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Chapter 991 Chaos is not Tao

The Dao League's vitality was severely damaged this time, and as many as 367 palace masters were killed or injured. Two of them were even the masters of the nine palaces of the Dao League. The master of Taiyi Palace, Miao Shengzhen King, killed the palace master Wu Daoxuan.

The death of the two palace masters really damaged the morale of the Taoist Alliance.

In addition, Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, also died at the hands of Xu Ying, and Zhenjun Daoji, the master of the Hall of Annihilation, was beguiled by Xu Ying's few words and left the Dao League. Now only Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, The five halls of reincarnation and calamity.

To make matters worse, Xu Ying not only fought in and out, but also cut off the black jade Ganoderma lucidum and snatched away the first half of the chaotic spiritual root in full view of everyone. Even Taoist leader Yuanxu couldn't do it himself. Leave him behind.

There were also some Dao League disciples who were so affected that they secretly left the Dao League and went elsewhere. In the past, this was a serious crime of betraying the Taoist Alliance, and the cultivation base and Taoist law were to be recovered. However, there were too many defectors, and people were panicked, so no one cared about it.

After several months of rest, the Dao Alliance gradually regained some vitality.

Four hall masters, including the All Saint Master Guo Shoudao, the master of Lingxi Hall, and Gu Daosheng, were floating next to the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, silently staring at the chaotic spiritual root, with sorrow and indignation in their eyes.

——Hun Tunsheng, the master of the Chaos Hall, is not here. He is still comprehending the end of the chaos in the chaos. Although Xu Ying gave him guidance and allowed him to see the reality of the Dao of Chaos, he still needed his own understanding if he wanted to become the end of the Dao of Chaos.

Dao Alliance Leader Yuanxu stood in front of the four of them, looking up at the Chaos Spirit Root with a thoughtful expression.

Above the black jade Ganoderma lucidum is the vast sea of ​​chaos, and below are the corpses of the universe left by the destruction of tens of thousands of universes in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Although the black jade Ganoderma lucidum is broken, there is still energy of chaos falling down like a waterfall, However, it did not fall on the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, but was poured aside.

This Chaos Spiritual Root is not dead.

Taoist leader Yuan Xu suddenly said, Black Jade Ganoderma was cut in half by the Chaos Lord, but the remaining half is connected to the root system and is still absorbing the energy of Chaos, indicating that it is still alive. Black Jade Ganoderma may have more than one leaf .”

The four palace masters were in high spirits and looked towards the place where the Qi of Chaos fell. Sure enough, they saw the ground bulging, as if something was about to rise out of the ground.

Lingxi smiled and said: This Chaos Spiritual Root is extraordinary. It seems that the Chaos Lord will come to kill him, so he first gave birth to a Spiritual Root to deceive the Chaos Lord.

Dao Xian's eyes flashed and he said: The Chaos Lord has taken away the other half of the spiritual root, and he will have to pay back the cause and effect in the future. I wonder if he can bear this fate?

Gu Daosheng said: Feng Shui is turning, and one day he will pay back!

Everyone relaxed and was no longer as solemn as before.

Suddenly, a vast and green avenue throbbed in the sea of ​​chaos, and the sea of ​​chaos became sparkling. When everyone looked up, they saw that the sparkling light was actually many changes in the chaos method!

The leader of the Tao Alliance moved slightly in his heart and smiled: Huntunsheng finally achieved enlightenment and became the end of the road.

Everyone was surprised and happy.

It is difficult to cultivate the Dao of Chaos to the end of the Dao of Chaos, but if you can cultivate it to the end of the Dao of Chaos, your cultivation strength will be limitless!

Our Taoist Alliance suffered such a catastrophe, but we also gained a peerless master!

Everyone found Hun Tunsheng and congratulated him. Hun Tunsheng's current cultivation level was unfathomable. Even the masters of the four major halls could not see his depth. They only felt that he was like a sea of ​​chaos.

Taoist leader Yuanxu said: Congratulations to fellow Taoist Huntun for finally becoming the end of the Tao of Chaos.

Hun Tunsheng leaned forward and said, Now I understand what chaos is, and how to observe the reality of chaos. I feel that what I have learned before is just like a blind man touching an elephant, like a chicken master.

Yuanxu, the Taoist leader, was in awe and said: I never thought that my Taoist friend's realm could reach such a high level. Yuanxu admires me. I have some understanding of the path of chaos, but I have not reached the end of the path of chaos. Please help me to guide you. Friends are generous with their advice.”

Hutunsheng said: I don't dare. If the leader of the alliance asks, I will naturally tell you everything.

A few days later, Hun Tunsheng opened a forum to give a lecture, teaching everyone in the Tao Alliance their own way of eradicating chaos, and explaining the principles of all kinds of chaos. Taoist leader Yuanxu also came to listen, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The hall masters and disciples under the altar listened to Hutun Sheng's lecture. They were intoxicated at first, and then gradually frowned.

The more this Chaos Hall Master talks, the more he becomes deviant!

When Hun Tunsheng got excited and said that the great avenue of chaos is not the Tao, but the chaotic state of the Tao, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: Everyone in the world knows the nine innate ways, and the Taoist alliance also regards the nine innate ways as the Tao. Sir, even though you are the Lord of Chaos Hall, you can’t talk nonsense! Are you going to rebel?”

Someone else said angrily: Even if the Chaos Palace Master rebels, he must take back the Dao Alliance Taoist methods he has practiced and abolish what the Dao Alliance has learned!

The Avenue of Chaos is not the avenue, but the state of the avenue. Listen to this sentence for yourself. Is it reasonable?

Everyone was talking and criticizing the students in Huntun for being rebellious and immoral.

Seeing this, Huntun Sheng was a little disappointed and sad. He realized that chaos was not the way, and also experienced the collapse of his worldview, breaking his original understanding.

He wanted to share it with his Taoist friends and fellow Taoists, but unexpectedly he was scolded as a rebel.

How ridiculous is this?

The Taoist leader's face darkened, he stopped everyone, and said: The master of Huntun Palace is the end of the Dao of Chaos, and his cultivation is far beyond that of you. What knowledge and cultivation do you have? Dare you doubt him?

The matter ended unhappy.

After a few days, Hun Tunsheng quietly left the Dao League and entered the sea of ​​chaos. He was about to turn into a chaotic creature and fly around, but he saw the chaotic sea parting in front of him, and a road was paved at his feet.

Hutunsheng looked up and saw Yuanxu, the leader of the Taoist Alliance, at the other end of the road.

Fellow Daoist Huntun is leaving the Taoist Alliance without saying a word. Where are you going? the leader of the Taoist Alliance asked with a gentle face.

Hutunsheng walked on this road, came to his side, and said respectfully: I have comprehended the Great Way of Chaos and reached the end of my cultivation. I know in my heart that I have not come to the real end of the Great Way, so I want to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos to continue my enlightenment. Although the alliance is good, there are too few people who understand me.

Taoist leader Yuanxu sighed with emotion: You say that there is no Tao in chaos, but it is actually the chaotic state of Tao. This makes me suddenly enlightened. How can I say that I have no Taoist friends? Am I not your Taoist friend?

Hun Tunsheng used to be very heroic, but now he became a little silent and did not make a sound.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the Dao Alliance, Yuanxu, did not embarrass him and said: If you are determined to leave, I will not stop you. However, if there is something wrong with the Dao Alliance, you must be there at your call.

Hutunsheng smiled and said: After all, I am also a member of the Taoist Alliance, and my heart of seeking Tao has never changed.

The leader of the Tao Alliance looked at him, as if examining his heart for seeking the Tao. After a moment, he smiled and said: I believe you are wholeheartedly seeking the Tao. You go ahead.

Hun Tunsheng walked past him and entered the sea of ​​chaos.

Not long after, Hutunsheng transformed into a chaotic creature with limbs like paddles and swam away.

The moment he turned into a chaotic creature, a touch of green energy appeared on the Taoist leader's face. He raised his palm and slowly lowered it after a moment without taking any action.

The moment Hutunsheng transformed into a chaotic creature was the moment when his defense was at its weakest. If he had taken action at that time, he could have been easily killed.

Chaos is not Tao, it is just the chaotic state of Tao. This understanding is so brilliant that I can't help but love talents and can't bear to kill you.

The leader of the Dao Alliance shook his head and returned to the Dao Alliance.

He opened the altar to offer sacrifices, but saw the air of incense rising up and flowing into the Sea of ​​Chaos. After a long time, runes on the altar loosened and burned. In the air of incense, a face appeared, staring at the Taoist leader faintly.

Disciple Yuanxu disturbed the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord, but the matter is very important and I have to ask for advice.

General Xu Ying, leader of the Dao Alliance, Yuanxu, carried the head of Wujie Patriarch and came to the Dao Alliance to massacre everyone, and said, Now that the black jade Ganoderma lucidum has been cut off by him, the new Ganoderma lucidum has not yet grown, and the disciples really don't know what to do. What should we do? Let the Lord of Heaven decide.

The face in the incense was surprised and said: Wujie is dead? Did he go to provoke the Emperor of Tai? This old ghost made his own decision. The Emperor of Tao clearly ordered that no one should provoke the Emperor of Tai and let the Emperor of Tai leave the Sea of ​​Chaos by himself. He just did this Death is such a calamity that one cannot help it.

His eyes fell on the face of Dao Alliance leader Yuan Xu, and he said: However, the interruption of Black Jade Ganoderma is a big deal. Opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos cannot be delayed. Yuan Xu, I will order someone to send Yuanshi Dao Qi, and you can use Yuanshi Daoqi Dao Qi waters the black jade Ganoderma lucidum to help it mature earlier.

Tao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu bowed and said: There is still half of the Ganoderma lucidum, which fell into the promised hands of the Chaos Lord.

The face in the incense said meaningfully: This is a great cause and effect, and it will be repaid in the future.

Taoist leader Yuanxu bowed in greeting, the incense dispersed, and his face disappeared.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance set up the altar again, burned incense and worshiped. After a while, another face slowly emerged in the smell of incense.

Disciple Yuanxu disturbed the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan, but the matter is very important and I have to ask for advice.

Repeatedly, he worshiped six ancient beings, and these beings promised to send people to send Yuanshi Daoqi. Only then did Taoist leader Yuanxu breathe a sigh of relief and whispered: In this way, the remaining Yuanshi Daoqi, It’s enough for me to reach the Yuanshi realm. These old guys have always been hiding good things and are reluctant to take them out! If they hadn’t seen the hope of opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos this time, they wouldn’t have been willing to bleed out!”

A few years later, a Taoist boy came to the Taoist Alliance and took out a treasure gourd containing the Yuanshi Daoqi. He told the leader of the Taoist Alliance: Senior Brother Yuanxu, this is the Yuanshi Daoqi given to you by Master Jisheng. It is used to Watering black jade Ganoderma lucidum cannot be used for other purposes.

The Taoist leader expressed his thanks.

Not long after that Taoist boy left, another Taoist boy came, but he came under the order of Great Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan to send Yuanshi Daoqi away.

Repeatedly, the leader of the Tao Alliance accumulated a lot of Yuanshi Dao Qi in his hands, and after watering the black jade Ganoderma, there was still a lot left, so he planned to retreat, with the intention of breaking through in one fell swoop and cultivating the Yuanshi Dao realm.

The black jade Ganoderma lucidum was watered by Yuanshi Daoqi, and it immediately burst out of the ground. It grew at an astonishing speed, getting taller and bigger, and the black innate immortal aura built its spiritual roots together, and its power became stronger and stronger!

Everyone in the Dao Alliance was very surprised when they saw it.

On the other side, the Lord of the Chaos Palace, Hun Tunsheng, came to the Great Rift Valley of the Chaos Sea, but he saw people from the Yi Alliance coming and going, and they actually had close contacts with the Chaos Lord.

Hutunsheng stepped forward.

This was originally the residence of the Chaos Lord. Later, the Chaos Lord Taihuang fought with Yuxu Tianzun. Unable to hold back, Taihuang split open this world-shattering rift valley with his sword.

Hutunsheng is no stranger to this place. He has been here several times. The last time he came here was to attack Xinzhou. Originally, Gu Daosheng came here first and tried to refine the new universe, but Yuan Weiyang resisted.

Yuan Weiyang raised the Lingque Bridge and almost killed Gu Daosheng. Only then did the five palace masters gather here to besiege Xinzhou.

However, the Chaos Bell was also here and almost killed the five hall masters.

Fortunately, Taoist leader Yuanxu came to the rescue in time, and the five palace masters were saved from death. But even if Yuanxu takes action himself, he cannot overcome the guardianship of the Chaos Bell Ye Lingque Bridge and cannot destroy the New Hunyuan Universe.

In addition, the strong men of the Yi League came to support Xinzhou and Chaos Bell after hearing the news, so the two sides were in a stalemate.

Yuanxu, the leader of the Taoist League, calculated that the Taoist League was in trouble and went back to support him. Only after returning did he find that Xu Ying was going on a killing spree in the Taoist League.

When Hun Tunsheng returned to his old place, he immediately attracted the hostile eyes of many powerful members of the Yi League. Immediately, many people came forward to fight, but before they could get close to Huntunsheng, they saw themselves spinning around and somehow falling into the sea of ​​chaos.

Huntun Sheng has reached the end of the path of chaos, don't act rashly!

Shen Tulun's voice came, calling several Yimen at the end of the avenue, and said with a solemn face, The Dao of Chaos is extremely difficult to cultivate. Once you succeed, you will be the first person under the Yuanshi Dao realm! Don't be reckless!

Hutunsheng had never dealt with him, but now that he saw him, he felt little interest.

At this time, a young man with fine features came forward, bowed from a distance and said, Are you Hutunsheng? Xu Daozu knew you were coming, so he asked me to come and invite you. Please come with me.

Hutunsheng was surprised and said, How did Xu Ying know that I would come?

The young man smiled and said: I don't know about this. Have you cultivated to the end of the path of chaos?

Hutunsheng saw that his cultivation was not weak, and he had cultivated several innate avenues to the level of Tao Master. It was very impressive, so he asked, Dare you ask me, my friend?

My name is Yuan Yu, and my Taoist name is Shengzun.

The young man led him to the Immortal Chaos Mountain. Hutunsheng looked around and saw that this place was different from when he left. Outside the Immortal Chaos Mountain, there were actually many more universes!

Among these universes are new universes, and there are also three realms with three overlapping universes. There are also other new universes, like lanterns of various sizes, hanging in the sea of ​​chaos.

Hutunsheng was inexplicably surprised. He looked at those universes and saw that they were all very young. They should be universes that were born not long ago!

I just don’t know why it appears here.

Hun Tunsheng followed the Holy Lord to the Chaos Immortal Palace. In the chaotic sea in front of him, a majestic Yuan Shen was disappearing and disappearing in the sea. A pair of palms kept slapping an extremely large bell.

That was the spirit of Promise, beating the Chaos Clock.

Holy Lord Yuan Yu said: The Chaos Bell has experienced countless battles since the first generation of Chaos Lord. It does not know how to practice, cannot heal itself, and has accumulated too many Dao injuries. Xu Daozu is helping it treat Dao injuries and let it Back to peak condition.”

Hutunsheng's heart suddenly hit him. The Chaos Clock was so powerful even though it was not in its peak state. How great would it be if he returned to his peak?

At this time, Xu Ying's voice was heard coming from the Immortal Palace: Fellow Taoist Huntun is here? Please come quickly!

Hun Tunsheng followed the Holy Lord as he walked into the hall, and almost bumped into Xu Ying. Just as he was about to greet him, he saw Xu Ying apologize and leave in a hurry.

Hun Tunsheng was shocked when he saw several more Xu Ying walking out of the Immortal Palace. They looked hurriedly and ran away without even saying hello to him.

Hun Tunsheng was stunned, seeing Xu Ying everywhere in the Chaos Immortal Palace. People were coming and going, noisy, and extremely busy, but they were exchanging Taoist and magical powers.

There was also Xu Ying who was refining weapons and became very angry and shouted: Why should I do hard work while you study Taoism?

There is also Xu Ying who is writing fast, writing and drawing, transcribing various insights.

The Immortal Palace was in chaos, except for Xu Ying, who was sitting on a rocking chair, shaking his feather fan slowly, very carefree.

This must be the true body of promise!

Hutunsheng was about to step forward when suddenly a loud sound of earth shattering came from the chaotic sea. He hurriedly looked up and was stunned.

I saw an extremely vast promise in the sea of ​​chaos swinging away from the sea of ​​chaos, with eight reincarnations spinning endlessly in front of me and behind me!

In the eight reincarnations, there are countless promises standing, each holding a big bell. As the bell oscillates, the sky and the earth are created in the sea, and a universe is created!

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