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Chapter 1010 Xu Ying is not tough at all

The Holy Ancestor was slightly startled. He had seen many heroes and heroes in his life, as well as many people with extraordinary intelligence and lofty ideals, but he had never seen anyone like Xu Ying.

Too many heroes with unparalleled intelligence died in his hands. Before these people died, they spoke eloquently and passionately, and he often sent them to see Da Dao with tears in his eyes.

But the promise in front of me is not hard at all.

He had no heroic words or passionate words. Chaos Lord Xu Ying's body was soft and slippery, which caught the Holy Ancestor off guard. He didn't know whether to continue to threaten Xu Ying with words or to use force to make Xu Ying submit.

But, he has already submitted, so why should I bother?

The Holy Ancestor thought of this and said kindly: Fellow Daoist Xu is a person who does what his heart wants. Unlike the Tao Emperor, who always says one thing and doesn't mean the other. You are very popular with me. I can teach you how to refine your luck and help you. You break through and reach the Yuanshi Dao realm.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Holy Ancestor is noble and upright, which is admirable. If Holy Ancestor has any mission, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will do it!

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: You think I want you to help me? You are wrong. Xu Ying, you don't know how to unlock the first-generation Chaos Lord, and you can't help me get rid of the suppression. You can't fight against the Dao Emperor either. , help me kill him. You can't do anything to help me.

Xu Ying was in awe: The Holy Ancestor taught me the method of refining calamity, but he asked for nothing in return. He is truly a master of the world. He is so brilliant that he makes me admire him. Just now, my brother misunderstood me.

The Holy Ancestor shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you misunderstood again. How could I not ask for anything in return? You really can't help me with anything, but you can help me. You can help me get rid of the first generation The Chaos Lord’s suppression can also help me fight against the Dao Emperor and kill him!”

Xu Ying was originally wary of the Holy Ancestor's plan, but he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and humbly asked for advice: I am stupid, please tell me from the Holy Ancestor.

Xu Ying, you are not a person who keeps to himself. I see tolerance in you, and you have the excellent qualities of being complicit in others when you are weak, and sweeping the world when you are strong. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to keep yourself in peace!

The palms of the Holy Ancestor suddenly opened up, and a big eye appeared in each palm. They turned around and stared at Xu Ying from all directions, observing his every move and penetrating into the micro-expressions of his skin, the rise and fall of his pores, and his eyes. The contraction of pupils.

Even, these eyes seemed to appear in his consciousness and in the avenue, observing his Taoist heart, observing the flow of his avenue, and checking all the information about his body and soul!

While observing, the Holy Ancestor smiled and said: You have no choice but to surrender to the Dao Emperor because you see that the Dao Emperor is much stronger than you and it is impossible for you to defeat him. So you are conceited and compromise and surrender. But as long as you become stronger , you will embark on the road to fight against the Dao Emperor! Right, the Chaos Lord promised?

Xu Ying originally planned to deny it immediately, but the moment he made the decision, he still followed his heart and nodded frankly, saying: But, Your Excellency is suppressed here and cannot escape. How can I help you in the future? Let's work together. Fight against the Dao Emperor?

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: The method I teach you to refine the tribulations is the Yuanshi tribulation sutra that I created. Of course, it is only a fragment. But this fragment is enough for you to refine the countless tribulations of the universe in your body. Turn it into your cultivation. Your cultivation will surely improve by leaps and bounds!

One by one, his arms danced and appeared around Xu Ying, like soft snakes, as if they wanted to surround Xu Ying and hug Xu Ying into his arms.

You will definitely not refuse the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra. As long as you practice it, the path of calamity in the sea of ​​chaos will be prosperous.

The Holy Ancestor said leisurely, The fate of calamity leads to killing and destruction, and the path to annihilation becomes more and more prosperous. As your cultivation level increases, the ban used by Master Chaos to suppress me will become more and more prosperous. It is difficult to trap me. As you become stronger, I will become stronger and stronger, and it will become easier and easier for me to escape from the trap.

If your cultivation level is strong, you will not remain contented and continue to serve as a minister under the Dao Emperor. You will definitely resist the Dao Emperor, and you will definitely become the opposite of the Dao Emperor!

The Holy Ancestor's voice seemed not to come from his mouth, but from the eyes of these flying palms, becoming increasingly ethereal.

The moment you face the Dao Emperor, you will realize how powerful and terrifying the Dao Emperor is. At that time, you need me. You need to join forces with me to deal with the Dao Emperor!

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Back then, he came up with a way to crack the cosmic cemetery scheme, but if he wanted to plant a large number of chaotic spiritual roots, he needed to use himself as a container to incorporate tens of thousands of cosmic catastrophes into himself and smelt them into a furnace.

He was the only person he knew who could do this.

So Xu Ying transformed into a state of chaos, separated into countless selves, traveled through the past and future of the sea of ​​chaos, and practiced the fate of countless universes in annihilation.

As a result, his body still retains the fate of the past and future annihilation of the Chaos Sea!

Although this misfortune cannot kill him now, it will definitely become a big trouble in the future!

The Holy Ancestor smiled slightly, and suddenly all the arms surrounding Xu Ying were retracted, and the eyes in each palm were closed one after another, as if they had never appeared before.

Xiao Ying, this is my way out of trouble. I don't need to make a deal with you, and I don't need to rely on your hands to save myself.

His voice was filled with pride, and he said calmly, You only need to follow the path I have arranged for you, and I will naturally save myself and kill the Dao Emperor.

Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he was quite unconvinced, and said, What if I don't practice your Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra?

You can practice, Xu Ying, you will definitely practice.

One by one, the Holy Ancestor's palms began to turn to stone, and he said with a smile, If you don't practice, you will never catch up with the Dao Emperor, and you will never be the Dao Emperor's opponent! You don't know how terrifying the Dao Emperor is, even if the Dao Emperor can only Even a trace of cultivation can kill you. Facing such existence, you will despair, and you will practice at all costs the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra I passed on to you, even if you will release me because of it!

He laughed, his voice full of pleasure: The first generation of Chaos Lords suppressed me here, but your generation of Chaos Lords had to release me, and even had to join forces with me! After all, the Chaos Lords are still Why don't you help me, the Holy Ancestor!

Xu Ying's face was uncertain, and he suddenly asked: Why did the first generation Chaos Lord suppress you? Why didn't the Tao Emperor release you? Holy Ancestor, what evil have you done?

The Holy Ancestor's laughter slowly fell, and he shook his head and said: What great evil can I do? I am just a persistent seeker. But if you are too persistent on the path of seeking, it will be a great evil in the eyes of others. Xu Ying, when you pursue When you are truly on the road, how do you know that you are not a great evil in the eyes of others?

He didn't wait for Xu Ying to think about the meaning of this sentence, and refined his spiritual consciousness. A powerful spiritual consciousness poured into Xu Ying's mind. It was the fragment of the Holy Ancestor's Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra!

Among them, there is only the method of refining calamity and transforming calamity to help practice, and there is no other method.

you can go now.

Half of the Saint Ancestor's body gradually turned to stone, and he smiled and said, Xiao Ying, you can practice. You will definitely do it.

Xu Ying bowed and thanked him: Thank you so much, Brother Dao, for teaching me the martial arts. After saying that, he took the big bell and the donkey with him and turned around to leave.

The Holy Ancestor watched him go away, his eyes flashed, his face gradually turned petrified, and laughter came from the darkness: You will definitely practice, and I can also take this opportunity to get out of trouble. Then no one can stop me from obtaining the true meaning of the great road. !”

A Ying, can you practice this Laoshizi Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra? Seeing that Xu Ying was silent on the road, Dazhong couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and asked, Do you think I should practice?

It shouldn't be.

Da Zhong said, This kid, Saint Ancestor, you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person. If he can cultivate the Dao of Nirvana to the Yuanshi Realm, he must have wiped out countless universes, otherwise he would not have been suppressed by the first generation of Chaos Lord. Dao Emperor You dare not let such a bad person out. It can be seen that he has done many evil things, even better than the Tao Emperor! If you practice cultivation, you will let him out and let him continue to do evil!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said, But I will definitely practice.

Da Zhong was stunned.

Xu Ying was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: Back then, I gathered countless tribulations in the universe into one body. I originally thought that I had understood the path of tribulations and had reached the end of the avenue. I could absorb the energy of all tribulations. However, But I found that I can't get rid of these catastrophes. The moment the catastrophes of the three realms break out in the future, I will die.

He seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him, and there was no sign of any emotional ups and downs. He said in a calm tone: So no matter what the consequences of practicing the Yuanshi Tribulation Sutra will be, I will practice and resolve the calamity.

Master Shi De on the side hesitated, hesitated, and then summoned up the courage to say: If my benefactor did this, wouldn't he release a demon king who can destroy the sea of ​​chaos?

Xu Ying lowered his head, looked at his hands, his eyes were dark, and he laughed softly: At that time, it was still unclear who the devil would be.

He raised his head, looked into the darkness in the distance, and said with a low smile: Maybe the Demon King is not him?

In the darkness in the distance, a figure stands, half withered and half prosperous, with a childlike face but the body of an old man. It is the Tao Emperor.

Xu Ying's eyes came into contact with the Dao Emperor, and the two of them just nodded from a distance to indicate that the Dao Emperor did not approach, but walked away alone.

Master Shi De and Da Zhong noticed his gaze and looked around, but saw no sign of the Tao Emperor.

A Ying, the Demon King is not the Saint Ancestor, how can he still be the Tao Emperor?

Dazhong said doubtfully, The Dao Emperor doesn't seem to have done many evil things.

Master Shi De smiled and said: The Tao Emperor will not have many evil deeds written on his face. Who knows if he has done many evil things before?

Xu Ying smiled slightly, turned to look at the place where the Holy Ancestor was suppressed, and said silently in his heart: What if the Demon King is not the Dao King as well?

His eyes flashed. This time when he came to see the Holy Ancestor, he definitely did not hide it from the Tao Emperor's eyes and ears.

The Tao Emperor took great notice of the Holy Clan's passing on their martial arts, so why didn't he take action to stop it? Why didn't he kill himself?

The Dao Emperor is really a weird person.

Xu Ying thought, It seems that I came here all the way according to my own consciousness and met the Holy Ancestor. But how could I know that it wasn't the Dao Emperor who led me here?

His eyes fell on Master Shi De. This donkey was originally tied to the residence of Dao Emperor after Dao Yin's death. After Dao Huang left, how could the donkey escape?

With Dao Huang's methods, even if the person tied there is Xu Ying, Xu Ying can't escape!

This can only mean that the donkey was let go by the Tao Emperor!

They walked out of the restricted area, and Master Shi De smiled and said: My benefactor, I have repaid your kindness. I'm leaving!

He trotted all the way and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and did not embarrass the donkey. After all, Master Shi De was also used by the Tao Emperor.

When Master Shi De sent his eldest son, Sun Shenghai, here, Dao Yin was probably not dead yet, right?

He said silently in his heart, After that, Dao Yin died in my hands. But at that time, Dao Emperor tied Master Shi De up. It's unfathomable.

With a sigh, he and Dazhong came to the refining place of the Dao Treasure Box, silently watching the Dao Treasure Box that had been formed.

In the past, he came here to see the weapon refining techniques of the Yuanshi people and to figure out their Taoist and magical powers. Now he came here to figure out the principles contained in the Taoist treasure box, so as to deduce the Taoist Emperor's Taoist and magical powers.

In the past, he could not understand the Dao Treasure Box. Now, he works hard to integrate what he has learned and understands the Tao power contained in the Dao Treasure Box.

As for the Yuanshi Dao Palace, which contains all the Yuanshi Dao magical powers in the universe cemetery throughout the ages, he no longer asks for it.

The Dao Emperor led him to see the Holy Ancestor, but did not arrange for him to enter the Yuanshi Dao Palace. Obviously, he would not be allowed to enter this treasure hall.

But Xu Ying no longer cares.

Because, isn't the beginning of all things right here?

Xu Ying looked longingly and said silently in his heart, These Yuanshi Taoist realms are my treasure palace. If you are proficient in their Taoism, you can decipher your Taoist treasure box!

These days, Dao Emperor seems to have disappeared and never appeared again.

Unknowingly, another tens of thousands of years have passed, and time has passed by like water. With an inexplicable heart palpitating shock, another part of the past sea of ​​chaos collapsed.

The universe in the ancient time was exposed, gradually becoming dim and thin, and the people living in that era gradually disappeared like a dream.

The seas of chaos in past eras have collapsed several times, and the number of seas of chaos in more ancient eras is getting smaller and smaller.

The strong and powerful spiritual roots in the sea of ​​chaos emit monstrous power, holding up incredibly large cosmic flood sources, like disproportionate flowers.

These chaotic spiritual roots and cosmic flood sources are still desperately trying to absorb the few remaining energy of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos, making the sea of ​​chaos become more and more empty.

The Great Void, which was originally suppressed by the Sea of ​​Chaos, was suddenly relaxed at this moment, and the distance between the universes gradually became farther and farther.

And from time to time, there are shocking throbbings in the void, which is the collapse of the sea of ​​chaos from an even more ancient era.

On this day, in the cosmic cemetery, the Dao Treasure Box emitted endless Dao light, forcing everyone in the Yuanshi Dao realm to retreat.

Suddenly, I saw the immeasurable light rolling back, whistling and falling into the box, making a sound. When the last wave of light fell into the box, I heard only a click sound, and the box was closed, and no trace of its power was released. vent.

A Taoist boy came, and his crisp voice spread throughout the universe cemetery, saying: The Taoist Emperor has an edict, written by Xuanyuan Great Tianzun, Jisheng Tianzun, Yuanyi Taoist, Wanfa Zunwang, Tianxing Patriarch, Xiang Emperor, Hongshan The Patriarch and others will take this treasure and go to the Sea of ​​Chaos to collect the cosmic flood source of chaotic spiritual roots planted by fellow Taoist Xu into the treasure box.

The treasure box shook violently and was suddenly divided into nine parts. Xuanyuan Great Tianzun, Jisheng Tianzun and others each had a treasure box in their hands.

Other fellow Taoists, practice hard and prepare to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos!

The Taoist boy's eyes fell on Xu Ying and said, Xu Ying, the Taoist Emperor is asking you to go to the Yuanshi Taoist Hall to learn the secret knowledge.

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