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Chapter 992 Human Robbery

But, if we promise to make the Sea of ​​Chaos clear, why open up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Hutunsheng was a little puzzled, and what puzzled him even more was another question, Furthermore, which one is Xu Ying's true body?

Even though he had reached the end of the Avenue of Chaos, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. With so many promises, and promises that created the world out of nothing, he couldn't tell which one was the real promise.

In his opinion, no matter how the clone incarnates into the Tao body, it needs a true body. Killing the true body during battle can solve the battle.

However, these promises are all like the promises of the original body, without any avatar incarnation of the Tao body!

Fellow Taoist Hutun, all the me you see are the real me, a projection in reincarnation, a possibility in cause and effect.

A Xu Ying walked up to him and said with a smile, Congratulations to fellow Taoist for reaching the end of the Avenue of Chaos.

Hutunsheng understood and said with emotion: No wonder when we looked at your future, we could only see chaos. Even if we occasionally saw it, it was not very real. It turns out that you allowed yourself to be in the reincarnation of cause and effect. Billions of ways to move forward. Every choice will create a you. So many of you make up your chaotic state. The Lord of Chaos is well-deserved.

Promises made in a state of chaos, the future cannot be guessed and unpredictable.

This state is the most wonderful. Using any cause and effect to predict the promised future will only result in chaos, and you have no idea what will happen in the future.

Xu Ying visited the Chaos Fairy Mountain with him, admiring the magic of the majestic mountain and the magnificence of the outer universe. Hutunsheng had something else on his mind and said, Since Fellow Daoist Xu can observe the Sea of ​​Chaos and make it clear, why do you waste your mana to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am testing whether it is possible to create something out of nothing and open up the universe, and open up a avenue of heaven and earth that does not exist in the sea of ​​chaos.

Hearing this, Hutunsheng couldn't help but become curious and asked, So, is there a new way of heaven and earth?

Xu Ying stopped and remained silent.

After a while, Xu Ying sighed and said, Yes.

Hun Tunsheng became energetic: Is there really a new avenue that has never been seen in the Chaos Sea?

Xu Ying nodded slightly, sighed again, and said, That's true. After I returned here, I opened more than a hundred universes in succession, and new ways were born in fifty-six of them.

Hutunsheng smiled and said: Since a new Tao is born, it means that the Tao Alliance's method may not be wrong. Completely opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos, maybe we can really see the true nature of the Tao!

Xu Ying also had speculations in this regard.

Combined with the Tai Huang's Way of Change, the opening and destruction of the universe, the avenues will continue to change themselves in this process, new avenues will continue to be born, and the old avenues will also continue to be annihilated.

So will the thorough opening of the Sea of ​​Chaos allow the true avenue to be revealed?

Xu Ying put aside this topic for the time being and asked, What is the reason why fellow Taoist monks from Huntun are here to look for me?

Hutunsheng said: I received guidance from my Taoist friends and completed the journey to the end of the path of chaos. However, after I completed it, I realized that I was not the end of the path of chaos. I just felt that I had just stepped into a realm and was still far from the end of the real path. not to mention……

He looked confused and said: Chaos is just the chaotic state of the avenue, not the avenue. Where does the end of the avenue of chaos come from? I have this doubt that no one can solve, so I came to ask for advice.

There was another reason he didn't say, and that was that he realized in the Dao Alliance that he and the people in the Dao Alliance were no longer on the same path, so he chose to leave.

Just as he said this, he saw a group of Xu Ying approaching in formation, drowning out the Xu Ying who had just been talking to him.

Hutunsheng was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't find which Xu Ying was the Xu Ying who had just spoken to him, so he had no choice but to follow this large army of Xu Ying and walk forward together.

Next to him, a Xu Ying said to him: Fellow Taoist Hutun, your confusion is also bothering me. I am also thinking that chaos is not the Tao, annihilation is not the Tao, cause and effect is not the Tao, reincarnation is not the Tao, and the nine innate ways are not the Tao. So, then , what is the true avenue?”

Hutunsheng was stunned, scratched his head and said: I don't think as much as you think. Do you mean to say that the Avenue of Nirvana is not a great avenue?

Xu Ying who was talking to him surpassed him, and another Xu Ying came up behind him and said: The Avenue of Nirvana is the state of annihilation of the Dao. The Avenue of Tribulation and Luck is the state of tribulation and luck of the Dao, and the Avenue of Taiyi is the Hunyuan of the Dao. State. Nine innate ways, nothing better than this.

Hutunsheng hurriedly turned around and saw Xu Ying approaching in groups, Wuyang Wuyang, and he couldn't tell which one was speaking.

Only then did he see where this large force of Xu Ying was heading. He saw a huge black jade Ruyi floating in the air, carrying a deep chill, giving people the feeling of a frozen road from a distance!

Hun Tunsheng suddenly realized that the black jade Ruyi was made from the half of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum that Xu Ying took away from the Taoist Alliance!

These promises came to replace other promises that were refining the black jade Ruyi. Many promises gathered in groups, surrounding the black jade Ruyi, and each activated the acquired path to refine this treasure.

Hutunsheng saw that they had imprinted the nine innate paths in Ruyi, and also imprinted the void, heresy, and other avenues.

In the sea of ​​chaos outside, there is a promise to create a new world, a new universe, and a new way to comprehend. There is a promise in the Immortal Palace to organize the new way, and there is a promise here to imprint the new way!

And the Yuanshi Daoqi produced at the beginning of the world was smelted into the black jade Ruyi, making the power of this half of the chaotic spiritual root become stronger and stronger, and gradually became as powerful as a treasure!

Hutunsheng looked to the sky. There were many promised souls that replaced the original souls and continued to treat Chaos Bell's injuries.

The promise made in the chaotic state is really terrifying. If the black jade Ruyi is made by him, it will be extremely powerful!

Hun Tunsheng exhaled a breath of turbidity and saw those Xu Ying who had been replaced lined up neatly and walked towards Chaos Fairy Mountain, so he followed up and asked one of them for advice: Fellow Daoist Xu, since there are nine innate ways, They are all in the state of the Great Dao, so how can we see the true state of the Great Dao?

Xu Ying smiled and said: The reality of chaos, the reality of annihilation, and the other nine realities can all be seen. But I have never seen the reality of the great road. I am practicing the way of acquired heaven, and I think it is the ultimate truth of the great road. The road. If fellow Taoist monks from Huntun don’t dislike it, you might as well stay here for a while and study it together.”

Hutunsheng said happily: I was just about to ask for advice!

He immediately stayed in the Chaos Immortal Palace. Seeing this, Shen Tulun came to Huntun Sheng and said, How heroic is the Lord of Huntun Palace? He has always refused to obey heaven and earth. How come he is convinced by the Lord of Chaos today?

Shen Tu Lun, you are wrong. I am still the palace master of the Dao Alliance and have never betrayed the Dao Alliance.

Hutunsheng glanced at him and said, How arrogant is Daoist Fellow Shen? Back then, the Dao Alliance invited you to join, but you flatly refused, preferring to be broken into pieces rather than destroyed. Now, aren't you also impressed by the Chaos Lord?

Shen Tulun said lightly: I am a seeker of Taoism, but I can't stand the Taoist League's domineering behavior, so I resisted the Taoist League. The Chaos Lord's Taoism is profound, and I came here to understand the Taoism. Although I was impressed by him, I was not convinced. Betrayal of the Righteous Alliance.

The two of them had always had a grudge, so they left without talking to each other.

Shen Tu Lun said to Zuo Lian: Fellow Taoist, you think of a way to send a message to the Taoist League, so Huntunsheng in the Chaos Hall of the Taoist League has taken refuge with the Chaos Lord, making him unable to be the palace master of the Taoist League!

Zuo Lian understood and said: How about I pretend to be a student from Huntun again and kill a few Dao League masters? This will not allow him to rebel.

Shen Tulun hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: If you don't have enough cultivation, it will be self-defeating. The Taoist Alliance can't tolerate disdain in their eyes. When they hear about his betrayal, someone will definitely come to ask for help. At that time, there will be no room for Shen Tulun not to rebel. !”

Zuo Lian said yes and left in a hurry.

Xu Ying ignored these trivial matters and just focused on his own enlightenment. Even in the Three Realms and the New Universe, he would give lectures from time to time and spread the Taoism he had understood.

Hutunsheng also often went to listen to lectures, and even gave lectures on the altar himself. The monks in the Three Realms and New Universe did not reject him as much as the Taoist Alliance. Instead, they found his chaos and non-Taoism to be very novel and his insights extraordinary.

Seeing this, Huntunsheng thought to himself: The Taoist Alliance is stuck in its ways. Can it really open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and see the truth of the Great Dao?

He is a rare Taoist of Chaos in the Chaos Sea, and his insights on the Tao of Chaos are truly astonishing. However, the Tao of Chaos is really unfathomable, and not many people can understand his sermons.

But what surprised him was that although the Three Realms were not big, the number of Taoist masters and immortals was extremely large, and the cultivation of the Taoist masters was also extremely powerful, just like a small Taoist alliance!

More importantly, Xu Huang and others in the Three Realms are not as complacent as the Dao League. They are able to accept new Dao concepts and even come up with new ideas, giving him a lot of inspiration.

Hun Tunsheng frowned with worry. Seeing this, the Holy Lord asked, What worries you, Brother Tao?

Hutunsheng said: This place is so good that I don't think about the Taoist Alliance. But after all, I am a member of the Taoist Alliance. How can I betray the Taoist Alliance?

The Holy Lord smiled and said: We also have a Taoist alliance in the three realms, and I am a member of the Taoist alliance.

And me! Qingxuan said.

Emperor Xu smiled and said: I am also a member of the Three Realms Taoist Alliance.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal smiled and said: We are also the Taoist Alliance of the Three Realms.

Woof woof! Dao Xiaotian said.

Hutunsheng was stunned, and after asking carefully, he found out that there was also a Taoist Alliance in the Three Realms, which was formed by thousands of strong men from the universe on the edge of the other side of chaos.

This Taoist League was built by Xu Ying. It was originally used to fight against the other side. Later, the other side became extinct, and the Three Realms Taoist League became a place for all walks of life to exchange Taoist and magical powers.

There are no old rules of the Tao Alliance here. Everyone gathers together just to promote Taoism.

The Holy Lord invited: Brother Taoist, do you want to join the Three Realms Taoist Alliance?

Hutunsheng laughed and said: Your Taoist Alliance is very attractive to me, that's all, I will join the Three Realms Taoist Alliance!

Everyone was overjoyed and rushed to tell each other: Now our Three Realms Taoist Alliance finally has the first end of the road!

After a while, several palace masters from the Dao Alliance came here and angrily scolded Hutunsheng for his betrayal, betrayal of the Dao Alliance, and surrender to the Chaos Lord, which was a complete villain's behavior.

Hun Tunsheng came forward to explain the misunderstanding, but was scolded by the visitor. Hun Tunsheng became furious and was beaten up by the visitor.

Those Dao Alliance Hall Masters had never suffered such a loss before, so they left in anger.

However, they were ambushed by strong men from the Yi Meng halfway. Only one of the palace masters from the Dao League escaped, and the others were killed by the Yi Meng.

The escaped palace master returned to the Taoist League and said this, and everyone in the Taoist League immediately hated Huntun.

Although Xu Ying knew what Shen Tulun was doing, he ignored it. He returned from the cosmic cemetery, and his vision and knowledge have been greatly improved. He has already transcended the world and reached a wonderful state.

His mind was very useful, but his efficiency was surprisingly high. Eight hundred years later, he opened up thousands of universes. Three thousand years later, the black jade Ruyi was refined.

Ten thousand years later, the Chaos Clock will be repaired.

On this day, Xu Ying suddenly filled the sky and walked towards the Chaos Immortal Palace one after another. After entering the Immortal Palace, they disappeared.

Everyone was confused, but the door of the Chaos Immortal Palace was closed tightly, and no one was allowed to enter.

I saw that the Chaos Immortal Palace was full of splendor, and countless immortal spiritual lights were actually transmitted from the Immortal Palace. It was shaped like a jade or a Ganoderma lucidum, growing in a winding way, getting taller and bigger.

When everyone saw this vision, they didn't understand what was happening.

I saw that the Ganoderma lucidum gradually grew to the point where it broke through the Great Rift Valley and penetrated deep into the Chaos Sea, causing turmoil in the Chaos Sea.

This Ganoderma lucidum is absorbing the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos and keeps growing. It even sprouts other leaves, one by one, like a cliff hanging in the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Is the Chaos Lord sacrificing black jade Ruyi?

Hutunsheng looked at it and felt a little surprised, No, it's like using this spiritual root to refine the power of the Chaos Sea. He regards himself as the source of the universe!

When he thought of this, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

The black jade Ganoderma root did not die, but instead grew other leaves. Now it has begun to form a cosmic flood source, swallowing the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying refined the other half of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum into black jade Ruyi, and now he sacrificed the Jade Ruyi and used it as a spiritual root. He regarded himself as the cosmic source of chaotic spiritual roots, clearly dragging the cause and effect on himself!

The cause and effect between him and the first spiritual root of the Chaos Sea is getting more and more serious! I'm afraid that the entanglement of cause and effect will lead to disaster! Hun Tunsheng looked solemn.

A few years later, the Ganoderma lucidum transformed by Black Jade Ruyi had grown seven leaves, causing the Sea of ​​Chaos to swallow up and refine the Qi of Chaos faster and faster.

On this day, the seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum suddenly shrank rapidly and fell back from the chaotic sea outside the sky. Within a moment, it turned into a jade-like handle and fell into the Chaos Immortal Palace.

After a while, the door of the Chaos Immortal Palace opened, and everyone came after hearing the news. They saw Xu Ying walking out of the palace holding Jade Ruyi in his hand. This was the only one, and no other Xu Ying was seen.

Yuan Weiyang stepped forward and asked: Husband, have you gained anything from your ten thousand years of practice? How far is it from acquired to become innate?

Xu Ying said with a smile: If I prove the innateness the day after tomorrow and establish the truth of the great road, wouldn't it mean that I can reach the beginning of the world in one step and realize the eternal truth in one step? I don't know enough and can't do this step. There are still many unknowns in the sea of ​​chaos. I Just now, when I used myself as the source of the flood to absorb the sea of ​​chaos, I realized that the entanglement of cause and effect, the Taoist alliance had reached Yuanshi, which triggered the disaster. This is a human disaster, so I have to leave in advance to give him a ride.

He waved his hand, and the Chaos Bell flew over. He picked up the white-haired head of the Unbounded Patriarch and got it ready.

At this time, the laughter of Wu Zheng, the leader of the Yi Alliance, came from outside. He laughed and said: Has the Chaos Lord noticed it too? The leader of the Dao Alliance, Yuanxu, will prove Yuanshi. In this human disaster, I have to take action and send him to see the Dao Dao. !”

Xu Ying looked around and said, Everyone, follow me to welcome the leader of the Alliance Wu.

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