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Chapter 1004 Complicity

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. Was the cosmic cemetery derived from the decay of these existences in the Yuanshi Dao realm?

Although he knew about the Cosmic Cemetery, he didn't know that the origin of the Cosmic Cemetery was so strange.

The two left Hongyuan and came to the black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

Calamity and calamity have a wonderful attraction. The death of the universe is the calamity of the universe. The remaining corpses cannot be destroyed, so they still carry calamity. The calamities in the sea of ​​chaos will attract each other, and gradually gather together.

The Dao Emperor spoke unhurriedly about the origin of the Cosmic Cemetery, The greatest calamity in the Sea of ​​Chaos actually comes from the existence of the Yuanshi Realm. The calamity of the Universe can no longer destroy them, and they are the greatest calamity in the Sea of ​​Chaos. They Gathering together is the result of mutual attraction of fate. When they gather together, the debris of the universe will also gather together. Over time, the place where they gather will form the cemetery of the universe.

He walked around the black jade Ganoderma lucidum to check the growth of this chaotic spiritual root.

Xu Ying followed him, thought for a while, and asked: The Cosmic Cemetery is not the center of the Sea of ​​Chaos?

The Dao Emperor shook his head and said: No. There is no center in the Chaos Sea. There are centers everywhere in the Chaos Sea.

Xu Ying didn't quite understand. Although he was the Lord of Chaos, he still felt that the Sea of ​​Chaos was mysterious and unpredictable.

The Dao Emperor came to the Jade Ruyi refined by Xu Ying. The Jade Ruyi was originally part of the Ganoderma lucidum and was cut off by Xu Ying to make a magic weapon. Now it has returned to the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, allowing Xu Ying to control part of the power of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

The sea of ​​chaos has no center, so why is it divided into periphery and inner periphery?

Xu Ying asked, The Three Realms are on the periphery of the Sea of ​​Chaos, where there are many new universes. The pressure of the Sea of ​​Chaos is much lighter than that of the inner circle, and the void is not oppressed so hard. How to explain this?

Dao Huang said: The periphery you mentioned was actually the cosmic cemetery.

Xu Ying was stunned. The outer edge of the Chaos Sea was the original cosmic cemetery?

The Dao Emperor came to the ruins of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and inspected the tens of thousands of cosmic debris that could not be destroyed by the Nirvana Tribulation, like inspecting the soil of black jade Ganoderma lucidum, very carefully.

The original cosmic cemetery has experienced the battle of the first generation of Chaos Lords, and has been completely sublimated. Many young universes have been born, and you call it the periphery.

The Dao Emperor straightened up and said, Almost all the debris of the universe there, as well as the Yuanshi Dao realm, were sublimated in that battle and became part of the new universe. As a result, most of the disaster dissipated. Later, I took the surviving Dao with me. Friends moved away from there, and the universe cemetery also moved with it.”

It was an extremely strange migration, because as they moved around, the pressure gradient of the Sea of ​​Chaos also changed.

They stopped and built a dojo, and new cosmic debris also flew in, forming a new cosmic cemetery around their dojo.

At that time, the Dao Emperor finally realized that they, those in the Yuanshi Dao realm, were subject to the fate of the Chaos Sea just like the corpses in the universe.

The Yuanshi Dao realm and the debris of the universe accumulate more and more, and one day, a catastrophe of annihilation will erupt that will trigger the entire sea of ​​chaos!

In this horrific catastrophe, countless universes will eventually be wiped out, the energy of chaos will be burned dry, Yuan Shi, Dao Ji, and Dao Master will all turn into ashes. No one, no life, or any universe will survive!

Dao Huang came to the side of the cosmic flood source and raised his hand, only to see that this extremely huge flood source was causing waves as he waved his palm.

It seems that as long as he is willing, he can open up this cosmic source and let it evolve into an unparalleled huge universe!

But Dao Huang still didn't take action, but left alone.

Seeing that Xu Ying didn't follow him, he stopped and looked back.

Xu Ying had no choice but to follow him and said with a smile: Dao Emperor, where are we going?

Of course it's the cosmic cemetery. Dao Emperor said matter-of-factly.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought. Although he was open-minded and was in tune with these Yuanshi Dao realms, it was still unknown whether the other party would accept him.

Dao Emperor, you just said that the Yuanshi Dao Realm is the culprit causing the Chaos Catastrophe, so in order to save the Chaos Sea, we should use thunderous means to eradicate the Yuanshi Dao Realm from the cosmic cemetery!

Xu Ying suggested, Back then, the first generation of Chaos Lords swept the cosmic cemetery, making the cemetery extremely sublime. The Chaos Sea was rejuvenated, and countless new universes were born in the periphery. This time the Dao Emperor swept the cosmic cemetery, and it will definitely be possible to save the world. When the Chaos Sea is in danger, it will definitely be a good story!

Dao Huang glanced at him, he came to persuade him, but now he was trying to persuade him to rebel.

The actions of the first generation Chaos Lord were just to stop the boiling water and delay the disaster of the Chaos Sea.

The two were walking and talking, and Tao Huang said, In the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, let the Immortal Emperor take the disaster on him. The Immortal Emperor will die in response to the disaster and delay the disaster. The same is true for the first generation of Chaos Lords, who killed some Yuanshi Dao realms , sublimating some cosmic debris, just delaying the disaster. The disaster of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is getting worse, and the same is true for the Chaos Sea. If the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is out of control, the Chaos Sea will be the same in the future.

He paused and said: In the Yuanshi Dao realm in the cosmic cemetery, everyone does have selfish motives. They all want to open up the sea of ​​chaos to achieve maximum sublimation and clear their fate. They all want to completely open up the sea of ​​chaos. See The truth of the Great Dao makes you safe from disasters. However, if you don’t open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, and you don’t see the truth of the Great Dao, sooner or later the Sea of ​​Chaos will be completely extinct like the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Fellow Daoist Xu, if you were me, how would you choose?

He asked this question to Xu Ying, and Xu Ying suddenly fell into a dilemma.

On the one hand, he continues to be the Lord of Chaos, confronting those in the Yuanshi Dao Realm who are trying to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, killing them to achieve maximum sublimation, and delaying the fate of the Sea of ​​Chaos. However, the result is like that of Di Chen, delaying the disaster will only make it more violent and terrifying!

On the other hand, even if the Sea of ​​Chaos is completely opened up, it will destroy countless universes and countless living beings in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and even the Three Realms cannot be saved! This goes against his Taoist heart and his original intention of seeking the Tao!

Xu Ying said: Dao Emperor, if we completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, we won't be able to see the true nature of the Great Dao? We won't even be able to eliminate the calamity. The destruction and rebirth of the new universe will still be repeated in cycles. How should you choose?

Dao Huang's body trembled slightly.

Xu Ying did not answer his question, but instead presented him with a dilemma and asked him to make a decision.

If we completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and fail to see the truth of the Great Dao, how high will the price be for countless beings in countless universes to be buried?

What's more, if the sea of ​​chaos is completely opened up and turned into a universe, how terrifying will it be when this universe dies? At that time, I am afraid that the Yuanshi Dao realm will not survive!

By then, even if spiritual roots are born from the corpses of the Chaos Sea and a new cosmic flood source is formed, who will open the sky? Who has the ability to open the sky?

The Dao Emperor sighed quietly.

This was the reason for his long hesitation.

Although he was petrified, the plans of the Supreme Saint Tianzun, Xuanyuan Great Tianzun and others for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty were not hidden from him. He didn't stop it because in his heart, he felt that it was wrong to do so, but he couldn't think of a better way.

He even wanted to imitate the first generation of Chaos Lords and completely open up the Cosmic Cemetery, kill all his fellow Taoists, and sublimate the Cosmic Cemetery to delay the disaster of the Chaos Sea.

But he himself is the greatest disaster in the universe's graveyard.

Xu Ying took his look into his eyes and stopped talking.

Dao Huang remained silent, which was a better result for him. After all, the Dao Emperor definitely didn't come to find him to help him reach the end of the road.

Xu Ying could guess the purpose of Dao Emperor's visit even without asking. It was simply to persuade him to become a fellow Daoist. If he didn't agree, he would be sent to see Dao Emperor.

At this time, the Dao Emperor was on the side of the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others.

But now the Dao Emperor is standing in the center, not leaning to either side.

If the Dao Emperor stands in the middle, he will have a lot of room for maneuver. He thought to himself.

In the cosmic cemetery, Patriarch Hongshan found the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and asked: I heard that the Tao Emperor woke up and went to find the Chaos Lord to make a promise and convince him. Is this possible?

The Supreme Saint Tianzun smiled and said: This is indeed the case.

Patriarch Hongshan was displeased and said, Why didn't you stop him? The Chaos Lord has always been at odds with my cosmic cemetery and has killed countless Taoist friends. Those people are a group of barbarians, how can they be persuaded and converted.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun smiled and said: I can't persuade the Dao Emperor, but can I force him to stay? Maybe the Dao Emperor can really persuade the Chaos Lord and turn his enemies into Taoist friends.

At this time, another voice came and sneered: Will the Lord of Chaos turn our enemies into friends? Supreme Saint, you have already reached the beginning of the fourth level, why are you still so naive? You are talking nonsense!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was not angry and said with a smile: The leader of Lingxiao is also awake?

The person who came was a tall man wearing a purple-black Taoist robe. Chaos spiritual root flowers bloomed and fell behind him, and the cosmic flood sources were also opening and closing.

Leader Lingxiao sneered: The Chaos Lord is stubborn, has a solid head, doesn't know how to adapt, and behaves domineeringly. These scum have repeatedly attacked my cosmic cemetery and killed my Taoist friends. They are known as purifying and sublimating the sea of ​​chaos and reducing catastrophe. ! This generation of Chaos Lord must be very stubborn when he makes a promise, how can the Dao Emperor be able to convince him with just a few words?


Another person came, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with the appearance of an emperor, and a majestic look, saying, The chaos lords of the past generations were stubborn and domineering, and would rather die than surrender. After fighting with us for all these years, who has ever surrendered? They would rather die in our hands than never give in. We will not tolerate us opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: Xiang Emperor, what I want is that he would rather die than surrender!

Emperor Xiang, Leader Lingxiao and others were quite puzzled.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun smiled and said: I also know the Chaos Lord's temperament and will definitely not be persuaded by the Dao Emperor. Why do you let the Dao Emperor go to find Xu Ying? It is precisely because the Chaos Lord would rather die than surrender, so the Dao Emperor went to persuade him. He will definitely refuse. The Taoist Emperor said that if he cannot become a Taoist friend, he will be beaten to death.

Patriarch Hongshan smiled knowingly, tugged a strand of beard on his chin, and sighed: This generation of Chaos Lords is doomed.

Leader Lingxiao also breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gently: There is no way to survive if the Tao Emperor takes action.

Emperor Xiang smiled and said: Now, we can finally sit back and relax.

As soon as he said this, he saw the Supreme Saint Tianzun looking behind him with a strange look on his face. Emperor Xiang was slightly startled when he saw Hongshan, Emperor Xiang, Ling Xiao and others also looking behind him, with strange expressions on their faces.

Emperor Xiang turned around and looked around, only to see Emperor Dao walking towards him. Next to Emperor Dao, there was also a handsome young man in his twenties, with a tall figure and a smile on his face. A feeling of warmth and kindness.

Just a little bit darker.

Emperor Xiang was stunned and hurriedly asked Jisheng: Is he the Chaos Lord Xu Ying?

When Yuan Xu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, was fighting to the death with Xu Ying, he once offered sacrifices to the Supreme Saint. Although the Supreme Saint was in the cemetery of the universe, he manifested himself in the sea of ​​chaos outside the Dao Alliance with great magic power, fought with the Chaos Bell, and saw Xu Ying from a distance.

The Supreme Saint nodded slightly and said: When Yuanxu died in his hands, he looked like a young man, only sixteen or seventeen years old. Now he seems to have grown up a bit. His skin is also fairer.

He paused and said, It used to be darker than it is now.

Emperor Xiang said suspiciously: Isn't the Chaos Lord preferring death to surrender?

The Supreme Saint looked a little embarrassed and whispered: The previous Chaos Lords would rather die than surrender...

Patriarch Hongshan frowned, and Leader Lingxiao also knitted his brows together. They were the ones behind Yuanxu, the original Taoist leader, and knew about the conflicts and struggles between Xu Ying and Yuanxu.

At this moment, Xu Ying actually followed Dao Emperor and walked into the universe cemetery openly, which was really hard for them to accept.

The Taoist Emperor came to them, stopped, and said to everyone: Fellow Taoists, the Chaos Lord has promised me to put aside our prejudices and open up the Sea of ​​Chaos together.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying saluted everyone and said: In the past, I was the Lord of Chaos, and I was in an antagonistic relationship with all of my fellow Taoists, so it was inevitable that I would offend. Now you and I are both of the same Taoist, so please forgive me.

Patriarch Hongshan twirled the beard on his chin and said with a chuckle: Chaos Lord has always been upright and would rather die in battle than change his ideas! But I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Xu is actually very soft.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I originally adhered to the philosophy of the Chaos Lord, but the Tao Emperor's words made me wake up. I knew the good intentions of all the fellow Taoists and the Dao Emperor, so I abandoned the darkness and turned to the light.

Patriarch Hongshan snorted.

Leader Lingxiao smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu's stance is very flexible, which is very different from other Chaos Lords.

There was sarcasm in his words.

Xu Ying smiled and said: May I ask how other Chaos Lords entered the cosmic cemetery and communicated with fellow Taoists?

Leader Lingxiao's face was a bit unsightly, as the other Chaos Lords had come in.

Every time something like this happens, there will often be heavy casualties in the cosmic cemetery.

The most recent time was when Emperor Tai forced his way into the cosmic cemetery and killed nine ancient beings in the Yuanshi Dao realm. Patriarch Wujie was so angry that he went to chase them, but ended up dying at the hands of Emperor Tai.

Emperor Xiang sneered: The other Chaos Lords broke in, but you were frightened and surrendered by the Dao Emperor. You surrendered! You have no moral integrity and are disgraceful!

Xu Ying sighed and said with a smile: So I can only become a comrade of all of you.

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