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Chapter 974 The Original Dow Index

The cause and effect, calamity, and killings in this sea area are so intense, which shows that even those who exist in the Yuanshi Realm will be affected by the causation, calamity, luck, and killings in the chaotic state!

The existence of the Yuanshi Realm was affected by the fate of Karma and the killings. The confrontation here left a forbidden area of ​​​​the avenue!

This discovery made Xu Ying's heart feel cold.

Even the existence of the Yuanshi Realm is affected by the calamity. Is there any way to get rid of the calamity?

If the Yuanshi Realm is also in danger, then how should we protect the Three Realms?

He had a dejected feeling. It was difficult for a person in the Yuanshi Realm to save himself, so how could he save others? How to save your own universe?

In the Yuanshi Realm, you shouldn't have gotten the truth of the Great Dao, right?

Hope ignited in Xu Ying's heart again, and he whispered, Whether it is chaos or void, or disaster and destruction, they are all forms of the true Tao. As long as you get the true Tao, you can get rid of the disaster. Affected by bad luck!

At this time, many ships and chariots of the Yi League took a detour, leaving only the leaders of the Yi League, Wu Zheng, Shen Tulun and a few others. They are the mainstay of the Yi Alliance and the strongest. They plan to travel through this area to check the existence of the conflict in the Yuanshi Realm.

Shen Tulun and others frowned when they saw Taoist Zuo Lian urging the boat to come.

Xu Ying was the only one on Zuo Lian's ship who had the strength to cross this sea area, and Xu Ying only had this strength thanks to the Chaos Bell. Unexpectedly, he was so bold that he planned to take other people on the boat across!

The existence of the Yuanshi Realm is very rare, and the existence of the Yuanshi Realm is even more rare. Let's go in and explore the secrets.

Wu Zheng said, Everyone, be careful and follow me closely.

He abandoned the boat and walked into the sea first. Others also put away their chariots, boats and other treasures. Shen Tulun sacrificed the Tao tree, and several others also sacrificed their magic weapons, forming a Taoist field to protect themselves. .

Everyone stood at the end of the avenue, with the light lingering, following Wu Zheng.

However, when they entered this sea area, the Dao light around them suddenly stopped. Suddenly, the layers of Dao light seemed to be suppressed, shrinking continuously, barely protecting themselves!

Xu Ying and others even saw Dao Jin, a member of the Yimen League, shaking and almost falling!

This person adjusted his own avenue and formed the vision of the nine avenues and the universe, and then he could barely stabilize his body. However, the universe of the nine great avenues is like a candle in the wind, swaying uncertainly and obviously unable to last.

Leader Wu, fellow Taoists, I don't have enough moral integrity, so I won't go with you. The man stopped and said apologetically.

Friend Daoist She, stay.

Leader Wu turned around and said, You and the others will take a detour to protect them.

The man said yes and turned to leave.

Seeing this situation, Taoist Master Zuolian felt a sudden thought and planned to put away the boat. Xu Ying shook his head and said, No need.

Taoist Master Zuo Lian hesitated for a moment and whispered, Has Fellow Daoist Xu's cultivation reached this point?

Xu Ying smiled and said: My cultivation is not as good as Dao End, but it is not far behind. Moreover, I know much more than Dao End.

The old Cuiyan building boat sailed into this sea area, but nothing happened, and the Dao power around it was still abundant!

Taoist Master Zuolian felt that all the avenues were running normally without any sluggishness, and he was amazed in his heart.

Others, even Leader Wu, came to this sea area and were greatly suppressed. It is really strange that their ship can sail safely.

Could it be the function of the Chaos Clock? He secretly glanced at the Chaos Clock hanging above Xu Ying's head.

Li Xiao also raised his head and looked at the Chaos Clock, wondering and wondering, Could Junior Brother Xu really be the Chaos Lord?

The Chaos Clock rotates leisurely, not caring about the problems in their minds. Anyway, it exerts no power at all and is leisurely.

Wu Zheng, Shen Tulun and others watched the building boat approaching slowly, each frowning. This ship does not seem to be traveling in the sea of ​​chaos, but rather seems to be traveling in the great void, giving people an illusory and hazy feeling.

Wu Zheng said in a deep voice: Everyone, be careful. The magical powers left behind by the existence of the Yuanshi Realm are extremely terrifying. If you see anything weird nearby, remember not to get close!

Just as he was talking, a pillar of light appeared in front of him. The golden light was extremely dazzling. The Sea Ding Needle of the Chaos Sea suddenly appeared in this sea area.

Wu Zheng was in front, approaching cautiously. The closer he got, the brighter and thicker the light beam became.

Wu Zheng sensed the danger, paused, and nodded slightly to everyone. Shen Tulun, Qi Youhua and others quickly approached slowly.

Are you coming to the boat? Li Xiao asked kindly and concerned.

They were all prominent figures in the Yi League, far beyond what she, Tongtian and Zuo Lian could compare to, and they looked a little worried when they heard this.

No need, we can do it ourselves. Demon Lord Wu Yin said.

The Cuiyan Tower boat sailed past them and passed them, leaving everyone behind.

While everyone was resisting the increasing pressure, they moved forward. Two more Yi League masters couldn't hold on and had to stop, feeling quite aggrieved.

No one on the boat is at the end of the road, yet they can run so far. One person shook his head, feeling that this sea of ​​chaos was really absurd.

Another person said: The strength of Chaos Bell is too strong, and it is more than enough to protect them. I can't envy them.

I can't envy you!

Xu Ying protected the Cuiyan building and came to Wu Zheng, but he did not go too far. He stopped when he reached Wu Zheng and did not move forward.

Wu Zheng glanced at him and said, Fellow Taoist Xu, please take a look. This is a great avenue that we have never seen before!

Xu Ying looked at the light in front of him, and his heart moved slightly: Jade Xu Tianzun's strange way!

What makes up this pillar of light is none other than the heretic!

Xu Ying first understood the different ways from the Yuanshi Dao Qi in the black coffin. After cultivating the acquired Dao to the Tao Master realm, his Taoism improved, and the different ways also increased accordingly.

Yuxu Tianzun's different magical powers show a completely different beauty from the magical powers of Chaos Sea Dao, which is thrilling.

The person who is fighting against that Yuanshi Realm being is Yuxu Tianzun! Xu Ying thought to himself.

Everyone came nearby and looked at this unusually thick and bright light pillar, trying to understand the mystery of the Yuanshi Realm, but found nothing.

Everyone couldn't help but frown. It took a lot of effort to get here. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a strange avenue, which was completely different from the avenue in the sea of ​​chaos. They couldn't analyze it and couldn't learn anything!

But Xu Ying understood everything and said, This is a finger force.

Wu Yin said angrily: You understand again?

Xu Ying smiled and nodded slowly.

The Chaos Bell was quite displeased and made a soft clang, as if threatening Wu Yin that if he dared to be rude to the Chaos Lord, he would be destroyed.

Wu Zheng coughed and said, Let's follow the power of this guide.

Everyone moved forward along this golden beam of light, and after traveling for an unknown distance, everyone gradually saw the signs. This beam of light was thick at the front and thin at the back. The power was so strong that the power was condensed together and difficult to disperse.

If this beam of light can be refined, it will be another great treasure. A strong man from the Yi Alliance whispered.

Wu Zheng looked solemn and said in a deep voice: Don't ever think about this! The Tao power of this light beam is a self-contained system that can be maintained forever. If it is invaded by external forces and breaks the balance, the magical power of the Yuanshi realm will explode and happen. What happened, even I couldn’t predict!”

Shen Tu Lun nodded and said: For the existence of the Yuanshi Realm, the Nine Innate Paths can no longer limit them. The existence of this realm can already create great avenues. Their magical powers are also incredible. We must proceed with caution.

Li Xiao muttered: Why didn't I notice the danger? Moreover, there are clearly three avenues here: calamity, cause and effect, and killing...

Shen Tu Lun looked at her expressionlessly, and Li Xiao quickly shut up.

They continued to move forward, and saw that the light beam in front of them gradually turned bright red. If they looked carefully, they could see that there were many fine blood beads inside the light beam.

Taking a closer look, every drop of blood was extremely extraordinary, and the Tao power contained in it was so powerful that it even made them tremble with fear!

The blood of Yuanshi Dao! Qi Youhua whispered.

When the others heard this, their hearts were pounding.

Although they are at the end of the road and seem to be very close to the Yuanshi Realm, no one knows what kind of realm the Yuanshi Realm is.

If they can get the Taoist blood of Yuanshi, their Taoism will be greatly improved!

Remember, these Dao blood are surrounded by Yuanshi's magical power! Wu Zheng said solemnly.

As everyone walked forward, they saw that the blood beads in the light column were getting denser and denser, forming a fine blood mist.

The blood mist became thicker and thicker, until later, the pillar of light actually looked like a blood pillar composed of the blood of Yuanshi Dao!

Finally, they came to the end of the light pillar.

At this time, I saw that there was not a trace of chaos energy in the vast and vast sea of ​​chaos. The entire sea area was emptied, and a hole as huge as the universe appeared!

In the center of the hollow, extremely brilliant light burst out, as if a universe-like light was concentrated in one point!

This bit of light illuminated the entire hollow, and the Tao power that burst out was inconceivable even to a being like Wu Zheng.

Where the light point erupted, there were no fluctuations in the Dao, and time and space seemed to be frozen. They walked in the dazzling Dao light, only to feel that the Dao light was extremely sticky, making it difficult to move.

At this point, at the end of the avenue with lower cultivation and level, such as Qi Youhua and Demon Lord Wu Yin, they felt that their imprints were unstable and stopped one after another, preparing to take a detour.

Now there are only five masters left, including the leader of the Yi Alliance, Wu Zheng, and Shen Tulun.

The five people looked back, each frowning, only to see Taoist Master Zuo Lian still urging the Cuiyan Tower Boat to follow them, unhurriedly, and seemed not to feel any pressure at all.

The Chaos Clock is too powerful. They thought to themselves.

They passed through the layers of light and came to a distance. When they looked towards the place where the light burst out, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

What caught their eyes was an extremely majestic figure, as spectacular as a galaxy and as huge as a mountain in the universe.

His skin was golden, his appearance was like that of an ancient god, and the folds of his clothes showed the texture of the avenue.

The texture of his skin is like Tao, and his broad eyebrows seem to hide endless wisdom. His eyes are like the brightest stars in the universe.

He is like the most perfect Dao body, without any flaws.

Such existences cannot be harmed even by the catastrophe of annihilation. Even if they are at the end of the nine-way evidence-based road like the leader of the Tao Alliance, you still need to look up when you come in front of him.

He possesses the great power to create something out of nothing and open up the universe!

Between his brows is the origin of the light pillar and the origin of the light that illuminates this void.

His eyebrows exploded, revealing a bloody hole.

The broken head of this supreme being in the Yuanshi Realm was like continents carved from beautiful jade, floating around the light pillar.

He was struck by an extremely astonishing finger force that penetrated the back of his head and flew out from between his eyebrows.

This finger penetrated his brain and knocked out blood all over his body. The moment this finger's magical power burst out, it drained the sea area and formed this huge airspace!

This is the supreme Primordial Dow Index!

The scene of the death of this Yuanshi Realm creature seemed to be solidified in amber, forever fixed at the moment he was killed.

It's like a murderer showing off, but also like a warning.

Wu Zheng and others stared blankly at this scene, unable to recover for a long time.

Xu Ying was also extremely shocked: Jade Xu Tianzun, it was Yuxu Tianzun who took action and killed a Yuanshi realm existence here!

Suddenly, a thought came to Xu Ying's mind: Perhaps, I can also display such magical powers!

He learned the different ways of Yuxu Tianzun, and was taught by Yuxu Tianzun the wonderful method of opening the sky from chaos. Now he has watched this finger for so long, and he has fully understood the mystery of the Yuanshi Taoist finger.

Xu Ying felt that it wasn't that difficult to use the Yuanshi Daozhi.

Is the existence of Yuanshi Realm dead like this?

A strong man from the Yi League murmured, Who killed him? Who has such power?

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, shook his head and said: It is not so easy to die in the Yuanshi realm. He is eternally imprisoned in this magical power. It is hard to say whether he is dead. Perhaps, by collecting a drop of Yuanshi Dao blood, we can know whether he can still be saved... …”

Shen Tu Lun said calmly: Leader, can our righteous alliance bear the consequences of the Yuanshi Realm?

Wu Zheng immediately gave up the idea and looked at the dead Yuanshi Realm existence with some regret in his heart: It's a pity that I can't take anything away. This trip has gained nothing.

Everyone looked at Xu Ying with strange eyes, thinking: He is right, the light beam is indeed a finger force. But, how did he see it?

Let's go, leave here early and join the others.

Everyone followed him and walked out. Master Zuolian also urged the building boat to follow them. Xu Ying stood at the bow of the ship, silent, recalling the secrets of Yuanshi Daozhi in his mind, and constantly simulating the situation of making moves.

When they left the airspace, Xu Ying felt that he had mastered the method of operating the Yuanshi Dao Finger, so he walked slowly on the ship, poking here and there with his fingers.

Seeing this, Li Xiao chuckled and said, Junior Brother Xu, do you think you can poke out a beam of light like the one who killed the person who existed in the Yuanshi Realm by poking around like this?

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear and continued to point.

After an unknown amount of time, he stopped and closed his eyes. Not long after, he opened his eyes and said seriously to Li Xiao: I already know how to do it.

Something big is going to happen today!

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