Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 294 Hell Difficulty! (2 updates)

"You two, stay!"

The spirit of wind and thunder pointed at Ling Feng and Du Shaoling, opened their ears and eyes, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Let me stay?"

Du Shaoling was stunned for a moment. Although he felt unhappy, he did not dare to disobey the spirit of wind and thunder.

The others looked at each other, looking at each other, wondering if Du Shaoling and the others could do any other good things by letting Du Shaoling and the others stay.


At this moment, the spirit of wind and thunder was heard coldly snorting and yelling: "Damn it, why don't you go in? Do you still want me to reward you with a few 'big tonic pills'?"

Before he finished speaking, everyone except Du Shaoling and Ling Feng immediately rushed into the light curtain behind the Spirit of Wind and Thunder, fearing that they would be late and eat another blue lump from the Spirit of Wind and Thunder. …

Although that thing is not real, the disgusting feeling is indeed very real!

"Brother, be careful." Ye Nanfeng glanced at Ling Feng and chuckled: "Also, if you really pass the ninth level and get nine treasures, I won't want any more brothers. I will give them to you casually. Just five or eight pieces.”

Ling Feng's head went dark, he resisted the urge to kick Ye Nanfeng on the butt, rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, come in quickly!"

Li Bufan clenched his fists, a trace of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes, and he looked deeply at Ling Feng, obviously wanting to compete with Ling Feng to see who could reach a higher level.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and didn't take it seriously.

He has only one goal, and that is to break through the ninth floor!

After all those young geniuses had left, the spirit of wind and thunder raised his head and looked at Ling Feng and Du Shaoling with an enigmatic look, "You two, in my opinion, are a little bit different." Talented.”

The Spirit of Wind and Thunder was in high spirits, with a smile on his face, "Now I'll give you two minutes to feel proud. Being promoted by me is simply your lifelong honor!"

The corners of Ling Feng and Du Shaoling's mouths twitched, and they simultaneously despised this shameless Sword Tower Spirit Tong in their hearts.

"Hehe, in ordinary trials, if you want to pass the ninth level, there is still a slight chance."

The spirit of wind and thunder's eyes were as bright as lightning, "However, I will give you a chance. If you can pass the hell-difficulty wind and thunder trial, you can choose as many treasures as you like on the ninth floor of the tower. And you can directly Obtain the "Wind and Thunder Variations" from Yi Jianmen. Of course, the most precious thing is the attribute Sword Intent!"

"Attribute Sword Intent!"

Ling Feng and Du Shaoling looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Yes, it is the attribute Sword Intention, and it is the most top-notch attribute!" the Spirit of Wind and Thunder said with joy.

"The top level?" Du Shaoling visibly swallowed, "Is it the killing sword intention? The immortal sword intention? Or the destroying sword intention?"

"Ignorance!" Wind and Thunder Spirit glanced at Du Shaoling with contempt, "The world is ignorant and thinks that there are only three top attributes of sword intent: killing, destruction and immortality. But they don't know that there are ten top attributes of sword intent in this world."

"Ten types?" Ling Feng and Du Shaoling both gasped. It turned out that there were actually ten types of top attribute sword intent.

"Except for the Immortal Sword Intent, which is only mediocre among the ten attributes of Sword Intent, the Sword Intent of Killing and Destruction is only ranked at the bottom. On the top of the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower, there is the Sword Intent that ranks third! "

Wind and Thunder Spirit narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Your boy has understood the killing sword intention, right? Hehe, and your boy is not bad, the destructive sword intention has some talent."

Only then did Ling Feng and Du Shaoling understand why the Spirit of Wind and Thunder kept the two of them. It was not necessarily just because of the bet, but because they both understood one of the ten attributes of sword intent, so they had the best chance. Comprehend the attribute sword intention of the ninth floor of Fengling Sword Tower.

"Hmph!" Du Shaoling snorted, his expression cold, and he obviously still harbored a grudge against the spirit of wind and thunder.

Wind and Thunder Spirit curled his lips and said: "How about it? You should think carefully about it! Of course, let me make it clear in advance that if you can pass the ninth level of hell difficulty, you will 100% get the third-ranked attribute Sword Intent. ! Even if most people kneel down to beg me for this hellish wind and thunder trial, I still won’t necessarily agree!”

"Hell's Difficulty Wind and Thunder Trial..."

Ling Feng swallowed, the conditions promised by the Wind and Thunder Spirit were indeed quite tempting.

Du Shaoling took a few deep breaths. Regarding the hell difficulty of the Fenglei Sword Tower, there were records in the classics of the True Dragon Academy. It is said that in the thousands of years of Yijian Sect's history, only one person has overcome it in the Pulse Condensation Realm. , and this person is known as the "Sword of a Thousand Years".

As the name suggests, this is the only sword in a thousand years!

"Keep moving forward with courage on your journey of swordsmanship!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and took the lead in making a decision, "Okay, since senior wants to give me all the attribute sword intent, it would be unreasonable for me to refuse."

Du Shaoling sneered and sneered: "The courage of an ordinary man is simply ridiculous!"

After that, Du Shaoling pointed at the spirit of wind and thunder and said word by word: "I will choose the normal difficulty."

"You?" Fengling Zhiling shouted in his heart that he had made a mistake. He didn't expect that although Du Shaoling was arrogant, he was very self-aware.

In fact, although both Ling Feng and Du Shaoling have mastered extremely powerful sword intent, the Wind and Thunder Spirit does not think highly of them. It was only because of its bet with Du Shaoling that it came up with such a damaging move. In this way, Du Shaoling's attempt to pass the ninth level of hell is absolutely a fool's errand.

It's a pity that Du Shaoling actually chose the normal difficulty!

"I said, little brother, there's something wrong with you. In fact, your talent is pretty good. Don't give up on treatment so quickly." Fengling Spirit blinked at Du Shaoling, "You have to believe in yourself, people are optimistic about you. !”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This Wind and Thunder Spirit was as shameless as that damn bitch!

Du Shaoling put a black sword on his shoulder and said coldly: "Hmph, I remember the bet between you and me!"

After that, he took a step forward and walked straight into the light curtain.

"Damn you." The spirit of wind and thunder was a little panicked. This time, I am going to lose my life and eat this grandson's boogers?

"No, we must stop him! I am the spirit of the sword tower. If you have ever thought about the ninth floor, go ahead and dream! Hehehehe..." The evil laughter of the spirit of wind and thunder came from the empty sword tower platform, and a blue light flashed He dodged and chased Du Shaoling.

"Say, how do I get to hell difficulty?" Ling Feng looked at the direction where the spirit of wind and thunder was leaving, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, a small yellow bag shot out of the light curtain.

"Then this, you hold the token in your hand, and through this light curtain, you can naturally enter the hell difficulty."

Ling Feng took the bag and opened it. Suddenly, dozens of books fell out of the bag.

"What's this?"

Ling Feng secretly rejoiced: Could it be some kind of secret book?

He opened the book and flipped through a few pages. Suddenly, Ling Feng's forehead went black and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

These books are all filled with spring pictures!

Ling Feng's hands trembled and he quickly threw the book to the ground.

No wonder that old guy from Feng Lei Zhi Ling is so wretched and despicable. That’s it!

Ling Feng covered his forehead and looked at the book on the ground, speechless for a while.

Putting those books into the bag, Ling Feng discovered that there was a jade sign hanging on the rope of the bag, with the word "Prison" written on it.

It seems that this is the certificate to enter the hell difficulty wind and thunder trial.

He stuffed the small cloth bag into the spirit ring, hung up the prison token, and stepped into the light curtain.

Hell difficulty, I, Ling Feng, am here!

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