Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 279 Question! Ling Feng’s amazing results!

"Finally the statistics are done!"

In Su Qingxuan's office, the hot and beautiful instructor stretched her body, which made Leng Jianfeng, who was assisting her in compiling the records, blush.

However, this guy's skin is dark and his face is covered with beards, so few people can tell that he can blush.

"Thank you, Professor Leng." Su Qingxuan smiled faintly at Leng Jianfeng, and Leng Jianfeng felt that his heart was melting.

This smile seemed like the spring breeze blowing across the lake and the autumn rain soaking the earth, making Leng Jianfeng intoxicated.

"Haha, hahaha..."

Leng Jianfeng just giggled on the back of his head. This sinister, cold and sullen man was as ruthless as a wolf when facing students, but in front of Su Qingxuan, he was as cowardly as a dog!

"Okay, I'm going to hand in the form."

Su Qingxuan sorted out the documents on the desktop, nodded to Leng Jianfeng, then carried the documents and walked towards the office of the deputy dean in charge of the hunting competition.

The core area of ​​Tianwei Academy, the vice president's office.

A gray-haired old man was reviewing a thick stack of documents. This was the summary of the final results of students at all levels in the five colleges.

However, the only thing missing is the achievements of the students with yellow letters from the East Campus.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door, and the old man raised his head. He knew that the final results were about to be delivered, so he called to a girl in green clothes next to him who was counting the data: "Xian'er, go and open the door."

"Okay, teacher!"

The girl named Xian'er nodded and quickly stood up to open the door.

If Ling Feng were present, he would be surprised to find that this Xian'er is not the same Lin Xian'er who he has met several times!

The door opened, and a woman full of mature charm came in. She held a document in her hand and said with a smile: "Is Vice President Tong here?"

"The teacher is here." Lin Xian'er smiled, "Tutor, are you here to send me the score statistics?"

"Yes." Su Qingxuan quickly entered the room, walked to the opposite side of Vice President Tong, and bowed, "I'm sorry, Vice President. These are the results of our East Campus students with yellow characters."

"A disciple with yellow letters from the East Campus?"

Lin Xian'er's eyelids twitched. She knew that Ling Feng was the yellow-character disciple of the East Campus, and she couldn't help but stretch her ears and listen carefully.

"The results were sent a little late this time!"

Vice President Tong raised his head with a very serious expression, obviously not in a good mood.

In fact, every year in addition to the students' performance statistics, there is also a death list.

This year, the number of people on the death list is about 20% more than in previous years, and as many as five Tianzi disciples, who are quite precious to the college, have died!

Among them are two young masters from Tingwei Mansion!

Although after participating in the animal hunting competition, life and death are determined by destiny, but if people from Tingwei Mansion come to visit, he, the deputy dean in charge of the animal hunting competition, will be affected to some extent.

Of course, with the support of the empire, Tingwei Mansion does not dare to do anything, but he will be very unhappy for a period of time in the future.

"Because several of our students returned late, we have to wait a little longer. Please don't take offense to the deputy dean." Su Qingxuan said softly.

"Well, give me the transcript and death list." Tong Chengtai glanced at Su Qingxuan and said calmly.

Su Qingxuan hurriedly handed over the documents and said slowly: "Vice Dean, this time there has not been any death among the students with yellow letters in our East Campus."

"Zero deaths? Not bad!"

Tong Chengtai nodded, finally hearing some pretty good news.

He opened the performance statistics sheet and glanced at it, and was about to let Su Qingxuan leave when he suddenly saw that the leader's first list actually recorded a fifth-level demon elixir on the demon elixir level!

This fifth level looks extremely dazzling.

Because in this beast hunting competition, even among those Tianzi disciples, the number of people who killed the fifth-level monsters was pitifully small, only three.

And in the report card submitted by the yellow-letter disciple, there was actually a statistics of a fifth-level demon elixir.

"Wait!" Tong Chengtai frowned, "Teacher Su, you were in a hurry when you recorded it, maybe you made a mistake?"

"What?" Su Qingxuan blinked her big beautiful eyes and said quickly: "Vice Dean, I have checked it carefully several times, and there is absolutely no mistake?"

"Have you checked it carefully several times?"

Tong Chengtai slapped the report card on the table and said in a deep voice: "There is an error in the first row and column. The yellow-lettered disciple named Ling Feng actually got the fifth-level monster? Such an obvious mistake, still need Shall I point it out?”

Tong Chengtai was a little annoyed. He was already angry, but this young tutor didn't have any brains in doing things!

Lin Xian'er on the side suddenly heard Ling Feng's name, and her heart trembled suddenly.

Ling Feng, killed the fifth-level monster?

Don't say that the vice president doesn't believe it, even she doesn't believe it either!

No matter how defiant the Pulse Condensation Realm is, can it be possible to directly cross the Huayuan Realm and kill the Divine Yuan Realm?

Upon hearing this, Su Qingxuan quickly explained: "Vice Dean, this data is indeed true! It's not that I made a mistake in the statistics, but that student Ling Feng did indeed get back a fifth-level demon pill."

"What?" Tong Chengtai's eyelids twitched wildly, and he stood up from his seat. He stared at Su Qingxuan in disbelief and asked in a deep voice, "You mean, the disciple with the yellow letter killed the fifth-level monster?"

"Yes." Su Qingxuan nodded repeatedly, "I definitely did not falsify. The students present and Professor Leng Jianfeng can also testify. In addition, the academy has always had a practice of randomly checking the authenticity of statistical results. No matter how stupid I am, I can't do it. Fill in a fifth-level demon elixir to promote my students."


Tong Chengtai took a deep breath, and a wave of turmoil arose in his heart.

Is there really such a heaven-defying existence among the disciples with yellow characters?

This is too incredible!

Tong Chengtai sat down slowly, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I know about this."

Tong Chengtai pondered for a moment and then said: "As for Ling Feng, his achievements are indeed a bit exaggerated, but since you said so, there should be no lies. However, if a tree is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will destroy it. ! It is too unbelievable for a yellow disciple to kill a fifth-level monster. If it arouses jealousy, it may not be a good thing for this Ling Feng."

"This... what is the vice president going to do?"

Su Qingxuan nodded. It was not uncommon for some good students to be killed due to mutual jealousy among students.

With a swipe of his pen, Tong Chengtai crossed out the record of fifth-level demon pills and said lightly: "Ling Feng's score will be changed to seventy-two fourth-level demon pills. This score is just right among all the new students." , ranked among the top ten! Teacher Su, what do you think?"

Su Qingxuan nodded quickly, "Okay, thank you, Dean, for reminding me. I understand. Regarding this point, I will remind the students below not to talk nonsense."

"Well, that's it." Tong Chengtai waved his hand, "You can go back."

Su Qingxuan bowed to Tong Chengtai and then slowly exited the office, secretly admiring Tong Chengtai's behavior of "protecting students".

As expected of a very experienced senior vice-dean, he indeed has his own tricks!

However, as soon as Su Qingxuan left, Tong Chengtai's expression immediately changed, and he said with hatred: "What the hell, Ling Feng, you dare to surpass the young master (Li Bufan) of the Taiwei Mansion! Boy, don't blame me, the dean, besides, This dean is doing this for your own good!"

Immediately, with a stroke of his pen, Ling Feng's score became seventy-two low- to medium-grade fourth-level demon pills. Li Bufan's result was seventy-two medium-to-high-grade fourth-level demon pills.

In the final ranking, Li Bufan is still above Ling Feng!

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