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Chapter 993 Suspicious by nature

The leader of Yi Alliance, Wu Zheng, came to Chaos Fairy Mountain alone. From a distance, he saw Xu Ying leading many masters to greet him. He quickly smiled and said: How dare you come here rashly to work on your jade toes? I'm afraid, I'm afraid.

The two of them bowed to each other and promised, Master Wu is also going to help Dao leader Yuanxu see the Dao?

Wu Zheng smiled and said: Yuanxu claims to be the leader of the Dao Alliance, and he does everything to pursue the Dao. If he cultivates to Yuanshi, I am afraid that countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos will suffer! Therefore, no matter what, we must send him to meet the Dao.

Xu Ying smiled and said, That's exactly what I meant. Since we all have the same goal, why not go together. What do you think of the Martial Alliance?

Wu Zheng said solemnly: How dare you refuse the invitation from the Lord of Chaos?

Xu Ying was pleased and said to everyone: I will go to the Dao League with the leader of the Wu League, and I must let Yuanxu confer the head. You stay here and wait for my return.

He took out the Chaos Bell and handed it to Yuan Weiyang, saying: Since the leader of the Martial Alliance is helping, there is no need to bring the Chaos Bell. The Chaos Bell will stay here to guard against sneak attacks by the Dao Alliance.

Yuan Weiyang said yes.

Xu Ying and Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, walked out of the Chaos Fairy Mountain and walked side by side. Wu Zheng admired the magnificent scenery here, but saw more than a thousand universes hanging outside the Great Rift Valley. The avenues showed different colors in these universes, which were extremely gorgeous. .

Fellow Daoist Xu, your Chaos Immortal Palace has begun to take shape. These universes are not the universes bred by the spiritual roots of Chaos, but were developed with tremendous magic power. They are equivalent to each Hunyuan universe and have a long lifespan.

Wu Zheng exclaimed, Fellow Daoist Xu is not only recreating the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but also creating one Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty after another!

Brother Taoist is so complimentary.

Xu Ying said humbly, I just learned and used the methods of Yuxu Tianzun and Taihuang, and I didn't achieve much. As for the creation of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, now that the Chaos Sea has to be destroyed and opened up, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is even more of a joke.

While talking, the two left the Great Rift Valley.

Although the two of them were not fast, they were fast, and they talked about Taoism and magical powers along the way. Wu Zheng asked: Fellow Daoist Xu, can the Dao Alliance completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: I thought that the Dao Alliance could not open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, but there are others who opened up the Sea of ​​Chaos. These people are the ancient beings behind the Dao Alliance. They live in the cemetery of the universe, Because it is too old, it has been tainted with misfortune.

He lifted the head of the Unbounded Patriarch, looked at the extinguishing sky fire between the Unbounded Patriarch's eyebrows, and said: They should have experienced the ultimate sublimation battle of the first generation of Chaos Lords. They discovered that the Cosmic Cemetery was actually because of this battle. And the calamity dissipates, and the Chaos Sea becomes younger.

When Wu Zheng heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he said: So, they want to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, and use this ultimate sublimation to completely dissipate their misfortune!

Xu Ying nodded and said: I thought they might have made attempts in this area before. For example, the atrium should be their first attempt. But that time, their attempt was interrupted by the sixth generation Chaos Lord. The sixth generation The Chaos Lord also died because of this. Since then, they have known that if the Chaos Lord is around, they will not be able to make the next attempt. Especially the subsequent generation of Chaos Lord Tai Huang is even more powerful, making them dare not Something happened. But fortunately, Chaos Lord Taihuang and Yuxu Tianzun often discussed Taoism, giving them an opportunity to take advantage of.

Wu Zheng's eyes flashed and he said: After they destroyed the atrium, they supported the Dao Alliance to deal with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. However, because of the Chaos Lord Taihuang, the Dao Alliance has always been difficult to grow and cannot deal with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Take action. Chaos Lord Taihuang and Yuxu Tianzun both suffered losses, giving them a chance. They took the opportunity to plot against Taihuang and Yuxu, and they both fell together. At this time, it is the best time to attack the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said with a smile: The battle between Yuxu Tianzun and Taihuang mobilized the Void Avenue, causing a void tide in a universe called Tianjing, causing the avenue to ebb. Therefore, a Tianjing native named Gong Daochuan I plan to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos to find a way out of the catastrophe. But this Gong Daochuan is an abandoned son and traitor of the Dao Alliance. The fate here is really wonderful.

He laughed, but a series of images flashed through his mind, such as the Taoist Master transferring the calamity to the other shore, the other shore harvesting other universes, and the three green rocks blasting through the three realms of heaven, earth, and man to bring down the calamity.

During this period, the Eighth Young Master also gave a Chaos Lotus to Xu Ying, and Xu Ying used the Chaos Lotus to save all sentient beings in the Hunyuan Universe.

All of this suddenly seemed like chaos, but now it seems that there are traces to follow.

Wu Zheng didn't understand why he mentioned Gong Daochuan, and continued: Yuxu Tianzun and the Taihuang died at the same time, but they put Yuxu Tianzun into the black coffin, but they didn't see the Taihuang's body. So over the years they We have been searching for the life or death of the Emperor Tai. The Chaos Bell acted on behalf of the Chaos Lord and looked for his successor. By the time the Dao Alliance found out that the Emperor Tai was dead, Xu Daoyou was already the Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying smiled and said: The origin of all this is because these old monsters from the Yuanshi Realm want to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos. Therefore, in the future, if the Chaos Spiritual Roots really swallow up the Sea of ​​Chaos, it will turn into a huge cosmic flood. Source, these Yuanshi Realm existences will definitely take action to open up this flood source.

Wu Zheng nodded slightly and sighed: By then, the Sea of ​​Chaos will dry up, and all the universe will be rootless trees and sourceless water, which will surely be annihilated. Countless living beings and countless monks will die as a result.

He was pitiful and said: So no matter what, we must stop the Dao Alliance!

Xu Ying smiled and said: The best way to stop the Dao Alliance is to prevent them from swallowing the Sea of ​​Chaos, so I will take the cause and effect on myself. If the Dao Alliance wants to swallow the Sea of ​​Chaos, they must have a complete Black Jade Ganoderma lucidum , must swallow all the energy of chaos. Therefore, they must kill me first.

Wu Zheng said sincerely: Fellow Taoist, for the sake of the safety of the Chaos Sea, you risk your own life and use yourself as bait. I really admire you.

Xu Ying said: The Taoist Alliance wants to drain the pond. As a fish in the pond, you have to resist. By the way, how did the leader of the Wu Alliance know that Yuanxu is about to reach the Yuanshi Realm?

Wu Zheng showed doubts.

Xu Ying held the head of Wujie Patriarch and said with a smile: I can sense that Yuanxu is about to reach Yuanshi Realm because I regard myself as the source of Yu Ruyi, pulling the power of the Chaos Sea and absorbing the power of the Chaos Sea. Entering the body, thus forming an undying karma with the Dao Alliance. If the Dao Alliance wants to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, it must first kill me and let me repay the karma of the Sea of ​​Chaos. With this karma, I can sense Entering the realm of Yuanxu’s cultivation.”

When Wu Zheng heard this, he was in awe and said, Fellow Taoist, you have good intentions.

Xu Ying grasped the scalp of the Unbounded Patriarch with his palms. In the center of the white-haired man's eyebrows, the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana slowly grew stronger. He smiled and said, Brother Taoist, can you tell me how you know Yuanxu's advanced level of cultivation?

Wu Zheng looked calm and said: There is an existence of the Yuanshi Realm behind the Dao Alliance. Our Yimeng has been able to fight against the Dao Alliance for so many years, so naturally we have the support of the existence of the Yuanshi Realm. That existence told me that the leader of the Dao Alliance, Yuanxu, is about to achieve the Yuanshi Realm. , let me try to destroy it.”

Xu Ying smiled broadly and said, Could this Yuanshi Realm being also come from the Cosmic Cemetery?

Wu Zheng nodded, not hiding anything, and said: This old man comes from the Universe Cemetery, and has a high status in the cemetery. He is called Xuanhuang Tianzun. Could it be that fellow Taoist Xu has doubts about my identity? I can set up a trap Altar, please come to Xuanhuang Tianzun.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment, then said with a smile: I'm just being suspicious. Please ask Taoist brother to set up an altar and invite Xuanhuang Tianzun to come.

Wu Zheng smiled and said: Fellow Taoist is really cautious. Our Yimeng and Daomeng are on the same side and have deep hatred. Could it be that fellow Taoist suspects that I have colluded with Daomeng?

He shook his head and laughed, set up the altar, burned it and offered blessings.

Xu Ying stood behind him, watching him perform the sacrifice, and said with a smile: Brother Dao, how does Xuanhuang Tianzun behind you know that Yuanxu is about to reach the Yuanshi realm?

Wu Zheng stiffened and said with a smile: This is beyond my ability to know. The Yuanshi realm has vast magical powers, which are better than those of Taoism. I guess they have their own methods.

But I saw the fragrance curling up, and an extremely ancient face slowly appeared in the scent of incense.

Wu Zheng bowed and said: Tianzun, the Lord of Chaos would like to ask how Tianzun knew that the leader of the Dao Alliance Yuanxu was about to achieve the Dao Yuanshi Realm.

The ancient face in the incense fell on Xu Ying and said in a deep voice: It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Xu. Yuanxu's realization of the Dao Yuanshi Realm has caused the Dao induction of the Chaos Sea, which is impossible for ordinary Dao to detect. But for the old man, it is It’s not difficult.”

Xu Ying said quickly: I am suspicious. Brother Xuanhuang, please forgive me.

The ancient face smiled and said: I don't know what's wrong. I asked Wu Zheng to go find you and deal with Yuanxu together. There are two factions in the cosmic cemetery. One faction advocates the complete opening up of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the other advocates not intervening in the Sea of ​​Chaos. . I just can’t stand the fellow Taoists who opened up the Sea of ​​Chaos and ignored the lives of all living beings, so I went against them. I hope the Lord of Chaos will learn from it.”

Xu Ying said seriously: Thank you, Brother Dao, for clearing up the confusion.

The faces in the incense confessed their sins and disappeared.

Xu Ying lowered his guard, took away the white-haired head, and said with a smile: Leader Wu, I am paranoid, please forgive me.

Wu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist is the Lord of Chaos and has a very important stake. You should be careful in your actions.

The two of them continued walking and walked like this for more than ten days. While chatting about Taoism, they also talked about some past events of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying sighed quietly and said with a desolate expression: Di Chen finally walked on the path prepared by Di Zhao for him. He has always wanted to escape from Di Zhao's control, but he has never been able to escape.

Wu Zheng asked curiously: Why does Xu Daoyou always miss Di Chen so much?

Maybe it's because I was harvested like him in my early years.

Xu Ying said sadly, I have been harvested too many times, and I have seen many geniuses being harvested and turned into skins. Therefore, I am always a little sad about Di Chen being harvested.

Wu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: As long as you send Yuan Xu to see Da Dao, there will be no more harvesting.

Just as he said this, he suddenly felt alarmed. Xu Ying next to him suddenly attacked him!

The moment Xu Ying took action, the nine paths moved and changed continuously, forming the vision of nine universes changing continuously!

His agility and sneak attacks combined with his magical powers overwhelmed Wu Zheng in an instant!

Without thinking, Wu Zheng swayed like a ghost, his fingers and palms flew, and passed through Xu Ying's magical power. The next moment, his palm was printed on Xu Ying's chest!


Xu Ying's clothes were torn to pieces, a palm print appeared, and he flew away.

Wu Zheng was shocked and angry, and shouted: Fellow Daoist Xu, what are you going to do?

Xu Ying slid in the sea of ​​chaos, trying his best to stabilize his body, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and raised his head and said: The moves I used were those of Emperor Chen. When Emperor Chen opened the coffin of Emperor Zhao, he found that there was no body of Emperor Zhao inside. It's the tomb of clothes. Emperor Zhao used his clothes to duel Di Chen in the air, and the clothes defeated Di Chen's move.

Wu Zheng exhaled a breath and said, What you just used was Di Chen's move?

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Wu Zheng asked: What about what I used?

Xu Ying said: The moves performed by that set of clothes. Even the positions where Di Chen and I were hit are exactly the same.

Wu Zheng frowned slightly, and after a moment, he said: Dao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu can see the flaw in Di Chen's magical power, and naturally I can also see it.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: You are wrong. The source of Emperor Chen's magical powers is the imprint of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi. The imprint of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi is the source of the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties. The cultivation of the Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties, each No one is weaker than you and me, and their magical power is not easy to break. With Di Chen, their master, the magical power is even more difficult to break. There is only one person who can break his magical power in a short period of time.

This person is the owner of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, also known as Emperor Zhao!

When Xu Ying said this, he said, Di Chen once tested the Taoist skills of Taoist leader Yuanxu in front of me. He used his magical power and was broken by Yuanxu in one move, so he concluded that Yuanxu was Di Zhao. Now I use his magical power in front of you, but you break it with one move, so it can be concluded that you are also the emperor!

When Wu Zheng heard this, he was silent for a moment, sighed, and said: I see. Di Chen has been dead for a long time, and his Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has also been extinct for a long time. Why is his ghost still lingering?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Who would have thought that the Dao Alliance and the Yi Alliance are incompatible with water and fire, but the leader of the Dao Alliance Yuanxu and the leader of the Yi Alliance Wu Zheng are actually the same person? What if the Chaos Lord can be lured to the Dao Alliance to deal with Yuanxu together? At that time, Alliance Leader Wu suddenly killed him and solved the great problem of Chaos Lord in one fell swoop. Then Wu Zheng and Yuanxu merged into one, breaking through and establishing Yuanshi in one fell swoop. I think he must be famous for moving the Chaos Sea, and everyone talks about it.

Wu Zheng sighed again and said, It's a pity that I'm still a little short of luring you over. You are too suspicious.

Xu Ying rubbed the palm print on his chest and said: I chose to let you sacrifice and invite Xuanhuang Tianzun to confirm your words, just to make you relax your vigilance. If you relax your vigilance, you will inadvertently use it to deal with Di Chen That move.

Wu Zheng frowned slightly.

And I am here because this place is still one day away from the Dao Alliance. Even if I expose this matter, Yuanxu will not be able to arrive here in time to rescue you. And during this time, I am enough to kill you.

Xu Ying smiled and said, After killing you, I will be completely sure to kill Yuanxu again!

Wu Zheng laughed loudly, his eyes fell on the palm print on his chest, and said leisurely: You were hit by me and you were severely injured. Xu Ying, your suspicious character saved you, but it also harmed you. You don’t have the strength to fight against me now!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the waves in the Sea of ​​Chaos became fierce, the waves of anger surged, and the undercurrents surged. Another promise slowly walked out of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Wu Zheng's heart tightened, but he saw in the sea of ​​chaos around him, one promise after another walked out of the sea of ​​chaos one after another, standing silently around him.


The sea of ​​chaos suddenly turbulent, and then an extremely bright halo shrouded these promises and the injured promise just now!

The halo rotated, bursting out with endless Dao power, and then the surrounding sea of ​​chaos suddenly became extremely clear, and the avenue was like clouds, empty and empty, floating there.

Wu Zheng saw halos rising one after another, and in the halo were promises one by one. Then in the sway of the sea of ​​chaos, an extremely huge promise slowly raised its head and straightened its waist in front of him.

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