Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 262 North Campus Second Team, Practice Match!

"Brother, do you want to participate?" Jiang Xiaofan looked back at Ling Feng and asked with a smile.

"No need to ask, Xiaofan!" Ouyang Jing reached out and poked Jiang Xiaofan. Suddenly he remembered something and immediately rushed out of the classroom, "I need to go first!"

"Tch, it's probably a date with a beauty." Feng Mo sighed sourly, packed up his books, and was about to leave.

Ling Feng smiled lightly. It was not a matter of whether he would participate, but a matter of getting back the top ten rewards.

Since the students have explained that students from the fourth level of Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang will be rewarded if their final total score is in the top ten, that is to say, the Huang disciples also have the right to compete. With their own strength, plus Zifeng, even if they kill It may not be impossible to kill some weaker fifth-level monsters.

As long as you kill the fifth-level monster, the top ten rewards will definitely not escape. At the same time, you can also warm up your killing sword intent.

Humph, not a bad idea!

While Ling Feng was secretly laughing, a graceful figure had already walked up to Ling Feng, stretched out her delicate hand and waved it in front of him, "Hey, Chief Ling, why are you so dazed!"

Ling Feng came back to his senses, and a delicate and beautiful face appeared in front of him, which shocked Ling Feng.

"Teacher Su?" Ling Feng smelled a scent of fragrance and looked slightly embarrassed because Su Qingxuan was too close to him.

"Uh..." Su Qingxuan realized that she was a little out of sorts, so she quickly stepped back, straightened her hair at the temples, and said with a smile: "Chief Lingda, I haven't congratulated you for joining the East Campus Sword Team."

"Thank you." Ling Feng nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

"You are the first one in so many years to join the sword team while still a disciple with yellow characters." Su Qingxuan blinked, showing a rare bit of girlish playfulness.

"Really?" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile, "Instructor Su is so complimentary."

When several male students around him saw that Su Qingxuan actually took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Ling Feng, they all scratched their heads in envy and lamented the unfairness of their fate.

Why, why do beauties all over the world seem to be surrounding Brother Feng!


East Campus Sword Team, training ground.

"Animal hunting competition?" Lin Mochen was shirtless and crossed his legs. He shook his legs while shaking the dice cup and said, "All in all, I haven't participated in anything like that for several years."

"Why don't you participate? Logically speaking, the rewards for the top ten should be generous, right?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Because only newly promoted students every year can participate. For example, if you are a newly promoted Huangzi disciple this year, you can participate. Next year, if you are promoted to a Xuanzi disciple or higher, you can continue to participate. We old fritters have all been Tianzi disciples for several consecutive terms, so we are not qualified."

Yu Sixian explained with a smile, while taking out a few "little people's books" with some erotic illustrations from his arms, raising his eyebrows wildly, and said with an ambiguous look: "Brother Feng, an out-of-print collection, a work by Master Mao Renxingmao , Hehe, I wouldn’t show it to most people!”


When Yu Sixian was laughing "hehe", he was kicked to the ground by Xue Xiaolin, the eldest sister of the East Campus Sword Team.

Xue Xiaolin had a dark face and glared at Yu Sixian angrily, "Asshole, I have told you a hundred times that you are not allowed to bring these dirty things here. Do you want to annihilate your descendants?"

Yu Sixian stared at the bottom of Xue Xiaolin's skirt and said with a wicked smile: "Wow, it's purple!"

Xue Xiaolin's face turned red and she kicked out, immediately sending Yu Sixian flying several hundred meters away.

While Yu Sixian was bleeding from the nose, he said with a smile: "Death under peonies, being a ghost is also romantic..."

Ling Feng's head darkened. Can these strange teammates really take on such a big responsibility?

"ignore him!" In the animal hunting competition, if you two join forces, you might both have a chance to get into the top ten. "

"Okay, it depends on the situation." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. In fact, when no outsiders were present, it was easier for him to show stronger strength.

In comparison, apart from the big killer weapon of "Tian Zhuang Sword Jue", the sneak attack that Zifeng can provide can also be the key to turning the tide of the battle. However, Ling Feng was not willing to expose his trump card too much.

Speaking of which, since that guy Zifeng got the demon elixir from the extremely cold ice dragon last time, he hasn't taken the initiative for a long time and seems to have become quite lethargic.

After Ye Nanfeng fought against Ling Feng last time, he naturally no longer dared to look down on Ling Feng just because he was a newcomer. He stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother Ling, I never thought that we two brothers would have the opportunity to fight together so soon!"

"Fighting side by side is indeed a good thing."

At some point, a tall figure appeared at the gate of the training ground.

Facing Gu Tengfeng, it finally came.

"Boss Gu, didn't you come too late this time?" Lin Mochen slammed the dice cup on the table, quickly put on his clothes and prepared for training.

Since Ling Feng arrived, this guy's fighting spirit has improved a bit, at least he doesn't only focus on gambling.

"Captain, I want to accuse Sister Xiaolin of domestic violence!" Yu Sixian finally got up, and then was stepped to the ground by Xue Xiaolin.

Everyone looked at this guy with contempt, this scumbag deserved it!

At this time, Miyagi also walked out from behind Gu Tengfeng, with a smile on his face.

"Vice Captain, why are you late this time? Could it be that you went out with the boss..."

The stubborn Yu Sixian got up again. Before he could finish speaking, he was stepped down by Xue Xiaolin.

Of course, he should thank Xue Xiaolin this time, otherwise after hearing these words, Gu Tengfeng would have to give him a "gorilla punch".

"Okay, the time for joking has passed." Gu Tengfeng became serious and said in a deep voice: "The reason why Miyagi and I were late today was to go to the relatively weak North Campus so that they could compete with us. A practice match is scheduled for ten days.”

"Who are you fighting? Team 1 of the North Campus?" Xue Xiaolin blinked, "Isn't that enough? Ling Feng has only been training for a few days?"

"A warrior must be familiar with his own battlefield." Gu Tengfeng looked solemn, "Our opponent this time is the Second Team of the North Campus, and I will not appear. Miyagi will be the captain to lead you and the Second Team of the North Campus. A fight!”

When they originally heard that it was the second team, everyone was relieved, but then they heard that Gu Tengfeng couldn't make it, and the pressure quickly increased again.

Gu Tengfeng failed and was replaced by Ling Feng, who had just joined the sword team.

Although Ling Feng is indeed strong enough, team sword fighting competitions require precise cooperation among the team members. Ling Feng's time to join the team is too short.

Xue Xiaolin raised her eyes to look at Gu Tengfeng, bit her delicate lips, and secretly guessed in her heart, did the captain deliberately let Ling Feng try the feeling of failure first?

"Okay, that's it for the practice competition in ten days. Ling Feng, are you confident?" Gu Tengfeng asked in a deep voice.

Ling Feng smiled proudly, "My sword tells me that I have confidence!"

In an instant, a terrifying killing sword intent swept across, caught in his blazing fighting intent, like a fire in the dark night, burning more and more fiercely...

The first battle is still ten days away!

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