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Chapter 1008 Master Shi De

The big bell rushed towards the place where the Dao light was strongest. On the road of the avenue, flying along the avenue, you will often see the light emitted by the avenue getting stronger and stronger, as if stacked on top of each other, extremely thick.

The further you go, the thicker it becomes and the resistance is extremely great. If you want to fly to the end, it seems like you are fighting against the avenue you practice. It is difficult to move even an inch.

After going through all kinds of hardships to reach the end, you have to mark yourself eternally at the end and confirm your own path.

Xu Ying was able to achieve this step because Xu Ying's strength had already reached its end, but his acquired path was flawed and he could not completely unify the chaotic state. Later, under the guidance of the Tao Emperor, he was able to unify the chaotic state, and then he built the end of the road.

It's just that Master Zhong is a magic weapon, and magic weapon cultivation naturally has flaws in magic power. After all, everything comes from practicing false cultivation, and every state is fake, and then it slowly becomes real.

It can exert its own power, but to exert all its power, a sacrificer is needed.

With Xu Ying's help, it's only natural that the power of it will be fully unleashed, and the road to branding will end!

The next moment, the big bell has flown to the end of the avenue, where the light is the most blazing, shining brightly, as if it is going to be refined!

Xu Ying and Da Zhong worked together to turn the avenue into a brand, and the eternal brand was imprinted in this gorgeous light.

At this moment, the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord who was refining the treasure quietly raised his index finger and pointed back.

This finger coincides with the big clock being branding its own path. If it is hit by this finger, it will definitely not be able to complete the branding!

Xu Ying stood on the Lingque Bridge, activated the Yuanshi Dao Finger, and used his finger power to meet the finger power of the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord!

The two people's fingers collided, Xu Ying's sleeves floated and made a sound, and the Linggu Bridge sank slightly under the pressure.

Before Xu Ying could stabilize his body, another finger force suddenly struck him, but he didn't know who made the move.

Xu Ying moved his body and once again urged the Yuanshi Dao Finger to meet this finger. However, the next moment, I saw a wave of finger power coming from the many Yuanshi who were refining the treasure box of the great road. You pointed it, I flicked it, each with different methods, attacking the big bell!

These beings in the Yuanshi Dao realm saw that Xu Ying was about to refine the Yuanshi Treasure, and knew that he was about to realize Yuanshi twice, so they acted mischievously at this critical moment.

If the big bell is hit by their magical powers, the imprint of the big bell will definitely not be complete. Even if it becomes the supreme treasure of the Yuan Dynasty, its power will not reach the ideal state.

In this way, Xu Ying's overall combat power can be weakened. For them, why not?

Xu Ying stood on the Linggu Bridge, moving back and forth on the wooden bridge, with fingers, palms, fists or seals, to meet the attacks coming at him, and he actually blocked all the attacks of a statue of Yuanshi!

However, there are too many magical powers attacking the big bell. Even if his cultivation is far better than before, he still can't hold it back at this moment!

At this moment, more than a dozen magical powers blocked Xu Ying's attacks, alleviating his urgent need.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a bell. The sound of the bell was so long that it seemed to contain all the great ways in the world. The big bell was imprinted at the end of the avenue. As it receded from the end of the avenue, there was also a big bell in the boundless light, spinning slowly and slowly.

At this time, those who practice the Nine Innate Paths and other various innate avenues, as long as they have reached a certain level and can see the end of the avenue, they will find that there is an extra copper bell at the end of the avenue!

The big bell mark was completed, and everyone who took action also stopped their killing moves and took back their magical powers.

Everyone was secretly shocked, not because the bell could be cultivated into the Supreme Treasure of the Origin, but because Xu Ying was just a monk at the end of the Dao realm, and he could still resist their attacks even though he activated the bell and marked the end of the avenue!

Such strength really shocked them.

Although they didn't use their full strength and just did it casually, all of Yuan Shi's moves were blocked by Xu Ying.

Back then, Xu Ying also borrowed the power of Lingque Bridge. Lingque Bridge was the most precious treasure of the Yuan Dynasty, and its power was also extremely terrifying.

Xu Ying was covered in sweat and his arms were shaking. He was relieved to see that no one was attacking anymore.

Although this siege was not aimed at him, receiving so many primitive magical powers in a row still almost killed him!

These people in the Yuanshi Dao Realm still want to have some face. Since it is a foregone conclusion that the big bell will become the Yuanshi Treasure, there is no need for them to quarrel with each other, so they simply stop.

Xu Ying quietly wiped his cold sweat and cast a grateful look at Xuanhuang Tianzun. Just when he could no longer hold on, it was Xuanhuang Tianzun and others who took action to block other attacks for him.

In addition to Xuanhuang Tianzun, there were other unfamiliar faces among the people who came to help. Presumably, these people also held the same philosophy as Xuanhuang Tianzun and believed that opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos was a mistake.

Xuanhuang Tianzun smiled slightly and did not say much.

After Xu Ying refined the bell into the Supreme Treasure of Yuanshi, he saw that everyone was still refining the Dao Treasure Box, and thought to himself: I don't know when the Dao Treasure Box will be finished. It's useless to stay here. It's better to go find the Dao Emperor and increase feelings.

He left immediately and rushed to where the Dao Emperor lived.

The big bell and Lingguqiao hurriedly followed him. The big bell wanted to test its power, so it sacrificed itself and started to move. It is true that when the bell rings, thousands of ways are born, and the universe circulates endlessly.

When the bell rings, all kinds of strange phenomena are formed in the universe of large and small avenues, and the power of the Dao is astonishing.

It felt that its power had increased more than ten times than before, and it felt very happy in its heart.

It originally opened the sky together with Xu Ying, and its power was already close to the Yuanshi Treasure. Now its power has skyrocketed, and ordinary Yuanshi Treasures are not as powerful as it.

Seeing its powerful power, Xu Ying was very happy and thought to himself: I have obtained the second of the four proofs of Yuanshi. With Master Zhong, I am not without the power to protect myself in the graveyard of the universe!

Da Zhong also secretly made calculations and said to himself: I have already confirmed the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty with the Great Dao, but I still need the body, spirit and treasure. Master Qiao is already the most precious treasure of the Yuan Shi. Although it is my apprentice, it is obviously not satisfactory for me to sacrifice it. After all, I don’t practice the same kind of path as it. But having said that, the one closest to me is Ah Ying...

Master Zhong hung above Xu Ying's head, and the old god was there, and said secretly: Who says the magic weapon must be a magic weapon? Can't the magic weapon be a human being? When I sacrifice A Ying, I will be the beginning of the second proof...

Xu Ying didn't know its little plan and went straight to the place where the Dao Emperor lived, only to see that the Dao Emperor was not here.

He wondered in his heart: The Tao Emperor is dying and may disappear at any time, but he is still running around. If you die, won't the Yuanshi Tao Palace become a dead ringer?

The Dao Emperor is related to whether he can enter the Yuanshi Dao Palace, so Xu Ying is very concerned about it. If he can go to the Yuanshi Dao Palace, it will definitely be of great benefit to him in transcending acquired and innate knowledge!

Xu Ying walked leisurely, searching for traces of the Dao Emperor.

Since he came to the Cosmic Cemetery, he has not taken a good walk around this place. This is the first time.

The Yuanshi Dao realms in the cosmic cemetery all gathered together to refine the treasure box of the Dao. They left their respective territories, leaving the cosmic cemetery dead and desolate, except for the ubiquitous Qi of Destiny, Qi of Killing and Nirvana. Outside, there are only sharp and sharp peaks, intertwined with canines.

In some places, there are still stone statues that have not been revived. They are much smaller than those in the Yuanshi Dao realm. They should be followers of Yuanshi.

Xu Ying was watching, and suddenly he saw a donkey walking out of the Immortal Palace not far away. He was slightly startled when he saw him, and then walked towards him with a fierce look on his face. As he walked, he stood up and shouted: Xu Ying , I heard that you killed my master Daoyin, right?

That donkey was the donkey that Dao Yin had subdued. It was extremely powerful, its cultivation level was close to that of the Yuanshi Taoist realm, and it was full of tendons and meat, and was very powerful.

Xu Ying recognized it and said seriously: He did die in my hands. Dao Yin wanted to kill me, so I had to do my best to kill him.

When the donkey heard the words, he bowed his head and said happily: My benefactor, please bow to the little donkey! The old thief Daoyin surrendered to me because he was higher than me, and let me, this dignified person at the end of the road, be his mount. ! This is a great shame and humiliation! It’s a pity that I don’t have the ability to kill him. Fortunately, my benefactor took action and killed the old thief!

Master Zhong originally thought that he was here to avenge Dao Yin. As soon as he said the word revenge, he wanted to kill him to test his own power. Unexpectedly, the donkey claimed to be his benefactor, which made him quite disappointed.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You don't have to be polite, my fellow Taoist. How do you call me my fellow Taoist?

The donkey crossed its front hooves on its chest, lowered its eyebrows and said with a smile: My Taoist name is Shi De, I am willing to do good, and my virtue is spread to all people, so I am called Master Shi De. My benefactor, everyone else is refining magic weapons, my benefactor. But you didn’t stay there, so where are you going?”

Xu Ying told about his search for the Dao Emperor, and the donkey Shi De smiled and said: Since Dao Yin died, I have been tied to the Dao Emperor. I do know where the Dao Emperor went. .”

Xu Ying couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly asked him to lead the way.

Master Shi De said, Get on my back and I will take you forward.

Xu Ying smiled and said: We are all fellow Taoists, why should we do this?

Master Shi De smiled and said: I am used to being a mount for the old thief Daoyin every day. I have long forgotten that this is self-indulgence. I wonder why my benefactor went to find the Dao Emperor?

Xu Ying said: I plan to go to Yuanshi Taoist Temple to learn Yuanshi's Taoist secrets, but the Tao Emperor always seems to avoid me.

Master Shi De smiled and said: That's it. I had the opportunity to see the Yuanshi Dao Palace once, but I didn't know how to get in. Last time I carried a young man on my back and sent him to the Dao Emperor. I had the chance to see the Dao Emperor open the Yuanshi Dao Palace. Dao Palace, let the young man go in and study.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he asked, Who is that young man?

Master Shi De said: The leader of Tao Alliance, Changsun Shenghai.

Xu Ying was stunned: Is Changsun Shenghai also in the Universe Cemetery? Did he enter the Yuanshi Dao Palace?

While he was happy for his eldest son Shenghai, he also felt jealous.

If Changsun Shenghai has this opportunity, he will naturally make great progress in cultivation, become more profound in Taoism, and achieve higher achievements. But when the Taoist Emperor saw Changsun Shenghai, he allowed him to enter the Yuanshi Taoist Hall, but he was never allowed to enter, which made him quite jealous.

Master Shi De led Xu Ying all the way to the depths of the cemetery. He suddenly stopped and said to Xu Ying, My benefactor, please wait here. I'll be back soon.

Xu Ying stopped and saw the donkey running towards a fairy palace. He glanced furtively, and then turned into blue smoke and entered the fairy palace.

Xu Ying looked up, and after a while, he saw the donkey slipping out of the palace, carrying large and small bags, and stuffing them into his own universe.

Xu Ying glanced at him suspiciously and said, Master Shi De, what are you doing?

Master Shi De laughed loudly and said: This is the immortal palace of Taoist Yuanyi. I am quite familiar with Taoist Yuanyi and was once ridden by him. He is refining treasures now, so I came to find some My dear, the flower difference is the flower difference.”

Da Zhong shouted: Master, you clearly took advantage of Yuanyi Taoist Patriarch's refining treasure to steal his treasure!

Master Shi De said displeasedly: What is stealing? If you ride on me, you can't give me some money? If you don't give it, I will take it. Is it considered stealing? My master Daoyin is dead and I have no place in the cemetery. Since they have no time to look around, should I be criticized if I take some of my own things from their house and go out to have fun?

Dazhong said to Xu Ying: Ah Ying, this immoral Master lacks great virtue. Could it be that he was caught stealing Tao Emperor's things and was tied up? If we go out with him and are discovered, what will happen? Don’t you think we are looking out for him?”

On the way, Donkey stole several Yuanshi dojos with such superb skills that Xu Ying couldn't help but hesitate. When Donkey went to steal the Yuanshi Dojo, he was standing not far away, looking like a lookout indeed.

But fortunately, as they went deeper, there were fewer and fewer Yuanshi Dojo around, and the donkey had nothing to steal, so they simply stopped.

The energy of calamity around them is getting thicker and thicker, and the energy of decay is also getting heavier and heavier.

This kind of decay is the strange smell left by the decay of the avenue into ashes, which gives people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

The higher the path, the stronger the feeling.

After walking for a while, Donkey Shide couldn't bear it any longer and felt that his path was turning into ashes. He was about to stop when he suddenly felt a strange Tao power coming in, covering him, and the decaying trend just now stopped.

Xu Ying's whole body exuded a steady stream of Taoist power, covering Donkey Shi De, Big Bell and Linggu Bridge. Although they could not block the aura of extinction, they could tolerate the aura leaking in.

As expected of the Lord of Chaos, the one who can beat me to death!

Master Shi De was full of praise and said with a smile, My dear benefactor, the Dao Emperor has gone forward. This place was originally a restricted area and people were strictly prohibited from coming. Even in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when we came here, the Dao Emperor would turn into ashes. I used to I always wanted to come in and take a look, but I didn’t have the skills and didn’t have the chance.”

The donkey's eyes shone brightly, and the man stood up, gearing up. When Xu Ying and Da Zhong saw this, they felt suspicious and felt that entering this restricted area with him might not be the right decision.

It was dark all around. Xu Ying and Donkey entered the restricted area. They saw that the place was dead and gray. A huge stone statue could be vaguely seen sitting in the darkness, giving people a great sense of oppression.

The only light is the dying fire on these stone statues.

But even the Nirvana Sky Fire is extremely bleak.

Xu Ying was surprised. He had created a new world in the Universe Cemetery and had been struggling for so long, but he still hadn't awakened the existence of the Yuanshi Realm here. Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord and others refined the Great Dao Treasure Box, but did not wake them up.

The Yuanshi Dao realm here is too ancient.

Xu Ying was surprised and confused, looking at these Yuanshi stone statues, he could feel that the misfortunes on these stone statues could be traced back to the oldest period of the Chaos Sea!

He even sensed that the aura of misfortune on some stone statues was vague and could not be traced back to its source. This phenomenon was caused by the fact that the era of their birth was so ancient that most of the Chaos Sea of ​​that era had been annihilated. Some of the remaining fragments are still floating in today's sea of ​​chaos!

My benefactor, please wait for me.

Master Shi De shouted and immediately went straight to a Yuanshi Immortal Palace in the darkness.

Xu Ying stopped and waited. After a while, he heard Master Shi De's high-spirited call from the Immortal Palace, which was quite miserable.

Xu Ying hurriedly flashed and entered the Yuanshi Immortal Palace. He saw that the Immortal Palace was dilapidated, with ruins and broken walls everywhere, eroded beyond appearance. When he reached out and touched them, they all decayed and turned into powder!

He quickly found Master Shi De, only to see the donkey standing next to a stone statue, looking up at the stone statue in horror, still screaming loudly.

This Taoist brother, the master who has lost his virtue has no ill intentions. Please spare his life...

Just when Xu Ying said this, he realized something was wrong. The stone statue of Yuanshi in front of the donkey turned into dust like a fairy palace!

This ancient being in the Yuanshi Dao realm must have been awakened by Master Shi De, and while he was awake, he transformed from a stone body into a body of flesh and blood.

At the same time, his body was shattering again, turning into powder!

The next moment, a burst of annihilating heavenly fire enveloped the stone statue, and the stone statue turned into flesh and blood and burned at the same time.

help me--

In the flames, the face of the being in the Yuanshi Dao Realm showed a look of despair, and he stretched out his hand to Xu Ying, but soon the whole person was turned into ashes in the fierce fire and was burned completely!

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