Gradually, one after another young geniuses from the four universities completed their challenges, and all of them passed the sixth level.

As for Du Shaoling, Li Yunlong, Jun Moxie, and Chu Bingyun, they even broke through the eighth floor, but they collapsed on the ninth floor.

The difficulty of the ninth level is indeed a bit abnormal.

(As everyone knows, poor Ling Feng, the difficulty of the fifth level is equal to other people’s ninth level!)

In the end, everyone returned to the lake shore one after another. Basically, most people chose to give up when they realized that they could not pass the level. Therefore, there were almost no deaths. There were a few serious injuries, but there was no fear of life. .

These young heroes, after this trial, have obtained at least six treasures and elixirs above the level of treasures, and they are all very happy.

"Du Shaoling?"

At this time, Jun Moxie from Tianwei Academy came out of the water. Seeing that Du Shaoling had left the Fenglei Sword Tower earlier than him, he couldn't help but curled his lips and laughed, "It seems that you, Du Shaoling, have not passed the ninth level." Layer!”

"Hmph!" Du Shaoling waved his sleeves and folded his hands in front of his chest, showing no intention of paying any attention to Jun Moxie.

The reason why he was still waiting here was to see how far Ling Feng, who didn't care about life and death and chose the hell difficulty, could get through.

Or maybe, he simply died in the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower!

After all, hell difficulty and normal difficulty are not on the same level at all.

Finally, it was dusk again, and a day and a night had passed since we entered the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower!


Another figure emerged from the water, and it was none other than Li Bufan!

Li Bufan's aura seemed to have changed a little, with a faint fury of thunder power, giving people a more unpredictable feeling.

"Junior Brother Li, could it be that you have broken through the ninth floor?" Jun Moxie swallowed hard and asked in surprise.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Li Bufan held the long sword and stood aside coldly, always with the expression of keeping strangers away.

He glanced at the crowd and didn't find Ling Feng. He pursed his lips and thought to himself: It seems that I am better in the trial of Fenglei Sword Tower!

Li Bufan did successfully get through the ninth floor, but he also used his last trump card and used the power of an amulet given to him by his family ancestor to barely pass.

Of course, all kinds of trump cards and treasures are also part of the strength. The spirit of wind and thunder still recognized this success, and finally passed the formula of "Wind and Thunder Variety" to Li Bufan.

He was even given a heaven and earth spiritual object with dual attributes of wind and thunder, allowing him to successfully imbue him with spirit. Therefore, Li Bufan could faintly reveal a trace of violent thunder power.

It can be said that with this opportunity, Li Bufan's future martial arts path will definitely be smoother. As long as he doesn't fall, he can steadily become a strong man in the Divine Sea Realm, and even reaching the level of a half-step emperor like Yan Cangtian is absolutely out of the question.

As for whether he can reach a higher level and become an emperor-level powerhouse, it still depends on his chance and luck.

In the Tianbai Empire, there are many known half-step emperors, but there are only a handful of warriors who have broken through to the emperor level.

Those who can take this step have great opportunities, great luck, and amazing people with extraordinary talents.

Jun Moxie looked a little embarrassed when his hot face touched his cold butt. However, Li Bufan was the son of the Taiwei Mansion, so he naturally did not dare to provoke him easily, so he could only snort and ignore Li Bufan.

However, based on the time it took Li Bufan to come out of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, it is very likely that he did break through the ninth level and also received the inheritance of "Wind and Thunder's Variety"!

Such an opportunity is really enviable!

"Now, only Ling Feng is left!"

Ye Nanfeng stared at the calm lake in front of him and frowned: "It stands to reason that with Ling Feng's monster level, even if he can't get through the ninth level, the eighth level is definitely more than enough. Why haven't you come out after so long? "

"Tsk, it seems that boy has overestimated his capabilities. He hasn't come out yet, and he is probably dead!" A student from the True Dragon Academy laughed loudly.

"Yes, yes! As a human being, you still need to be self-aware!"

Another student from the True Dragon Academy also laughed in a sinister manner, wishing that all the students from the Tianwei Academy were dead.

"It's getting late." Li Yunlong from Hailan Academy bowed his hands to Jun Moxie, Du Shaoling and others, and said calmly: "We from Hailan Academy will take our leave first!"

After that, the students of Hailan Academy crushed their return charms and returned to the academy.

Then, Chu Bingyun from Wenyuan Academy also left with the rest of the students. There was no need to wait any longer.

On the True Dragon Academy side, Du Shaoling still stood there with his arms crossed, motionless, as if he had no intention of leaving.

"Senior Brother Du, are we still waiting?" A student from the True Dragon Academy asked cautiously.

"You can go first and I'll wait and see. That boy is not easy!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Du Shaoling's eyes, and he had the courage to directly choose the hell difficulty. If Ling Feng could come out alive, he would definitely occupy a place in the empire in the future!

"Uh, okay..."

Du Shaoling refused to leave, so the other students from the True Dragon Academy had to stay here and wait. Of course, there were also those who had always been unhappy with Du Shaoling, such as Chen Boguang, who didn't even look at Du Shaoling, but directly crushed the return talisman and returned to the True Dragon. School.

As for the Tianwei School, after all, they are all from the same school, and the three-day deadline has not passed yet. At least wait until the deadline before leaving.

At the same time, inside the Fenglingjian Tower.

Under the strong pressure, Ling Feng's actual combat ability skyrocketed at an almost incredible speed!

In fact, he even understood the incomplete "Happy Sword Steps" to a deeper level, truly reaching a state of free and easy world, and the speed of movement became more unpredictable and unpredictable.

Relying on the advantage of speed, Ling Feng's long sword, with the increase of killing sword intent, harvested the lives of extreme pulse condensing experts one after another.

Click to kill!

Click to kill!

Click to kill!

The sword light is like a rainbow, and the cold air is freezing!

Each of Ling Feng's swords carried a domineering and fierce killing intention, and everything the sword pointed at was indestructible!

Finally, the fifth level of hell difficulty is passed!

In this extreme trial, Ling Feng felt that his cultivation level seemed to have made a breakthrough again. The bottleneck of the fourteen meridians realm had loosened a lot, and he was only one step away from breaking through.

"Fighting is indeed the best way to improve your strength!"

Ling Feng sat cross-legged and began to regain his energy.

The sixth level, I don’t know how abnormal it will be, so I have to deal with it in the best possible condition.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this wind and thunder trial. Ling Feng can also have a lot of time to adjust his condition to the best.

Half an hour later, Ling Feng finally fully recovered, and a sense of confidence rose on his handsome face: With my current speed, even if there is some disadvantage in strength, it is more than enough to make up for it. I just don’t know what kind of opponent this sixth level will be like?

However, no matter what it is, I will destroy it with one sword!

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