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Chapter 976 A strike that opens the sky

Hearing this, Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: The Chaos Sea is chaotic and full of fights. It is not as simple and kind as my Great Witch. When you get to the Great Void, you will definitely like it there.

Xu Ying laughed.

The evil Taoist also rarely laughed.

Hutunsheng glared at Xu Ying and shouted: Xu, why are you laughing?

Surrounded by the Taoist Alliance and Taoist masters, their eyes fell fiercely on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was chatting and laughing with Temple Master Jin Yu, but the people in the Dao Alliance remembered that the powerful Dao Alliance men who were chasing Wen Nanxun were crushed to death by the sea of ​​chaos because Xu Ying had taken away the power of the void.

The two palace masters of the Dao League were also killed because of their pursuit of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. With the Chaos Bell present at this time, even the master of the Nine Avenues Palace was not afraid at all.

Temple Master Jinyu looked gentle and said: Xu Ying is the Lord of Chaos, and Huntunsheng must not be arrogant.

Hutunsheng snorted and said nothing.

Temple Master Jinyu's status in the Taoist Alliance is extremely transcendent. At that time, the Taoist League was suffering from the inability to fight against the Chaos Lord. Temple Master Jinyu found the Taoist League and was willing to join forces with it. The Taoist League mainly tested her, so the two tried several moves, but they couldn't decide the winner, so they each took a step back.

Everyone in the Taoist Alliance knows that her Taoism is unfathomable, so they respect and fear her.

Afterwards, Temple Master Jinyu presented a fire jujube tree to stabilize the Great Sky and Bright Realm, and used the fire jujube tree to connect the tens of thousands of universes under the Taoist League, allowing the Taoist League to gain a foothold in the sea of ​​chaos. This is another supreme contribution to the Tao Alliance.

The Great Void Taoism she brought gave everyone in the Tao Alliance a new look and another possibility.

Even in their minds, if the Dao Alliance leader is defeated and dies in a battle with Di Chen, then the successor to the Dao Alliance leader must be Jin Yu Temple Master, not the second choice.

However, Temple Master Jin Yu asked them not to be arrogant towards Xu Ying, which still made them a little sad.

At this moment, suddenly in the center of the Atrium Realm Ruins, a blazing light exploded, and an extremely strong avenue storm rushed towards the face, shaking the surrounding sea of ​​chaos, and then the billions of miles of chaos were suddenly swept away. wipe out!

There are thousands of rugged mountains in the Zhongting Ruins, intertwined with each other. At this moment, being brushed by such a strong impact, they suddenly turned red and seemed to melt!

Especially Lingguo Mountain, it was burned red, stirring the sea of ​​chaos, and even a little spiritual light burst out from Lingguo Mountain. This spiritual root was dead, but it seemed to have absorbed the great avenue of supernatural power to revive from death.

The energy of calamity that lasts for a long time and cannot be erased by the sea of ​​chaos is stimulated by Taoism and seems to become more powerful and dangerous!

The powerful people from all walks of life who came here activated their Taoist methods one after another, or offered up magic weapons, or stood at the end of the avenue. Taoist masters with weak cultivation bases could only stand firm under the protection of the Taoist existence.

The leader of the Dao Alliance and Di Chen finally confront each other!

Everyone in the Taoist League immediately gave up the idea of ​​liquidating Xu Ying and looked at the place where the two were fighting.

Xu Ying was also attracted by the battle between the Dao Alliance Leader and Di Chen, and his heart was surging. This battle was the ultimate battle between two beings who reached the end of the nine-evidence-based road!

Although the two took different paths, one followed the orthodox nine-path evidence-based approach, and the other followed the Hunyuan non-dual method, they reached the same goal through different paths.

They all use the end of the nine innate avenues to evolve the cycle of formation, residence, destruction and emptiness of the complete universe.

As far as Xu Ying could see, he could only see two small figures moving quickly among the mountains. They came and went like light. Every time they collided, chaos opened up behind them. The universe was born, grew, prospered, and catastrophes were created. Scenes of luck, decline, and destruction!

Every time there is formation, residence and destruction of emptiness, the cycle of nine paths, the Tao power that bursts out can be called the ultimate at the end of the road!

They are already very close to the legendary Yuanshi Realm!

Di Chen suddenly came over, using his hand as an axe, using his nine paths, he struck with one strike!

The path he took was the Hunyuan Non-Dual Method. When a single avenue reaches its end, he can then practice other avenues.

Every innate avenue has been cultivated to the extreme by him!

After reaching the realm of the end of the Tao, every time he takes action, it is all nine ways. There is no need to rely on evidence, it is all nine ways based on evidence!

However, when this ax struck, Taoist leader Yuan Xu's face became solemn, and he moved his hands forward and back to meet the light of the ax.

At this moment, Di Chen was like a giant who created the world and had unparalleled power. He turned the nine evidences into unparalleled power, created something out of nothing in the sea of ​​chaos, and opened up the universe!

And Tao Alliance Leader Yuanxu is the target he wants to open up!

My magical power!

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat, and then he corrected himself, I am learning the heaven-opening magical power of Yuxu Tianzun!

He once carried a black coffin, and the consciousness of Yuxu Tianzun came from the black coffin, showing him the situation of the sea of ​​chaos opening up to the sky. Xu Ying therefore developed a great magical power to open up the sky!

Xu Ying had used this move in the Huangji Imperial Capital of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. It was expected that Di Chen saw the move and learned it at that time.

Di Chen's magical powers have been figured out by the Taoist Alliance Leader a long time ago, so the original magical powers are useless against the Taoist Alliance Leader. In the past ten years, he must have understood the magical power I used at the beginning and wanted to use this magical power to deal with the Taoist Alliance Leader! Xu Ying thought to himself.

The power of this ax is really terrifying. Before it hits the leader of the Middle Path, the sea of ​​chaos behind him has already shown a terrifying and magnificent scene of chaos opening up and the birth of the universe!

Opposite Di Chen, Dao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu's response was also extremely subtle. His hands moved in tandem, with the front hand starting from the Avenue of Chaos and Evidence-Based Nirvana, and the back hand starting from the Avenue of Nirvana. Beginning to prove chaos!

The Taoist techniques of his hands are running at the same time, and the exquisiteness of the Taoist techniques is breathtaking!

Boom! Boom!

The two sides' moves collided, and the Taoist leader Yuanxu's body shook violently, his hands dripping with blood, and the palm of his left hand was cut off, as if chaos was opened up, and turned into countless stars flying up.

Four of the five fingers on his right hand were cut off, leaving only the thumb intact.

A shocking wound was also opened on his neck, and the bones were visible even with the muscles.

The sea of ​​chaos behind him cracked open in the terrifying shock. It was narrow and narrow for hundreds of millions of miles. It suddenly opened up, the grand mist opened, and the infinite Tao power expanded, holding up the sea of ​​chaos!

The next moment, the five Taiyi evolved in the cracks, Taiyi Hunyuan, and then ten thousand ways burst out, countless stars flew in all directions, and the boundless energy of chaos evolved directly towards all the heavens and ten thousand ways!

A brand new universe is forming on its own!

Although the scale of this universe is not large, the shock and impact it brings to everyone present is unparalleled!

This is the need for no flood, creating something out of nothing, opening up the universe, and creating the avenue of heaven and earth!

This is an achievement that no one can achieve!

However, Dao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu turned a blind eye and seemed not to care at all about the subtlety of Di Chen's move. His expression remained as usual.

His left hand was severed. It was severed by Emperor Chen using the Heaven-Opening Dao Technique and could not be regenerated. However, after nine days of proofreading, his Dao was completed and his left hand was born.

Di Chen's second ax strike was still extremely domineering, extremely subtle, and breathtaking.

At this time, many masters from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty who had seen Xu Ying's move looked at Xu Ying with shocked expressions.

They also recognized that Di Chen's move was an imitation of Xu Ying's Sky-Opening Strike.

However, at that time, Xu Ying was fighting against the great sacrificer Yuan Weiyang, and when he used this attack, he missed Yuan Weiyang and did not kill him.

Unexpectedly, Di Chen abandoned his original magical powers and used Xu Ying's magical powers instead!

Daomeng Hutunsheng and other eight hall masters also showed surprise and uncertainty. At that time, they were also in Huangji Imperial Capital and saw this magical power displayed by Xu Ying.

At that time, they were astonished.

What they didn't expect was that Di Chen would secretly learn Xu Ying's magical power. What they didn't expect even more was that Di Chen would use this secretly learned magical power to hurt the Taoist leader Yuan Xu!

Di Chen Qing is better than Lan! His magical power must be more subtle than Xu Ying's! Hun Tunsheng said.

The other seven palace masters nodded.

Gu Daosheng said: Xu Ying's cultivation and Taoism are far inferior to Di Chen's. It is easy for Di Chen to surpass him in this move.

At this time, Xu Ying shook his head secretly and said to himself: Di Chen used my moves, but he still didn't understand the secrets of them. He should ask me for advice. I will teach him personally, so that his ax will not only cut off the Taoist leader. The left and right hands have four fingers.”

His eyes fell behind the Dao Alliance Leader, in the magnificent universe that was still forming rapidly, and he realized that although the universe was innately sufficient, it could not last.

Di Chen didn't get the Samadhi that opened the sky. The universe he created would only be short-lived and would surely perish and return to chaos. He thought to himself.

Temple Master Jin Yu could also see the shortcomings of this move and said with a smile: Di Chen has never found a good teacher.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the Taoist leader continuing to receive Di Chen's second axe. He was still using his left and right hands, one behind the other, with his left hand using Hongmeng to prove chaos, and his right hand using chaos to prove Hongmeng!

The power of the nine evidences burst out one after another, but they were annihilated in the light of the axe!

However, the Dao Alliance leader flew up and moved quickly between the mountains. The third and fourth moves of the Nine Evidences quickly met the axe. He used the number of magical powers to make up for the lack of power, and he actually caught the axe. The power!


As the light of the ax fell, the Chaos Sea was torn apart again, and another huge universe was formed. Chaos opened, Hongmeng opened, and the power of creating the world exploded, and the impact swept across the Chaos Sea!

Bright red Dao blood spilled, and Dao Alliance leader Yuan Xu was injured again. Although the injury this time was not as serious as the first time, the injury was very strange.

His nine innate paths were actually scratched by an axe, and were injured at the same time!

If he runs the Nine Paths of Evidence at this time, then the injuries will be distributed on the nine avenues, and each avenue will have nine kinds of injuries!

Di Chen had the upper hand, his luck became wind, and the third ax struck vertically. The light of the ax locked the Dao Alliance leader Yuan Xu. No matter how his body skills changed, he could not avoid the light of the ax!

Taoist leader Yuanxu stabilized his body, some of the nine kinds of Tao in his body were based on positive evidence, some were based on reverse evidence, and he was treating Tao injuries in an unhurried manner.

He has reached this level of evidence-based cultivation of the Nine Paths, and he is truly extraordinary!

At the same time, he still chose to confront God Chen Chen head-on!

Every time they fight, the sea of ​​chaos near the ruins of the atrium bursts out with violent vibrations, showing a magnificent scene of the creation of the world, endless light bursts, countless stars are born, and the great avenue of heaven and earth is formed!

In just a short moment, the chaotic sea around the ruins of the atrium was shrouded in infinite light, and the universes of staggering scale expanded crazily, like huge eyes slowly opening their eyes, watching them, watching this An amazing battle!

However, when the number of universes in the surrounding chaotic sea exceeded a hundred, the universe originally created by Di Chen began to collapse and annihilate, presenting a terrifying scene of world destruction!

It’s just that this is not the catastrophe of annihilation in which all things are destroyed, but the catastrophe of destruction caused by the inability of the great avenue of heaven and earth to support the oppression of the sea of ​​chaos!

The newly born universes were destroyed one after another, and their power was even comparable to the power that burst out when Emperor Chen was created!

Such a powerful impact came and shook the Zhongting Realm. Even the Dao League, Yi League and Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty at the end of the road were somewhat unable to hold up!

The leader of the Yi Alliance, Wu Zheng, the leader of Jinyu Temple, the leader of the nine major halls of the Dao Alliance, and others each mobilized the dojo to cover as many people as possible to resist the impact.

However, there are no such masters in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. There are only some Daoji practitioners who practice different avenues. Each of them activates one avenue and relies on each other's evidence to try to defend the Immortal Dynasty.

However, facing the impact of the destruction of the universe, their strength was still not enough to resist. At this moment, a figure suddenly flew up, and a huge copper bell slowly rotated in the sky, turned upside down, and enveloped all the ships of the Immortal Dynasty. .

All the soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty looked around and saw that the figure was Xu Ying.

His Majesty!

A voice came from the crowd, and when the word Your Majesty was spoken, that person felt that something was wrong. After all, Emperor Chen was still alive and Xu Ying had not yet become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor.

However, a second call of Your Majesty came from the crowd, followed by scattered Your Majesty. Xu Ying was slightly startled and said with a smile: I am the Chaos Lord, not your Majesty.

A young soldier said: After His Majesty passes away, you will become our Majesty!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: Throw it down and behead him!

After that, he quietly gave him a thumbs up.

When everyone in the Dao League saw this, they realized that Temple Master Jin Yu had good intentions in stopping them. Xu Ying is now the Chaos Lord, protected by the Chaos Bell. This Chaos Bell alone can kill them all. If they had just fought with Xu Ying, they would probably have suffered many casualties.

Wu Zheng, the leader of the Yi League, saw this scene from a distance and felt a little worried in his heart. He thought to himself: This big shot seems to be a little too active and is not so easy to control. He arrived at the Dao League, hooked up with the Dao League, and went to Hunyuanxian In the Chao Dynasty, we are also getting along well with others, and in our Yimeng, we are also responding to every call... If we want to control him and cultivate him into what we want, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

A terrible thought even came to his mind: Maybe we will be cultivated by him to be what he wants!

Xu Ying looked from a distance and saw that Di Chen's offensive was getting faster and faster, and the Dao injuries on the Taoist leader Yuan Xu were gradually increasing, and he thought to himself: If Di Chen had asked me for advice, I'm afraid he would have killed the Taoist leader long ago. But if Yuan Xu had If Xu is Emperor Zhao, he must have some means! Will it be the Linggu Bridge of the sixth generation Chaos Lord? Or does he want to break through to the Yuanshi Realm under the pressure of Emperor Chen?

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