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Chapter 1003 No strength, invulnerable

In the sea of ​​chaos, the energy of chaos in a dense sea area seemed to suddenly collapse. The energy of chaos overflowed from here, being attracted by the cosmic flood sources and falling into these flood sources.

Chaos spiritual roots, large and small, hold up the flood sources of the universe, like the avenue fruits of the chaotic sea, showing different avenue forms.

Among them, the flood source of the Ganoderma universe is the most vast, thousands of times greater than the flood sources of other universes.

The power of Black Jade Ganoderma is so powerful that it can swallow the energy of chaos thousands of times faster than other chaotic spiritual roots!

Suddenly, a face appeared on the inner wall of the cosmic flood source, and then more and more faces appeared, but each one was Xu Ying, looking outside the flood source.

And in this extremely huge flood source, there are countless people who have promised to understand the wonders of this place in various holy places.

There are tens of thousands of Xu Ying, walking in the sea of ​​various avenues, observing the evolution of the avenues as the waves arise and the waves disappear.

These promises are exactly the promises made in the state of chaos.

In addition to the promise, there is also the big bell in the state of chaos, and the Linghe Bridge, also in the state of chaos, is swaying in the flood source, or it is comprehending the sea of ​​Tao, or it is tempering itself with the help of the stormy waves.

Ever since Xu Ying used the power of black jade Ganoderma to kill Dao Yin, he has been practicing hard and studying the Hongmeng, Wuji and Taiyi in this flood source.

To understand these avenues, the state of chaos is most suitable.

The Ganoderma cosmic flood source is the largest flood source in the Chaos Sea, and it is also the flood source that contains the most secrets of the avenue. Especially the Tai Dao Sea, the avenue contained in it is even more unpredictable.

At this time, suddenly a promise raised his head and looked towards the sky, and then countless promises in the flood suddenly closed together!

The next moment, all the promises in the entire flood source disappeared, leaving only one promise, standing on the sea of ​​Tai Daohai.

But at this moment, there were still some figures behind him shaking from time to time.

But there were not many, only three or five people.

Although he has experienced Dao Yin's training and comprehended the Great Dao Hunyuan, he still failed to cultivate the only true self and never completely unified the chaotic state.

His acquired avenue was also unable to allow him to form his own brand of avenue because he had not yet entered the primordial realm. It was not yet the end of the avenue.

However, Xu Ying can now exert his power at the end of the road for a short period of time.

When the big bell saw this, countless chaotic states came together and merged into one, turning into the shape of a big bell, and asked: Aying, what's wrong?

It is a magic weapon, and the process of comprehending Taoism, Dharma, and supernatural power is unique. Just imprint it on the body, so it is the easiest to unify the state of chaos, and achieve the Tao Hunyuan easily.

This is also the reason why many people choose magic weapons to realize the beginning of the Tao. It is indeed easier for magic weapons to enter the Yuanshi Dao realm than for monks!

The Linggu Bridge was also in a state of chaos, floating behind Xu Ying. There was also a little Taoist boy in green clothes and white lining on the wooden bridge. He was sitting in the middle of the wooden bridge, holding his ankles with both hands, looking quite nervous.

It is the spiritual god of Lingque Bridge.

Now Lingguqiao is a disciple of Da Zhong, so if he calls Da Zhong his teacher, of course Da Zhong calls him Master Qiao.

Xu Ying's eyes were extremely bright, and he looked towards the sky, as if he could see the scene beyond the flood source, and said with a smile: Finally, we are waiting for the visitors from the Universe Cemetery!

Just then, he suddenly sensed someone sneaking into the source of the flood. You must know that the membrane of this cosmic flood source is extremely strong. Xu Ying himself also used the power of black jade Ganoderma lucidum to allow himself to enter the flood source.

Being able to sneak into the flood source is certainly no small matter!

During this period of time, Xu Ying had been waiting for the strong men from the cosmic cemetery to find them, and then defeated them one by one, killing them here one by one.

Although I can't take Black Jade Ganoderma and Hong Yuan to the Universe Cemetery, they can find them on their own.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he looked around, using the black jade ganoderma and Hongyuan's avenue to sense the location of the intruder.

But the strange thing is that except for the slight fluctuations he caught when the man passed through the membrane and entered the flood source, now that he is fully sensing, he can't detect any trace of that man!

I'm afraid the person coming is a big deal!

He frowned slightly, and at this moment, he saw a thin figure appearing on the surface of Tai Daohai.

In the Taidao Sea, there are raging waves, big waves cracking the sky, and every wave hitting is equivalent to a full blow from a peak Yuanshi Dao realm being, which is extremely dangerous.

However, that thin figure was walking on the sea, strolling leisurely, looking at the rough waves as if nothing happened.

He passed through the waves, and the earth-shattering power could not even lift the corners of his clothes.

Xu Ying's heart beat violently, and without thinking, he immediately activated the black jade ganoderma. Suddenly, the boundless power of the black jade ganoderma turned into a black thunder, falling from the sky and reaching straight to the top of the emaciated figure!


The power of the black jade Ganoderma exploded, and the sea surface fell into darkness in an instant. The light of the Tao disappeared. All the avenues in the world seemed to have become silent because of this, and there was no longer any vitality!

This is the power of Black Jade Ganoderma.

When Xu Ying fought with Daoyin before, he only used Yu Ruyi to control the Black Jade Ganoderma and borrow the power of the Black Jade Ganoderma. However, over the years, he has gradually become familiar with this treasure and can exert greater power.

He discovered that the most terrifying power of Black Jade Ganoderma is not to exert astonishing power, but to make all avenues feel dead and unable to exert any power at all!

His attack even caused Tai Daohai to fall into silence!

No matter how high the person's cultivation level is, he will be beaten into a mortal and then killed by this blow. He thought to himself.

Suddenly, on the dark sea, a pure light suddenly lit up, as if green sprouts were growing out of the endless vast silence, and it was also like the first rooster crow coming in the dark night, and then the white spit from the east.

In the dark Dao Sea, that ray of Dao light is like a spring thunder, tearing through the severe cold and turning the steep material into the spring breeze, making the Dao Sea that has fallen into the silence of the Dao come alive in the next moment, and the Dao is revived!

Xu Ying was stunned. He could only see that in the long and pure light, behind the thin figure, it seemed that there were countless universes resurrecting from the state of silence, as if there were countless living beings in these universes rising from the state of decayed bones and the state of ashes. Stand up and be rejuvenated!

This scene made him deeply shocked.

As the thin figure approached, the turbulent Taihai Sea became calmer and brighter, with sparkling waves, and the previous danger no longer existed.

The various avenues in the sea are glowing with glow, like dancing golden dragons, leaping out of the sea, showing the mystery of the avenues.

The divine dragons are ever-changing, and so are the avenues. For a time, thousands of dragons danced, dragon chants were like songs, and the Taoist sounds were melodious.

Xu Ying looked at the sea, and the chaotic state that he was fighting with Dao Yin and could not fully comprehend suddenly became clear. The haze that shrouded his Dao heart suddenly dispersed and he became cheerful!

Behind him, the three or five figures that appeared from time to time disappeared one by one.

Under his feet, countless great torrents emerged unconsciously, turning into long rivers and paving the way.

Promise your own qi to activate your countless avenues, turn them into red light, and emit loud sounds, bright and brilliant, reflecting this sea of ​​Tao, this flood source!

When Xu Ying woke up, he saw that he was standing at the end of the acquired road. Looking up, all the roads in the world were clearly visible. All the people who practiced these roads turned into figures on the road, clearly visible. caught his eyes.

There are nearly a million forks on his road, and there are countless monks on each fork, and the crowds are surging and bustling.

Those are the seekers.

If one day these monks reach the pinnacle of cultivation, they will be able to see me when they raise their heads.

Xu Ying was stunned, this was the end of the road.

However, he is not the end of one avenue, but the end of all acquired avenues. Whether people practice the so-called nine innate paths or create their own avenues, they are all within his principles!

No, I am so powerful, so how powerful is this person who inspired me and allowed me to penetrate the chaos?

He woke up and thought to himself, My acquired path is still not perfect. If it were perfect, this person wouldn't be able to guide me!

Thinking of this, he bowed to the emaciated figure and said loudly: Chaos Lord promised to meet the Dao Emperor. Thank you to the Dao Emperor for his guidance, which allowed me to break through.

That thin figure was the Dao Emperor. He came from the Dao Sea. He stopped when he heard the words and said politely: Fellow Daoist, there is no need to be polite. You have cultivated to the edge of the Dao End. You can barely mobilize the power of the Dao End. You may break through at any time and reach the end of the Dao. .I’m just the icing on the cake.”

As he spoke, he straightened up and came to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying took the opportunity to look at the Dao Emperor, and saw that the Dao Emperor was indeed quite thin, with a face like a boy and a body like an old man. His eyes seemed to hold the secrets of the universe when he opened and closed them, and between his breaths, it seemed as if the great road of heaven and earth was born. destroy.

For him, there seemed to be no secrets in the Chaos Sea.

However, his aura was between dryness and prosperity, and it was obvious that there was the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation burning in his body, and he was suppressing the Heavenly Fire with his own great power.

Heavenly Fire and its cultivation are in a delicate balance.

Xu Ying felt awe in his heart: The Tao Emperor, who was able to fight with the first generation of Chaos Lords on par, has been tortured by the Nirvana Sky Fire and has become inhuman form! Most of his strength has been used to suppress the Nirvana Sky Fire!

Most of the strength was used to suppress the Nirvana Heavenly Fire, but with only a trace of strength, it suppressed the power of the Black Jade Ganoderma, and even calmed the Tai Daohai, making Xu Ying unable to borrow the power of the Universal Flood Source!

Even the visions emanating can guide Xuying and help him reach the end of the road!

This kind of moral conduct is really terrifyingly high!

Xu Ying originally didn't think that the Cosmic Cemetery could open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, but after seeing Dao Yin's strength, he thought so even more. But after seeing the Dao Emperor's strength, he was not so sure.

The Dao Emperor's strength has exceeded his knowledge and reached another level!

Xu Ying said politely: I once heard that the Tao Emperor met the first generation of Chaos Lords. At the cosmic cemetery, the Tao Emperor stopped the first generation of Chaos Lords from leveling the cemetery and asked him to retreat. The younger generation was shocked to hear this. , I feel both admiration and awe. When I see the Dao Emperor at this moment, I can’t help but feel frightened.

When Da Zhong heard this, he couldn't help but secretly praise: Master Ying is already invincible, I have nothing to teach him.

The Dao Emperor looked gentle and said: Chaos Lord, I have no morals to speak of.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat.

Just now, he lowered his attitude and considered himself a junior. He also mentioned the first generation of Chaos Lords, meaning that the Tao Emperor was as famous as the first generation of Chaos Lords. If he was killed, he would be bullying the juniors. He also used words of sincerity, fear and awe to make the Tao Emperor give up his murderous intention.

However, Dao Huang directly said that I am not moral, which made his plan fail.

The Dao Emperor continued: Back then, I didn't get any advantage in the battle with the Seventh Young Master Chaos. He retreated because he had more important things to do. Moreover, I have no ideological conflict with him, so I wouldn't want to meet him. life and death.

Xu Yingzhan smiled and said: The first generation of Chaos Lords and the Dao Emperor have no ideological conflict. As a junior, I definitely have no ideological conflict with the Dao Emperor.

Dao Huang thought for a moment, and if he had not lost the so-called secular morality, he might not have been able to kill him.

But fortunately, he has jumped out of this mentality.

The Taoist Emperor smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, although the conflict between the Chaos Lord and the Cosmic Cemetery is not insurmountable, it is not irresolvable. Although our Taoist ideals conflict, it can still be resolved if the Taoist friend is willing to give in.

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said: The Tao Emperor should know that except for the first generation of Chaos Lords and me, all the other Chaos Lords died at the hands of Brother Dao in the Universe Cemetery. This hatred is not deep.

The Dao Emperor nodded lightly and said: The Chaos Lords of the past generations have regarded the Cosmic Cemetery as a place of decay and vowed to eradicate it. However, ants still live in vain, let alone Yuanshi? In the desperate fight, it is inevitable that there will be casualties. Those who lose their lives in the Cosmic Cemetery The number of fellow Taoists is more than ten times greater than the number of Chaos Lords who were buried!

Xu Ying continued: What caused the fight between the two sides was the conflict of ideas. Chaos mainly protects the Sea of ​​Chaos and maintains the order of the Sea of ​​Chaos. The Cosmic Cemetery attempts to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and verify the truth of the avenue. The two are contradictory and irreconcilable.

Upon hearing this, the Taoist Emperor sighed and said: Fellow Taoist, you have made up your mind, I will no longer advise you...

Xu Ying didn't wait for him to finish and said with a smile: But, I have never had principles.

Dao Huang was stunned, looked at him deeply, and asked tentatively: Then what do you mean by fellow Daoist?

Xu Ying approached him sideways and asked tentatively: What does the Dao Emperor mean by coming here?

The Taoist Emperor felt a little uncomfortable and quietly moved away from him, saying: I am here to turn the war into friendship and calm the dispute between the two sides. You should no longer guard the Sea of ​​Chaos and go against the fellow Taoists in the cemetery, and the fellow Taoists in the cemetery will not continue to pursue you. You. Our two families, let’s open up the Sea of ​​Chaos together and witness the truth of the avenue. What do you mean?”

Xu Ying smiled and said: What the Emperor Dao means is what I mean!

The Taoist Emperor was silent for a moment and explained: Friend Taoist, it's not that I am partial to them, but I am allowing the Sea of ​​Chaos to evolve like this, and there will never be an end. There are more and more rotten people like me and them, and sooner or later there will be Drag down the Sea of ​​Chaos and turn the entire Sea of ​​Chaos into a cemetery.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he suppressed his smile and said, Is the Dao Emperor aware of the dangers of the Universal Cemetery?

The Dao Emperor nodded slightly and said: The cosmic cemetery was born because of us. The place where we rotten people stand is the cemetery, which will attract the corpses of the universe.

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