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Chapter 975 Atrium Boundary Ruins

Li Xiao showed doubts: Can a Taoist master also learn the magical power of Yuanshi? I don't believe it. Even the end of the road of our Yimeng can't learn such magical powers.

Xu Ying smiled and said: The end of the road of the Yimeng and the road of the Daomen are the same. They are both the end of the chicken road. They can't learn it, but I can learn it. Isn't it natural?

Before Li Xiao could speak, Demon Lord Wu Yin came over and said angrily: You said that the end of the road of our Yi League is full of chickens?

Xu Ying quickly corrected him: I'm not just talking about the Yi League, but also the Dao League. You are all chickens. Not only you, but also the other ends of the road in the sea of ​​chaos, including the existence of the Yuanshi Realm, are just looking up at the sky. , a chicken waiting for food to fall from the sky.”

Demon Lord Wu Yin laughed angrily: You said that there are chickens at the end of all roads? Alliance leader, the person named Xu said that you are a chicken!

Wu Zheng smiled and said nothing.

Xu Ying explained to Wu Yin the origin of the phrase the end of the road and said: Wu Yin, you are the end of the road, so are you the end of all roads? Is there anyone who can go further than you on this road?

Demon Lord Wu Yin thought for a moment and admitted angrily: Okay, I am a chicken! But the alliance leader is definitely not a chicken. The nine paths of martial alliance leader are all at the end of the road!

Xu Yingxiao asked: Has the cultivation path of Nirvana been exhausted by the leader of Wu Alliance? Has the cultivation path of chaos been exhausted? Has the cultivation path of Void Avenue been exhausted?

Demon Lord Wu Yin was stunned. After a moment, he shouted loudly: Leader Wu, you are also a chicken!

Wu Zheng had a dark face and ignored him.

And Fellow Daoist Shen, Fellow Daoist Hu, you are all chickens! Wu Yin shouted.

He was afraid that everyone would not understand, so he ran forward and patiently explained to everyone.

Along the way, everyone looked gloomy. Only Wu Yin shouted, telling everyone in the Yimeng that you are all the masters of the chicken path and the master of the chicken path.

Finally, they arrived at the battle site between the Taoist leader and Di Chen.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that this place was a ruin in the sea of ​​chaos. It was ancient and full of decay and decay.

It should be the wreckage of a universe, but its scale is too large, tens of thousands of times larger than the wreckage of a normal universe, floating in the sea of ​​chaos. The strange black mountains on the mainland are intertwined and extremely sharp.

Strange place... Xu Ying muttered.

Fellow Daoist Xu, this is called the Zhongting Boundary Ruins.

Wu Zheng smiled and said, According to legend, this place is the relic of an extremely ancient empire, which was left behind after its demise. That ancient empire was called Zhongting. It once ruled thousands of universes and had a long destiny, but it eventually perished.

He took the first step towards the dark mountains below.

Even the Nirvana Sky Fire cannot destroy everything in this empire, so this atrium ruins is left behind. This ruins is tens of thousands of universes smelted together by the Nirvana Sky Fire. Some things cannot be incinerated. The strange substance formed because of this. Wu Zhengdao.

Xu Ying walked out of the building, followed his footsteps, and also looked at the materials that made up the ruins of the atrium.

This kind of material is neither gold, iron, copper, or tin in the world, nor is it a strange stone from chaos. It is very strange and extremely filthy. It contains a catastrophic fate that cannot be annihilated and is difficult to refine into a treasure. Such misfortune, I'm afraid it's a huge cause and effect.

Therefore, even though this thing is in chaos, no one takes it away.

The ruins of the universe will gradually flow to the inner periphery of the Sea of ​​Chaos as the Sea of ​​Chaos circulates, becoming part of the cemetery of the universe.

Wu Zheng walked in front and said, It's just that this process is quite long. But the strange thing is that the Zhongting Ruins have not moved.

Xu Ying couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and asked: All cosmic ruins will eventually flow to the cosmic cemetery. Why do the ruins of the Zhongting Realm stay here?

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a black mountain towering above the sky, extending upward in a winding manner, deep into the sea of ​​chaos, rugged like a dragon coiling around, and looking extremely dazzling.

It is extremely thick and plunges into the sea of ​​chaos, like a black dragon entering the sea!

What is this? Xu Ying frowned slightly, seeing how extraordinary this black mountain was.

It is not a mountain, but a chaotic spiritual root that emerged from the annihilating sky fire after the annihilation of the atrium.

Wu Zheng was also looking up at the Black Mountain, and continued walking towards the Black Mountain, saying, This spiritual root is bigger than the Chaos Dao Tree in my Great Flowing Light Realm. It is so sparse and unimaginable. This is why I said, The reason why the Chaos Dao Tree is not the first spiritual root in the Chaos Sea. This thing is the reason why the Zhongting Realm Ruins cannot move to the Cosmic Cemetery.

Xu Ying knew how huge the Chaos Dao Tree was. If the Chaos Spiritual Roots in the atrium were still there, they would be even bigger and more powerful!

If this thing formed a cosmic flood source, how huge would this flood source be?

He murmured, When this cosmic source opens up and turns into a complete universe, what scale will it be like?

Xu Ying calmed down. He could no longer imagine how big the scale of this universe would be.

He could tell that this chaotic spiritual root had actually died long ago, leaving only the black mountain-like rhizome. Since the spiritual root was dead, Hong Yuan naturally died without growing up.

Suddenly, Di Chen's voice came: The spiritual root of Zhongting Realm Ruins is too strong. It was born from the energy of tens of thousands of universes after their death. The source of the universe that it was born from also gathered the energy of these tens of thousands of universes. energy. I’m afraid this thing can no longer be developed naturally and requires man-made efforts.”

Everyone followed the sound and saw the fleet of tower ships, like two long dragons, sailing out of the void one after another. One by one, the tower ships escorted an extremely gorgeous Nine Phoenix Emperor's chariot out of the void.

Di Chen was sitting under the magnificent canopy. The canopy was golden and contained the boundless starry sky inside. It was extremely bright, as if there was a universe hidden in it!

Di Chen sat dangerously, like an emperor who combined the majesty of the Chaos Sea, towering above everything else.

Wu Zheng, Lord of the Righteous Alliance, comes to see His Majesty. Wu Zheng smiled and greeted.

Di Chen stood up from the imperial chariot and returned the greeting: Xiao Ke's matter is that the leader of the labor alliance is in charge. I feel very uneasy.

After saying that, his eyes fell on Xu Ying, he nodded slightly and said, Fellow Daoist Xu.

Xu Ying nodded in return, his heart moved slightly as he remembered the story of how he opened up the flood source of the universe on the other side. At that time, because the power of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax was too strong, the cosmic flood source on the other side was too large to be opened naturally. Xu Ying and the ancestral gods thus opened up the world and gained the great merit of opening up the other side.

The spiritual roots of the Zhongting Realm Ruins are too strong, and its cosmic flood source cannot be opened normally. Only the help of experts can open up this realm.

If the cosmic flood source here grows, I'm afraid no one will be able to open up this flood source. Even the Yuanshi Realm may not be able to do it.

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, continued the previous topic and said with a smile, If the cosmic flood source in the atrium matures, then this universe must be the first universe in the Chaos Sea, and the Taoism must be extremely prosperous. However, who can open it up?

Di Chen said: It didn't have a chance to mature, so this chaotic spiritual root was cut off and taken away, and it disappeared.

He looked up at the spiritual root that had turned into a black mountain, and said: Back then, this spiritual root must have attracted the covetousness of countless people who wanted to get it. The battle surrounding this spiritual root was probably extremely dangerous and fierce. Those who captured the spiritual root must have I don’t know who it is, but I guess it won’t be a nobody.”

Xu Ying smiled and said: No matter who is the person who seizes this treasure, he will definitely use it. If the spiritual root is not used, then what reason is there to fight for it? Therefore, I conclude that this treasure will definitely appear in this world.

Di Chen said: However, the battle for the spiritual root in the Zhongting Realm Ruins was a long time ago. This spiritual root has been missing since then, and has not been seen for trillions of years in later generations. This treasure is probably It has been destroyed in the history of the Sea of ​​Chaos.”

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but sigh a little.

At this time, the sound of the Chaos Bell came into his mind: The root of Chaos in the Zhongting Realm Ruins is called Linggan. During the period of the sixth generation of Chaos Lord, it was cut off by the source of the sixth generation of Chaos Lord and turned into Linggan Bridge. .Later, Daoyuan died in battle and Lingque Bridge disappeared.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he asked: This chaotic spiritual root was cut off by the source of the Chaos Lord? Why was it cut off?

Chaos Bell said: If this spiritual root grows, no one will be able to open up the flood source of its birth. The flood source will continue to grow, and the spiritual root will continue to swallow up the sea of ​​chaos, getting bigger and bigger. Eventually, this thing will swallow the entire chaos. The sea therefore needs to be cut off.”

It is too big to open up and will only become a burden to the Chaos Sea.

Suddenly, the voice of Taoist leader Yuanxu resounded throughout the courtyard: Yuanxu is late. Please wait with your Majesty and fellow Taoists. Apologize, accuse!

Everyone looked around and saw Dao Alliance Leader Yuanxu, Dao Alliance Nine Halls, and other hall masters approaching. The light at the end of the avenue illuminated the Chaos Sea one by one!

Behind their heads, visions of thousands of universes formed, which were the wonders of the different universes formed by the nine evidences of different avenues!

When they came, it was as if the end of the road was coming towards them, which was both sacred and oppressive!

Although there were many people in the Yimeng, they were far inferior to those in the Daomeng at the end of the road. At this time, they were suddenly suppressed by the momentum of the Daomeng!

Not only was the Yi Alliance suppressed, but even the fleet of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was suppressed by the Dao Alliance!

Only the three strongest beings, the Dao Alliance Leader, Di Chen and Wu Zheng, with their respective auras blooming and fighting against each other, were not suppressed by the Dao Alliance's many avenues. Instead, they had the momentum to suppress everyone else!

Xu Ying asked quietly: Your Majesty, who decided the place for the decisive battle between you and the Taoist leader?

Di Chen said: I will decide the time, and Yuanxu will decide the place.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: The leader of the Dao Alliance has decided to fight here... Your Majesty, are you sure that the leader of the Dao Alliance Yuan Xu is the first generation of the Immortal Emperor of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, Emperor Zhao?

Di Chen said calmly: The only person in the world who can defeat my magical power with one move, except for the existence of Yuanshi Realm, is Di Zhao.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and looked at the huge black mountain that inserted into the Chaotic Sea. He felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart and said via voice transmission: Does Mr. Zhong know anything about Lingque Bridge?

Of course I understand. When the sixth generation of Chaos Lord Daoyuan refined this treasure, I was by the side. Chaos Zhong said.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he smiled: So, does Mr. Zhong know how to send and receive sacrifices?

It's natural.

If Lingque Bridge appears, can you take it back?

Chaos Bell was a little confused and said: I am just a mouth bell, a magic weapon. How can I take back another magic weapon?

Xu Ying smiled: This is simple. Master Zhong, come and teach me how to do it.

The big clock responded, flew out of the universe in his body, came under the Chaos Bell, and said cautiously: Master Zhong, Xiao Zhong is the founder of magic weapon cultivation, and I will teach you the method of magic weapon cultivation. Look, you give it to me Kneel one, or should I kowtow one for you?

The leader of the Taoist Alliance smiled and said nothing, his eyes falling on Di Chen.

Di Chen's face was expressionless, but he seemed to feel the pressure, and his momentum became stronger and stronger.

The leader of the Yi Alliance, Wu Zheng, who had been competing with them for strength before, saw this situation, immediately withdrew, and his aura quickly fell back, just like a normal person, allowing the leader of the Dao Alliance and Di Chen to fight, and said with a smile: I just came to watch the ceremony, so as not to We are mainly guests. Two fellow Taoists, please come.

This battle is the most critical battle in the lives of the Taoist Alliance Leader and Di Chen. The Taoist Alliance Leader Jiu Dao Xian Zhen has already reached the state of Great Perfection. He is at the end of the avenue and is a leader in the Taoist Alliance.

And Di Chen was the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor back then, a genius who broke the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi and refined the Taoist methods of the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors contained in the Dao Tianxi, and his cultivation strength reached an unprecedented height!

This battle between the two is not only to resolve the long-cherished wish of the Dao Alliance and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but also an attempt to reach a higher realm!

Yuanshi Realm is their goal!

Di Zhao, Su Yinghong.

Di Chen's eyes fell on the leader of the Tao Alliance and said quietly, The first generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, Guangfeng Jiyue, was a man with great ambitions, perseverance, courage and great wisdom. He founded the Immortal Dynasty and ruled the chaos. Thousands of universes in the sea were aware of the calamity of the Hunyuan Universe, so they refined the secret method and took the initiative to incorporate the calamity into themselves. He was a person at the end of the road, but he died in the place of all living beings with his own annihilation. How noble and honorable was he?

His eyes were full of admiration, and he said: He refined the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, passed it on to the next generation of Immortal Emperors, and set the rules that the Immortal Emperors must die with their own annihilation for all living beings. Is this the case for all the Immortal Emperors of the past generations? , passing down the fire from generation to generation, and it will last forever. I was inspired by this story, fought for it, and finally defeated the heroes and became the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor of this generation. Unfortunately, all of this is a lie.

His eyes gradually became cold, and he fixed his eyes on Yuan Xu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, and said: Di Zhao, today's duel between you and me is not only to resolve the old grudge between the Dao Alliance and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but also to kill the last obsession in Dao's heart. The battle with hatred was the beginning of the beginning! Do you think there is no cause and effect in the Chaos Sea? The cause you made will have negative consequences today.

Yuan Xu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, shook his head and said: It would be best if the old grudge between the Dao Alliance and the Immortal Dynasty can be resolved by a battle between you and me. It's just that your Majesty mistakenly thought that I was the emperor, which is a bit ridiculous. What's more, , it would be unwise for Your Majesty to fight with me. It would be fine if Your Majesty wins, but if he loses and dies, what will the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty do? Without Your Majesty, wouldn’t it be necessary to bear the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty? Pushing it to extinction?

He showed a look of compassion: In that case, wouldn't your Majesty be a sinner?

Di Chen said calmly: You want to mess with my Taoist mind? To be honest, I have already chosen my successor.

Xu Ying smiled and said to Li Xiao: I am the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor.

Li Xiao snorted and lowered his voice: Are you still tricking me into going to the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

Di Chen continued: He will take the initiative to sacrifice himself to complete the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. In his hands, the Immortal Dynasty will continue to prosper. As for you, if your body dies and your Taoism disappears, how will the Taoist Alliance survive?

Li Xiao glanced at Xu Ying, only to see that Xu Ying's face was a little dark, and he laughed softly: Di Chen chose you to be the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. It turns out that he has bad intentions and wants you to be the scapegoat!

Xu Ying snorted and looked around. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw a familiar figure. He complained to Wu Zheng and said with a smile: I'm going to see an old friend.

Wu Zheng frowned, but couldn't stop him, so he could only watch as he walked towards the palace masters of the Dao Alliance.

The palace masters of the Dao League halls were filled with murderous intent as they watched Xu Ying approach.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye to them, and went straight to a woman in green with a graceful figure and a peach-like face, and said with a smile: Master Jin Yu, you are polite. Evil Taoist, you are polite.

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: After this battle, I will leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and return to the Great Void. Fellow Daoist Xu, you are already the Lord of Chaos. Are you sure you will go with me?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile: Chaos Lord is just a name in vain, what is there to cherish? I will go with you!

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