Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 261 Beast Hunting Competition!

"What are you doing?"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped when he saw Ouyang Jing and the others staring at him, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so similar, this smell!" Ouyang Jing sighed, "No wonder I always feel a little familiar!"

Soon, Ling Feng inquired about the situation and secretly guessed that it must have been when his killing sword intent took shape last night. The terrifying killing aura spread throughout the courtyard and affected Ouyang Jing and the others. Their thoughts gave them nightmares again and again.

In fact, the killing sword intention has reached a perfect level. Once the sword intention is unfolded, ordinary warriors will immediately feel chilled and have no room to resist.

This is what they say, it only takes one look to kill someone.

"Brother, we all dreamed about you last night. I'm afraid it wasn't a coincidence, right?" Ouyang Jing narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, "What's the difference?"

Feng Mo also held his chin and circled around Ling Feng, "Yes, there is no reason for me, a big man, to dream about you, Brother Feng, if I don't dream about beautiful women!"

Ling Feng's forehead went dark and he kicked Feng Mo in the butt, "Okay, okay, you are all idle, right? Wash up quickly and go to class!"


Everyone scratched the backs of their heads. Today was the history of the empire of the beautiful tutor Su Qingxuan. After counting, it was a good day!

After everyone arrived at the teaching room, not long after, the graceful and beautiful tutor Su Qingxuan came pacing. Seeing Ling Feng sitting in his original position, he put a smile on his lips and nodded secretly.

During this period of time, Ling Feng became much more honest and was never absent again.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start the class. Today we will explain the other three countries among the four empires of the Eastern Spiritual Region."

"As mentioned in the previous course, the four great empires of the Eastern Spiritual Domain are the Tianbai Empire, the Tiansheng Empire, the Tianyang Empire, and the Tianlong Empire. About seven hundred years ago, due to the split of the Tianbai Holy Dynasty, the With today’s four great empires.”

"Today I will mainly talk about the customs and customs of the Tiansheng Empire and the diplomatic relations with our Tianbai Empire..."

Su Qingxuan is indeed a well-known talented woman from Tianwei University. Her explanations are very unique. Even a guy like Jiang Xiaofan who gets a headache when reading books is very happy when listening to Su Qingxuan's stories.

Soon, Su Qingxuan's class ended. Before get out of class ended, Su Qingxuan announced another news.

"Dear students, it has been a month since you entered Tianwei Academy. According to the past rules, when new students join the students for one month, they will do a small test on their practical ability. Of course, this test is voluntary. According to the principle, students who want to participate can take the initiative to sign up. Of course, I think Professor Leng will also mention it, but in the end you still have to sign up with me. "

Su Qingxuan stood behind the podium and said to everyone with a smile.

"A test of actual combat ability?"

For a moment, there was an uproar in the classroom.

"What kind of test? Is it a two-on-one battle?"

"No, it's said that the duel between the students from the fifth academy is only held during the assessment for promotion to Xuanzi disciples!"

"Hmph, I don't know this. Of course it refers to Tianwei Academy's annual beast hunting competition! My second brother participated in it two years ago!"

Soon, among the noise, someone said the correct answer.

"Yes." Su Qingxuan opened her red lips lightly and said softly: "Some students were right just now. It is indeed an annual beast hunting competition, but our students with yellow letters are separated from other high-level students."

Soon, Su Qingxuan explained the beast hunting competition in a soft voice.

The annual hunting competition is actually a tradition of Tianwei University. Of course, there are also similar traditions in the other three universities.

The human race and the demon race have always been incompatible with each other.

The reason why the school holds this kind of beast hunting competition is, firstly, to encourage students to focus on actual combat, and secondly, to remind students not to forget the hatred between the human race and the demon race.

The Tianwei Academy covers an area that is quite large. Apart from the urban area, there is also a huge hunting ground and a huge mountain range on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

Because this mountain range has been owned by Tianwei University for hundreds of years, it is also called the "Tianwei Mountain Range".

In the Tianwei Mountain Range, there are thousands of monster beasts ranging from the second level (Qi Condensation Realm) to the fifth level (Divine Yuan Realm). Of course, fifth-level monsters are rare in number and are basically the kings in the Heavenly Mountains.

Only the top and most powerful students would dare to provoke these kings. As for the yellow disciples, there would only be a few third-level high-level monsters within their general range of activities.

Although these monster beasts have been captured and kept in captivity, they have not lost their wild nature. They are all ferocious hunters just like the terrifying monster beasts in the wild.

Once you sign up to participate in this competition, life or death depends on your destiny. Even if you die, the school does not need to take any responsibility.

Moreover, every year, many students die inside after entering. These are not uncommon things.

The road to martial arts is inherently bloody, full of sacrifice and death. Only under the baptism of blood and fire can one grow into a strong martial artist step by step.

Of course, if it is just a simple hunt for monsters, not many people will be willing to risk their lives to participate. After all, for students who can join Tianwei Academy, most of them are from very privileged families, and they are not worthy of it. The money from selling the demon pills and demon beast materials.

In order to attract students to sign up enthusiastically, the school also provides great incentives.

For students of each level, those who finish in the top ten will receive generous rewards. Among all students, those who finish in the top ten will reportedly receive mysterious rewards.

Some people once got treasures, and some people once got the opportunity to make great progress in cultivation. All in all, it is definitely an extremely exciting reward.

As Su Qingxuan finished explaining, the students in the classroom were all excited and eager to try.

Wealth and honor are found in danger. As a warrior, if you don't even dare to take risks, why should you practice martial arts?

"Everyone can go back and think about it for a few days. Just sign up with me in three days at the latest." After Su Qingxuan finished speaking, she announced that get out of class was over and asked the students to disperse and leave.

"This is a good opportunity!" The big man Wang Yishan clenched his fists, "Humph, there is no need to think about it at all! My iron fist is already so thirsty!"

"Haha, of course I want to participate too!" Liu Yunfei also laughed loudly. With his strength, he was only within the scope of activities of the yellow-letter disciples, so there was basically no danger.

"Hey, brother Bufan, where are you?"

Liu Yunfei saw the newcomer Li Bufan sitting in the corner and couldn't help but ask him.

To sum it up, Liu Yunfei had some admiration for Li Bufan after seeing his miraculous swordsmanship several years ago. Even his own sword was somewhat imitated by Li Bufan. Now he can actually do it. It's a wonderful feeling to study at the same time as your idol.

Li Bufan still had a frosty look on his face, glanced at Liu Yunfei coldly, stood up and left.

This guy has always seemed to be incompatible with everything. He is the kind of iceberg that is cold to the freezing point, making it impossible for people to get close to him.

"What's so great, so cold!"

Qin Wanwan couldn't help but curl her lips when she saw Liu Yunfei's hot face pressed against his cold butt. She was equally cold. In comparison, Ling Feng was much easier to contact.

With her beautiful eyes turning, Qin Wanwan couldn't help but look at Ling Feng and couldn't help but sigh softly.

In the past few days, the question she has been struggling with is: does Ling Feng like Yue Yunlan?

Very annoying, really annoying...

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