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Chapter 1006 What can you teach me?

Dao Huang's face was as dark as water and he did not answer Xu Ying's question.

Xuanhuang Tianzun smiled and said: The Dao Emperor has always been compassionate and merciful. The Supreme Saints are planning to destroy the Sea of ​​Chaos and destroy all living beings. How can the Dao Emperor sit idly by and ignore it? He must be on our side!

Dao Emperor said calmly: I stand on the side of Dao.

Xuanhuang Tianzun was inspired and said with a smile: Our side is the right way!

The Dao Emperor left the Chaos Fairy Mountain without commenting, saying: I am going to design a magic weapon. Fellow Daoist Xuanhuang, I will leave it to you first, Fellow Daoist Xu.

Xu Ying bowed and said, Best farewell to Taoist brother.

The Tao Emperor left.

Xu Ying looked at Xuanhuang Tianzun with a look of anticipation and said, What can Brother Tao teach me?

Xuanhuang Tianzun looked Xu Ying up and down and said, What state is my fellow Taoist in now?

Xu Ying did not hide anything and said: Not long ago, under the guidance of the Dao Emperor, we built the end of the avenue.

Xuanhuang Tianzun smiled and said: You have reached the end of the avenue, but you are not weak anymore. You can display the end of your avenue and let me see it so that I can give you some guidance.

Xu Ying said yes, and suddenly countless rays of sound vibrated, and he saw countless rays of rays of light originating from his feet, turning into avenues and converging into streams!

At this moment, thousands of paths merged to build the heaven after tomorrow. A brilliant light rose from behind Xu Ying, forming the mark of the avenue, which was exactly the form of Xu Ying!

It's just that this brand is extremely vast and majestic, making people look up to it!

But this is not what surprises Xuanhuang Tianzun. The end of the road often behaves like this.

However, Xuanhuang Tianzun suddenly discovered that his own path was also at Xu Ying's feet!

His avenue turned out to be a tributary of the promised avenue the day after tomorrow!

However, Xu Ying was only at the end of the acquired path, and his brand of Xuanhuang Dao was far from reaching the level of Xuanhuang Tianzun. Xuanhuang Tianzun's achievements on Xuanhuang Avenue far surpassed his, so Xuanhuang Tianzun stood further on the tributary of this avenue.

Xu Ying has reached the end of the great road, and now he can only see the figure of Xuanhuang Tianzun.

Xuanhuang Tianzun moved his sight and saw the tributary of the second avenue. The Avenue of Creation extended to the holy land in the debris of the universe not far away.

There, a majestic Yuanshi stone statue was disturbed by the fluctuations of the Great Avenue of Creation and gradually recovered.

The great path of Shenxiu Tianzun is also among them!

Xuanhuang Tianzun moved his eyes again and saw that the tributaries of the third avenue extended into the holy land of the debris of the universe a little further away.

There, there was also a petrified Yuanshi stone statue that was disturbed and gradually woke up.

Xuanhuang Tianzun looked further away, but saw that the tributaries of the avenue behind Xu Ying separated from his imprint, extending in all directions, reaching holy places, and unexpectedly awakened the petrified Yuanshi one after another!

There are more and more tributaries of the avenue extending from the Promise Mark, flowing to the depths of the cosmic cemetery. No matter whether they are waking up or sleeping Yuanshi, there is a avenue coming to their feet!

Xuanhuang Tianzun even saw that several tributaries of the avenue extended into the oldest cemetery!

There are the remains of the old cosmic cemetery. The first generation of Chaos Lord almost completely eradicated the cosmic cemetery at that time, leaving only these remains, which were later brought here by the Tao Emperor.

Xuanhuang Tianzun heard that there are some ancient stone statues on the remains in the old cemetery. They are ancient beings who survived the battle of the first generation of Chaos Lords. Their history can even be traced back to the ancient times of the Chaos Sea!

It's just that the remains of the cemetery are extremely catastrophic. Even when Yuan Shi came there, he felt that the catastrophe was about to be triggered and the avenue was about to turn into ashes. Therefore, he did not dare to enter, and over time a restricted area was formed.

Some people even speculate that there is a Nirvana Yuanshi in the old cemetery, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

Unexpectedly, the vision formed at the end of Xu Yingzhan's avenue would actually be connected to the forbidden area of ​​​​the old cemetery!

Even Dao Huang has a tributary of the avenue passing under his feet!


The avenue in the distance was roaring and shaking, and the brilliant light was pouring out in all directions like a tide, shrouding the debris of the nearby universe!

That was a vision formed by the awakening of the Yuanshi and the revival of the Great Dao!

But seeing the revival of his avenue, the shrouded debris of the universe suddenly seemed to go back in time and space, and the destroyed universe actually reappeared in his avenue, rejuvenated with vitality!

The stars, all things in the universe, and even the living creatures, unexpectedly appeared and were resurrected one after another!

Then, more Yuanshi Dao realms woke up, and the wreckage of the universe in the cosmic cemetery was like time flowing backwards, and they were restored from the wreckage into various forms of universe. For a time, the universes of all sizes drooped and floated in the cemetery!

The originally dead and silent cosmic cemetery has become vibrant and extremely lively!

This scene is really spectacular.

Most of the people in the Yuanshi Dao realm in the cosmic cemetery are sleeping, delaying their fate, and only a few are awake. But after Xu Ying’s troubles, almost everyone woke up!

At this moment, Xu Ying felt a pair of eyes falling on him, as if they were sharp knives trying to pierce him and see through him.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable, but fortunately, these eyes can see his avenue, but it is only a part of his avenue, and cannot see the whole picture.

Yuanshi is just the end of a more powerful road.

Xu Ying suddenly had such an idea in his mind and thought, They are not qualitatively improved compared to the end of the road. Including the Dao Emperor, the same is true!

He originally thought that the Dao Emperor had reached another level, but now it seems that the Dao Emperor has not transcended the Yuanshi Dao realm and reached the level of Hongmeng Su Pavilion Master.

But having said that, the Dao Emperor's avenues that I saw may not be all of them.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought to himself, The other avenues of Yuanshi that I have seen may not be all of them.

Those Yuanshi could not see the whole picture of his Dao, but if these Yuanshi refined the Dao that Xu Ying had never seen, Xu Ying would also not be able to see the whole picture of his Dao.

Being watched by these people from the Yuanshi Dao Realm, Xu Ying did not dare to act arrogantly, so he restrained himself and dispersed the strange phenomena. Those beings in the Yuanshi Dao realm also withdrew their gazes, some gradually turned to stone, while others woke up.

Waves of grand thoughts vibrated in the void, looking for friends and asking about Xu Ying's origins.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said to Xuanhuang Tianzun: Brother Taoist, what can you teach me?

Xuanhuang Tianzun calmed down and praised: Although your realm is a little low, my Taoist friend Xu, the breadth of the avenue is unprecedented in my experience! As expected of the Lord of Chaos, he is indeed powerful. It's just that there is still a flaw at the end of your avenue.

He raised a finger and said with a smile: The end of your road is only the end of your brand, not the end of your body, that's one. It's also not the end of your soul, that's the other. Your body can't If you merge with the brand, your soul cannot merge with the brand. Therefore, your end is not the real end.

When Xu Ying heard this, his eyes suddenly became brighter. He bowed and thanked him, saying, Thank you, Taoist brother, for teaching me.

Xuanhuang Tianzun hurriedly helped him up and said with a smile: I am just one step ahead of you. As the Chaos Lord, you have been inherited by the Chaos Lords of all generations, and it is only a matter of time that you realize this. In addition to this physical soul, there are also The third point is that there is no magic weapon at the end of your road. You lack a treasure to stand with you at the end of the road.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly: The physical body, the soul, the magic weapon? Why does it look a bit like...

Achieving these three points is the beginning of the four realizations.

Xuanhuang Tianzun smiled and said, Because the end of the Dao is the first certification, the Dao certification. After that, the treasure certification, body certification, and divine certification are the other three certifications. Fellow Taoist, you have achieved the Dao certification. Follow this path It will be a matter of time for you to practice and realize the four beginnings.

He said it easily, but Xu Ying knew how difficult it was.

After all, Yuanxu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, has been at the end of the Dao for trillions of years, but he is still trapped in the realm of the first certification. He obtained the Yuanshi Daoqi and finally refined the physical body and the Yuan Shen to match the brand. The Dao, the physical body, and the Yuan Shen were sublimated, but they were Xu Yingzhi was beaten to death.

But fortunately, I have Yuanshi Daoqi, so I don't have to be as miserable as Emperor Zhao. Xu Ying thought to himself.

He didn't know the direction of practice before, but now he knows the path forward.

Xuanhuang Tianzun knew that he could not guide him on the road, and said: There are not many people who can guide you on your path, and you have to explore more by yourself. The Tao Emperor once proposed that we and other people in the Yuanshi Dao Realm should use the skills to guide you. The Dharma Dao, as well as the insights, are preserved and a treasure house of knowledge is built, named Yuanshi Dao Palace. This Dao Palace gathers all the unique knowledge of Yuanshi Dao realm from the ancient times of the Sea of ​​Chaos to the present, and it is a treasure in the cemetery of the universe!

Xu Ying was greatly moved when he heard this and asked for advice: May I ask where the Yuanshi Taoist Temple is now? How to get in?

Xuanhuang Tianzun said: Because he was worried about the erosion of disaster, the Dao Emperor opened up the Great Void and placed the Yuanshi Dao Palace in the Great Void. No one can enter this Dao Palace without his approval.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up.

All the wisdom from the Yuanshi Dao Realm gathers in the Yuanshi Dao Palace. If he can go in and comprehend, maybe he can take the last step and realize the innate nature the day after tomorrow!

What he lacks the most in his acquired avenue is enough insight into the avenue. The more avenues he accommodates, the closer he will be to the truth of the avenue, and the easier it will be for him to prove his innate nature and see the truth of the avenue!

It's just that we need to establish a good relationship with the Dao Emperor first. However, somehow, the Dao Emperor seems to be very wary of me.

Xu Ying sighed quietly, I originally put my heart towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the river, but not on my ditch.

He cheered up and Xuanhuang Tianzun's guidance helped him find the direction of his future practice. He immediately invited Master Zhong to come out and practice with him.

Xuanhuang Tianzun was surprised when he saw that his magic weapon was just a copper bell and not a chaotic spiritual root. He reminded him: Among the four proofs of Yuanshi, the magic weapon must also be cultivated into Yuanshi. This requires that the material of the magic weapon must be good enough. bear……

Just when he said this, the bronze bell spoke human words and asked for advice: Tianzun, do you think I can achieve the four realizations of Yuanshi?

As soon as the Tongzhong finished speaking, he saw that the avenue was like a torrent, and a great road appeared. Various avenues converged, and the end of the road was steaming with rays of light. It was also the end of the road!

Although its avenue is not as powerful as Xu Ying's acquired avenue, it is still extremely complex, and the nine evidence-based methods have been refined to perfection and run smoothly.

Xuanhuang Tianzun even feels that even at the end of the great road in the world, there are only a handful of people who can beat this bell!

What shocked him even more was that this big bell actually had a spirit!

Of course, this Yuanshen is different from ordinary Yuanshen. It has a spirit but no soul. It belongs to the spiritual god, but it has also been cultivated by it to become extremely powerful!

This big bell actually cultivates the three paths of Tao, body and spirit!

If it refines another magic weapon, wouldn't it be taking the path of the Four Realizations of the Origin?

Xuanhuang Tianzun had an absurd idea in his heart, The magic weapon it refines also cultivates the truth. Then go through the path of the four realizations of Yuanshi to refine a magic weapon, so this magic weapon also cultivates the truth... Wouldn't it mean that future generations will have no destiny? Exhausted?

Just when he thought of this, he saw the big bell offering sacrifices to Linggu Bridge again, asking this wooden bridge to practice with it.

As expected! Xuanhuang Tianzun secretly said.

He said goodbye to Xu Ying, who greeted him politely and said: Brother Xuanhuang, although I am not talented, I am very capable. If Brother Tao encounters any difficulties in the universe cemetery, just ask, whatever I have, I will definitely help you. I won’t be stingy.”

Xuanhuang Tianzun thanked him and said: If my fellow Taoist encounters any difficulties, feel free to take control of them.

Xu Ying thanks.

Xuanhuang Tianzun left, only to hear Xu Ying's voice coming from behind: Master Zhong, don't worry now. When the Tao Emperor designs his magic weapon, let's see how they make it, and we can learn from it and keep it to make you better. One floor…”

Dazhong said quickly: There is also Mr. Qiao.

Of course there is Mr. Qiao.

At this time, Xuanhuang Tianzun heard the earth-shattering loud noise. He looked back and saw Xu Ying taking out a ball of Chaos Qi from the Chaos Immortal Palace. It was quite thick and dense. He activated the big bell to open up the Chaos Qi. .

Xuanhuang Tianzun was stunned, and the other Yuanshi Taoists who were awake in the cemetery could not help but frown.

This cemetery is a pure place. The Taoist realm of Yuanshi lives in seclusion here. The Taoist heart is completely silent, the heart is as gray as death, and the body is fossilized, so as to avoid disturbing the catastrophe.

Even if the Chaos Lord comes in, they will try their best to avoid alerting others.

Where can anyone create a new world in the cosmic cemetery?

After a while, Xu Ying and Zhong Ye opened up this universe and finally allowed the universe to take shape. After Xu Ying collected the Yuanshi Dao Qi, he activated the big clock to blast the universe back into the Qi of Chaos.

When the universe was destroyed, he raised the big bell again, and the world was created with a clanging sound.

The sober Yuanshi Dao realm in the cemetery was unbearably disturbed, and he felt an evil fire rising in his heart. These days, Xu Ying and Da Zhong opened and destroyed the energy of chaos, opened it up and destroyed it again, and they were as energetic as There is no end to the madness of the ram.

The Great Heavenly Lord finally woke up.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun, Patriarch Hongshan and others came to the secluded place of Xuanyuan Tianzun. They saw that Xuanyuan Tianzun was also awakened by Xu Ying's repeated opening of the sky. They all laughed and said, When the Great Tianzun wakes up, we can rest easy. !”

Xuanyuan Tianzun looked up and saw Xu Ying shaking the big bell, turning the universe he had just opened into the energy of chaos, and he couldn't help but frown.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun and others told the story of the Dao Emperor's surrender to Xu Ying and Xu Ying's submission to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan was displeased and said, If you didn't tell me, I would have thought that the Lord of Chaos had captured the Universe Cemetery.

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