Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 278 Shocking! Fifth level demon pill!

Hearing the discussions among the students, Ling Feng couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose and raised his eyes to look at Li Bufan, who was standing aside indifferently.

It turns out that that guy also harvested seventy-two level four demon pills?

Really awesome!

It's a pity that I still have the seventy-third demon pill, and it's a fifth-level demon pill!

Li Bufan seemed to be aware of Ling Feng's gaze, and a fighting spirit flashed in his eyes, as if he was quite dissatisfied with this draw.

In fact, like Ling Feng, Li Bufan initially set his sights on the fifth-level monster, and then almost died on the spot. If he hadn't taken out the "God Escape Talisman" and escaped, he would have turned into a monster by now. It's a piece of monster excrement.

Unable to win at the level, Li Bufan spent all day and night frantically killing the fourth-level demonic beasts. Most of his seventy-two fourth-level demonic elixirs were the demonic elixirs of the fourth-level high-level demonic beasts!

"Okay, seventy-two fourth-level demon pills, that's the result." Leng Jianfeng handed the demon pills back to Ling Feng and said calmly, "The academy will not recycle these demon pills, you can keep them for yourself. !”

"Wait a minute." Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "I also have another level of demon pill."

"Other levels?" Leng Jianfeng blinked, thinking that it was probably a second-level or third-level monster, so he shook his head and said: "There is no need to take out the third-level demon elixir. Anyway, your score is enough to be in the yellow character Ranking among the top ten students, or even competing for the top ten among all students, may not be without a chance. "

"No, it's not the third-level demon pill."

Ling Feng directly took out another bag, a very heavy bag.

"Is this a demon pill?" Leng Jianfeng was stunned for a moment. A watermelon could fit into such a big pocket. Is this a demon pill?

The next moment, his mind was confused, and then a very incredible thought flashed through his mind.

Could it be that this is a fifth-level demon pill?

"Just take a look at it, Teacher Leng." Ling Feng's lips curled up. The fifth-level monster's demon elixir was definitely shocking enough.

With a trace of suspicion, Leng Jianfeng opened his pocket, glanced inside, and then froze on the spot.

Damn it, it’s really a fifth-level demon pill!

He even took the demon pill directly out of his pocket. The watermelon-sized demon pill was held in his hand and was full of weight.



All the students stood dumbfounded on the spot, and Qin Wanwan stared at Ling Feng in disbelief. No wonder this guy arrived late. He had gone to the deepest area where the disciples of Tianzi were active.


The sound of swallowing saliva kept coming and going.

Even Su Qingxuan, who had always been calm, widened her beautiful big eyes.

The fifth level demon pill!

That is equivalent to a powerful person at the level of the Divine Origin Realm!

How on earth did this guy do it?

Li Bufan clenched his fists, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction: What kind of means does this Ling Feng have, he can actually kill the fifth-level monster!

"You brat, how did you get it?"

Leng Jianfeng couldn't believe it at all, and his hands holding the fifth-level demon pill were sweating.

"I was lucky enough to see a half-dead fifth-level monster, so I went up to touch it up." Ling Feng smiled lightly and started to make nonsense.

Leng Jianfeng glared at Ling Feng, obviously disbelieving. If there is such a good thing, why can't others encounter it?

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and looked like he could believe it or not. Anyway, it was his demon elixir, so it would naturally be counted in the final score.

"Since the founding of Tianwei Academy, there have been nearly a hundred monster hunting competitions, but this is the first time that a student with yellow characters has directly harvested the fifth-level demon pill. You are the first!"

Leng Jianfeng rolled his eyes and continued: "Okay, I will truthfully report the results of all the students with yellow characters in our East Campus this time. Everyone, please follow me back."

Ling Feng nodded, and then he only needed to follow the instructions from the top management of the school to know whether he finally got the top ten results among all students.

What is the mysterious reward?

Ling Feng was looking forward to it very much!

"You guys seem to be causing a stir again." Su Qingxuan smiled lightly. She had to summarize the results of these yellow-letter disciples and report them to the higher-ups of the college.

Soon, the group returned to Tianwei Academy.

Along the way, everyone talked about their experiences of fighting in the Tianwei Mountains. They all talked endlessly and seemed quite excited.

For example, Jiang Xiaofan finally killed hundreds of monsters, ranging from second to third level. This result is definitely considered quite good.

Ouyang Jing and Jiang Xiaofan acted together, and it was directly revealed that Jiang Xiaofan did not use weapons at all, and was like a humanoid ferocious beast, fighting those monsters at close quarters. Coupled with his adding fuel and jealousy, Jiang Xiaofan directly made more He got a nickname, "Ferocious Beast Fan"!

Jiang Xiaofan kept rubbing the back of his head and giggling. As fierce as a beast is, it was much better than before when others called him an idiot and a fool.

As soon as he returned to Tianwei Academy, Li Bufan immediately turned around and left, returning to his residence. Just seeing the depressed look on his face, he must have been severely hit by Ling Feng.

You said that when you encounter a seriously injured fifth-level monster, you go up and hit it with a wound. Who the hell are you fooling!

Li Bufan is not someone who cannot afford to lose. Although Ling Feng didn't know what trump card he used this time and actually killed a fifth-level monster, he will never admit defeat!

From a yellow-character disciple to a Tian-zi disciple, the road is still long!

When Ling Feng saw Li Bufan's leaving figure, he couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose.

As the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

He had originally thought about whether it would be better to hide the fifth-level demon pill, but if he lost the mysterious reward because of it, it would be more than worth the gain.

Since you have decided to become as powerful as possible in a short period of time, you must not miss any opportunity.

"Okay, let's all go back first. The final results will be reported to everyone at the cold training session at noon tomorrow," Su Qingxuan said softly.

"Okay, Teacher Su, let's leave then!"

"Goodbye, Teacher Su!"

After three days of fighting, the students had long wanted to go back and wash their clothes and take a hot shower to wash away the smell of blood.

Especially the female students could hardly bear the blood stains and stains on their clothes.

"Well, goodbye, classmates." Su Qingxuan had a smile in her eyes, turned to look at Ling Feng, bit her delicate lips, and then landed on Leng Jianfeng without leaving a trace, and said lightly: "Leng Jianxi, you come with me Let’s go?”


Leng Jianfeng touched the beard on his chin, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

In the heart of this sultry man, he was so happy!

However, he was obviously overthinking it. Su Qingxuan just wanted Leng Jianfeng to help calculate the students' final scores and then report them to the Academic Affairs Office, that's all...

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