Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 280 Lin Xianer’s question!

Tong Chengtai directly tampered with Ling Feng's results with one stroke of his pen.

In the end, Ling Feng obtained the same number of demon pills as Li Bufan, but because the quality was lower than Li Bufan, he ranked second among all the yellow-labeled disciples.

As for the ranking of all students, Li Bufan is ranked tenth; Ling Feng is closely followed, ranked eleventh!

According to the rules of the beast hunting competition, the student ranked eleventh, even though the difference is only one, is no longer qualified to receive the final mysterious reward.

"Well, that's about it."

Tong Chengtai stroked his long beard. He knew that Li Bufan was the son of the Taiwei Mansion, so naturally he couldn't let Ling Feng's limelight overwhelm Li Bufan.

If you can curry favor and go to the Taiwei Mansion, his benefits will naturally be indispensable in the future.

"Xian'er, go and compile all the results. I'll send them to each hospital tomorrow."

After speaking, Tong Chengtai handed all the documents on the desk to Lin Xianer.

As Lin Xianer's teacher, he can naturally delegate some chores to his students.

"Okay, teacher."

Lin Xianer held up the stack of documents. Tong Chengtai was very kind to her. Not only did he promote her to Tianzi's disciple, he also passed her an incomplete spiritual weapon to her. He was the person she respected the most.

Therefore, after she joined Tianwei Academy, she stayed with Tong Chengtai and became his assistant, which was a way of repaying her mentor's kindness.

However, when Lin Xianer saw Ling Feng's results column above, her teacher had clearly agreed with the instructor named Su that Ling Feng could be ranked in the top ten among all students, but it turned out that he was ranked eleventh. name.

Although there is a difference in one place, the final reward is completely different.

Lin Xianer gritted her teeth. How could the teacher do such a thing? It was too much!

After hesitating for a while, Lin Xianer still took the report card, walked to her teacher, bit her lip, and said hesitantly: "Old...teacher, why did you agree with that instructor Su just now? Did the ranking change in the end?”

Tong Chengtai looked at the report card and immediately frowned, "Xian'er, you are still young, there are some things you don't understand!"

"But teacher, shouldn't we seek truth from facts?" Lin Xian'er raised her head and stared at her teacher with a questioning look in her eyes.

"This..." Tong Chengtai's old face twisted slightly, "I said, there are some things you don't understand now, but you will understand them in the future! Well, this is my final decision. If you don't want to do it, Just go back and rest!"

"Teacher, no matter what you do, I respect you very much, but you actually used such means and cheated today..."

"Bastard!" Before Lin Xian'er could finish speaking, Tong Chengtai suddenly raised his hand and slapped Lin Xian'er on the cheek.


The crisp slap stunned both Lin Xianer and Tong Chengtai.

"Xian'er, I..." Tong Chengtai had some regrets. Although he was not an upright gentleman, he was indeed quite satisfied with this close disciple and always treated Lin Xian'er as his own daughter.

"Teacher, you...are you going to hit me?" Lin Xianer's eyes flashed with tears, and she immediately rushed out of the door and left the vice-dean's office.

This slap, although not heavy, broke the perfect teacher in her mind!

"Hey!" Tong Chengtai shook his sleeves and let out a long sigh.

"How could a silly boy like you understand the turmoil in the empire..." Tong Chengtai clenched his fists, "The seemingly peaceful Tianwei Academy is not filled with intrigues and secret fights! If I can't fight with the Taiwei Mansion How can we maintain our current status if we make good friends..."

Tong Chengtai sighed, "Maybe in a few years, you will understand."

Tong Chengtai shook his head and packed up the files on the table. Without Lin Xianer's help, he could only compile the performance data by himself.

Lin Xianer was sad and angry and rushed out of Tong Chengtai's office.

How could she imagine that the teacher she had always respected was an out-and-out hypocrite!

However, for more than a year, Tong Chengtai really had nothing to say to her. He taught her all his skills and was kind enough to give her spiritual weapons. But why did his beloved teacher do such a thing.

"Ling Feng..." Lin Xian'er squeezed her pink fist and thought to herself: No, I can't let Ling Feng be kept in the dark. Even if he loses his ranking in the top ten, I have to let him know the truth of all this. .

"He seemed to have told me last time that he lived in Tianshu East Courtyard..."

Lin Xian'er gritted her teeth, took steps, and flew towards the area where the yellow-lettered disciples were.

Tianshu East Courtyard.

The men who returned to their residence immediately cleaned the blood on their bodies. What they wanted to do most at the moment was undoubtedly to have a big meal and then have a good sleep.

In a place like the Tianwei Mountains, dangers are everywhere. For three days, it was almost impossible to get a good night's sleep.

It's getting dusk.

After eating and drinking enough, the seventh roommate of Tianshu East Hospital moved a chair and lay down in the courtyard to rest.

At this moment, even Jiang Xiaofan, the fighting maniac, has no intention of continuing to practice.

"Comfortable, so comfortable!"

Ouyang Jing touched his bulging belly, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Our Tianshu East Hospital is better!"

"Haha, of course!" Feng Mo returned to his usual coquettishness and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, how did you get your fifth-level demon elixir? I don't believe it's really that good. With some luck, I can find a seriously injured fifth-level monster and take a stab at it."

"Even if it's not, it's pretty much the same."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, suddenly remembered something, and took out six more porcelain bottles from the Naling Ring, each of them divided one bottle, and said with a smile: "This is the Purple Spirit Liquid, which is good for you to improve your cultivation. "

"Purple Luo Spiritual Liquid!" Yang Jun was worthy of being born in the Great Chamber of Commerce. When he heard the name, he jumped up immediately, "What a good thing! Brother Feng, I really want to kiss you twice!"

"Go away!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Use it leisurely, it will be gone when you use it up."


All the sexy young people were dancing with joy. Sure enough, they followed Brother Feng and got meat to eat!

Ouyang Jing came up with saliva on his face and said with a smile: "Brother, how about you give me another bottle? Half a bottle is fine, I'll give it to Xiaoyun!"

"Damn it, Ouyang, you're so fucking coquettish! You're using Brother Feng's things to pick up girls! It's really okay!"

Feng Mo kicked Ouyang Jing off the chair.

"Haha, this guy's shamelessness is enough to go down in history!" Yang Jun also joined in the fun.

Ouyang Jing patted his butt and said with a grimace, "I just said it casually!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and after thinking about it, Zhou Yun was both Zhou Kai's sister and Ouyang Jing's female companion, so it wouldn't be a big deal to give her a bottle of purple spiritual fluid.

"Here you go." Ling Feng threw another bottle over, and Ouyang Jing quickly thanked him profusely.

"Holy crap! Brother Feng, I actually had a girl two days ago!"

"Brother Feng, I am relatively capable, I have seven or eight!"

"roll roll roll!"

Countless black lines immediately appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. These grandsons are all birdmen!

Make careless friends, make careless friends!

(PS again: Please give me a monthly ticket~)

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