflection under the water, and felt sad again.

With my current ability, even if I can return to the Sea of ​​Chaos, it will not change any outcome. My acquired avenue cannot even go out of the outline of Master Hongmeng's avenue. It is impossible for me to compete with the cosmic cemetery, and it is even more impossible for me to be the Tao Emperor. The opponent...

When he came to the boat, he looked desolate and sad. Now, he can only place his hope on this young master Hongmeng whom he has never met before, hoping that he can guide him and allow him to break through, compete with the Dao Emperor, and save the Chaos Sea.

Mrs. Hongluo saw that his mood was low and his Taoist heart seemed to be damaged, so she smiled and said: Master Xu is probably worried about the safety of the Chaos Sea, right? You don't need to worry. My husband already knows about this, and this time I am asking Xu to Young Master, please go over and discuss a solution.

Xu Ying nodded silently and said, Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Xian.

Although Mrs. Hongluo was talkative, she saw that Xu Ying was worried, so she did not disturb her. Xu Ying came to the boat and saw the boat sailing on the sea of ​​chaos, as if it were traveling on a mirror.

They drove past magnificent universes, and there was life in the universes that reflected each other.

The lives of the two universes are also mirror images of each other.

They have the same clothes, the same manners, and the same words. Even if they are monks, they are exactly the same, without any difference.

Mrs. Hongluo saw that he was observing carefully and said with a smile: My husband calls the avenue one. One word is infinitely long. The two sides of one are the avenues that are positive and negative for each other. For example, what is the opposite of the Thunder Avenue? It is also the Thunder Avenue. .Just like your opposite, you are also the same.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Suddenly, a beam of spiritual light seemed to break through the chaos in his mind, shine on his Taoist heart, and dispel the haze!

The opposite of me is also me! Yes, just like the me in the chaotic state, I am also me! I can unify the countless selves in the chaotic state into the only true me! I can also unify the me in the Hongmeng state , let this Hongmeng Daohai no longer reflect my shadow!

The gloom on his face suddenly disappeared, he came to the boat, stretched out his hand towards the sea of ​​Hongmeng Daohai.

There is also a promise under the sea, and he also leans out on the boat and reaches out his hand.

The moment their palms touched the sea, Xu Ying's palm suddenly grabbed into the sea and pulled hard!


At this moment, Xu Ying felt that the Hongmeng Sea was spinning, and countless universes on the sea were also flipping, making him feel dizzy.

The next moment, he found himself still standing on Mrs. Hongluo's boat. It seemed that he had just pulled hard and nothing was pulled out.

However, there is another self on the boat.

Another big bell.

Xu Ying looked at himself across from him and smiled. The man opposite him also smiled exactly like him.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Xu Ying, you are me too, and you will eventually be me!

Xu Ying stood up and landed on Hongmeng Daohai. Another Xu Ying stood up at the same time as him. The two figures fell down almost at the same time, using their magical powers at the same time!

The magical powers of the two are equally overbearing. They are derived from the treasure box seal of the Dao Emperor. The palms are clasped inside, and the avenue is like a box!

With an earth-shattering noise, the two figures separated!

Mrs. Hongluo came to the bow of the boat and showed surprise. She saw two figures on the sea ignoring the space and colliding together again. Their Taoist powers were exactly the same, but they were complete mirror images with completely opposite structures!

The two people were staggered, and their attacks became more and more fierce. They seemed to have a sworn hatred!

The big clock and the mirror image of the big clock have long been dumbfounded, and they can't tell which one is Xu Ying and which one is the mirror image.

Mrs. Hongluo could see clearly that the real Xu Ying was constantly developing and comprehending new magical powers, and his moves were unpredictable. Although the mirror image Xu Ying also immediately comprehended the same magical powers, it was still a little slower.

Moreover, the mirror images looked the same, but had opposite structures, which she could see clearly with her eyesight.

Suddenly, these two Xu Yings activated their Dao to the extreme, and the two of them seemed to have formed a sea of ​​acquired Dao. The power of each blow was enough to open up a complete new universe, and the power of their moves was greater and stronger than before. !

A storm arose on the Hongmeng Sea, and as the two men clashed, new universes were rapidly formed one after another.

Mrs. Hongluo urged the boat to chase forward, but the cultivation of the two Xu Ying was too strong and the power of their magical powers was too powerful, preventing her from getting closer.

Not long after, she let out a light sigh and said, Weird.

The big mirror clock was extremely concerned about Xu Ying's safety and asked hurriedly: May I ask, madam, what's so weird?

Mrs. Hongluo said: Xu Ying's Taoism actually has the magical power of a mirror image. He has begun to master the mirror image of his own Taoism!

She was inexplicably surprised. Such qualifications and talents were really frighteningly high.

However, he comprehended the Tao, Dharma and magical powers of the mirror image, but his mirror image also comprehended his Tao, Dharma and magical powers.

Mrs. Hongluo shook her head and said, It is absolutely impossible for him to defeat his own mirror image.

The two Xu Ying fought hard, and their cultivation became stronger and stronger, forcing Madam Hongluo to stop her boat to avoid getting too close and being affected by their attacks.

The two Xu Ying fought for ten days and ten nights on the Hongmeng Sea. Madam Hongluo noticed that the Taoist and magical powers of the two were exactly the same, and they were indistinguishable from each other!

At this moment, the two Xu Ying suddenly stopped and landed on the Hongmeng Sea.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Hongluo couldn't help stroking her palms and praising: Master Xu is really smart. In this way, he has mastered the Taoism of his own mirror image, and his cultivation has doubled!

Just when she said this, she saw Xu Ying stretching out his hand to the mirror Xu Ying, and the mirror Xu Ying also stretched out his hand at the same time.

The moment their palms touched, they merged together!

Mrs. Hongluo was stunned. In just a short moment, the other promise disappeared, leaving only one promise!

She couldn't tell whether the disappeared Xu Ying was a mirror image or this Xu Ying was a mirror image!

Xu Ying walked towards the painting boat, and his reflections kept flying towards him under the surface of Hongmeng Daohai, merging with him one after another.

Xu Ying's aura was getting stronger and stronger, and he was getting closer and closer to Madam Hongluo's boat.

Mrs. Hongluo looked at this strange scene. Those reflections were the reflections of Xu Ying. The avenue in Xu Ying's body was constantly changing, so there were different reflections.

But the strange thing is that these reflections actually merged with him!

This is clearly a sign of the great unification of the Hongmeng state!

Thank you very much, Mr. and Mrs. Xian, for your advice this time. I just have too many worldly affairs and am quite anxious, so I won't go visit Mr. Hongmeng.

Xu Ying came all the way to the boat, bowed and said, I hope Mrs. Hongluo will convey my apology to Mr. Hongmeng on my behalf. I will pay you a visit when the Sea of ​​Chaos is restored someday.

The moment he bent down and touched Hongmeng Daohai with his hand, Daohai seemed to reverse his body, making his figure appear on the sea on the other side.

Mrs. Hongluo's eyes fell on his face and she said with a smile: In that case, I won't force it. Mr. Xu, please come back.

The big bell hurriedly flew towards Xu Ying, landed on his palm, and whispered: Ah Ying, sharpen your knife and chop wood. Now that you are here, why don't you go see Mr. Hongmeng? With his guidance, our chances of winning will be better. high!

Xu Ying shook his head, walked away, and said softly: Master Zhong, from now on, no one can give me guidance. The next time I come to visit, I am here to meet fellow Taoists.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw countless promised mirror images at his feet, seemingly connected in a line, turning into streams of light, rushing towards him from under the sea, and suddenly submerged into his body.

The surface of Hongmeng Daohai was slightly turbulent, and no new reflection appeared.

Xu Ying walks on the sea, and the sea is calm.

Let's go back to the Sea of ​​Chaos and meet with all the fellow Taoists from the Universe Cemetery and...the Taoist Emperor!

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