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Chapter 1007 Avenue Treasure Box

Emperor Xiang said: The Taoist Emperor said that Xu Ying is a fellow Taoist with us, and he will definitely not forgive him if he is harmed. Therefore, no matter how much he behaves, we cannot touch him.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord shook his head and said: Ever since the battle between the Dao Emperor and the first generation of Chaos Lords, his calamity broke out, and he has been obsessed with the Nirvana Heavenly Fire. He has been confused to this day. From ancient times to the present, has there ever been a Chaos Lord that surrendered? I’ll go see the Dao Emperor first!”

Ji Sheng, Hongshan and others were greatly refreshed and each felt relieved.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord is his title. The reason why he has a big character is because his achievements in the Yuanshi Dao realm far exceed those of others. If it were not for the Dao Emperor and those old monsters who have been sleeping for a long time, he would be the well-deserved number one person in the universe cemetery!

He is younger than the Dao Emperor, and it has only been a few billion years since the calamity struck him, so his cultivation has not been suppressed too much.

His cultivation is still improving, and some people even say that Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord may have reached the level of Tao Emperor!

In the universe cemetery, he is the only one who is not afraid of the Dao Emperor.

Xuanyuan Tianzun came to the ruins of the universe where the Dao Emperor lived, and saw that the Dao Emperor did not recreate this dead universe like others, but still lived in this bitter and cold place.

But at this moment, this place is filled with the glow of various strange avenues. The glow of different avenues are merging with each other. Various seemingly impossible avenues merge with each other and derive different avenues!

The more Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan walked inside, the more frightened he became. When he came to the inner level, he saw that the various avenues here had already surpassed the concept of nine evidence-based methods and entered another level!

Among them, there are not a few great avenues that keep pace with the Nine Innate Paths!

The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan looked around and said to himself: The Tao Emperor has been able to completely evolve the universe of different innate ways. The Taoism is so profound and subtle that it is beyond my reach.

And this is exactly what he is pursuing.

If he takes another step forward, he will step into another level. Unfortunately, his fate will come, so he will never be able to step into that level and escape from the fate.

He continued to walk forward and saw various avenues of rays of light finally flowing in front of the Dao Emperor, gradually forming the shape of a magic weapon.

The magic weapon was square and square, like a box, and there was nothing mysterious about it.

The Dao Emperor sat there with his eyes closed, allowing the Dao Treasure Box to evolve and form.

However, even the Dao Emperor found it extremely difficult to design this treasure, and had to mobilize all his energy to perform the changes of the Dao.

This treasure was designed by him to destroy the chaotic spiritual roots and the cosmic flood source that he promised to plant.

If these spiritual roots and flood sources weren't so huge, he wouldn't have had to sit here for so long.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord did not disturb him, and stood aside silently, observing the evolution of the Dao Treasure Box. Gradually, he also saw many extraordinary things, and he admired the Dao Emperor more and more in his heart.

Finally one day, the design of the Great Dao Treasure Box was completed. The Dao Emperor slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord bowed to him, then turned and left.

Dao Huang called him and said with a smile: Why did Xuanyuan come here and wait for so long, but then left without saying a word?

Xuanyuan Tianzun stopped, with a respectful expression, and said: I woke up after being turned into stone, and I thought that I was making progress in Taoism. Because I heard that Brother Taoist had promised to surrender to the Chaos Lord, I came here and planned to take the opportunity to compete with Brother Taoist. Now that I have seen Taoist brother’s methods, I realize that they are very different, so why stay and ask for trouble?”

Dao Huang slowly stood up and said: Xuan Yuan, why should I belittle myself? My current cultivation is used to suppress the Nirvana Sky Fire and alleviate my own disaster. Why don't you give it a try?

Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan thought for a while and said: After I take action, can you tell me what your thoughts are on surrendering and promising to submit to the Universal Cemetery?

Dao Huang nodded.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord immediately raised his feet and gave a heavy meal, but when he saw his own great avenue burst out, the surrounding debris of the universe suddenly seemed to be hanging upside down and extinguished, reversing the killing, reversing the fate, reuniting countless causes and effects, and the great avenue of heaven and earth made a comeback!

In an instant, these completely destroyed universes seemed to be resurrected, reappearing in the sea of ​​chaos again!

Countless creatures and lives that were destroyed in these universes are now resurrected from death. The laws of heaven are always running smoothly!

Xuanyuan Tianzun turned his hand to form a seal, and the next moment, the resurrected thousands of universes were instantly annihilated, and the supreme power of his seal was turned into a bang, and it was smashed towards the Dao Emperor!

The annihilation caused at this moment even caused the remains of the universe to turn into chaos and sublimate!

His attack was already like the first generation of Chaos Lord attacking the cosmic cemetery!

This blow caused even Xu Ying, who was creating the world in the distance, to pause and look this way.

Other awakened Yuanshi Dao realms are looking here one after another.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, the Dao Emperor remained calm. With a slight tuck of his sleeves, he picked up Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord's extremely terrifying seal. Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord couldn't help but spin and fly up!

The Dao Emperor opened the Dao Box and poured the power of his attack into the box.

Xuanyuan Tianzun only felt that the Tao power poured out from his body, and not a drop was left. The next moment, he slipped from the Tao Emperor's sleeves and rolled to the ground. His muscles and bones were so weak that he could not move. He couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart.

The Taoist Emperor smiled and said: The treasure box is not just a design. Now that it has the Tao power of your seal, it is stable and convenient for refining. Taoist friend Xuanyuan, take this thing and let all fellow Taoists follow it. This object is used to refine a magic weapon. When this treasure is refined, it can turn all the flood sources of the universe into the energy of chaos.

Xuanyuan Tianzun felt that the Tao power in his body was gradually recovering, so he stood up silently and bowed in agreement.

His magical power was broken by the Tao Emperor, and he felt that all his thoughts were lost. He had only suffered such a blow in his life, and he felt very sad in his heart.

Dao Huang stopped him and said with a smile: You just asked me what I thought about surrendering Xu Ying but not killing him. I will tell you now.

Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan stopped and said, Listen attentively.

The Dao Emperor's eyes darkened, and he said quietly: I'm thinking, if we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, we won't be able to see the truth of the Dao?

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord was slightly startled, not understanding what he meant. The Dao Emperor's current actions are clearly preparations for opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The opening of the Sea of ​​Chaos was initiated by the Supreme Saint Tianzun Wujie Patriarch and others. Trillions of years ago, they had already plotted to bury the Zhongting Immortal Dynasty in order to cultivate an unprecedented chaotic spiritual root to devour the Sea of ​​Chaos.

For a long time, many of the founders of the Universe Cemetery have not openly agreed with this matter, but they have not objected either.

Everyone knows that this move will inevitably destroy countless universes in the Chaos Sea and exterminate countless living beings. However, they have faced the destruction of countless universes and the extinction of living beings in their lifetimes, and they have gradually become numb.

This time, the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others destroyed the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and planted black jade Ganoderma lucidum. Yuanshi in the cemetery also acquiesced to this matter and did not interfere or stop it.

This also includes the Dao Emperor.

Xu Ying, as the Chaos Lord, destroyed their plans, planted Chaos spiritual roots everywhere, and cultivated the cosmic flood source. A series of actions taken by the Dao Emperor after he woke up were all aimed at cracking Xu Ying's layout in order to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Apparently the Dao Emperor changed his tacit attitude and agreed with the actions of the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others, and decided to help them open up the Sea of ​​Chaos.

But now the Tao Emperor is clearly hesitating. For a being who is close to the supreme realm, hesitation in the Tao mind is rare.

The Dao Emperor continued: I am making two preparations. If we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos in the future, we will not be able to see the true nature of the Dao. We need someone to correct our mistakes. Even if we raise tigers, we will not hesitate.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord's body shook slightly, showing a look of disbelief. After a moment, he said: Although I understand the lofty plans of the Dao Emperor, I don't understand your actions.

Dao Huang smiled and said: You will understand in the future, just go ahead.

Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord bowed to the Dao Emperor and left with the Dao Dao Box.

Outside, the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others met him, and everyone hurriedly asked: Great Tianzun, why are you still fighting with the Dao Emperor? What did the Dao Emperor say?

Xuanyuan Tianzun said: I can't even look at the Dao Emperor's back, and I was defeated by the Dao Emperor with one move. As for the Dao Emperor keeping Xu Ying, it is to let him correct our mistakes, and I can't touch him.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Emperor Xiang asked: Mistake? What mistake did we make? How to correct it?

Although Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord knew what the Dao Emperor meant, he did not say it clearly. He said: Now the magic weapon has been designed. We just need to refine it into a magic weapon before we can continue the plan. Fellow Taoists, the Dao Treasure Box is not a trivial matter, not just a few of us. It can be refined in the Yuanshi Dao realm. It is necessary to awaken more fellow Taoists and refine it together so that it can be refined as soon as possible.

Everyone said yes, and they split up and went to different cemeteries to wake up those who were still sleeping.

Except for the oldest restricted area in the universe cemetery, everyone else was awakened. A statue of Yuanshi awakens, and the cosmic cemetery suddenly seems to have turned into the most sacred holy place in the Chaos Sea. The light of light rises into the sky, and the wreckage of the universe revives. Time goes back, and the cemetery is like a treasure land illuminated by countless pearls, dazzling!

When most of the Yuanshi gathered here, the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan sacrificed the Dao Qi box. Each of the Yuanshi gathered different Dao Qi, refined it into wonderful materials, and worked together to refine this treasure.

For other people, Dao Qi is extremely rare and can only be found but not sought, but for them, even Yuanshi Dao Qi is not that rare.

Dao Qi can be transformed into various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which are the most rare. Therefore, for beings like them, the first choice for refining treasures is Dao Qi.

The first level is like the Yuanshi Dao Qi, the second level is the nine Dao Qi such as Chaos and Hongmeng, and the third level is the Dao Qi of Creation, Five Supreme Beings, Yin and Yang, etc.

There are only materials that Dao Qi cannot evolve, such as chaos stones, cosmic debris, and chaotic spiritual roots. However, Yuanshi has collected many of these treasures, and it is not a problem to take them out to refine them.

Xu Ying had collected enough Yuanshi Dao Qi at this moment, raised the bell, and swung the opened universe into Chaos Qi, and sent it to the Chaos Immortal Palace for storage.

Now, as the Chaos Spiritual Root absorbs the Energy of Chaos, the Sea of ​​Chaos has become thinner, and the Energy of Chaos is relatively scarce. Even he, the Chaos Lord, does not have a lot of Energy of Chaos.

These Yuanshi Dao Qi are enough for me to cultivate to the Yuanshi Dao realm. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the place where everyone was refining treasures, his eyes flashing.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun and others summoned all the beings in the Yuanshi Dao realm, but they did not invite Xu Ying, but Xu Ying came over and joined the team of refining treasures.

A statue of the Yuanshi Dao realm is sitting in the void, each using his magic power to smelt heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and forge a magic weapon.

The magic weapon has not yet taken shape, it just has the outline of the avenue. From the outside, it looks like a square box, with an arc-like lid on the top. The box has no lock, and it doesn't seem to have much power.

The Great Dao Box was enlarged countless times by them, and everyone was responsible for refining one piece, each making magic formulas to activate the Great Dao.

Xu Ying also offered sacrifices to the Yuanshi Dao Qi that he had collected, and was about to join in. Seeing this, the Supreme Holy Heavenly Venerable was awed, and hurriedly sent a message to the Patriarch of Hongshan, saying: This boy has evil intentions, and he must want to take advantage of the process of sacrifice and refining. Leave a flaw in the Dao Treasure Box!

Patriarch Hongshan said: One mouse excrement spoils a pot of soup! I will drive him away.

He stood up, came to Xu Ying, and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, the treasure box of the Dao is very important. It must be refined by the existence of the Yuanshi Dao realm. You are not yet in the Yuanshi Dao realm. If you try hard, I'm afraid it will be damaged. The power of the treasure box. No one can bear the punishment of the Tao Emperor. Fellow Taoist, please step back.

Xu Ying stood up after hearing this and said reluctantly: I am also very good at refining treasures.

Patriarch Hongshan said with a smile: This is natural. However, this treasure was ordered by the Tao Emperor. There is no room for loss. I also ask fellow Taoists to move it.

Xu Ying had no choice but to withdraw from the treasure refining queue and stand outside to watch everyone refining the treasure.

The Taoist concepts contained in the Dao Treasure Box are so high that not even the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan can understand them, and Xu Ying naturally can't understand them either.

However, what he looked at was the means of refining treasures in the Yuanshi Dao Realm. From the Taoist magical powers mobilized when refining treasures in the Yuanshi Dao realm, he could deduce the avenue of cultivation and comprehend many mysteries.

Dazhong and Lingqueqiao are also paying attention to this treasure refining. They are also looking at the techniques of Yuanshi Dao realm treasure refining. They feel that if these techniques are imprinted on their bodies, they will definitely feel indescribably comfortable.

At this time, Xu Ying's body swayed slightly, and thousands of Xu Ying came out of his body, imitating the Taoist and magical powers used by these Yuanshi Dao realms when refining treasures.

The big bell and Linggu Bridge also swayed slightly, and thousands of big bells and wooden bridges appeared. Xu Ying imprinted the Taoist and magical powers he had seen and understood on them one by one.

Although he did not participate in refining the Dao Treasure Box, he stole a lot of lessons from these Yuanshi Dao realms.

The big clock and Linggu Bridge felt extremely comfortable, and secretly cheered in their hearts.

Xu Ying studied everyone's Taoism while worshiping the big bell and Linggu Bridge, thinking: Xuanhuang Tianzun said the four certificates, and there are magic weapons in them. If I can elevate Master Zhong to the Yuanshi Taoist realm, I will have one more The proof is closer to the day after tomorrow than the day after tomorrow.

Although he has already realized the end of the acquired path, the next step is to acquire the innate knowledge, but this step is really difficult to overcome.

Although Yuan Shi who was present knew that Xu Ying wanted to steal the master, he did not expect that he would steal the master so openly and openly, and actually release countless of himself to stare at them and study their Taoism, and they were all very unhappy.

But now that they are refining the Great Dao Treasure Box, they have no time to get away and interfere with this matter.

Thousands of years have passed like this, and the Great Dao Treasure Box has begun to take shape, gradually showing its power. Occasionally, glowing light bursts out from the treasure box, which even makes the Yuanshi Realm beings sitting around feel like they have fallen into it!

However, during this period of time, Xu Ying also studied everyone's Taoism, and the power of the big bell and Linggu Bridge was also greatly improved.

Suddenly, all the promises suddenly closed together and became one person.

He raised his hand and saw countless big bells flying in one after another, returning to one big bell. Then the wooden bridge flew over, and the Linggu Bridge also returned to a wooden bridge.

The power of these two treasures is several times greater than before!

Especially the Lingque Bridge, which was originally the supreme treasure of the Yuan Dynasty. After this sacrifice, the improvement has been astonishing!

Xu Ying stood on the Lingque Bridge. The little Taoist boy with red lips and white teeth on the bridge stood behind him and looked at him nervously.

I saw that Xu Ying raised the big bell, and the bell became bigger and bigger. It gradually became like a chaos bell, like a bell of the universe. The bell wall evolved all kinds of wonderful ways. Countless galaxies were coiled inside the bell, and the signs of the way were like The clouds hanging down from the sky are extremely majestic.

Master Zhong, today is the day when you will be branded as Yuanshi! I am here to help you!

Xu Ying paused, and the avenue under the Lingque Bridge was like a torrent, making a loud sound and flowing forward rapidly!


The bell sounded loudly and flew forward, rushing towards the end of the avenue.

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