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Chapter 1005 Alliance

The Supreme Saint Tianzun and others frowned when they heard this. Xu Yingming surrendered on his face, but his words were thorny, and he didn't look like he was surrendering.

Dao Emperor, I thought there must be a deceit when promised to surrender. We must be on guard against it.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun suggested, In my opinion, it is better to kill him to avoid future troubles.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The Taoist Emperor shook his head and said: I know it's reasonable, and he also repented. The great enemy of Chaos Lord no longer exists. Since we are fellow Taoists, we should work together. If you have different intentions towards fellow Taoist Xu, you will kill your fellow Taoists. If I knew, I would definitely not forgive you.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun had a sudden thought in his heart. He did not dare to go too far and said with a smile: Brother Dao, the Lord of Chaos promised to plant spiritual roots of chaos everywhere, but now there are spiritual roots and flood sources everywhere in the sea of ​​chaos, swallowing up the energy of chaos. Now these floods The source grows so fast that even we can't open it up easily. He is the culprit, how can we just let him go?

Xu Ying looked ashamed and apologized sincerely: In order to destroy the plans of fellow Taoists, I came up with such a sinister idea. Now that I know my mistake, Brother Jisheng Taoist please forgive me.

Even though the Supreme Saint Tianzun is in the Yuanshi Dao realm, he couldn't help but get angry when he heard this and shouted: You will spare you if you say I will spare you? You ruined our plan and planted so many spiritual roots. Even if you are gathering weeds, you have to dig them up. Many years! Besides, they are not weeds. Now, with so many cosmic floods blooming everywhere, what should we do? If we don’t get rid of them, we can’t completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos!”

Dao Huang said: It is not troublesome to solve those chaotic spiritual roots and flood sources. I will design a treasure and you can refine it into a treasure. Go forward with this treasure and beat those chaotic spiritual roots and flood sources into chaos. Just use it.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart, looked at the Dao Emperor, and thought to himself: The Dao Emperor really has the ability to refine such a treasure?

Nowadays, most of the flood sources cannot even be opened up by the existence of the Yuanshi Dao Realm. This is why Xu Ying has the confidence to compete with the Cosmic Cemetery.

He knew that if the cosmic cemetery could not open up those cosmic flood sources, it would not be able to completely open up the sea of ​​chaos. The only one who has the ability to open up the source of the cosmic flood is the Dao Emperor, but the Annihilating Heavenly Fire in the Dao Emperor's body is in a delicate balance with his cultivation.

There are too many chaotic spiritual roots that Xu Ying has planted. If the Dao Emperor takes action to open up those cosmic flood sources, he is afraid that he will die of exhaustion on the way before they are fully opened.

However, if the Dao Emperor really designs a treasure and sacrifices it to others to annihilate all the cosmic flood sources and return them to the energy of chaos, then the Ganoderma cosmic flood source can still grow into a behemoth that swallows up the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, thinking of Black Jade Ganoderma, and thought: I returned the jade Ruyi to Black Jade Ganoderma, so I have mastered part of the power of Ganoderma. I don't know how powerful the Dao Emperor's treasure will be compared to Black Jade Ganoderma after it is refined. ? When the time comes, I’m afraid I’ll have to touch it...

Dao Huang seemed to be aware of it and turned to glance at him.

Xu Ying smiled, but his heart tightened: The Tao Emperor's eyes are warning me that if I dare to mess around, he will kill me. As he said, he is no longer bound by morality. If you kill me, you will definitely kill me!

He couldn't understand the Dao Emperor's achievements, so he could only bow his head and be obedient.

Dao Huang left everyone behind and walked forward. Xu Ying confessed his crime to Jisheng, Xiang Emperor and others, and said apologetically: Brothers, I will take the first step. Resign.

Everyone watched him and Dao Emperor walk away one after another. Patriarch Hongshan was twirling the beard on his chin again and said: The Lord of Chaos promised, but he definitely didn't surrender sincerely. He must have a plan!

Leader Lingxiao said: As the Lord of Chaos, can I surrender casually? This person's Taoist heart is too fragile.

No matter what his calculations are, it is impossible to turn the situation around.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun said, He is making waves in the sea of ​​chaos. It is not easy for us to kill him. We have to be careful of the power of Black Jade Ganoderma. But there is no Black Jade Ganoderma here.

Everyone nodded, and Emperor Xiang said with a smile: Our Taoist friends are everywhere here. If they make trouble one moment, they will be killed the next moment.

Xu Ying followed Dao Huang and looked around, but saw a stone statue of Yuanshi standing in the cemetery. Surrounding these stone statues of Yuanshi, there were also some smaller stone statues.

Some of the stone statues are incomplete and must have been burned by the Nirvana Heavenly Fire. The stone statues are still filled with the aura of calamity.

Some stone statues only have their souls left, and their physical bodies have been removed. Others have had most of their flesh and blood removed, exposing their spines and ribs.

Xu Ying also saw that some Yuanshi Dao realms had been burned to the point where their souls were about to disappear, but the Yuanshi Supreme Treasure was safe and sound.

Their bodies were filled with annihilating heavenly fire, burning quietly without any sign of extinguishing.

However, there are still some people in the Yuanshi Dao realm who are still awake and have not turned into stone statues and fallen asleep. The place shrouded by their light has turned into an oasis in the cemetery of the universe, exuding vitality.

Xu Ying walked all the way and gradually entered the universe cemetery, and he couldn't help but feel awe-struck in his heart. He originally thought that there wouldn't be many Yuanshi Dao realms in the cosmic cemetery, but along the way, the number of Yuanshi Dao realms he saw was dozens of times what he thought!

Whether it is the other side, the Dao Alliance, or the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, they are just an insignificant corner of the sea of ​​chaos. The real sea of ​​chaos is too big and too ancient. Countless universes, geniuses have emerged in large numbers, and they have accumulated so much Yuanshi Dao realm. , which is also reasonable. He thought to himself.

The Tao Emperor led him to the wreckage of the universe, where he saw only a few immortal temples and no other people.

This is where Dao Yin lives. If you kill Dao Yin, then settle here. Dao Huang said.

Xu Ying said yes and said: The Tao Emperor designed the magic weapon, do you need my help?

Need not.

Dao Huang shook his head, You have little knowledge and can't help.

Xu Ying asked again: My knowledge is low. I wonder if the emperor has anything to teach me?

Dao Huang glanced at him and said nothing.

Seeing this, Xu Ying had no choice but to tidy up the place. Just as Dao Emperor was about to leave, he suddenly saw a Chaos Immortal Mountain falling from the sky, pressing down the few Immortal Palaces Dao Yin left behind!

That Chaos Fairy Mountain is extremely heavy, and it is the holy land where the Chaos Lords have lived for generations!

Xu Ying actually brought this holy land to the cosmic cemetery and released it openly and openly, as if he wanted to live on the mountain!

And on the Chaos Immortal Mountain, there is actually an Immortal Palace where the Chaos Lord lives!

Chaos Immortal Mountain and Chaos Immortal Palace are the symbols of the Chaos Lord!

Dao Huang shook his head: It's just a mountain and a palace. He didn't want to rebel in the cemetery.

At this time, a voice came and said, Is Fellow Taoist Xu here? Taoist Master Xuan Huang is here to visit.

Xu Ying showed a smile, turned around and said with a smile: Xuanhuang Tianzun, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

The visitor was as skinny as an old pine, with a bark-like texture on his old skin.

There was fire from the sky of death burning in his heart, burning through his chest, revealing his beating heart.

Looking through the hole, Xu Ying could even see that there was a void in the universe inside his body, which was extremely vast and vast.

Xuanhuang Tianzun came forward and paid homage to the Dao Emperor.

Seeing Xu Ying's eyes falling on his chest, he smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, I have been eroded by calamity, and the fire of death is approaching. This fire is ignited by my cultivation. It will not be extinguished until it kills me. It will be extinguished only when the avenue is burned up.”

Xu Ying asked: When did Brother Dao's Heavenly Fire of Nirvana be ignited?

Xuanhuang Tianzun said: The calamity has come to the body since the death of the local universe. This calamity is refined in the body and becomes more and more intense. It is like the calamity of annihilation that destroys the universe. Finally one day it breaks out and turns into the sky fire of annihilation. . Don’t say that at the end of the great road, even those who have attained the Four Realms of Yuanshi will be robbed and turned into ashes. It’s just that those who exist in the Yuanshi Dao realm, after all, are highly cultivated and won’t be burned to death all at once.”

Xu Ying thought about it and realized that the cultivator's Heavenly Fire of Nirvana was like the catastrophe of annihilation in the universe. It would only turn into its own catastrophe of annihilation after it experienced chaos of cause and effect, a catastrophic attack, and an attack by the Great Dao within the body.

He asked: Do the masters of the Tao and the end of the Tao also suffer from this calamity?

Xuanhuang Tianzun said: We all have this calamity. They are even more unbearable. Yuanshi can still resist it. If they encounter this calamity, they will turn into ashes in a short time. My dear fellow Taoist, when the three realms are extinguished, you will be able to sense your Destiny. One day in the future, you will also ignite the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana.

Xu Ying was horrified and murmured: The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty cannot be without disasters? So how can we achieve truly no disasters and no disasters?

He glanced at the Dao Emperor. The Dao Emperor's realm was obviously much higher than that of the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others, but he was also suffering from bad luck. Is it true that no matter how high you practice, you can't avoid disaster?

Monks like Tao Master, Dao Jin, and Yuan Shi have the same body as the Tao, and the Hunyuan is one. They evolve their own Tao into the universe and form the Tao Universe. However, no matter how clever the idea is, just like the universe in the sea of ​​chaos, it cannot escape the catastrophe of death.

So, does it mean that if one's own path does not evolve according to the universe, there will be no doom?

When Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly remembered a past incident that Nan Kongyuan, the Taoist of Hunyuan Universe, told him.

Nankong Yuan searched for the missing chaotic spiritual root in the Hunyuan Universe, and came to the Great Void, where he met the existence that opened up the Hunyuan Universe, the pioneer named Hongmeng, Pavilion Master Su.

He saw the Hongmeng Sea formed by Pavilion Master Su using his own avenue. The Hongmeng Sea showed a perfect symmetrical structure, mirror images of each other.

There are also countless universes in the Hongmeng Sea, all of which are derived from the Hongmeng Avenue. They are magnificent and unbelievable.

Is this Hongmeng Sea another way of practice? If someone reaches this level of attainment in chaos, can they form a sea of ​​chaos? He was stunned.

Xuanhuang Tianzun interrupted his reverie and said seriously: Fellow Taoist, I have something to ask you here. Was it you who killed my disciple Wu Zheng?

Dao Huang was about to leave, but stopped when he heard this.

After all, he was the one who brought Xu Ying to the Universe Cemetery. If he was killed by Xuanhuang Tianzun as soon as he arrived, it would be bad for his reputation.

Xu Ying put aside his distracting thoughts and said with a solemn expression: The great disciple did die in my hands.

When Dao Huang heard this, his heart skipped a beat, secretly guarding Xuanhuang Tianzun from taking action.

Xuanhuang Tianzun has always been a good person in the universe cemetery. Most of the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others are extreme and do radical things, but Xuanhuang Tianzun is mature and steady, and has always been compassionate. But Dao Huang knew that if he angered such a good old man, his revenge would be extremely violent!

Xu Ying continued: Wu Zheng and Taoist leader Yuanxu were originally the same person, and both were emperors of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. One of them took refuge with Taoist brother, the other took refuge with Supreme Saint Tianzun and others, and they were on seven or eight ships. . I realized that he was the leader of the Tao Alliance, so I set out to eliminate a spy for Brother Tao!

Xuanhuang Tianzun was extremely shocked.

Xu Ying told Emperor Zhao's story, Xuanhuang Tianzun became more and more stunned. After a long time, he said: I have been kept in the dark by him.

Xu Ying said: Di Zhao is definitely a genius whose talent is no less than that of you and me. The method he created is called Tianxin Zongdao, which can grow another self. This self can be examined using methods such as reincarnation, cause and effect, calamity, and so on. I couldn't tell where he was. The moment he reached the Yuanshi Dao realm, I killed him.

Speaking of this, he felt a little regretful.

Di Zhao definitely has the qualifications, understanding and talent to cultivate the Yuanshi Dao realm, but treasures like Yuanshi Dao Qi are controlled by the Yuanshi in the Universe Cemetery, leaving him without any resources.

And he was unable to open up the universe out of nothing and collect the original Dao Qi, so he could only be used by the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and the Unbounded Patriarch.

Xuanhuang Tianzun asked: Fellow Taoist is the Chaos Lord, why did you come to the Cosmic Cemetery? Why did I hear people say that you betrayed the Chaos Lord's ideas and colluded with the old monsters in the cemetery?

He had a warm smile on his face, his eyes flashed, and his murderous intention was gradually burning. He only waited for Xu Ying to say the wrong thing before he took action and killed Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's face became more serious: Brother Dao, what kind of mountain do you think is the mountain at my feet?

Xuanhuang Tianzun said without hesitation: Chaos Fairy Mountain!

What is the palace behind me?

Chaos Immortal Palace!

Xu Ying said impassionedly: Although I was coerced by the Dao Emperor and had to follow him to the Cosmic Cemetery, I still dare not forget the responsibility of the Chaos Lord! I moved to this mountain and lived in this temple to tell everyone in the Cosmic Cemetery Yuanshi, although you are extremely tyrannical, I promise that someone’s integrity cannot be broken!”

Dao Huang coughed and said to himself: That's not what you said in front of me.

Xuanhuang Tianzun was in awe and said apologetically: I thought you had forgotten the philosophy of the Chaos Lord and misunderstood you. The Supreme Saint Tianzun and others wanted to open up the Chaos Sea, but they ignored other universes in the Chaos Sea. Although I understand them He has a desire to seek the Tao, but destroying countless sentient beings in the universe, how can it be done by a Taoist person?

He cultivated Yimeng and Wu Zheng, the leader of Yimeng, just to use the hands of Wu Zheng and others to destroy the plans of Jisheng Tianzun and others. I just didn't expect that the leader of the Yi Alliance and the leader of the Dao Alliance were both the same person, so that the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was extinct.

Xu Ying's face softened and he said: I never thought that there would be people from the same Taoist group in the universe cemetery. With Taoist Brother Xuanhuang here, I feel relieved. At the very least, we are not alone.

Xuanhuang Tianzun smiled and said: In addition to you and me, we have other Taoist friends and the Tao Emperor!

Xu Ying was surprised, looked at Dao Emperor, hesitated, and bravely asked: Dao Emperor, are you rebelling too?

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