Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 292 The Spirit of the Sword Tower!

"This idiot is just looking for death, and he even killed the students of our Tianwei Academy! This debt will be blamed on your True Dragon Academy!"

Jun Moxie may not really be complaining about the Tianwei Academy students who unfortunately died in battle, but this is a perfect opportunity to scold Du Shaoling.


Du Shaoling's face turned cold and he clenched his fists. That reckless idiot was indeed worthy of his death. However, he is a student of the True Dragon Academy after all, and they can only take the blame for this.

At this moment, the Thunder Sword Tower suddenly thundered, and a blue light shot into the sky.

"Bang bang bang"!

Countless huge waves exploded on the lake, and the incomparably pure power of electrical rules washed every drop of water in the Fenglei Sword Lake.

Suddenly, violent roars of monsters came from all directions in Fenglei Sword Lake.



The monsters in these lakes even included super monsters that were comparable to the peak sword sects of the Xuanyuan Realm, but under the power of thunder released by the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, they were all turned into flying ash.

All the warriors present were protected by an air film and were not attacked by the power of thunder.

"what's the situation?"

"Did the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower open automatically?"

"It's the spirit of the sword tower!"

Li Yunlong from Hailan Academy obviously knew something, and said calmly: "The former deans of the four major universities used their supreme magical power to surrender the sword tower spirit of Fenglei Sword Tower, and made a contract. Every ten years, the four major universities will each Send ten people into the Fenglei Sword Tower. At that time, the spirit of the sword tower must take the initiative to open the sword tower for students from the four universities to seek opportunities. "

"So that's it."

Everyone was talking about it. The idiot from the True Dragon Academy just now did something random without knowing anything. As a result, he accidentally violated the agency and got himself killed. He also dragged down five other people!

Damn it!

"The spirit of the sword tower..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Yan Cangtian once told him that only the most top-notch spiritual weapons and above can give birth to spiritual wisdom and create weapon spirits.

It seems that this Wind and Thunder Sword Tower itself is a treasure!


The Fenglei Sword Tower exerted great power. After a short time, the entire Fenglei Sword Lake was cleared of the evil spirit, and there was no longer any evil thing. The surface of the sword lake was filled with a layer of extremely powerful thunder power, and the evil spirit was no longer there. There is no way to invade the lake.

The lightning flashed again, and the air film protecting the warriors disappeared instantly. Everyone felt that the lake was filled with extremely pure lightning-attributed aura. In principle, any aura with any attribute could be used for practice. But spiritual energy with attributes is even more precious to practitioners who practice the same attributes.

The power of thunder released by the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower has turned the Wind and Thunder Sword Lake into a training paradise for thunder attribute monks.

Ling Feng tried to open the pulse gate, and was surprised to find that he could perfectly absorb even the thunder attribute spiritual energy.

This violent thunder power made his thirteen veins buzz at the same time, as if the fourteenth vein was about to open.

"Sure enough, my physique can absorb any spiritual energy of any attribute!"

Ling Feng was secretly happy in his heart, silently absorbing the pure thunder attribute spiritual energy around him, and his cultivation level could be improved a little bit.

Gradually, the intense and dazzling thunder light dissipated, and a faceless humanoid creature appeared.

This must be the spirit of the sword tower.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, ten years go by so fast! I need to take a nap, has it been ten years again?"

The spirit of the sword tower roared, and gradually, its face appeared, exactly like the student from the True Dragon Academy who recklessly touched the wind and thunder barrier just now.

"Nie...Nie Yang?"

Immediately, a student who usually had a good relationship with that student exclaimed with a look of astonishment on his face.

"He is not Nie Yang." Du Shaoling's eyes were like lightning, flashing with astonishing determination. "It is the spirit of the sword tower. It is invisible and formless. It has just absorbed Nie Yang's blood essence and can naturally transform into Nie Yang's appearance."

"Hey, you are quite knowledgeable, kid." The Spirit of the Sword Tower crossed his arms in front of his chest and scanned the crowd with a look of disdain.

"You are the divine weapon spirit of this Wind and Thunder Sword Tower. I have admired you for a long time!"

Li Yunlong from Hailan Academy bowed deeply to "Nie Yang" with a respectful expression on his face.

The sword tower spirit that looked like Nie Yang moved his body and laughed loudly: "Boy, don't think that if you flatter me and say that I am the spirit of the artifact, I will open the back door for you! Yes, I am. The tower spirit of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, the spirit of the Wind and Thunder! Hahaha..."

The Wind and Thunder Spirit had a beaming look on his face. Even though he said flattering was useless, this guy was obviously quite useful.

After laughing wildly, the spirit of wind and thunder pointed at the wind and thunder sword tower behind him and said loudly: "Hmph, I have a thousand-year agreement with the deans of your four universities. If you want to go in and take away the treasures inside, you can, but the rules I need to make it clear. Go through the first floor and pick out a treasure. If anyone dares to take more, don’t blame me for being evil!"

"Of course, of course."

Everyone nodded quickly. The treasures that can give birth to weapon spirits are at least the best spiritual weapons, or even holy weapons and fairy weapons.

The deans of the four universities worked together to subdue the spirit of wind and thunder, which shows how terrifying its strength is.

To defy its meaning is to seek death.

"Senior, he keeps his promise and keeps his promise for thousands of dollars. He is really a role model for all current warriors and an example of our behavior." Li Yunlong continued to flatter him.

Li Yunlong thought in his heart: There are many ways to wear someone, even if you don't know how to flatter someone, as long as you do what you like, you might have another chance.


The spirit of wind and thunder glanced at Li Yunlong, sneered, and continued: "Opportunities are only given to those who have strength. Without strength, everything is just fart. To be honest, ahem, I have a rather venomous mouth. I'm afraid of speaking out. You feel bad, do you want to listen?"

"This... senior, I..."

Li Yunlong's expression changed slightly, and he was about to speak, but was interrupted by the spirit of wind and thunder.

"Hey, you don't want to hear it, but I still want to say it." Fengling Ling looked like he wanted to be beaten, stared at Li Yunlong, and said loudly: "With your qualifications, I still advise you to give up on yourself and cultivate yourself." Go home and kill pigs to sell meat. Seeing that you are quite strong, you might even be able to make some easy money by selling yourself to a man. "

After saying that, the spirit of wind and thunder burst into laughter in an extremely exaggerated manner.

Li Yunlong's face turned red from holding it in, but he didn't even dare to fart.

The spirit of wind and thunder is definitely an existence that transcends the Divine Yuan Mirror. For a mere Pulse Condensation Realm warrior like him, the spirit of wind and thunder is not enough to fill his teeth.

In the crowd, except for the warriors from Hailan Academy, almost all the warriors laughed.

Let him flatter him so much that he slaps him on the horse's legs!

(PS: The previous settings were: mortal weapons, mysterious weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons, fairy weapons, and divine weapons. It felt a bit sparse, so I added one more level, holy weapon, between spiritual weapons and fairy weapons.)

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