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Chapter 1009 Mysterious Saint Ancestor

Xu Ying didn't help, and didn't know how to help. He could only watch the Yuanshi being burned to pieces.

This scene is both horrifying and a little sad.

Even the dignified existence of the Yuanshi Dao Realm could not escape the pursuit of disaster, and finally met the human disaster.

Xu Ying glanced at Master Shi De who was still calling, corrected his mistake, and thought to himself: I accepted the donkey's robbery. This senior should have been awakened by Master Shi De, and ended up being killed by the disaster.

I thought that Master Shi De came in to steal something, but unexpectedly everything here was decayed. When he saw the treasure on the Yuanshi stone statue, he reached out to grab it, but the Yuanshi stone statue woke up.

When he saw the Yuanshi stone statue waking up, he was so frightened that he kept screaming. But the existence of the Yuanshi Dao realm was precisely because of the impending disaster, so it turned into a stone statue to delay time. Probably because he slept here for too long, the moment he woke up, he was overtaken by calamity and turned into a supreme calamity fire, and his life's Taoism and practice were burned into powder.

Therefore, Xu Yingcai said that this person was killed by Master Shi De as a result of the donkey robbery.

The great virtue is missing. Mr. Zhong whispered.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, No wonder him. Even if the immoral Master hadn't awakened him, he would have suffered this calamity when he woke up.

This Yuanshi turned into a stone statue and became lifeless, but he could not escape the disaster, he could only avoid it. On the contrary, the longer the delay, the more severe the disaster will be. This person is afraid that he has fallen into a deep sleep before the new universe cemetery is built, so the moment he wakes up, he will die.

Xu Ying woke up Master Shi De who was still calling, walked out of this decaying fairy palace, looked into the dark restricted area, and said in a low voice: I'm afraid the Yuanshi Taoist realm who lives in seclusion here is also like this human being, seemingly alive. But when you wake up, you die.

Mr. Zhong sighed and said: The dignified Yuanshi Dao realm, after the death of the local universe, hid here and there, and finally turned into a stone statue alone, but could not escape the final death. It is really pitiful and ridiculous.

Master Shi De stabilized his mind, looked up at the big clock, and said: These Yuansi are not alone. They are high above, and together they are the most powerful force that rules the Chaos Sea. Even the Chaos Lord, most of the time , nor their opponent.”

Mr. Zhong said: They turned into stone statues, are they not alone? Each stone statue is an isolated island. You think they are aloof, but I think they are just poor people trying to escape to avoid death.

Xu Ying walked forward and said, Go to the front and have a look.

Master Shi De and Zhong Ye quickly followed him. On the way, they encountered other Yuanshi Taoist mansions. Master Shi De became much more at ease and did not dare to steal anything again.

Most of these mansions in the Yuanshi Dao Realm have decayed and have no vitality. Although the stone statues are still intact, Xu Ying can judge from the misfortune emanating from them. As long as they wake up, they will die!

The so-called forbidden area is actually just the grave of the deceased.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and murmured, The cosmic cemetery is called a cemetery, but in fact it is a lifeless place.

Master Zhong asked: Then what is the Dao Emperor doing here?

Master Shi De hesitated for a moment and said: When my master Dao Yin was still alive, he once told me that there is a Nirvana Yuanshi here. This person's Taoist and magical powers can be said to be beyond the reach of other Yuanshi, so he lived in seclusion in the restricted area. Among them. Others will be overtaken by the Nirvana Tribulation, but this person shouldn’t be able to, right?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly when he heard this. It was extremely difficult to practice the Dao of Nirvana, and it was even harder to achieve great achievements. For example, Dao Alliance's True Lord Daoji, without Xu Ying's guidance, he might not have been able to cultivate the Dao of Nirvana until now.

As for the destruction of Yuanshi, that is even more impossible.

If there really is a Nirvana Yuanshi here, then this person may indeed survive.

The calamities in the restricted area are getting more and more serious. Xu Ying uses the acquired path. Although he is not aware of the danger, he feels increasingly uneasy.

This strong sense of uneasiness made him aware of the danger, so he stopped and planned to turn back.

At this time, he saw an unusually tall figure in the darkness, sitting cross-legged, with arms all over his body, holding them up, and the annihilating heavenly fire flew around him!

Xu Ying's mind was slightly shaken. Other Yuanshi Dao realms often ran out of life, but this stone statue still maintained its breath of life and was not affected by the Nirvana Sky Fire.

Could this person be the Yuanshi of Nirvana?

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, he saw a voice coming from behind the stone statue, saying: Tao Emperor, I noticed that there is hesitation in your Taoist heart. It is very strange for a being like you. I don't know if you wake me up, What happened?

Xu Ying was stunned, then woke up and thought to himself: There is a face behind this man! His front body turned to stone, and his back body turned to flesh and blood to talk to the Tao Emperor!

The voice of the Taoist Emperor came: Nowadays, many fellow Taoists in the Universe Cemetery support the opening of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and Jisheng, Xuanyuan and others have planted a supreme spiritual root to create a cosmic flood source to absorb the energy of the Sea of ​​Chaos. The energy of chaos.

The voice behind the stone statue laughed and said: This is a trivial matter. Even if they plant supreme spiritual roots, it will only be able to stump them, not you. Just eradicate the spiritual roots and destroy the cosmic flood source. There is What’s the difficulty?”

Dao Huang said: I was originally hesitant about whether to eradicate this spiritual root. But then the matter got out of control. The contemporary Chaos Lord promised, because he could not eradicate the spiritual root and flood source, in order to destroy their plan , then he planted spiritual roots all over the sea of ​​chaos and drained the sea of ​​chaos.

The stone statue was obviously shocked. After a long while, he said: The method he used was to go to the past and future of the Sea of ​​Chaos, collect those annihilated universes, gather them together, and connect them with catastrophes. In this way, he could gather the catastrophes and cultivate them. A behemoth that far surpasses ordinary spiritual roots?

The Dao Emperor nodded and said: Xuan Yuan and others cannot open up the flood source formed by these spiritual roots.

The stone statue's arms gently caressed its palms, praising: This is a brilliant strategy. Do you know how much Xu Ying paid to destroy the plans of Xuanyuan, Jisheng and others?

Dao Huang shook his head and said, I don't know.

The stone statue smiled and said: He transported the universes in annihilation one by one, but the tribulations of each universe are not connected. The tribulations cannot be connected. The tribulations of annihilation are naturally different. The chaotic spiritual roots born from annihilation, Natural forms are different and not a whole. If you want to connect thousands of cosmic tribulations, you need to use yourself as a medium to incorporate different cosmic tribulations into yourself.

The Dao Emperor remained silent.

Master Shi De raised his head repeatedly and looked at Xu Ying.

At that time, he carried Dao Yin on his back and hunted Xu Ying everywhere, but he never thought that Xu Ying would actually use this method to connect the catastrophes in different universes.

My benefactor is so noble. Master Shi De was filled with admiration.

The stone statue continued: We, the monks in the Yuanshi Dao Realm, only bear the calamities of our local universe, but he uses himself as a furnace to smelt the calamities of different universes, but he has to bear the calamities of these universes. He has planted Shaolinggen, right?”

Dao Huang said: There are countless of them from ancient times to the present.

The stone statue sighed: In order to deal with the plans of Xuanyuan, Jisheng and others, he gave up his life. He has refined hundreds of millions of catastrophes in the universe into himself. The catastrophes are so heavy that even you and me can't. It’s beyond reach.”

He was full of emotions and said quietly: This calamity is so serious. As long as the calamity of the universe that gave birth to him breaks out, he will definitely die. The Nirvana Sky Fire will burn him up immediately and turn him into ashes. If not Dao Emperor, with this plan, he can ruin the plans of Jisheng, Xuanyuan and others, and it won't be worth it for him to gamble with his own life. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that there would be more people in the universe cemetery. An unfathomable Dao Emperor.

The Dao Emperor hesitated for a moment and said: I was just hesitating, and he had already done such a thing. I didn't know that he paid such a high price. So I could only choose to open up the path of the Sea of ​​Chaos, so I Design the Great Dao Treasure Box and let Xuanyuan and the others destroy the spiritual roots and flood sources planted by Xu Ying. But I don’t know whether this is right or wrong, so I am hesitant...

Dao Emperor, you are still as hypocritical as before.

The voice behind the stone statue laughed and said, If you don't want to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, you can destroy the spiritual roots and flood sources that you promised to plant. You can also destroy the spiritual roots and flood sources of Xuanyuan and the others, and the Sea of ​​Chaos will naturally recover. The state of order. But you only plan to destroy the spiritual roots and flood sources promised to plant, which shows that you also want to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos.

He sarcastically said: You destroyed all life in the Sea of ​​Chaos just to verify the truth of the Great Dao. Dao Emperor, do you think that by opening the Sea of ​​Chaos, you can get rid of your misfortune and gain sublimation? The evil you have done is to open the Sea of ​​Chaos. It can’t be washed off either!”

The Dao Emperor was silent for a moment and said: So, Holy Ancestor, what do you mean, don't open up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

The voice behind the stone statue laughed and said: Why not open up the Sea of ​​Chaos? Open up the Sea of ​​Chaos. The previous calamities had nothing to do with us. Isn't it better to wash away the calamities and get a new life than to be tortured by the calamities? Of course I agree with you to open up the Chaos. Sea! Almost all the tortured Yuanshi in the universe cemetery agree with you to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos!

His words were full of sarcasm, and he said: The person who is hesitant is just you from beginning to end! You are hesitating because you are worried about being blamed for destroying countless universes and countless people! You are just a hypocritical Dao Emperor!

Instead of being angry, Tao Huang agreed with his words and said: You are right. I do have selfish motives. Fellow Taoist, thank you for your advice.

The voice behind the stone statue said in a persuasive manner: You don't want to bear the blame or the calamity. You need someone to shoulder the blame and calamity for you, so you came to find me. You have always been afraid of seeing me, but you still came. You want me to take the blame, right? You are here to free me...

The Taoist Emperor sighed and said: Holy Ancestor, you have guessed everything right before, but you guessed wrong about this matter. I really want to ask you for advice, but I will never release you and let you take the blame. I never thought about it. When the first generation of Chaos Lords suppressed you, the first condition for peace talks with me was that you be suppressed forever and not be released. Although you and I are friends, I also think you are extremely dangerous, so how could you Release you?

The voice behind the stone statue was furious: You woke me up and ruined my moral conduct and life just to ask me these simple questions?

Dao Huang said sincerely: In this world, there is no one else who can have a heart-to-heart relationship with me except you.

go away!

Xu Ying, Donkey Shide and Zhong Ye waited for a moment, but the Dao Emperor's voice did not continue to be heard, and he thought he had already left.

This Saint Ancestor was suppressed here by the Seventh Young Master of the first generation of Chaos Lord. This person is probably extremely dangerous and his strength is no less than that of the Dao Emperor!

Xu Ying was about to turn around and leave when suddenly a voice came from behind the stone statue and said with a smile: Chaos Lord Xu Ying, since you are here, why rush to leave?

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart as he felt an invisible yet powerful Dao power envelope him. At the same time, flames from the sky all around him flew out of nowhere and enveloped all his escape routes.

Blossoming flames from the sky were flying, forcing Xu Ying to move forward.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: Holy Ancestor, please don't act nonsense. I am the Chaos Lord, and I have inherited the Taoism of the first generation of Chaos Lords. If I trigger his ban, you will be skinned even if you don't die.

The blossoming annihilating sky fire suddenly did not dare to approach, but followed from a distance.

As long as he walked away at this time, the stone statue would not dare to stop him. Xu Ying signaled Master Shi De and Master Zhong to follow him, walked towards the stone statue, and said with a smile, How did the Holy Ancestor discover that I came here?

Master Shi De became emboldened and said with a smile: Just now I thought we were just young children who could be manipulated by others, but now it seems that we are the masters!

The donkey stood upright, raised its front hooves and pointed at the stone statue. It laughed and said, He is the chick!

Da Zhong suppressed his shivers, and secretly complained in his heart: A Ying has gone too far this time. When Master Zhong taught the skills, where did he teach the first generation of Chaos Lords about the ban?

The donkey was so arrogant and domineering that it wanted to kill the donkey in one minute and then kowtow to the stone statue a few times to apologize.

The stone statue smiled and said: You use yourself as a container to melt the fate of billions of universes. The weight of your fate is comparable to another cosmic cemetery. The moment you stepped into the cosmic cemetery, you were shocked. I just didn't expect you to come to me today.

Xu Ying clasped his hands behind his back and walked to the back of the stone statue. He saw groups of extinguishing heavenly fire flying around, landing on the palms of the stone statue, and burning faintly.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the stone statue indeed had no back of its head. There was indeed a handsome face on the back of its head, looking down at him from a high position!

That handsome face was the Saint Ancestor mentioned by the Dao Emperor. He was awakened by the Dao Emperor and was already in the state of flesh and blood. He said: Fellow Daoist Xu is indeed a talented person, not inferior to the previous Chaos Lords. I apologize for the inconvenience of the mountain people.

Xu Ying smiled and said, No need to be polite.

The Holy Ancestor's eyes flashed and he said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you are burdened with such a heavy calamity. As soon as your cosmic calamity breaks out, you will die. No one, no way, can save you. Only Me. Only I can turn the calamity in your body into your supreme Taoism and help, allowing you to take a step further and reach the Yuanshi Tao realm!

Xu Ying laughed and said: It's just bad luck, what can you do to me...

The Holy Ancestor looked at him coldly and suddenly said: No need to pretend, the Chaos Bell did not teach you any suppression techniques. After the first generation Chaos Lord suppressed me, he left the Sea of ​​Chaos and did not pass it on to the Broken Bell.

Master Shi De laughed loudly, jumped up, put his hooves on his hips, and shouted: Hey! Old man, if I call you the Holy Ancestor, I will respect you. If I don't respect you, I will call you a thousand-legged centipede! Mr. Xu turned his palms and Suppressed you!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, and the big bell hurriedly dropped, knocking the donkey to the ground, and shouted: If you can get out alive, we will have donkey meat hot pot tonight. I will turn it upside down to make a big pot, and you can eat it!

Xu Ying calmed down and said with a smile: Then Holy Ancestor, how can you refine the calamity in my body and turn it into my supreme Taoism and help?

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