Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 298 Secret Technique: Gangyuan Thunder Shield! (2 updates)

About half an hour later, Ling Feng stood up and stepped into the teleportation light curtain on the sixth floor.

It was still a huge platform that could not be seen at a glance, but this time, Ling Feng did not see the densely packed extremely powerful people.

He originally thought that there might be two hundred or more extremely powerful people in the Pulse Condensation Realm on the sixth level. If this was the case, it would undoubtedly be another tough battle.

However, unlike what he imagined, in the center of the six-story sword tower stood a middle-aged man with an aura as strong as Ting Yuan.

Ling Feng's heart thumped: This person's aura is definitely no worse than that of Yue Zhonglian, Yan Cangtian and others!

When a warrior reaches the realm of Shen Yuan, he begins to contact the "God Refining" process.

The so-called divine refining is the control of the spiritual world. Only by cultivating the spiritual mind to be extremely powerful can one be able to cope with the thunder tribulation of creation and the nine-turn thunder tribulation after the divine sea realm. It can be said that the use of divine consciousness is also the most fundamental difference between the Shenyuan realm and the Huayuan realm.

In the Divine Sea Realm, the power of divine consciousness has been used to an incredible extent.

"Holy shit!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help roaring wildly in his heart: "Spirit of Wind and Thunder, are you playing with me? A test at the level of the Pulse Condensation Realm, against the Divine Sea Realm? Is it necessary to continue?"

The middle-aged man standing in the center suddenly looked at Ling Feng, smiled slightly and said: "Little brother, it has been a long, long time since anyone has reached this level."

"Huh? You can talk?"

Ling Feng was startled. The opponent in this trial seemed different from before.

"Hahaha..., the old lady called the King of Thunder Swords. She was an elder of the Yijian Sect during her lifetime. After she passed away, she sent out a spiritual thought to guard the sixth level of the Wind and Thunder Trial Hell."

The so-called Sword King is actually a title given to a strong person in the human Divine Sea Realm.

For example, the Divine Sea Realm is called the King Level, and the Creation Realm is called the Emperor Level.

If you are good at using swords, you will be a sword king; if you are good at using swords, you will be a sword master. Since the Yijian Sect is a sect of swordsmanship, the elders under the sect are naturally the sword kings.

The Thunder Sword King drew out the azure long sword in his hand and said calmly: "I was at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm when I was alive, but in the trial of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, I can only use the limit of the Pulse Condensation Realm (Fifty Pulse Gates). )’s strength, so a fight between you and me is considered a fair fight.”

Looking at the Thunder Sword King's exaggeratedly bulging muscles and full beard, Ling Feng felt like he was delivering food to his door.

A fair fight?

Fair ass!

The combat experience and combat skills of a strong person in the Divine Sea Realm cannot be completely erased by suppressing the realm.

"Senior, please give me some advice."

Ling Feng bent down and bowed, and immediately activated the Xiaoyao Sword Step.

At this moment, speed is Ling Feng's only reliance. As long as he is not instantly killed by the opponent, he can look for opportunities and use the "Tian Zhuang Sword Art" to counterattack the opponent.

Since the other party is just a spiritual thought, it shouldn't be too strong.

"The speed is good!"

A hint of approval flashed in the eyes of the Thunder Sword King, and he swung his long sword in his hand, and with the violent power of thunder, he slashed towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's figure dodges so fast that he can barely get past the sword.

The pulse gates all opened, and Ling Feng's speed increased a lot again. At the high speed, countless Ling Feng seemed to be produced, "Blood Lotus Sword Song!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Ling Feng's sword was seen piercing the Thunder Sword King's face, and the afterimages also stabbed the Thunder Sword King at various tricky angles.

This is the sword move that Ling Feng created by combining the two sets of sword skills "Bafangxuanxuan" and "Blood Lotus Sword Song" when he fought against a hundred extreme pulse-condensing experts on the fifth level. Ling Feng named it For: afterimage splitting lightsaber!

Only Ling Feng, who can see through the flaws and shortcomings of swordsmanship at a glance with his Tiandao Eye, can quickly accumulate experience in battles and create a relatively perfect set of swordsmanship.

If you want to rate this set of "Afterimage Light Splitting Sword" to a level, I'm afraid it has already touched the threshold of low-level martial arts.

"Interesting, what a fast sword!"

The Thunder Sword King raised his sword high into the sky and shouted loudly: "Thunder Night, Gangyuan Thunder Shield!"

Immediately, a blue aura shield with flashing thunder patterns appeared around the Thunder Sword King. The aura shield rotated rapidly, setting off waves of violent agility winds throughout the sixth floor trial space.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless rays of sword light hit the Gangyuan shield fiercely, but they were unable to penetrate it at all.

"If this bastard's shell is not broken, the Thunder Sword King is already in an invincible position."

Ling Feng was secretly worried. The Thunder Sword King's Gangyuan Thunder Shield was a bit like the "Golden Bell Body Protection Technique" used by the third elder of the Jia Mansion, but its defensive power was much stronger than the Golden Bell Body Protection Technique. .

If this continues, even if one's true energy is exhausted, it will be impossible to pass the sixth level of wind and thunder trial.

The Thunder Sword King raised his head and laughed, stroking the beard on his chin, "Boy, I have to say that your speed is very fast. Even this sect cannot really lock you if it only uses the extreme power of the Pulse Condensation Realm. However, you can’t break through this sect’s defense at all, so you are destined to fail this sixth level! Hahaha…”

"Then give it a try!"

While Ling Feng was attacking, thoughts were racing in his mind, "If I can use my own true energy to simulate the trajectory of Thunder Sword King's true energy, then I can integrate my own energy into his Gangyuan Thunder Shield. In this case, no matter how tough the Gangyuan Thunder Barrier is, it is useless to me."

"Moreover, my Heavenly Eyes can see through the movement of Thunder Sword King's true energy!"

There was a curve at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. He couldn't break it with force, so let's try a soft one!

In an instant, Ling Feng's right eye became slightly hot, the Divine Patterns of Heaven condensed, and the movement of the true energy in Thunder Sword King's body was immediately exposed to his eyes.

This Gangyuan Thunder Shield is a secret technique. Ling Feng's Eye of Heaven can copy all martial arts. Secret technique is also a kind of martial arts.

"Saw it!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed and still used the Afterimage Light Splitting Sword to feint attack, but in fact he had begun to imitate the Thunder Sword King's infuriating movement and began to copy his secret technique.

"Huh? What is this kid doing? Beating him randomly?"

The Thunder Sword King maintains the Gangyuan Thunder Shield with great ease. Looking at the struggling Ling Feng, he secretly smiled and said: "It's useless. This Gangyuan thunder shield of mine can withstand a full blow from a warrior in the late Huayuan realm. You kid is certainly not simple, but your strength is still far behind." !”

Ling Feng remained unmoved and continued to wave his sword.

One sword is faster than the other, cut! cut! cut!

Half an hour later.

"it's time."

Ling Feng snickered in his heart. This Thunder Sword King relied on his turtle shell to be indestructible, but he had no intention of fighting back. He kept watching him attack. Little did he know that his secret technique had been "copied" by him. .

"Okay, I have explored the method of the Gang Yuan Thunder Shield to a great extent. Now, let me destroy you with one move!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued to use the Afterimage Light Splitting Sword to feint attack. Shadows leaped across the sky, but the real body had sneaked in front of the Thunder Sword King.


Ling Feng was shouting in his heart, but he didn't dare to let out a clue. Finally, Ling Feng approached the Thunder Sword King at a furious speed.

During this period of time, the Thunder Sword King had already relaxed his vigilance.

Ling Feng held his breath, success or failure depended on this!

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