Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 255 The bitch shows up!

"What's one hundred and eighty thousand? Two hundred thousand! Our Huo family is bound to get these twelve ancient elixirs!"

The VIP on the 6th immediately fought back. At this moment, the high-grade Yuanshi seemed to be free of charge, soaring into the tens of thousands!

The higher the price, the more painful Ling Feng feels!

What a loss!

Big loss!

If you entrust those elixirs to the auction house for auction, although the procedures are a bit more complicated, in the end the auction house can only extract 10% of the profit, and the rest can go into your own pocket!

However, Yan Cangtian still feels neither pain nor itching. He is worthy of being the boss who owns the elixir garden, the boss among bosses!

"Twenty-one thousand!"

"Two hundred and twenty thousand!"


The price jumped up like crazy. At the beginning, there were occasionally five or six different voices bidding. Later, it completely turned into a "fight" between the two sides.

Moreover, the bidding price was also called a sky-high price of "350,000"!


The sounds of swallowing came and went.

Maybe 350,000 high-grade Yuan Stones doesn't sound shocking enough, but if converted into crystal coins, that's more than one billion crystal coins!

More than a billion!

Even for some sects and families with fairly good foundations, the combined income of several years is not so outrageous.

No wonder people have commented since ancient times: Alchemists are all monsters!

However, just when the two old monsters were arguing fiercely, a black demonic wind suddenly swept across the bidding hall.

Then, everyone felt that they could hardly open their eyes. A black cloud unexpectedly enveloped the auctioneer in an instant. Then, they saw an unusually big mouth, and suddenly with a "Ouch" sound, the box and the box were Taking the twelve pills, he swallowed them all at once.

That bloody mouth doesn’t look like a human being at all!

When the auctioneer came to his senses and found that the twelve pills had been taken away, he was about to take action when he was kicked over.

Oh no, it's a black, straight one...

Donkey's hoof!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Then, a burst of harsh laughter sounded in the bidding hall, and then a long donkey tail stretched out from a wide black cloak, "Hahaha, I didn't expect this beast to have a whim tonight and want to touch it." I’m so lucky to have eaten so many delicious elixirs, tsk tsk tsk, they taste so fragrant and sweet!”

While speaking, the cloaked monster had already thrown off his cloak, revealing his true identity!

Black donkey!

Even though there are thousands of donkeys in the world, they all look almost exactly the same, but there is only one black donkey that is so mean and arrogant!

This guy, after escaping from the misty ghost forest last time, turned out to have fled to the imperial capital, and he criticized the cloak for pretending to be a human being.

It's a pity that, despite his bad nature, he dared to cause trouble at the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce's auction!

At this moment, the black donkey was wearing a woman's short skirt that he had stolen from somewhere, covering his lower body. There were bunches of messy gourds hanging all over his body. These were the treasures he had stolen along the way. There are elixirs, nectar, and countless random and strange things.

In short, as long as the black donkey likes something, there is nothing it dares to steal.

Strictly speaking, if it is not discovered, it is stealing; if it is discovered, it is robbery!

For a moment, countless cold eyes on the field were all fixed on Hei Donkey.

It looked like it was about to cost 400,000 high-grade Yuan stones and billions of crystal coins, and they were eaten by this black donkey in just one bite!


Extremely angry!

The faces of the staff of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce turned green. Who would have thought that a donkey would pretend to be a human and sneak in to participate in the auction.

"What kind of monster is this? It looks like a donkey!"

"Oh my God, this black donkey actually ate those twelve ancient elixirs!"


The crowd was in an uproar, and they all stared at the black donkey with their mouths open.

What a strange thing!

What a weird thing!

The black donkey became a spirit?

"Donkey, sir? Have you ever seen such a handsome donkey? I'll give you a golden look!"

As he said that, the black donkey stuck out its butt and flicked its tail, and actually threw out a bunch of "golden balls", which made those guys who said it was a monster look like flying balls.


"You beast!"

Those guys who were slapped were disgusted and angry. They roared and rushed out one by one, and were knocked over by the black donkey's hoof.

Don't look at the black donkey, this guy's strength is a real demon king level, equivalent to a human being in the Divine Sea Realm!

"Demon...demon king level!"

The black donkey's move finally made people discover the donkey's true strength, which was quite extraordinary.

"You bastard, how dare you come to our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce to cause trouble!"

At this moment, the elders and guards of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce were alerted by the bitch one by one, and they all rushed forward with their swords drawn.

The human race and the demon race are already feuding, what's more, this black donkey is so mean!

"Damn it, Grandpa Donkey won't play with you anymore!"

The black donkey has benefited and has no interest in entangled with those people anymore. It has not forgotten the conditions it agreed to Ling Feng. Generally speaking, it will not kill innocent people indiscriminately or eat human flesh.

Speaking of which, Black Donkey doesn't really like eating human flesh, but he hasn't eaten anything good for a long time.

After coming out of the misty ghost forest, Black Donkey ate and drank all the way, and tasted all kinds of food and wine. How could he be interested in sour human flesh?

"You bitch, you robbed our chamber of commerce and want to leave!" The leader of the elders was furious and rushed forward, "Stay alive!"

"Damn it, I have to turn your bitch into a donkey head and burn it today!"

The two people speaking were both masters at the Divine Sea Realm, and their strength had reached the level of Yan Cangtian.

The two masters of the Divine Sea Realm were fighting against the Demon King-level Black Donkey, and there was a sudden commotion around them.

Countless guests fled far away for fear of being affected.

The two alchemists who had been bidding in the VIP room were also furious.

Twelve extremely precious ancient elixirs were just wasted by a black donkey.

What a waste!

What a waste of natural resources!

The two alchemists, with great anger, decided to stay and decided to help the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce "slaughter the donkey"!

If you don't kill this cheap donkey, it won't be enough for the people to get angry.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... This damn bitch, does he still deserve a beating?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He had learned a lesson from this bitch's bitchy nature.

There is absolutely no one in the world who can be as cheap as this donkey, otherwise Emperor Tianbai would not be eager to make it into donkey egg fried rice.

Ling Feng felt a sense of joy in his heart when he thought of this bitch who crossed the river and demolished the bridge and ran away as soon as he escaped from the misty ghost forest.

Such a cheap donkey should be killed as soon as possible!

"Huh?" Yan Cangtian noticed that Ling Feng's expression was different and couldn't help but turned around and asked: "Boy, do you know this black donkey?"

"This bitch..." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Speaking of which, this bitch and I have some connections, but it doesn't matter. If it dies, I will definitely applaud it!"

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