Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 263 Brotherhood!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The annual hunting competition is here as scheduled.

The martial arts arena in the east courtyard.

"Hey, you little bastards!"

Devil instructor Leng Jianfeng looked at the forty-six students from the East Campus who signed up for the beast hunting competition, touched his chin and nodded with satisfaction.

Among these forty-six people, naturally all seven roommates in Tianshu East Campus where Ling Feng lived signed up. Of course, there are also Li Bufan, Wang Yishan, Liu Yunfei, Qin Wanwan...

It is worth mentioning that the female students who signed up for the competition actually occupied ten places, which made the male students who did not have the courage to participate blush.

"It's okay. One-third of the students are participating. You are not afraid of death!"

As soon as Leng Jianfeng opened his mouth, he aroused enough hatred and made the students who signed up roll their eyes.

After getting along with him for more than a month, everyone knew that although Leng Jianfeng looked cold and ruthless, he was actually a good teacher with a human touch, but he was a little bit poisonous.

"When you get to the Tianwei Mountains, be smart. I don't want you rookies to die there, and I have to collect your bodies!" Leng Jianfeng curled his lips and cursed.

"Damn it, Professor Leng, can't you expect us to do better!" The big guy Wang Yishan immediately complained dissatisfied.

"That's right, Professor Leng, if something happens to us, it's because your mouth is too poisonous and you poisoned us to death!"

"Ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter.

"Get out of here, little bastard!" Leng Jianfeng mercilessly kicked the student who was arguing on the butt, knocking him to pieces. "If you die, you can only blame yourself for being useless. I have returned all the things I usually give to you!”

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's go!"

With a wave of Leng Jianfeng's hand, forty-six disciples with yellow characters from the East Campus marched toward the Tianwei Mountains in a mighty manner.

As for those who have not signed up, they will naturally stay in the school and attend classes as normal.

The beast hunting competition lasts for three days in total. Students participating in the competition must return after entering the Tianwei Mountains for three days.

The only criterion for testing the final result is naturally the demon pill. The greater the number of demon pills and the higher the grade, the higher the final result will naturally be.

About half an hour later, under the leadership of Leng Jianfeng, everyone arrived in front of a huge mountain range.

At this moment, many people had gathered in an open space outside the mountain forest.

Of course, most of the people participating in the animal hunting competition are Huangzi disciples, and there are basically forty or fifty people in each house. As for the Xuanzi disciples and up, the number of participants is much smaller.

They, these old-timers, already have an understanding of the strength of students at the same level, and know what level they are at, so students who know that they have no chance to compete for the final reward naturally don't bother to sign up for the competition.

"Finally I have a chance to fight in action!" Jiang Xiaofan was eager to try.

This guy has always been a fighting maniac, and has long been ready to engage in such an actual battle.

"Let me tell you in advance, I'm just here to make soy sauce." Feng Mo sighed softly. Among the seven roommates in Tianshu East Campus, this guy is the laziest. I originally thought that if I have these three days to kill and kill, I might as well go to the library to read. Some "masterpieces" come easily.

However, the other six people all participated, and based on the principle of advancing and retreating together, Feng Mo had no choice but to bite the bullet and go together.

"Students at each level must be in the top ten to receive rewards. Therefore, after entering the Tianwei Mountains, our opponents will not only be monsters, but also students from any other academy."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and reminded softly.

In fact, even students from the East Campus may not be able to do things like stabbing someone in the back in order to win that precious reward.

It's just that Ling Feng doesn't want to tell the truth. It's good that everyone understands.

Especially Jiang Xiaofan, this guy's mind is too simple.

"Yeah, I understand." Jiang Xiaofan was the first to nod in agreement. The only person Jiang Xiaofan would never question at any time was Ling Feng.

"You stupid guy, I'm just telling you this. Although there is nothing wrong with being naive, being too naive is stupid!" Ouyang Jing and Jiang Xiaofan also have a bond of friendship, so naturally they can't help but remind them.

Thinking back to the beginning, the eldest elder of the Ouyang family, in order to compete for the position of the young master, even the brothers of the clan were willing to kill each other, so people should not be too simple.

You must not have the intention to harm others, but you must also have the intention to guard against others!

"Hehe..." Jiang Xiaofan touched the back of his head sheepishly and nodded repeatedly. As for how much he understood, only he knew clearly.

"Okay, let's go in later and let's move together." Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder. The strength of these guys is pretty good among the students with yellow letters, but if they want to stand out among the students from the fifth academy, I'm afraid There is still some difficulty.

Since they call me big brother, I naturally want to help them and at least get a decent ranking.

"Haha, with Brother Feng's words, we can rest assured!" Feng Mo immediately came up with saliva on his face. With Ling Feng here, hunting ordinary monsters is no longer a joke.

He Yiming and Yang Jun also nodded, "Thank you, Brother Feng!"

Jiang Xiaofan, on the other hand, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Brother, I...I want..."

When Ling Feng saw Jiang Xiaofan's eyes, he understood what he was thinking. This stubborn young man did not want to be under his care.

"I understand." Ling Feng's eyes flashed with admiration. Perhaps Jiang Xiaofan was the least qualified among his roommates, but with his character, he would definitely be the most accomplished in the future.

"Xiaofan, come on!" Ling Feng patted his shoulder again. He had no reason to stop Jiang Xiaofan, and he was even proud of such a brother.

"Thank you, brother!" Jiang Xiaofan scratched his head naively. He was very lucky to have a brother like Ling Feng who understood what he was thinking.

"No, let Xiaofan act alone, that won't work." Ouyang Jing curled his lips and smiled, "Brother, Xiaofan and I can act together. My strength is about the same as Xiaofan, so it's just right to team up with him. Although Xiaofan is not as strong as The problem is, it’s too simple and easy to be deceived!”

"Second brother..." Jiang Xiaofan was moved and looked at Ouyang Jing gratefully, with a faint twinkle of tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, calling me second brother is for nothing!" Ouyang Jing shrugged in a pretentious manner, and said with a smile: "Since he is your second brother, don't think about leaving him far behind. My strength is very strong!”

"Well, it's good for you two to take care of each other."

Ling Feng nodded. With Jiang Xiaofan's strength and Ouyang Jing's brains, at least he wouldn't suffer any big losses.

"Damn, I can't just give you the opportunity to practice! Brother Feng, I'll go all the way on my own!" Zhou Kai, a big man, was also aroused by Jiang Xiaofan and Ouyang Jing. He patted his chest and said loudly.

"Brother Kai, I'm with you!" He Yiming laughed.

Finally, the seven roommates in Tianshu were divided into three teams: Ling Feng, Yang Jun, and Feng Mo; Jiang Xiaofan, Ouyang Jing, and Zhou Kai; He Yiming, one team.

At the same time, in a bush not far away, most of the students from the West Campus gathered there. The He Zhongjie brothers were hiding in the crowd, with an extremely cold light shining in their eyes...

(PS: The 20th update has been released! Thank you for your support! In addition, I will recommend a few more books by good friends. If you like it, you can read it: "Emperor of the Nine Heavens", "The Peerless Medicine God", "All the Ways of the Sky", "My Peerless Beauty School Beauty Wife", "The Sky-Swallowing Dragon King", "The Demonic Dragon Emperor", "The Demonic Emperor with Infinite Upgrades", "Chaos Overlord Jue", "The Ancient Battle Technique", "Click Here to Open the Treasure Chest", "Zongtian Divine Emperor", "The First Young Emperor in Eternity"...)

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