Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 299 Crazy Lightning Armor! (3 updates)

Finally, the Gangyuan Thunder Shield around the Thunder Sword King came close!

Ling Feng used his own true energy to quickly simulate a smaller version of the "Gang Yuan Thunder Shield" according to the method of the Gang Yuan Thunder Shield. Even the rotation speed was almost exactly the same.

"Melt in!"

The two covers collided, as if two bubbles were fused together. Ling Feng felt happy. As soon as his body entered the Gangyuan Thunder Cover, all directions in his hand were destroyed, and he struck down on the Thunder Sword King's head.

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

Ling Feng didn't hold back at all, he directly used his strongest killing move, aimed at the Thunder Sword King's head, and chopped it off hard!

Only then did the Thunder Sword King realize that he had been plotted, but Ling Feng's sword was already in front of him, and that terrifying move actually contained some kind of terrifying magic power, which actually made him reach the level of the Divine Sea. The will of the peak expert also felt a little trembling, unable to move at all and unable to avoid it.

In this situation, it is impossible to resist with only the power of the Pulse Condensation Realm level!

"you lose."

At the critical moment, Ling Feng diverted the long sword in his hand away from Jing Lei Sword King's vitals, collected most of his true energy, and just put Destruction in All Directions on Jing Lei Sword King's neck.

Feeling the rolling earth fire energy coming from the black giant sword on his neck, the Thunder Sword King showed a faint smile on his face, "You kid, very good, very good!"

He was already dead. Even if he was killed by Ling Feng's sword energy, as long as that trace of spiritual thought remained, he could still be reshaped by relying on the spiritual power in the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower.

"Senior accepted."

Ling Feng put away his sword and stood up, with a smile on his face.

I also secretly learned a secret defense technique this time. Even if there is no reward, this secret technique alone will definitely make this trip worthwhile.

After all, not everyone can copy the secret technique just by observing it a few times.

The Thunder Sword King raised his hand and summoned a golden key and handed it to Ling Feng, "Little brother, you can actually understand the secret of holding the Gangyuan Thunder Shield in just a quarter of an hour. I admire you!"

"Senior, you are so complimentary. I don't care about my junior secretly learning the secret technique. I am extremely grateful." Ling Feng reached out to take the key and asked, "What is this?"

Thunder Sword King smiled faintly, "This is the key to the treasure house of the sixth level of Wind and Thunder Trial. After you enter, you can choose any nine items. Go ahead, I believe you will never be disappointed."

After saying that, the Thunder Sword King turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared into the tower.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden gate slowly rose from the center of the platform on the sixth floor of the Fenglei Sword Tower.

"Heaven and earth! Can we finally choose the treasure?"

Ling Feng looked at the splendid golden door in front of him, his eyes flashing with light, and he was secretly expecting in his heart, what kind of amazing treasures would there be in that treasure house?

Inserting the key into the golden door, Ling Feng kept imagining the magnificent scene inside.

The lowest grade must be a treasure at the peak treasure level.

If it were an immortal weapon or something, I would definitely not mind!

Pushing open the golden door, Ling Feng strode into the treasure house and was immediately dumbfounded.

"I'll wipe it!"

What about the nine items you agreed to choose?

In the center of the huge treasure house, there stood a huge sandalwood shelf, with a red gold armor placed on the shelf.

Helmet, goggles, arm guards, wrist guards, chain mail, waist guards, leg guards, combat boots, cloak.

These parts add up to exactly nine pieces!

"You're cruel!" Ling Feng felt his teeth itch with hatred. These nine items were too forced.

This should be considered one thing!

Picking up the helmet of this red gold armor, a huge message suddenly came to my mind: Crazy lightning and thunder.

Is this the name of this armor?

Ling Feng was horrified and continued to read the information in his mind.

It turns out that this is a replica based on the armor worn by the legendary ancient Mad Dragon Sword God. However, even if it is just an imitation, the grade of this armor has reached the level of an astonishing pseudo-spiritual weapon!

The so-called pseudo-spiritual weapons are just a few steps away from becoming a spiritual weapon, and they are pinnacle treasures that have the opportunity to be advanced into a spiritual weapon.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff!

Ling Feng secretly praised in his heart, and this name and this style are so cool! Absolutely stunning!

When you put on this crazy lightning armor, the armor automatically expands and contracts to a suitable size, and then disappears into the body without being visible at all.

At the same time, the zhenqi in the body seemed to have established some kind of connection with the thunder-attributed aura from the outside. Ling Feng felt that the thunder-attributed aura was actually stored in this treasured armor and was actively provided to the owner for use.

This is simply equivalent to the second Dantian!

However, this crazy lightning and thunder armor also has great limitations, that is, it must be used by warriors with thunder physiques. After all, not any warrior can absorb and transform thunder-attributed spiritual energy.

Although Ling Feng has not specifically practiced thunder-type techniques, he has a special physique and has no restrictions on any attribute of Qi.

Ling Feng got a piece of Supreme Treasure Armor, and his heart was filled with joy. The previous feeling of being deceived suddenly disappeared.

"It's not a loss this time, hahaha..."

Ling Feng's "barbell-like" laughter suddenly came out from the golden treasure house of Fenglei Sword Tower...

About half an hour later.

Ling Feng strode out of the sixth floor of the treasure house and entered the seventh floor of the trial light curtain without looking back. With this crazy lightning and thunder armor, there was no need to take the initiative to restore spiritual energy. He was absorbing the thunder attribute all the time. The speed of spiritual energy and true energy recovery is about three times faster than before!

The seventh-level wind and thunder trial is also a huge platform, but with many more lakes and hills. It doesn't look like it is in a sword tower, but more like being on an island.

High in the sky, a figure gradually fell in front of Ling Feng, half hanging in the air.

This is a middle-aged man with a red face and a long beard and a sturdy build. He holds an extremely long giant sword in his left and right hands. He is clearly a dual-sword swordsman.

"This sect is known as the Wuji Sword King. Boy, if you can pass the test of that old guy Jing Lei, you are not bad at all!"

"Senior Wuji, do you also want to suppress your strength to the limit of the Pulse Condensation Realm?"

Ling Feng asked weakly, now that he has the Crazy Lightning Armor, if the Wuji Sword King also suppresses his strength, he thinks he can be invincible.

"That's natural. This sect is much more powerful than that guy Jing Lei. The main reason why Jing Lei was defeated by you is because he is too stupid. Hum, my sect has also suppressed me to the limit of the Pulse Condensation Realm."

King Wuji paused for a moment, then continued: "However, this sect and you are only competing in swordsmanship!"

"Only swordsmanship?" Ling Feng's mouth curled up.

Only swordsmanship?

With the sword intention to kill, he would never be afraid of anyone if it were just a competition of swordsmanship!

"Senior Wuji, then you can take over."

Ling Feng gently raised his hand and pierced the Wuji Sword King with an ordinary sword movement using the starting position of basic swordsmanship.

This sword seems to have no characteristics, even a little too ordinary.

However, Wuji Sword King was surprised to find that this sword had no flaws or flaws.


A glimmer of light flashed in Wuji Sword King's eyes. The swordsmanship of the boy in front of him seemed to be more powerful than he imagined!

PS again: Please give me recommendation votes and monthly votes~

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