Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 254 The most powerful finale treasure!

After hearing the words of the old general Deng Xian, the auction house suddenly fell silent.

From this point of view, the guy behind the box who bid with Deng Xian was really General Deng's benefactor!

Everyone was shocked. How old was the guy in the ordinary box? Even the famous General Deng owed him a huge debt.

"Haha, an old friend is an old friend!" Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard, looked at Ling Feng, and said proudly: "How about it, Ling Feng boy, this time you have got the Sword Enlightenment Stone!"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Yan!"

Ling Feng was slightly excited. As long as he got the Sword Enlightenment Stone, his killing sword intent would be fully formed, and his strength would naturally rise again.

Seeing that no one was bidding again, the auction officer picked up the small wooden hammer on the bidding platform, gave it a gentle hammer on the platform, and said loudly: "Then the seven-inch long Sword Enlightenment Stone will be made by No. 127 The VIP in the VIP box took the photo! Congratulations!”

Soon, the Sword Enlightenment Stone was delivered to Ling Feng's private room. After paying for the high-grade Yuan Stone, the seven-inch-long Sword Enlightenment Stone finally fell into Ling Feng's hands smoothly.

Holding the Sword Enlightenment Stone, Ling Feng felt excited in his heart. He could feel the strong sword energy emanating from the Sword Enlightenment Stone, which vaguely seemed to resonate with the sword embryo in his spiritual sea.

After carefully putting away the Sword Enlightenment Stone, Ling Feng was already satisfied that tonight's trip was finally worthwhile.

The Enlightenment Sword Stone was finally sold for 45,000 high-grade Yuan Stones. The bidder's face clearly showed a hint of joy. With such a high price, the commission he received as the bidder was enough to keep him nourished for a long time. .

After suppressing his smile, the auctioneer looked solemn and continued: "The next item is also the last item to be auctioned in this auction."

He looked at the list in his hand and found that there had been a change from the originally planned treasure. He immediately laughed and said: "This last treasure is really amazing. The original treasure is not this." , but because of tonight’s unexpected harvest, the Chamber of Commerce made a temporary decision to change the finale!”

Hearing this, the atmosphere became heated. Generally speaking, the temporarily replaced treasures were the kind of shocking treasures.

Everyone's eyes suddenly flashed with a fiery color.

Ling Feng and Yan Cangtian looked at each other and couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the temporarily replaced final treasure will be the twelve pills we used to exchange for high-grade Yuan Stones?"

Yan Cangtian nodded, "It's very possible. Although a single ancient elixir is not enough to be the final treasure, but the twelve of them combined, the shocking power, hehe, I'm afraid those old men from the Alchemist Guild will They will all break their heads!"

Yan Cangtian said with a proud smile.

Although he had sold the elixir to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, he felt extremely proud when he saw the elixir refined from the elixir he had completed fetched a high price.

After more than ten years of research, I almost turned myself into an old madman, but I finally got recognition from the world. Most people can't understand that feeling.

Ling Feng also watched the bidding below with great interest, wondering what kind of sky-high price the elixir he refined could fetch.

The auction officer saw that the field had become extremely lively, laughed loudly, and waved. It was also a tray, and on the tray was an emerald green jade box.

Ling Feng and Yan Cangtian smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, it was the twelve pills!

The people in the audience immediately started talking, and they were all curious about what kind of treasure was contained in the jade box.

"Everyone, be quiet!" The auctioneer waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said seriously: "This last treasure is definitely extraordinary, because it is twelve completely different ancient elixirs!"

"You heard me right, these twelve kinds of elixirs are all ancient elixirs that have been lost!"

The auctioneer put on special gloves, carefully picked up one of the pills, and said solemnly: "For example, this one is a Shen Ning Dan. Compared with the Ning Yuan Dan that is used by ordinary Shenyuan realm warriors to enhance their vitality, The effect is at least ten times stronger!"

"There is also this, the Evil-Breaking Pill, which can ward off hundreds of poisons, eliminate evil spirits, and has a certain body-building effect. It is also a rare fifth-level ancient elixir."


After the auction officer introduced seven or eight kinds of elixirs one after another, many people in the audience stood up, stretched their necks, stared at the elixirs, and swallowed hard.

Any kind of elixir is enough to make people grab it, not to mention it is an ancient elixir!

If we could research elixirs from elixirs, that would be a great development!

Especially among the people present, there were many high-level alchemists, and all of them had bright eyes, determined to obtain these twelve ancient elixirs.

"These twelve ancient elixirs have been appraised by Master Jingxuan and Master Boyang from our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, as well as the appraisal certificates of five other master appraisers. There is absolutely no problem."

After the auction officer introduced the elixirs, he began to preach how these elixirs were highly praised by the appraisal masters, building up enough momentum, and this time he got down to business.

"Then the next step is the bidding!" The auctioneer said with a smile: "The starting price for these twelve extremely precious ancient elixirs is 100,000 high-grade Yuan stones. You can increase the price!"

One hundred thousand!

This price has exceeded the bottom line that ordinary warriors can afford.

This is truly a treasure that only the big names in the VIP box can participate in the auction.

In particular, generally speaking, an alchemist is a very wealthy profession. The final price of these twelve ancient elixirs is absolutely astonishing.

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

At the beginning, an old voice came from the VIP seat No. 6, strong and powerful, and directly raised the price by 50,000 yuan, showing his extremely strong capital.

You know, 50,000 high-grade yuan stones are equivalent to hundreds of millions of crystal coins!

Ling Feng felt a wave of panic in his heart, and his expression changed again and again. No wonder Master Jingxuan said that if he sold it directly to Tianmeng, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

Sure enough, if someone randomly increased the price, he would lose 30,000 yuan!

On the other hand, Yan Cangtian had no feeling at all. These high-level alchemists with profound knowledge were indeed monsters, and they were indeed extremely rich!

"One hundred and eighty thousand!" VIP box No. 11 immediately refused to be outdone and shouted 30,000 high-grade Yuan stones.

The increase in this number simply made the ordinary guests' hearts beat faster and their faces turn red.

This is the real boss!

As for Mr. Luo from Xicheng, local Ye Tianchen...

He is nothing more than a clown!

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