Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 293 The wretched weapon spirit! (1 update)


The Spirit of Wind and Thunder saw all the young men laughing and picking their nostrils in an extremely obscene manner.

The Spirit of Wind and Thunder is a spiritual body, so it should be impossible to dig out anything, but it deliberately made out balls of blue ball-like things and threw them into the mouths of the young geniuses.


Those warriors grabbed their own throats one by one, coughing and vomiting as if they had eaten "boogers".


Du Shaoling, Jun Moxie and several other students from various universities headed by them stared hard at the spirit of wind and thunder, wishing they could beat it to ashes with one strike.

Especially Chu Bingyun, her delicate body was trembling with anger. She, a charming and beautiful woman, actually "ate" such a disgusting thing!

However, seeing the Wind and Thunder Spirit's expression of needing a beating, they finally took a deep breath: I can bear it!

They cannot afford to offend weapon spirits like the Wind and Thunder Spirit!

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't laugh just now. Of course, Li Bufan's icy face only has a sullen face, and he probably doesn't even know what laughter is.

However, Ye Nanfeng laughed so happily just now that he ate a big lump and is now vomiting wildly.

Wind and Thunder Spirit glanced at the young geniuses in front of him with disdain, and said lazily: "You guys are all trash."

He is the spirit of the sacred artifacts that have been passed down from ancient times, so he naturally looks down on these ordinary geniuses, "Don't you refuse to accept it, if any of you break through the ninth floor, I will eat your noses!"

"Keep your word?" Du Shaoling's eyes lit up.

"Lied to you? I can't afford to disgrace that person." Wind and Thunder Spirit continued to pick his nostrils, "What, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Just bet, who is afraid of whom?"

Du Shaoling has almost fanatical confidence in his talent. He has heard that more than a hundred years ago, a student from Tianwei Academy broke through the ninth floor and obtained the secret method contained in Fenglei Sword Tower, "Fenglingbaibai" Change"!

Since there is a precedent, then he, Du Shaoling, will be worse than a mere Tianwei Academy student?

"Hahaha, it's rare for me to be so unafraid of death." The spirit of wind and thunder smiled and said: "I appreciate you! Let's do this. If you pass the ninth level, I will not only admit defeat, but also let you go on the ninth level." Pick nine treasures from each level!”

"But if you can't do it!" Wind and Thunder Spirit made a "you know" expression, "Then you will be in luck, I will definitely let you eat enough! Hehehehe..."

Heaven and hell!

The young geniuses present couldn't help but shudder, and all looked at Du Shaoling.

"Okay!" Du Shaoling's eyes burst out with arrogant light, and he turned around and rushed into the Fenglei Sword Tower.

Immediately afterwards, young geniuses entered the tower one after another. However, they did not have the courage to make a bet with the spirit of wind and thunder. It was definitely looking for shit.

Well, looking for shit!

Ling Feng deliberately walked at the end, walked slowly to the Spirit of Wind and Thunder, smiled lightly and said: "Senior, I also want to make a bet with you, how about that?"

"Oh?" Wind and Thunder Spirit glanced at Ling Feng, feeling slightly surprised: This guy's physique, hey, is a bit interesting.

"How do you want to bet?" Wind and Thunder Spirit picked out his ears and asked lazily.

Ling Feng smiled and said lightly: "If I pass the ninth floor, I also want to choose nine treasures."

"Didn't you pass?" Wind and Thunder Spirit continued to pick his nose, "I won't bet you on eating boogers. Those guys are not up to par, but you have some weight."

"Oh? Thank you, senior, for looking after me!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, but he didn't feel flattered at all. He had seen many strong men, Yan Cangtian, Yue Zhonglian? Which one can make the empire tremble just by stamping its feet?

What's more, the White Emperor's appearance that day, his true form, may have reached an unpredictable state.

"If you don't pass, I will leave you in the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower and let you die here, hehehehe..." The Spirit of Wind and Thunder laughed evilly.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Will he die in the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower?

This is a bit too much of a gamble!

However, as the saying goes, finding wealth in danger, Ling Feng is quite sure of his own talent.

Since this tower has nine floors, it means you can break into it. If others can, why can't you?

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if I really haven't broken through the ninth floor, I still have the token given to me by Emperor Tianbai, and I can teleport directly back to the Misty Ghost Forest.

"Okay, I'll bet you!"

After saying that, Ling Feng turned around and strode into the Fenglei Sword Tower.

Wind and Thunder Spirit watched these dozens of young geniuses enter the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower one by one, stroking his hairless chin, with an extremely serious expression on his face, "I hope this kid can meet the requirements. "

With a flash of light, Ling Feng appeared in the center of the first floor of Thunder Sword Tower.

All the geniuses from various universities who entered the Sword Tower gathered here.

From the outside, the Fenglei Sword Tower seems to be only the size of a normal pagoda, but the internal space is incredibly large.

More than thirty young geniuses quietly restored their vitality. On the platform on the first floor of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely pure. Just now, in order to resist the evil spirit of resentment in the outside world, they had more or less lost some of their true energy.

After about a stick of incense or so.

"Uh-huh, listen to me, the recovery time I gave you has come."

The wretched face of the Wind and Thunder Spirit appeared in front of everyone again.

Originally, Nie Yang looked quite talented, but now he was completely ruined by the spirit of wind and thunder. He really wanted to die in peace.

Everyone stood up and looked serious.

"Compared with the previous test, I'm afraid this test of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower will be a little different." The Spirit of Wind and Thunder said with his mouth shut.

"Different?" A group of young geniuses looked at the spirit of wind and thunder, with doubts on their faces.

The spirit of wind and thunder shrugged and said carelessly: "My power is weakening, so I can't control many magic circles. Therefore, if you die during the process of breaking through, you are really dead."


All the teenagers showed solemn expressions. It seemed that they needed to be extra careful when breaking into the tower.

After all, saving your life is the most important thing, otherwise, no matter how good the treasure is, it is of no use if you lose your life.

"Also, every time you pass a level, you are only allowed to take one treasure. If you dare to take more, hehe..." The wind and thunder spirit monster laughed, "I will cut off your five limbs first, and then I will soak your fifth limb. Drink the wine for yourselves!"

All the male students quickly shook their heads and waved their hands, "I don't dare, I don't dare."

The few female geniuses such as Chu Bingyun looked at the Wind and Thunder Spirit with disgust.

What does this sword tower spirit have in mind? Does it still have a little bit of the "spirit" of its predecessors?

The spirit of wind and thunder raised its nostrils to the sky, completely ignoring the contempt of the girls. It waved its hands and muttered words, and a huge light curtain suddenly appeared in the center of the empty sword tower.

After the light curtain was completed, the spirit of wind and thunder said carelessly: "Okay, the rest of you can go in."

Then he pointed at Ling Feng and Du Shaoling, "You two, stay!"

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